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Minority to boycott parliament if . . .

The Minority in Parliament has reiterated its displeasure over the Executive’s attitude towards the conduct of parliamentary business.

According to them, the Executive Arm of Government by its continuous absence in parliament to answer questions over some time now showed clearly that it is not serious when it comes to helping Parliament govern the  the state.

The Minority on Wednesday raised the issue on the floor of Parliament when the Minister of Health, Alban Bagbin who was supposed to answer certain question during the early stage of proceedings was absent.

The Minority obviously displeased with the turn of event asked the Speaker of Parliament Joyce Bamford Addo not to allow extended sitting when the Majority side requests so to enable it push Bills before Parliament rises.

The Minority said, if the Executive continued with the trend of absenting itself from parliament, they (minority) will boycott any extended sitting as MPs of both sides will be busily campaigning for their re-election and will not have time for extended sitting.

They said it should not be the business of the Minority to push government business in parliament and that the Majority should up its game and execute its responsibility.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Repeal of LI 1817 caused poor performance in hospitality industry – Akua Sena

The Minister of Tourism, Akua Sena Dansoa has blamed the poor performance of the hospitality industry in the 2011 fiscal year on the repeal of the Legislative Instrument (LI) 1817, which empowered the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) to grant incentives in the form of tax exemptions to operators in the hotel, and hospitality industry.
According to her such operators enjoy tax exemption on imported material such as refrigerators, air conditioners, carpets, a vehicle (pick up) and delivery van among others required for their establishment and smooth operation.
Answering questions on the floor of Parliament on what accounted for the untowered situation, the Minister stated that the facility was expected to boost investment in the sector through construction, upgrading, and refurbishment among others but unfortunately some beneficiaries abused the facility and used it to import luxurious cars, furniture, and other goods which they sold on the open market and avoided tax payment on them.
She said this slows down the pace of investment and affected the performance of the sector.
She noted that though newly registered hostels and restaurant projects recorded by the GIPC increased marginally from 24 in 2010 to 25 in 2011, the estimated value declined from $6m to $5m respectively.
Hon. Sena Dansoa said the Ministry expects the situation to change for the better this year in view of the fact that Government has raised reviewed incentives granted to the hospitality industry under the repealed LI 1817 and incorporated it into the Internal Revenue Act 2000, Act 592.
She added that the GIPC will also coordinate the implementation process within the Ghana Revenue Authority.
To this end an Implementation and Evaluation Committee is being constituted by the GIPC with representation from the Ministry of Tourism, Finance and Economic planning, the Ghana Revenue Authority and the customs excise and preventive service (CEPS).
She added that government is committed to reducing the secot’s corporate tax rate from 22% to 20%.
Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Chiana – Paga MP’s son murdered

A junior Doctor found dead in his room at Korle Bu on Monday morning has been identified as the son of the Member of Parliament for the Chiana Paga constituency, Leo Kabah.

Initial investigations indicated that the 27 year old Desmond Kabah had been punctured with wounds on his body.

Speaking in an interview on Joy Fm, father of the deceased Hon Leo Kabah who is also the deputy National Coordinator of the National Youth Employment Programme said he received the shocking news of the death of his son on Sunday night when he was about to retire to bed.

Sound be disturbed by the tragic death of his son, Hon. Kabah described his son as a hardworking, peaceful and quiet guy and wondered why he should die such a mysterious deaths.

The incident has led many other junior doctors terrified with most of them suspecting foul play but the police who are yet to state what might have a caused his death said they were waiting for the outcome of the post mortem carried on the body.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

MP appeals to Oda Chieftaincy factions

The Member of Parliament for Akyem Oda, Yaw Owusu Boateng, has called for restraint among the two factions wrestling for the Akyem Oda Paramount stool.

The factions, Attafuah and Frimpong Manso families have been engaged in the protracted chieftaincy dispute of the town over who rightly should occupy the stool.

Matters got out of control when both sides fired gunshots over the weekend when the Paramount Chief, Oseadeeyo Frimpong Mnaso IV, being challenged by the Attafuah faction, arrived to perform this month’s Akwasidae.

Since the Omanhene. Frimpong Manso was gazzetted in March last year, the Attafyuah group has been battling him in court, asking the court to reverse his gazzetting and consequently disqualify him as the Omanhene

Speaking to ghanamps.gov.gh, Hon. Yaw Owusu Boateng who sounded very disturbed about the development appealed for calm in the area and called on the appropriate authorities who are vested with the power of enstooling a chief for the area to find a peaceful way of resolving the dispute which has lasted several decades.

“We need a chief who can command the respect of all the people of Akyem Abuakwa there is no way development of the area could be ensured if there was no peace’’ he added.

Calm has since returned to the Akyem Oda area with the police on standby to ensure.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Six minsiters to answer questions in Parliament this week

Six (6) Ministers are expected to appear in Parliament to respond to nineteen (19) questions during this week.

The Ministers include the Attorney –General and Minister for Justice, Food and Agriculture, Tourism, Health, Local Government and Rural Development and Roads and Highways.

The Majority Leader Cletus Avorka who read the Business statement of Parliament on the floor of the House for the week ending 1st June stated that Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament may allow statements to be made in the House.

Bills may be presented to the House for the First Reading and those of urgent nature may be taken through the various stages in one day in accordance with Order 119. Papers and committee reports may also be presented to the House.

Additionally Motions may be debated and their consequential Resolutions, if any taken during the week.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Agona W. MP cuts sod to commence new teachers’ quarters project

The Member of Parliament for Agona West Constituency, Hon. Samuel Obodai Kweku has cut sod to kick-start the construction of an ultra modern 4-unit quarters for some teachers at Mansokwaa.

He noted that the project is aimed at getting at least four teachers including one head teacher to reside in the community as part of efforts to improve education in the area.

According to him, teachers in the area have relocated to upper Bobikuma and some nearby communities, adding that the only way to get those teachers back into the community is to get the project completed in no time.

Speaking to GhanaMPs.gov.gh’s central regional correspondent, Hon. Obeng-Inkoom further indicated that works on the project is expected to complete six months from the time of commencement but urged the constructors to work assiduously in a bid to get the project completed before time.

Meanwhile, the MP revealed that the project will be financed through MPs and District Assembly’s Common fund and also attributed the project as one of his special interventions to help improve education in the Agona West Constituency.

Emmanuel Frimpong Mensah/GhanaMPs.gov.gh

Binduri MP calls for speedy implementation of REP project

The Member of Parliament for the Binduri constituency, Noah Ben Azure has called on the Energy Ministry to facilitate moves for the swift implementation of the Rural Electrification Programme(REP) scheduled for some communities in the area.

The project meant to connect deprived communities within the district to the national grid is part of the NDC government’s promise made to Ghanaians to expand access to electricity and make the lives of ordinary Ghanaians meaningful through the “Better Ghana” agenda.

At least 20 communities within the Binduri district earlier on were earmarked for the project, but during the implementation of the project, about 10 of the communities were only captured remaining another 10 which needed to be connected.

The MP contended that the project is long overdue and communities considered for the project were still languishing in darkness without access to electricity.

He therefore pleaded with the Ministry to expedite plans for the completion of the other 10 communities which deserve to get light with regards to the programme on-board.

The implementation of the project was also designed to cover certain 20 number of communities under both Pusiga and Bawku municipality.

Jonathan Adjei/Ghanadistricts.com

Techiman roads gradually gaining improvement-Techiman South MP

Almost all the major trunk roads leading to Techiman in the Brong Ahafo region are largely being reshaped to guarantee smooth transportation for travelers.

Mr. Addai  Simon, Member of Parliament for Techiman South constituency in a recent interview with Ghanamps.gov.gh has observed that it was only a small portion in between the Kumasi session and Kintampo which requires some attention to duly enhance the road network in the municipality.

He indicated that the road infrastructure is gaining some leverage in the area since some sessions like Kumasi and the Techiman-Kintampo roads have all been asphalted to facilitate business and some economic activities between the north and the South with the area relatively serving as a central point of the country.

However during a working tour yesterday in the Techiman municipality in the Brong Ahafo region by the Minister for Roads and Highways, Alhaji Amin Amidu Sulemana, the MP called on the attention of the Minister to consider some maintenance works on the Techiman-Sunyani and the Techiman-Nkoranza roads respectively.

He said because the roads were both constructed long time ago they are gradually losing their quality which needed some level of maintenance.

Meanwhile some 7km stretch of roads is also currently under construction in the Techiman township which includes the Dwomor road, University road, Travellers court hotel road and the Kingsaquaa road all located in the district.

Jonathan Adjei/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Nkwanta North MP provides 10 boreholes to communities

Provisions of potable water continue to catch the attention of stakeholders in many communities as the success of this will help reduce health problems in most cases.

In the Nkwanta North Constituency, the Member of Parliament, John Kwame Bless Oti through his share of the MP’s common fund, drilled 10 boreholes for a number of communities to improve their accessibility to water.

According to him, the project estimated at about GHs120,000 were distributed as follows; four at Kpassa, the district capital, one each at  Azoa, Nabu-Takora, Sibi, chief’s place, and  two at Cinjase.

The MP noted that potable water remains a major challenge to many communities and needed to be tackled with urgency to avoid diseases outbreaks in most of these communities since they are compelled by the circumstance to share water with animals.

He said he is still lobbying for additional twenty more boreholes to be added from government which will benefit other communities.

Ghanamps.gov.gh/Eric Dzormeku/Shirimori Dominic

Ahafo Ano South West MP reshapes bad roads

Member of Parliament for Ahafo Ano South West, Johnson Kwaku Adu, has come to the aid of drivers in the constituency as he has ensured the re-shaping of bad roads from Asuokor to Mpasaso, to the relief of drivers.

According to him, the repair works on the roads which had begun sometime back was suspended by the contractor on site after he complained of non availability of funds to continue the project.

Speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, Hon.Johnson Kwaku Adu, stated that the decision by the contractor came a source of worry for himself and the drivers alike as the state of the road was no better, a situation that caused a lot of discomfort to both the drivers and passengers.

He disclosed that the roads are more terrible currently due to the heavy rains that have been recorded in the area.

Hon. Johnson Kwaku Adu, noted that he personally had to find some funds for the contractor to proceed with the repair works, as he could not stand the several complaints that were coming from his constituents.

He added that the contractor has however halted work for the past weeks due to rainfall which was impeding smooth construction works.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh