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The Deputy Majority Leader of the 8th Parliament of Ghana: Hon. Patricia Appiagyei

Patricia Appiagyei has been a significant figure in Ghanaian politics, currently serving as the Deputy Majority Leader of the 8th Parliament of the Fourth Republic of Ghana. Her journey in public service has been marked by numerous leadership roles and a steadfast commitment to her constituents.

Patricia Appiagyei was born on November 28, 1956, in Accra, Ghana. She hails from Konongo/Asawase-Kumasi in the Ashanti Region. Her academic journey began at St. Louis Senior Secondary School in Kumasi, followed by a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science Economics/Law from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in 1980. She furthered her education with a postgraduate diploma in Development Economics in 1988.

Before venturing into politics, Appiagyei had a distinguished career in economic development. She served as the Executive Director of Marketing at City Investments Company Limited from 1995 to 2010.

Appiagyei’s political career took off when she was appointed Deputy Minister for the Ashanti Region from 2001 to 2005. In 2005, she briefly served as the Deputy Ashanti Regional Minister before becoming the Municipal Chief Executive for Kumasi, a position she held until 2009. Notably, she was the first female Mayor of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, setting a precedent for women in leadership roles within the region.

In 2012, she was elected as the Member of Parliament for the Asokwa Constituency, succeeding Maxwell Kofi Jumah. She successfully retained her seat in the 2016 and 2020 general elections, reinforcing her position as a prominent figure in Ghanaian politics. In 2017, President Nana Akufo-Addo appointed her as the Deputy Minister for Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation, a role she continues to hold.

Appiagyei’s leadership capabilities were further recognized in February 2024 when she was appointed as the Deputy Majority Leader in Parliament. This followed the promotion of Alexander Afenyo-Markin to Majority Leader, succeeding Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu. Her appointment reflects her extensive experience and dedication to public service.

Hon. Patricia Appiagyei’s role as the Deputy Majority Leader of the 8th Parliament of Ghana is a testament to her enduring dedication to public service and her significant contributions to Ghanaian politics. Her leadership, both in Parliament and in her constituency, continues to inspire many, particularly women in leadership roles across the nation.

Ghanamps.com/Shang Annang Papa Nii

Majority accuses Minority of obstructing government business on 1D1F

The Majority caucus in Parliament has taken a swipe at the Minority in Ghana’s Parliament led by its leader Dr. Ato Forson for leading the charge to obstruct government business on its policy of one District One Factory (1D1F).

The Majority Leader Alexander Kwamena Afenyo Markin putting the matter in a proper perspective said the government’s policy on 1D1F requires certain tax incentives be given out to producers.

However, “the Minority has been stampeding this whole policy and they have not given up on these efforts and they have been throwing dust into the eyes of Ghanaians led by the Minority Leader”, he said at a press conference on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

Again, the Minority Leader is leading this charge on behalf of the Minority caucus and the main aim is to obstruct government business and to prevent the people of Ghana the needed economic growth which would result in some businesses investing in the country and expanding their businesses.

According to him, on May 17, 2024, when the Speaker recalled the House, the issue of 1D1F was part of the issue to be dealt with. Unfortunately we could not deal with the referrals that were before the finance committee for over three years.

But we know that in 2016, this country experienced the most outrageous tax giveaways ever seen in Ghana, when the NDC led by John Mahama handed a tax waiver of eight hundred and thirty two million dollars to Meridian Port Services at the time they apply for a tax waiver nine hundred and eighty two million for the port project and through the vigilance of the Minority then we short it down to eight hundred and thirty two million dollars.

And we saved the government and the people of Ghana some hundred million and even requested that some further work be done. Those who led the charge in parliament were Seth Tekpe, the Finance Minister and Dr. Atto Forson, Deputy Minister of Finance then.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Legislative Powers: Snowe cautions against rubbing shoulders with Heads of States

As the push for full Legislative powers for the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament surges, leader of the Liberian delegation to the 6th Parliament, Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe Jr. has cautioned for the push to be carefully done as Heads of States have their own concerns in this regard.

According to him, in national parliaments of member states there are times where the Executive arm of government and the parliament clash.

“And we do not want to do a regional clash, so we have to nature this process and assure the Heads of states we are not ruing for legislative powers because we want to rub shoulders. Rather, we want to enhance the tenancy of democracy, work with them and project the true image of ECOWAS like is being done in the European Union (EU).

President ECOWAS Commission

He assured that they are going to work on this, adding, “I am happy that we have a Speaker now who was part of the past Bureau; those things that the past Bureau did not achieve, she would put them on the front burner so that she as a Speaker in her tenure would be able to achieve them.”

As to whether there are better days ahead for the sub-regional Community Parliament, he noted that there are challenging times, but he is hopeful as a person that things are going to get better, more especially as the Parliament has Guinea back in its fold.

Chairman Snowe Jr.

In addition, like the Speaker noted in her acceptance speech, he chaired the Committee on selection; one of the provisions was that they would make provision for Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso in the different Committees.

So that, they still have slots there and those are some of the things we would take to them whenever we meet them and engage them to return to the fold of the sub-regional bloc.

He was speaking in an interview on the sideline of the just ended Extraordinary Session in Kano Northwest of Nigeria.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Next ECOWAS Parliament meeting in Liberia would be outside Monrovia— Snowe Jr.

Leader of the Liberian delegation to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe Jr. has announced that in this 6th Parliament, should Liberia get the opportunity of hosting the Parliament, it would be outside the capital Monrovia.

His statement follows a deliberate policy by the Community Parliament to bring its activities closer to the Community citizens.

Already, the parliament has successfully held its delocalized meeting and Extra Ordinary Session in Effutu (Winneba) Constituency as well as recent Extraordinary in (Kano State) Northwest of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“Now I am advocating that a meeting be held in Liberia; you can be rest assured that, that meeting would be outside the capital. I have been very impressed with what I have seen in Kano and what I saw in Winneba on two occasions; I am jealous”.

According to him, as in other countries, what Nigeria has done, showcasing their reach culture, and being very hospitable, it is worth emulating and “that can be repeated once we are given that opportunity, it would be held outside the capital, and you would see the beauty of Liberia”, he added.

As to whether Bomi is likely to host ECOWAS Parliament, he noted that Bomi has its short comings; issues of accommodation but there are other places very nice places Grand Cape Mount county next to Bomi, new hotels being opened there, there are other areas to where Senator Prince Johnson comes from where the vice president is from that has boundary with Guinea.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

AKIM ODA: MP cuts sod for work to begin on additional town roads

The deputy minister for health who doubles as the Member of Parliament for Akyem Oda Constituency Alexander Akwasi Acquah with the Municipal Chief Executive Madam Joyce Adjoa Agyeiwaa has cut sod for the commencement of town roads within the constituency.

These include 8.3 Kilometers Methodist Road (Methodist Conference Road linking Quarters), Bungalow road linking Quarters Pentecost Street at Aboabo (MCE Road), Aboabo Methodist Church Road, Peace Town Road linking Aboabo Durbar Grounds, St. Francis Road, Cedar Street, Akim State Road (Nana Akua Asantewaa III Avenue), Agona Roads, Okyeame Beyeeden Road, Asenee (Okyeame Poku Road linking Mr. Mann) among others.

According to the deputy minister these roads will not only enhance the beauty of our town but also provide a safe and efficient transportation network for our residents, businesses, and visitors.

Also it will boost economic activities, create jobs, and improve the overall quality of life for our people.

On her part, the Municipal Chief Executive Madam Joyce Adjoa Agyeiwaa said “let us work together to ensure the successful completion of this project and create a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come”.


Parliament returns on June 11, 2024

Parliament is expected to resume fully on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin in a statement dated May 27, 2024 announced that Parliament would commence the third meeting of the fourth session of the eighth Parliament of the fourth Republic on Tuesday, 11th June 2024 @ 10:00 am at Parliament House, Accra.”

Members of Parliament are expected on the floor of the House as session will commence promptly at 10:00 am and will see the introduction of numerous legislative bills for consideration.

The Legislative arm of government has been on recess for some months now and had to be recalled at some point to some urgent government business including the approval of newly vetted ministers and deputy ministers.

That meeting also witnessed the swearing in of the Member of Parliament elect for Ejisu, Kwabena Boateng after the by-election necessitated by the demise of John Kumah who was the MP.


Private Members’ Bills 2020 – 2023 in Ghana

In recent years, Ghana’s legislative landscape has witnessed a significant surge in activity from non-executive legislators, marked by the introduction of ten Private Members’ Bills since July 2020. These bills, proposed by members of parliament not acting on behalf of the executive branch, highlight the proactive efforts of individual lawmakers to influence national policy and address specific issues within the Ghanaian society.

Since July 2020, a total of ten Private Members’ Bills have been introduced in Parliament, spanning a variety of subjects from road safety to criminal justice reform. Of these, five bills have successfully passed through Parliament, with two receiving presidential assent, thereby becoming law.

Key Legislative Initiatives


  • Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill, 2020: This bill aimed to enhance road safety regulations and address gaps in the existing traffic laws. It was one of the notable successes among Private Members’ Bills, securing both parliamentary approval and presidential assent.


  • Criminal Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2021: Another significant bill which sought to update and strengthen the provisions of the criminal code. This bill also received presidential assent, underscoring its importance in the legislative agenda.
  • Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill, 2021: This controversial bill aimed to uphold traditional family values, sparking widespread debate across the country.
  • Constitution of the Republic of Ghana (Amendment) Bill, 2021: Proposed changes to the nation’s supreme law to reflect contemporary governance needs.
  • Office of the Special Prosecutor (Amendment) Bill, 2021: Sought to amend the framework governing the Office of the Special Prosecutor to enhance its efficiency and effectiveness.


  • Earmarked Funds Capping And Realignment (Amendment) Bill, 2022: Focused on financial reforms to optimize the use of earmarked funds within the national budget.
  • Criminal Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2022: Aimed at further reforms in criminal law, reflecting ongoing efforts to modernize legal frameworks.
  • Armed Forces (Amendment) Bill, 2022: Proposed updates to the laws governing the armed forces to improve military administration and operations.


  • Budget Bill, 2023: Introduced to outline the government’s financial plan and expenditure for the fiscal year, reflecting an essential aspect of parliamentary oversight and financial governance.

The past few years have seen a notable rise in the introduction and passage of Private Members’ Bills in Ghana, reflecting a vibrant and dynamic parliamentary process. As legislators continue to bring diverse issues to the forefront, the impact of these efforts will be felt across various sectors of society, contributing to the ongoing development and governance of the nation.

Ghanamps.com/Shang Annang Papa Nii

ECOWAS Parliament set to elect first female speaker today

The Parliament of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is set to elect the first female speaker in the annals of the regional legislative arm.

The Parliamentarians representing Togo at the ECOWAS Parliament are already in Kano North West, Nigeria, where the 2024 Extraordinary Session of the Sixth Legislature of the Community Parliament is ongoing.

It is expected that the delegation from Togo will be sworn in on Thursday and subsequently the new Speaker would emerge among them as the position has been allotted based on the rotational system of the parliament for the Speakership.

Statements emerging from the floor of the Parliament showed that a female parliamentarian, Memounatou Ibrahima, will emerged as the speaker,

Ibrahima was the third Deputy Speaker in the fifth Legislature of ECOWAS Parliament; she has been in the ECOWAS Parliament since 2021.

She is primed to take up the baton from the Nigerian leader of delegation, Senator Barau Jubrin who was elected the First Deputy Speaker at the inauguration of the Sixth Legislature of the ECOWAS Parliament on April 4th 2024, had to act as the Speaker to avoid creating vacuum of leadership at the Community Parliament,

During the inauguration of the Sixth Legislature of the ECOWAS on April 4th 2024, the delegation of the Republic of Togo was not present because they had not conducted election to enable the country send their representatives to the Community Parliament.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS Parliament proposes mediation committee for Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger

The Parliament of the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, has proposed the appointment of Ad hoc Mediation Committee to prevail on the three member states Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger not to leave the regional bloc.

The Acting Speaker of the Community Parliament, Rt. Hon Barau Jibrin, who is also the Deputy President of the Nigerian Senate, disclosed this at the opening of the 2024 Second Extraordinary Session of the Sixth of the ECOWAS Parliament in Kano State, North West Nigeria.

Senator Jibrin, who is the first Deputy Speaker of the regional Parliament, emphasised that there is no alternative to a strong united regional bloc.

Senator Jibril disclosed that, “I will, in consultation with my colleagues on the Bureau, be proposing the appointment of an Ad hoc Mediation Committee whose mandate will be to work with all stakeholders in getting our brothers to rescind their decision and come home and work towards promoting dialogue with a view to resolving conflicts in the region. It’s no doubt that we are stronger and there is absolutely no alternative to our collective aspirations of a united, peaceful and secure ECOWAS.”

Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso had in January this year announced their withdrawal from the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS.
The junta-led countries had been suspended from the regional bloc for coup d’état and were urged to return to democratic rule.

Reacting to the suspension, the three military governments took the decision to withdraw from ECOWAS as according to them it was a “sovereign decision” to withdraw from the regional block.

Senator Jibril disclosed the session will also provide an opportunity for the Community Parliament to deliberate and provide fresh perspectives on pressing issues in the ECOWAS Region and proffer recommendations on how peace, security and stability can be attained.

”As the Parliament looks towards to facilitating the promotion of democracy, checks and balances, as well as accountability in the ECOWAS Community, having a strong ECOWAS Parliament is indispensable. I have had the esteemed honor of leading this Parliament for barely two months and I have concluded that much needs to be done in terms of asserting the independence of the Parliament in the exercise of its important roles of parliamentary oversight and representation.

There is, also, a compelling need to build strong collaboration with the ECOWAS Commission and undertake joint initiatives aimed at strengthening regional security and advancing development. While it is true that each institution has its unique prerogatives, the fact remains that there exist cross-cutting issues that are best addressed with enhanced collaboration among the community institutions.”

On the delegation of Togo to the parliament, Senator Jibril disclosed that the delegation from that country that the speakership of the sixth legislature has be zoned to, is expected to be sworn in as members of the parliament before the end of the session.

“I wish to also inform this house that a Parliamentary Fact-finding mission was dispatched to the Republic of Togo. The delegation ascertained circumstances surrounding the notable absence of the Togolese delegation, which, by virtue of the Supplementary Act on the Enhancement of the Powers of the Parliament, deserves the Speakership, and held discussions with national stakeholders on other political issues. I am pleased to report that we received very favorable response from the Togolese authorities that our brothers from Togo will be inaugurated as soon as possible.

He noted that since the inauguration of the sixth legislature of the ECOWAS Parliament on Thursday, April, 2024, it has been able make some notable achievements and participated in various regional, continental and international programmes.

“Within this short period, the ECOWAS Parliament participated in the Third Parliamentary Policy Dialogue on the Protection of Vulnerable Targets against terrorism, which was hosted by the United Nations Office on Counter Terrorism, a Capacity Building Training on Labor Migration Governance under the auspices of the African Union Commission and the International Conference on enhancing the role, relevance, and effectiveness of the ECOWAS Court of Justice through the strengthening of synergies between the Court and national stakeholders, which was hosted by our sister Institution the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice.

Additionally, members of the ECOWAS Female Parliamentarian Association were invited by the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies to share experience with the National Assembly of Nigeria on the modalities in establishing a multi-party women’s caucus in the Nigerian National Assembly. We look forward to more of such engagements, especially with our counterparts at the National Level, with the view to promoting regional integration.”

In his address the Kano state Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf, emphasized the need to tackle the citizenship issues among ECOWAS member countries, regional security, integration, environmental and natural resources challenges, and higher education, employment, poverty, and democratic volatility.

He cautioned against allowing global powers to turn the region into a dumping ground for finished goods, stressing that Africa is not a dumping ground for global markets.

The Kano Governor urged the Regional Parliament to revisit the issue of a common currency and passports, which would enhance the region’s economic viability and global competitiveness.

Governor Yusuf expressed concern about the proliferation of illicit drugs and arms and light weapons, calling for concerted efforts to combat these menaces.

Governor Yusuf said that, despite challenges, the West African regional Gross Domestic Product (GDP) stood at $633 billion as of 2023, highlighting the region’s potential to become a significant global economic key player.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs in Nigeria, Yusuf Maitama Tugga in a message who assured the community of Nigeria’s Government continued support identified ECOWAS Parliament as vital institution in fostering regional integration.

Tugga, represented by Ambassador Musa Nuhu, the Permanent Representative of Nigeria to ECOWAS stressed the need for ECOWAS Community to strengthen its democratic institutions for the benefits of the region.
He said, “we need to collaborate with all organs and institutions within the ECOWAS. You have at your disposal so many instruments to use for you to achieve that.”

The Minister urged the ECOWAS Parliament to use its various mechanisms to engage member countries that currently under unconstitutional changes of government.

Tugga said, “as regional Parliamentarians, you have a role to play in harnessing the cooperation of our people. The Parliamentarians are closer to our populace and that is why you have to underscore the importance of the role you have are occupying today especially in this period where our sub-regional organization is so much challenged with numerous issues.”

He described the hosting of the regional meeting in the commercial city of Kano as important as it will greatly bridge the gap between the citizens and the regional community.

During this session, the regional parliament is expected to hold deliberations and adopt three very important instruments which bear heavily on the progress and effective implementation of our mandate.

They are, the Rules of Procedure of the Sixth Legislature, which was deferred from our Inaugural session. The Strategic Plan of the Sixth Legislature, and The Work Plan of the year 2024.

The Rules of Procedure serves as a guide and direction for the parliament in checking procedural deficiencies.
The Strategic Plan, on the other hand, serves as a crucial and indispensable tool in ensuring that the programs and activities of the parliament are directly linked with the overall strategic institutional objectives of ECOWAS, while the Work Plan sets the agenda for the engagements the year.

Five parliamentarians were sworn in as members of the regional parliament at the opening of the session by the acting speaker of the parliament, Senator Jibrin.

The ceremony was attended by the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, the Emir of Bichi, Alhaji Nasiru Ado Bayero, the Emir Karaye, Alhaji Ibrahim Abubakar II and Emir of Gaya, Alhaji Aliyu Ibrahim.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Return of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger to sub-regional bloc possible—Ali Ndume

A member of the Nigerian delegation to the 6th Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Senator Mohammed Ali-Ndume said efforts to ensure that the three Sahel Countries (Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger) who have threatened to leave the sub-regional bloc to rescind their decision is highly possible.

According to him, he is confident the return of the three Sahel countries to the West African bloc would happen, as their threat per the ECOWAS protocol has a year within which this threat can be carried out.

“I am not happy with what happened with the three countries because of the military takeovers, and the reaction of ECOWAS initially that led to the suspension of the three countries and their threat of leaving”.

In an interview on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 when the second Extraordinary meeting of the Community Parliament opened in Kano North West part of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, he pointed out that in the case of Niger the 5th Legislature set up an Ad hoc Committee which was already working to resolve the problem.

“We had achieved a lot and the first deputy speaker of the 5th Legislature Ahmed Idris Wase was the chairman of the Ad hoc Committee and I was part of that Committee and I hope this meeting would come out with a better result after this session in Kano”.

Again, we are in dialogue with the representatives of the various countries; we are achieving a lot, we hope to come out better, meanwhile this is the first time outside Abuja in the Northern part of Nigeria particularly we are hosting this important session we hope to achieve much.

“In fact the ordinary Nigerian in the North is full of expectations and I assure them that we are not going to disappoint them, you know Niger is surrounded by seven neighboring states in Northern Nigeria. So, that is very much important that we deal with this matter. The major problem we had in the case of Niger has to do with the sanctions; now ECOWAS has lifted it, we are only to put finishing touches to those agreements.

As to whether the Russian influence with the Sahel Countries in itself is not going to make their return a problem, he noted that it is not new as all African nations except few have been colonized by Western countries.

“We are making progress and I am very confident of the return of the three Sahel countries back to the fold of the sub-regional bloc, we would get there”, he added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com