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Govt must cut down on expenditure then we would have growth—-Kpodo

Member of Parliament for Ho Central Benjamin Kpodo has said President Nana Akufo-Addo’s government should cut down on government’s expenditure if it really want to experience growth in Ghana’s economy.

According to the Ho Central legislator, government machinery is too huge with one hundred and ten Ministers, every Minister would take salaries.

He further added that these Ministers have four wheel drives, salon cars, “looking at the Presidential staffers they are almost one thousand, this are areas government can cut down” he said.

How can we go ahead with working on a national ID for one point two billion dollars, that is about five billion Ghana cedis for Ghana card, he said in an interview as the debate on the Mid -Year review had started on the floor of the House.

He however expressed joy that government brought to Parliament for approval, a fiscal device at point of sales, “that is something that can bring in revenue and you saw that it had a bye partisan approval”.

Again with this, SMEs would not be able to under declare their turn over’s out of this, which taxes would be levied and collected; these are measures which would attract bi-partisan support whether it is NPP or NDC.

“We do not need to impose new taxes because it would bring hardship to Ghanaians, rather the focus should be on efficiently colleting the old taxes widening the net”, he lamented.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Show of supremacy: Radio and Television stations invade Parliament

Ahead of this morning’s mid-year review budget presentation by Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta, radio and television stations in the capital invaded the foyer of Parliament.

As early as 5am in the morning most of the radio and television stations had set up in Parliament and started their morning shows.

On Wednesday evening as at five pm most of the electronic media houses in the capital were fighting over space at the foyer, the entrance leading to the main chamber.

Most of the media house were struggling over Members of Parliament to be interviewed, whiles others were fighting over turf, to show supremacy either they are the most watched television station or most listen to radio station.

Ahead of this, even the Minority had held a roundtable breakfast and predicated that the ruling New Patriotic Party government was going to increase taxes and burden Ghanaians.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

We can do more with a well resources and able staffs—Minority Leader

Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Haruna Iddrisu has said with well resources and able staff, Parliament would be able to do more than it is doing now.

He questioned to what extend had Members of Parliament and their working staffs, made the institution more transparent and accountable to the people.

For a stronger democracy, we need stronger committees and research department as well as a Hansard department, that would provide timely and accurate information of proceedings of Parliament, he said.

“You cannot afford to fail us, one of our weaknesses in Parliament has been when some colleague MPs rise and say I quote, without given reference to the book for person they are quoting from but expect to be featured in by the Hansard department”.

He urged that academic referencing should be respected adequately for the purpose of the hansand department to capture ideas which are not from MPs, “we need to pay royal acknowledgement to people with the original ideas.

Mr. Haruna Iddrisu make this remarks at the opening of a week-long celebration of inter departmental research and information group of Parliament.

He further called on Parliament to make the best out of information technology (IT) and added that IT can be a threat if not properly handled, “we should work out for MPs and those who visit Parliament to have access to a free Wi-Fi.

“Especially the young persons who visit the House can acknowledge and say when I visited Parliament, I was able to access free Wi-Fi to work with”, he pointed out.

Again we need to work strongly on our achieves, in other to be able to preserve history since the inception of Ghana’s Parliamentary democracy, the contribution of Members of Parliament, we need to keep those contribution alive, he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ ghanamps.com

Adaklu MP Cries for a District Police Station

Member of Parliament (MP) for the Adaklu Constituency in the Volta region, Kwame Governs Agbodza is appealing to government for the establishment of a functional District Police Station for the Adaklu area to help curb crime.

He made the call in a question to the Minister for the Interior on the floor of Parliament over the security situation at the area.
“Mr Speaker, I want to ask the Minister for the Interior what plans are in place to establish a full District Police Station at Adaklu?, he asked.

In response, the Minister for the Interior Ambrose Dery said, the current Police Administration is embarking on a transformation agenda which will include upgrading a number of police stations in the country to District level and Adaklu Police Station Station is one of the police stations to be considered.

“The upgrading of the Adaklu Police Station to a District level would ultimately enhance the fight against crime in the Volta Region” he said.
The Minister assured of government`s desire to provide security for every citizen and all residents in Ghana irrespective of where they live in the country.

He called for a collective responsibility among all stakeholders in the fight against crime for the development of security establishment in the country.
“Mr Speaker, since the issue for security is national concern, we wish to encourage Members of Parliament and the citizenry at large to assist the Police Administration in the refurbishment of Police Stations in their areas that need upgrading as well as providing residential accommodation for Police personnel posted when upgraded,” Mr Dery stated.

Mr Agbodza expressed dissatisfaction about the answers providers by the Minister and stated that Adaklu had met all the criterions provided by the police Administration and the Ministry of Interior, yet the only police station in the District has not been upgraded to a full status as a Station.

According to the MP, he expected to hear whether Adaklu would be upgraded to a full Police station status or not.
He has therefore demanded for its urgent upgrading to a District level to help fight crime and related issues in the area.

“I will say that I am not satisfy with the answers provided by the Minister for the Interior. He was so evasive in his answers. He did not give definite answers to the question as to when or what plans are put in place to establish the District Police Station,” Mr Agbodza said.

The Adaklu MP said, security situation in the District is very porous as there are no other police stations or post in the over 70 communities, adding that the situation compelled residents to cross over to other districts to report cases or seek redress through the law.

Mr Kwame Agbodza appealed to the residents to work closely with Police and other law enforcement agencies to clamp down criminal activities in the area.
At least three people have been reportedly killed and several others constantly harassed by criminals as well as Fulani Herdsmen in the farms both day and nights.

The Adaklu District has only a single police station to manage over 70 individual communities with 32,000 population according to the 2010 Population and Housing Census.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com