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Dr Zanetor urged unity for one Ghana

On the occasion of the just ended successful feast of the Great Sacrifice, the Member of Parliament for the Korle Klottey constituency in the Greater Accra region, Dr Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings has called on all irrespective of faith or creed to unite and work towards building a great nation we call Ghana.

In tweet sending warm felicitations to the Muslim community in Ghana, the MP prayed to God to accept the sacrifices of all Muslims and shower his blessings upon them.

Find published her tweet:
“I’d like to wish all our Muslim brothers and sisters a blessed Eid Al-Adha. May the Almighty accept your sacrifices and rain His blessings upon you, as you commemorate this special day.

Let us all unite irrespective of our faith or creed, to work towards building a great nation. Ghana needs us. #TogetherWeBuild.

By Christian Kpesese/ghanamps.com

Bagbin’s reservation should have been raised at party board room—Yieleh Chireh

Member of Parliament for Wa West, Joseph Yieleh Chireh has said political correctness does not permit the Second Deputy Speaker, Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin to say what he feels about physically challenged person serving the previous government in public.

According to the Wa West legislator, reservations the Second Deputy Speaker had are better raised in party boardroom, workshop or seminars.

In interview he indicated that he needs not to make so much comments because in the past week pressure and heat that had been turn on the Second Deputy Speaker is a testimony in itself.

“We all do have reservations about so many things, there are some things that must remain in your head it is not always about the truth, there are certain truths that we all know, we do not talk about them”, he lamented.

He further added that it is unfortunate that the unacceptable comments had been attributed to him, the most important thing is that we all have views, but because in the whole world the question of inclusion and not leaving out any body is important.

Again as a Parliament we took time to pass a legislation on people with disability and all that, international best practice is that you should include people and not exclude people, you are including them for their specific skills and abilities, he said.

We are not only talking about appointing people with disability “no”, the person must be contributing and as a human being, the rest of the people would see him as their role model.

Mr. Joseph Yieleh Chireh said among many of the things that happened this is one of the things that people are talking about, “in my view even if he held those strong views that is not how to express”, he lamented.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Ashiaman MP goes into 2020 polls unopposed

Member of Parliament for Ashiaman Ernest Henry Norgbey would be introduced as candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in 2020 Parliamentary election after the burial of his late contender, Emmanuel Max-Voy.

General Secretary of the party made this known at a press conference when he declared that the incumbent MP would run unopposed, as the MP would be advised to organize a gathering at the constituency to be introduced.

When announcing preparations done ahead of Saturday 24th August 2019 primaries, he noted that, there would be no election conducted in the Ashiaman constituency.

“We reopen nominations when Emmanuel Max-Voy pass away so that whoever was ready to contest comes out and pick forms, reason being for fairness because some other person did not pick forms because the late Max-Voy was contesting, we reopen nomination for two days”.

Mr. Johnson Aseidu Nketia told journalists at a press conference at the party head office that after reopening for two days last week no one had picked forms.

“We had to extend reopening to this week Monday because on radio stations people called in and complained that the constituency executives were not at post at the office, hence the reopening this Monday all day no one came up to pick forms to contest”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Ashiaman MP goes into 2020 polls unopposed

Member of Parliament for Ashiaman Ernest Henry Norgbey would be introduced as candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in 2020 Parliamentary election after the burial of his late contender, Emmanuel Max-Voy.

General Secretary of the party made this known at a press conference when he declared that the incumbent MP would run unopposed, as the MP would be advised to organize a gathering at the constituency to be introduced.

When announcing preparations done ahead of Saturday 24th August 2019 primaries, he noted that, there would be no election conducted in the Ashiaman constituency.

“We reopen nominations when Emmanuel Max-Voy pass away so that whoever was ready to contest comes out and pick forms, reason being for fairness because some other person did not pick forms because the late Max-Voy was contesting, we reopen nomination for two days”.

Mr. Johnson Aseidu Nketia told journalists at a press conference at the party head office that after reopening for two days last week no one had picked forms.

“We had to extend reopening to this week Monday because on radio stations people called in and complained that the constituency executives were not at post at the office, hence the reopening this Monday all day no one came up to pick forms to contest”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Ghana might proceed to court over maritime arbitration with Togo—Senior Minister

Senior Minister in the Akufo-Addo led administration; Yaw Osafo Marfo has given indications that if progress is not achieved in the Ghana-Togo maritime boundary negotiation, the country will proceed to the International Court for Arbitration for a lasting solution.

According to the Senior Minister with the little he had witnessed during the negotiation he is not of the opinion that there would be amicable settlement in the Ghana-Togo maritime boundary negotiation.

“We have a red line in the sea where Ghanaian and Togolese fishermen catching fish cannot cross, since 1929, but the Togolese say they would not let the Ghanaians come there, in 2016 the Ghanaian navy intervene which nearly resulted in a clash both Presidents had to intervene and the Ghanaian navy withdrew”.

In an interview, the senior Minister maintained that long ago, the Ghanaian fishermen were fishing to some location in the territorial waters between Ghana and Togo and added that it is not that simple and both parties are thinking about it.

“There is an international law to resolve this issue no single country can take the law into her hands, if reasoning does not prevail today then we would all be heading towards the International Court of Arbitration on the Sea”.

He made this remarks when he opened a two day boundary negotiation between both countries in Accra, Ghana, to draw a permanent boundary on the sea between Ghana and Togo.

And explained that the process commenced on the initiative of Presidents of both countries desiring good neighborliness and peaceful coexistence.

Mr. Osafo Marfo said, during the previous meetings both parties agreed that their survey teams should jointly explore various possibilities to establish the Land Boundary Terminus (LBT) or Border Pillar 1 as a prerequisite for drawing the maritime boundary between the two countries in his remarks.

“Both survey teams presented a report of 1929 Boundary Commission signed by the French and British Commission and the related map, which they both agreed to use the report in their working documents”.

He drew the attention of the two parties to the outstanding issue of provisional arrangements which should be agreed in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), while negotiation for the formal delimitation of the maritime boundary continues.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Delegates would determine best man for Ningo-Prampram NDC – MP

As Parliamentary primaries for the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) draw closer, a trip down to the Ningo-Prampram constituency by ghanamps.com can reveal that the two contenders, Samuel Nartey George and Michael Tetteh Kwetey are busily campaigning to win votes of delegates.

According to the incumbent Member of Parliament (MP) Samuel Nartey George, delegates of the party would determine the best man to represent the party in the constituency in the 2020 Parliamentary election.

He noted in an interview that reception on the ground has been very warm, despite some misinformation that had gone on earlier, the truth is that the message has gone down well and the delegates themselves are politically experienced.

“They have been able to decipher and know what the truth is, I believe I am moving towards a massive victory come the 24th of August 2019 there is nothing to be afraid of”.

As to whether he is okay with the conduct of the executives of his party, in the wake of some candidates complaining of the conduct of party executives, across the country he did not comment.

“For me the delegates are looking at the candidates the two of us weighing the task ahead they would determine who is the best man for the job, I know I stand head and shoulder tall in this competition”.

On the issue of the need for Ghanaians to know the role of a lawmaker he pointed out that before he became an MP, while he contested former MP, E. T. Mensah in the 2015 primaries one of the things he was extremely mindful of was telling delegates that he would give them the best of representation in Parliament.

“The problem is when you have an opposition who does not appreciate what the role of a Member of Parliament is, you have someone who is contesting you giving promise that he is going to give people employment in the security services, going to give them a slot at Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority (GAPHA), get their road fix and give them job in government”.

He lamented and noted that it muddy the waters and such people basically inflict the delegates and voters with their ignorance, if you are not careful and principled you are forced to jump into the fray. I keep telling people that the job of the MP is a legislative work when it comes to development, I am going to be the chief lobbyist.

“Vote for John Mahama and me because when he is the President it gives me very good leverage as your representative in government, we have winner takes all politics, no matter how good my speeches are the Akufo-Addo government would be reluctant to take it because they are coming from an NDC MP.

Our best bet is to have your party in government to attract development.Here the message is going down well, like I have said in Parliament before we need to manage the perception very well and that is the role of the public affairs department of Parliament and as MPs we need to engage our people on this”.

Mr. Samuel George Nartey pointed out that delegates in the upcoming NDC primaries are not first time delegates, they appreciate the dynamics of politics, when your party is not in government you are handicap and he noted that many of party supporters have given him encouragement, they tell him to keep on with the fight and it is something that gives him a lot of hope, he said.

“They appreciate the challenges of being a first timer opposition MP in Parliament they encourage me to keep pushing for the benefit of the good people of the constituency and hope that the NDC comes to power we would be in a better position in terms of development”.

Again across the country, not only in Ningo-Prampram even in constituencies that you have New Patriotic Party MPs there is no development going on, once central government is not involved in development projects there is no way that you can conjure development projects to your constituency, he lamented.

“I would stay focused and keep my eye on the ball and not get destructed I would keep on doing what I have to do for the right things to be done”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

MP meets US delegation over Solar Power System

The Member of Parliament for the Awutu Senya West constituency in the Central Region, Nenyi George Andah has had a meeting with a delegation from “Engineers without Borders” (EWB), an International volunteer team based in the United State of American (USA).

EWB is Non- profit organization that partners with developing communities to improve quality of life of the people.

The group is in Ghana specifically to construct a Solar Power System in Obrachire Senior High School, in the Awutu Senya West constituency. Obrachire is the second community in Ghana to receive such intervention from EWB.

The solar system when completed will support the power needs of the school, including the unique cooking system at the schools pantry and also to have constant supply of power.

The project seeks to train local volunteers to acquire knowledge in the solar system installation, and to ensure the power system will be maintained to serve its purpose.

The facility when commenced will be commissioned and handed over within a week.

The MP, George Andah says he’s “happy that I am able to partner EWB to bring this facility to Obrachire and hopefully the success of this project will give reason for other communities to benefit from the partnership with EWB.’’

He therefore called on the beneficiary community to adopt a maintenance culture, for the sustenance of power supply from the facility.

By:Alice Abubakari/Ghanadistricts.com

Works and Housing Minister inspects ongoing projects in Accra

The Minister of Works and Housing, Samuel Atta Akyeah has inspect on-going projects in the Greater Accra region.

He together with a team from the State Housing Company Limited led by the Managing Director Kwabena Appiah and his assistant and other senior staffs visited the various construction sites across the region.

Mr. Samuel Atta Akyeah visited one hundred and three housing units with majority of the houses in their completion stages except sixty five housing units in Adenta housing site which are facing some challenges over litigations which have been going on for four years.

The Minister however assured Ghanaians that his Ministry will do everything possible to get the injunction on the sixty-five housing projects removed so as to continue the projects for Ghanaians to make good use of them.

He further pointed out that he is working in collaboration with other state agencies to get a good mortgage system for low and middle income earners to be able to purchase some of the state houses so as to get a place to lay their heads after retirement.

And added that the State Housing Company together with Tema Development Cooperation when they work hard can help government in addressing the housing deficit that the country is faced with.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Longevity in Parliament: “We need to build our democracy to benefit”—Sam George

As the two major political parties in Ghana’s Parliament, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) prepare for their primaries, the issue of retaining lawmakers for reasons of experience comes to play.

Ahead of the primaries new entrance are scheming and making everything possible to unseat incumbent Members of Parliament.

According to the lawmaker for Ningo-Prampram, Sam Nartey George, he holds a unique view on retaining lawmakers for a longer period as he believe the Ghanaian democracy needs to grow to a certain level, with structures built to certain level to have full benefit from that.

“At this point in our Parliamentary democracy which is barely around twenty five (25) years old, we do not have the structures in place”.

He further pointed out in an interview that the longevity of an individual in the Parliamentary chamber, there is a high probability of a drop in drive but as a lawmaker it is all about public service.

Also when you take the US for instance, the congress man or woman, you realize that their lawmakers are not developmental lobbyist because their system and democracy has developed to a stage where development happens by way of national agenda.

So you realize that the congress men and women are basically policy makers, when a person is focused on policy making their longevity makes them better for institutional memory, but in our case your contribution to policy direction is limited and the preserve of central government.

“The argument for longevity is not something I prescribe to at this point in time, I am young and people would expect me to be in Parliament for so many years, I entered Parliament when I was turning thirty one (31) years. I can’t see myself doing this for sixteen (16) or twenty (20) years”.

Mr. Samuel Nartey George pointed out that the burden one carries as a lawmaker in Ghana is different from that of their counterpart in the US or the West, “the burden of development are huge they take a toll on you as an individual”.

“If you look at the analysis of people who have stayed long in our Parliament they serve five to six terms of their four year mandate, very few of them still have the drive and still have connection with their delegates and constituent you realize that after a period of time they lose a certain drive because of the toll of demands”.

Again for me we are human and for me public office is about public service if you lose that drive, you have no business in that office again, because you do not give that same commitment level you started with, he said.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com