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Speaker caution police against invasion of MPs premises.

Following reports of Police invasion of the residences of Member of Parliament for Asutifi South, Alhaji Collins Dauda, the speaker of Parliament Prof Aaron Michael Oquaye has cautioned the Security services to desist from the act going forward.

According to him the actions by the Ghana Police Service is not in consonant with Parliamentary privileges for Members of Parliament.

Social media was awashed Tuesday morning with news that Inspector general of police has ordered the arrest of a sitting member of parliament for Asutifi south Hon Collins Dauda.

The report indicated that some arm police invaded the premises of the MP ostensibly to pick him up with regards to him organizing some groups for violence acts at his constituency concerning the ongoing limited voter registration in the Brong Ahafo region.

The speaker disclosed that the issue was discussed at the leadership level of Parliament and prompted all to the fact that the privileges of a member of parliament has clearly been spelt out in the 1992 Constitution of the republic of Ghana.

The privileges he said applies to all members of parliament irrespective of which side of the house he or she comes from at all times and in all circumstances.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com.

“I am deeply worried for the future of Ghanaian broadcast space”—Same George

A member of the communications committee Samuel Nartey George has expressed very serious worries over the future of the Ghanaian broadcast space after engaging the sector Minister and his Deputy on three different occasions.

According to the Ningo-Prampram lawmaker, instead of allying the fears of Ghanaians about the “unholy union with Star Times”, a Chinese company in Ghana, “The Minister and his Deputy have clearly demonstrated an unwavering love and loyalty to the Chinese cause at the expense of Ghanaian media owners. The Minister has called the genuine concern of Ghana Independent Broadcasters (GIBA) ugly noise”, he lamented.

He further pointed out that the Minister called the fear of GIBA as fanciful and tagged it as Sinophobia.

Mr. Samuel Nartey George vow to continue to speak to protect the Ghanaian business and interest irrespective of which party is in power, “we owe it to those who have elected us”, and said those who have sought to downplay the exposures viewed by Ghanaians he leaves it for their conscience to judge.

“I am open to engage anyone from within Government or Star Times who thinks I have mislead the Ghanaian public in a public debate on the issue”.

The Ningo-Prampram legislator emphasised that he had put out only forty (40) percent of the information and documents available to him on the matter out due to the constraints of time on the various Television platforms he had engaged in so far.

And looked forward for a public engagement with stakeholders where there can be a full disclosure without the constraint of time.

He pointed out to the Communications Minister that “we” do not hate China, but only loves Ghana more and the tax payers money pays the Minister, he feels sad for GIBA, this he expressed on his facebook wall.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Emergency recall: “I hope whatever we were recall to do would be fruitful”—Atta-Mills

Member of Parliament for Komenda/Edina/Eguafo/Abrem, Samuel Atta-Mills has said he does not know the reason behind the rush to bring Members of Parliament back to the House whiles on recess.

According to Komenda/Edina/Eguafo/Abrem legislator in a meeting the focus is all on Parliamentary work.

He further added as the representative of the people, “we need to get some time back to our constituents go round and find out what they are thinking, some of the things that we can do for them”.

In an interview he lamented over the cost it would take on the MP and on government for them to come back for a week and pointed out that he hopes whatever they are coming to do would be fruitful.

As to whether in a meeting the House manages its time well, he responded and said there is indiscipline in all aspect of the country “that is worrying” he remarked.

“Look at how people don’t want to follow rules, our government offices, people show up when they want to show up to work, some of the secretaries in these Ministries, when you go there they are not at their desk they are rather selling under wares and shirts from office to office”.

Mr. Samuel Atta-Mills noted that it is so disturbing that at the time that MPs are supposed to be in the chamber, they are not there, some of the reasons given by MPs is that there is a lot of demands on them.

“Everything that has to be done they look up to you in the constituency, roads, hospitals and electricity it is the MP, so what you do is you go from Ministry to Ministry on the request that you have taken out there”, he pointed out.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Applying sanction is a problem with Ghana’s legislature—World Bank

The World Bank review mission team that called on the Speaker of Parliament, Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye had identify that, applying sanction against defaulters of good laws crafted by the legislature of Ghana was an issue.

According to the leader of the World Bank, Donald N. Mdaande appropriate sanctions should be applied so that those who commit them do not go back to same mistakes.

And appealed to the Speaker hoping that the World Bank can count on the support of the House going forward so that areas of application of sanction is judiciously applied.

Mr. Donald N. Mdaande told the Speaker the team was quite happy with the implementation of the funds given out to address issues relating to implement of oversight and would continue to dialogue going forward for both side to work on the second cycle of the reforms.

He then added issues of more support in some key areas would be taken on board by the World Bank.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Police CID must respect the privileges of MPs

Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye, Speaker of Parliament has advised the Police Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and other security agencies to respect the privileges Members of Parliament enjoy to all sides of the political divide.

He gave this warning on Tuesday 25 of September when proceedings on the floor of the House delayed and he had to explain that, the House of Collins Dauda had to be invaded in attempts to arrest him through the necessary process.

Professor Oquaye said. “The privileges of this honorable House have been clearly set out in the Constitutions of the Republic of Ghana. It applies to all members, whatever side and at all times and all circumstances”.

“We want the security agencies to be mindful, in fact, the police should not invade the premises of a member or appear to be doing so in a manner that will raise difficulties for us. Members of Parliament are not above the law but that the privileges given to us by the constitution that we have all agreed to be ruled by, should at all material times, be respected and protected,” he said.

He further added that he wants to put on record that in the future, the leadership of the House, the Speaker of the House should be informed of all such needs so that it can be done with the appropriate decency.

The Speaker added that there had been occasions during his tenure that he has provided the police access to his conference room and in his presence of leadership as the security agencies ask whatever they want to ask so that, Parliament would not be seen as shielding any wrongdoing and at the same time keeping to the honor that must be given to the institution.

According to the Speaker, the police administration should respect MPs privileges and by following due process in their investigations involving MPs.

He said the leadership of parliament, together with Collins Dauda, will, after Tuesday’s sitting, visit the office of the Criminal Investigations Department over the dawn raid of the MP’s home.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Consolidated Bank is going to be a toothless Bank—Ricketts-Hagan

Investment Banker and Member of Parliament for Cape-Cost South, Kwaku Ricketts-Hagan has said the monster called Consolidated Bank is basically going to be a toothless bank.

According to the Cape-Cost South lawmaker, the bank would not have the courage to lend, there would be so many blocks in place.

“If a bank is unable to lend, what is its job, because banks only make money through lending, so if they are unable to do this they would become a monster seating there consuming money coming from tax payers”, he lamented.

In an interview he pointed out that with the collapse of the banks government has created a bank that is too big to fail and added that if the bank is running inefficiently government would continue to pump money in it.

“Our money, because if the consolidated bank fails it would be an indictment on Central Bank, when they tell you how much money had been pumped into the bank you would ask how did this happen”.

Mr. Kweku Ricketts-Hagan said the best thing government could have done was to put the six collapsed banks together and create three banks out of it, that is pair the banks and force  them into merger.

You then  place them on receivership,  so that somebody would be working with them, you allow this accounting firm to monitor them, any money given them by the Central Bank it would have been known  how that money is being used, he said.

In addition decisions in the boardroom would not be taken by the board and shareholders, but would be taken by the board and receivers who are sitting in there on behalf of government until they nurse them back to health.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliament approves nominations of four Supreme Court justices

Parliament has approved four nominees for the Supreme Court as justices vetted by the Appointment Committee on Tuesday the 25th of September 2018.

They are Professor Nii Ashie Kotey, Justice Samuel Kofi Marful-Sau, Justice Agnes Mercy Abla Dordzie and Nene Abayaateye Ofoe Amegatcher.

Chairman of the Appointment Committee, Joseph Osei Owusu presented the report of the committee to the plenary for adoption.

The committee duly considered the nominations in the light of provisions of the 1992  Constitution and order 74 of the standing order of the House and was satisfied with knowledge and experience exhibited by the nominees.

In addition the report indicated that the nominees exhibited independent mindedness and assured the committee of the will to interpret the law as it is without favor and pledged to be about partisanship in the discharge of their duties.

The House spent more than thirty minutes in debating the report of the committee and approved it.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliament is not a rubber stamp for nominees to get automatic approval—Ablakwa

A member of the Appointment Committee of Parliament and Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has said signals should not be crated to the public as if any one who appears before the committee would be automatically approved.

According to the North Tongu legislator he is basing his comment on the business statement presented with regards to the emergency recall where it is said that Ministerial nominees should be approve for them to contribute to shaping of the budget of the various Ministries for next year in November 2018.
“Mr. Speaker the communications could have been qualified that if approved let us not create the impression as if this House is just a rubber stamp”, he lamented.

Majority Leader in response to the observation made by the North Tongu legislator noted that he indicated that when approved and no one should make the mistake of thinking that when Ministers are nominated it means they would be automatically approved.

On his part MP for Kumbungu, Ras Mubarak called on the Business Committee to try and meet ahead of emergency sittings and arrange Business of the House early enough to avoid the delay that characterized Monday the 24th September sitting.

Member of Parliament for Adaklu, Kwame Agbodza on his part lamented over the late start of business on the floor of the House and further urged his colleagues to be on time otherwise it does not send a good signal of the House to the public.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

“We are half way through we do not have research assistants as MPs”—Agbodza

Member of Parliament (MP) for Adaklu, Kwame Agbodza, has said it is sad that the seventh Parliament is almost half way through its life without a research assistant.

According to the Adaklu legislator, leadership and the Speaker had promised to help build their capacity to work, but there are issues that MPs need their research assistants to help them but are not there.

He further pointed out that the issues that had been brought to the floor on numerous occasions have still not been addressed and in abeyance.

“Before we went on recess we were told those of us who have research assistant and meet the requirement of a Masters and a first degree would be given a letter but that has not been done”, he lamented.

“We are almost halfway through the life span of this Parliament, we do not have research assistant when are we going to have our research assistant”, he lamented.

Majority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu noted that he agrees with the argument made by the Adaklu MP and the issue would be dealt with by the time MPs come back from recess it would be dealt with.

He further added that Members of Parliament who have their research assistants meeting the required qualification of Masters’ Degree, and first class of first degree would be given the priority and be attended to.

Speaker Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye noted that the issue is long overdue and has directed that the issue be addressed as quickly as possible.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Leader of Government Business must be in charge—Minority Leader

Minority Leader and Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Haruna Iddrisu has charged the Leader of Government Business Osei –Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu to take charge of Ministers who are supposed to come to transact business on the floor of the House.

According to the Minority Leader, it would be very unfortunate if Ministers who are supposed to come before the House to transact business during the emergency sitting are not available.

“Business of this House should not surfer we have notice a lot of reference made again the Appointment Committee has to sit”.

Mr. Haruna Iddrisu noted that the Speaker should not call for an item and the Majority Leader struggling to find out if any of his Ministers is around.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com