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MPs bemoan high spate of fire outbreaks

Members of Parliament on Wednesday bemoaned the high spate of fire outbreaks that have been recorded in recent times.

In Just one month of this year a total of 281 fire incidents per the records of the Ghana National Fire Service have been recorded across the country.

MP for Bortianor/Ngleshie/Amanfrom, Hon. Bright Edward Kodzo Demordzi obviously worried about the development made a statement on the floor of Parliament with a call on all to see the situation as national concern and implement measures to prevent re-occurence of further fires.

Contributing to the statement, MP for Nsawam/Adoagyiri, Frank Annor Dompreh called on the Fire Service and all stakeholders to ensure that all public places are equipped with fire extinguishers to minimize the effect of fires on human lives and property.

MP for Pru East, Kwabena Donkor on part spoke against the several unauthorized speed ramps that have been constructed on roads across the country, a situation he believes calls for immediate action as it has the potential of impeding the smooth movement of a fire tender that is on its way on a rescue mission.

He urged the Department of Urban Roads to ensure such ramps are cleared off the road.

Adding his voice to the issue, MP for Nsuta/ Kwamang/Beposo, Kwame Asafu Adjei was particularly concerned about helpless farmers who have their farms destroyed as a result of fire and called for some sort of insurance for such farmers.

MP for Dome/Kwabenya, Sarah Adwoa Safo bemoaned the attitude where there is a rush to construct roads in election years only to abondon it in its uncompleted state right after election, a situation she said made lots of such roads unmotorable and could affect a fire rescue mission.

She further called for the introduction of a course in fire safety to be taught in basic schools to educate children on fire fighting and prevention.

Concluding the discussion of the issue, MP for Madina and Board Chairman of Ghana National Fire Service, Hon. Amadu Sorogho emphasize government’s commitment to further equipping the Fire Service to boost their efficiency.

He revealed that by the end of May this year, a total of 95 fire tenders will arrive in the country to augment the fleet of the Service.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Parliament approves first batch of ministers

Parliament on Tuesday approved all of President John Mahama’s seven ministers designate who were vetted last week.

They include Minister designate for Finance Seth Sekper, Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration Hannah Sewaah Tetteh, Water Resources Works and Housing Alhaji Collins Dauda, Roads and Highways, . The rest are Food and Agriculture minister designate Clement Humado, Lands and Natural Resources, Inusah A.B Fuseini and Information and Media Relations, Mahama Ayariga.

Though the Minority side was present in the House they decided not to have anything to do with discussing the Appointment Committee report and subsequent approval of the ministers.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

MPs congratulate Black Stars

Members of Parliament on Tuesday commended the Black Stars for their wonderful performance so far at the ongoing AFCON 2013 in South Africa which has earned them a place in the quarter final stage of the tournament.

The Black stars on Monday, managed to win 3:0 in their last group match against Niger in a game which was anticipated to be one of their difficult matches at the tournament.

The MP for Atwima Mponua, Isaac Asiamah in a statement on the floor of the House to commend the Black Stars, stated that the team by its exploit in South Africa has uplifted the image of Ghana on the international scene.

He commended the coach and the technical team for their good works, adding that with the right support local coaches can go places with the national teams.

He was confident that the Black Stars would win the trophy for the 5th time in over three decades as Ghanaians are tired of being referred to as four times African champions.

The outgoing minister for Sports Clement Humado while contributing to the statement thanked government for funding the team in spite of financial constraints.

While sounding very positive about the chances of the team, he urged them not to rest on their oars bit put in more efforts to get Ghana the trophy after a long drought.

MP for Berekum East , Dr Kwabena Twin Nuamah on his part noted that the good showing of the Black Stars indicates that the Black man is capable of efficiently managing the team.

He expressed confidence that Ghana was on the verge of winning the trophy for the fifth time with Ghanaian as coach.

The MP for Hill Krobo, Magnus Kofi Amoatey commended Ghanaians for the sense of unity as a country that has prevailed as the Black Stars progressed in the tournament, adding that this should continue even if the team fails to bring the cup home.

Kwadwo Anim /Ghanamps.gov.gh

Mp asks NPP to withdraw petition in court

The Member of Parliament(MP) for Gomoa West, Mr Francis Kojo Arthur has urged the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to withdraw their petition they have filed at the Supreme Court challenging the results of the December 7 Presidential election.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency at Dawurampong in the Central Region, the MP expressed disappointment that the petition has become topic for discussion in the media, which he said constitutes contempt of court.

The MP advised the NPP to help protect the peace the nation is enjoying and also contribute to the development of the nation.


Upper East bids Woyongo farewell

Out-going Upper East Regional Minister, Mr Mark Owen Woyongo was at the weekend congratulated by key development stakeholders for the tremendous developmental inroads he spearheaded during his tenure as Regional Minister.

Mr Woyongo, who is currently the Member of Parliament for Navrongo Central, is now Minister Designate for Defence.

Mr Paul Kant, Regional Coordinating Director described Mr Woyongo as a committed and extraordinary development-oriented personality and nationalist who within a relatively short period of four years made remarkable inroads in all sphere of human influence in the region.

He expressed satisfaction at the out-going Minister’s humility in the discharge of his official duties, saying “any talented player of any game who wants to develop and rise to the top must work himself assiduously into the mainstream and not play the game at the peripheral level”.

He congratulated him on his new designation and expressed optimism that with his rich experiences in the area of security he would excel.

Mr Musah Abdulai, Municipal Chief Executive for Bawku in an interview with the Ghana News Agency said Mr Woyongo treated the Bawku conflict with alacrity as he tried as much as he could to bring the feuding parties together.

He said his establishment of an Inter-ethnic Peace Committee to deal with the conflict resulted in the relative peace and stability in the Municipality.

To further enhance the peace process, he expressed hope of working closely with him as Defence Minister to ensure the sustained peace in the area.

Mr Woyongo said without continuous peace, there was no way the region could develop.

He said government is committed to bridge the development gab between the north and the south, citing the resourcing of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority for investments in the Agricultural sector with the construction of major dams in the northern savannah belt as one such initiative.

The Minister Designate for Defence re-affirmed his renewed commitment in ensuring peace in the Region.


Obuasi East MP commends President Mahama

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Member of Parliament for Obuasi East, Edward Anim has commended President John Dramani Mahama for openly endorsing Mr. Alan Kwadwo Kyeremanteng’s bid to become the next Director- General of the World Trade Organization.

Addressing the 20th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, President John Dramani Mahama appealed to his colleagues to endorse Mr. Alan Kyeremanteng’s candidature.

Speaking to Citi News, Hon. Edward Anim who is a close ally to Mr. Kyeremanteng described the President Mahama’s move as a sign of patriotism.

“I believe what the President has done is in the right direction, the reason being that Mr. Alan Kyeremanteng is a Ghanaian, he is a citizen of this country and so if there is a position like that and he is contesting, he needs the support of all Ghanaians including the President.”

He said Ghana stood the chance of benefiting if Mr. Kyeremanteng succeeded in his bid to occupy the highest office of Director-General for the WTO.

Hon. Anim however cautioned the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) against any move to gain political capital with it saying, “This thing is not new because it happened during President Kufour’s time when Hon. Ibn Chambers was also contesting an ECOWAS position, so this is not history, it has happened before and nobody should try to gain political capital with it.”

Next batch of ministers designate to be vetted this week

The Appointment Committee of Parliament is expected to vet four Ministerial nominees on Wednesday and Thursday January 30 and 31 respectively.

This will be the second batch of ministers to be vetted after the first batch had their turn last week.

Those to be vetted include Mr Akwasi Oppong-Fosu, Minister designate for Local Government and Rural Development, Nana Oye Lithur, Minister designate for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Dr Omane Boamah, Communication, Prof Jane Nana Opoku Agyemang, Minister designate for Education, Dr Oteng Agyei , Minister designate Environment, Science Technology and Innovation.

Ministers designate who have already been vetted include Hon. Mahama Ayariga, Minister Designate for Information and Media Relations, Alhaji A. B. Fuseini, Minister designate for Lands and Natural Resources, Alhaji Amin Amidu Sulemani, Minister designate for Roads and Highways and Mr Clement Kofi Humado, the nominee for Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

I will stop the smuggling of fertilizer – Humado

The Minister designate for Food and Agriculture, Clement Kofi Humado, has expressed his desire to work tirelessly to arrest the smuggling of fertilizer across the borders of Ghana when he if finally given the nod.

He said one of his first moves in this regard will be to convene a stakeholder meeting with the Fertilizer Subsidy Commission, to review fertilizer pricing to determine the element that can be put on the price of the product such that it will be advantageous to the farmers while also discouraging cross-border smuggling.

The issue of smuggling the farm product from Ghana to neighboring countries over the years has been a common due to the lost cost of fertilizer as compared to the high prices of the product in neighboring countries, a development which has become a course for concern among farmers and other stakeholders with several calls on the authorities concerned act swiftly to nib the criminal act in the bud.

Appearing before the Appointment Committee of Parliament for vetting on Friday, Hon. Clement Humado stated that his ministry will intensify collaborative efforts with the security agencies to clamp down on miscreants who will still want to smuggle fertilizer outside Ghana.

“I’m confident that if we tackle the issue of smuggling fertilizer from the point of pricing and also engaging the security agencies to man our approved entry and exit routes will go a long way in stopping the illegal trade’’ he said.

He emphasized the need to have the fertilizer which the country needs for each season on time as sometime the delay in having the product impacts negatively on the yield of the product.

Hon. Humado pledged to ensure that under his watch the fertilizer import market will be opened up to importers to enable them bring in enough fertilizers for the country’s use.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Inusah Fuseini, others to face Appointment Committee

The Appointment’s Committee of Parliament will today continue with their work as they vet four Ministers -designate nominated by President Mahama.

True to the words of the leadership of the committee, it began its work yesterday in spite of the Minority’s boycott of the all important exercise.

Minister of Agriculture designate, Clement Kofi Humado, Information Minister designate, Mahama Ayariga; Lands and Natural Resources minister designate, Alhaji Inusah Fuseini; and Minister designate for Roads and Highways Alhaji Amin Amidu Sulemani,, are expected to appear before the Committee.

Three Minister-designates were vetted on Thursday. They include Finance, Seth Terkper, Minister-designate for Foreign Affairs, Hanna Tetteh and Minister-designate for Water Resources, Works and Housing, Alhaji Collins Dauda.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Visa applicants will be well catered for – Hannah Tetteh

The Minister of Foreign Affairs designate, Hannah Sewaah Tetteh has pledged her commitment to ensure that Ghanaian visa applicants who visit the various High commissions and Embassies are accorded the needed respect and adequately catered for when approved as substantive minister.

According to her, one of her concerns will be to make sure that the applicants are given a place of rest at the embassies they attend while they wait patiently for the documents they have presented for processing.

Ghanaian visa applicants over the years have been subjected to harsh treatment at the various embassies and left to the vagary of the weather, and are most of the time seen standing in the scorching sun as they await their fate.

However appearing before the Appointment Committee during her vetting on Thursday, the minister designates for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who is also the Member of Parliament for Awutu Senya Works, Hannah Serwaah Tetteh stated that she intends to make the current hardship of the many applicants a thing of the past.

The articulate minister noted that the discomforting situation the applicants go through must be improved and expressed her willingness to engage the embassies operating in Ghana to erect decent rest rooms for the applicants to wait patiently for their documents.

“I’m sure this will not be a difficult task to undertake with the Heads of the Foreign Missions in Ghana and I’m confident if the embassies are able to satisfy the Ghanaian applicant that will go a long way in projecting the image of the concerned countries in the eyes and minds of Ghanaians.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh