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ECG should engage the Krobos to deal with electricity meter problem — Nyaunu

In the wake of the deadlock between indigenes of Krobo land and the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), on the payment of bills for the period that their bills jumped and tripled leading to a demonstration that led to loss of lives, Former Member of Parliament for Lower Manya Krobo, Michael Teye Nyaunu is urging the Electricity of Ghana to engage the people for amicable solution to the impasse.

According to him, it would be unreasonable to say the Krobos should not pay electricity bill, “myself and some colleagues have disassociated ourselves from that call”.

According to him they have to pay their bills, but the solution to the brouhaha is in ECG engaging the opinion leaders of Krobo land to have an objective discussion that would lead to objective conclusion.

He also pointed out in an interview that before the coming of electricity, they were using lantern and kerosene for the purpose of light, and in doing so they had to buy them separately. “Same vein, if our lands were taken for the construction of the dam, does not mean we should not pay bills, because the electricity was generated out of the water and others have gotten jobs by distributing and maintaining the facility”.

“I do not operate generator in my room, what was the justification for billing me ten thousand Ghana cedis, and the explanation we got from officials of ECG was unacceptable, rather we were told we should pay bit by bit”.

According to him, the quantum jumps in their bill which led to the brouhaha was unacceptable, stating that people who were paying GHc100 were presented with bills of GHc10,000, others had GHc500 and other outrageous amounts without any tangible explanation.

 He rather proposed starting with a new billing system and have an engagement to deal with the backlog, and pointed out that the only language government hears better is demonstration; “Akufo-Addo led it, same with Kufour and Rawlings”.

“I go with my people on their demonstration over this issue and I prefer to die with my people than to be allowed to be taken for granted, government should engage, we are prepared to talk”, he added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Agogo SHS to receive 40 dining tables and chairs from MP

The Member of Parliament for Yilo Krobo in the Eastern Region, Albert Tetteh Nyakotey, is working to provide 40 dining tables and chairs for the Agogo Senior School in order to ensure the students have a comfortable environment to have their meal.

The MP in an interaction with Ghanamps.com indicated that the students at the school have to stand to have their meal at lunch time because they simply do not have tables and chairs to sit on. “My intervention is to provide desks, and I have started doing something to provide at least 40 dining tables and some chairs for them”.

He noted that the headmasters of the school are careful in allowing the politicians to come in to see the condition of the school because they have to protect their jobs; “but if you see also their sleeping conditions, because the place is congested people have to sleep on balconies, so yes if we open the E-blocks then we can out some of the loads from the two schools and allow the children to have more space.”

He said it is sad that an edifice like the E-block is wasting away, and being taken over by weeds and rodents instead of students using it to develop in a good environment.

He thus appealed to government to pay attention to the E-blocks generally to use them to decongest the schools.

Additionally, he called for the completion of all GETFund educational projects in the various schools in the area. “We have over 33 GETFund school projects that have been abandoned since the current government took over” and believes completing these projects would go a long way to address or ameliorate the problems caused by inadequate infrastructure in the schools.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

“Your stress reduces drastically after serving as an MP” —Former MP

Former member of Parliament for Lower Manya Krobo, Michael Teye Nyaunu has described life after parliament as very interesting, when Ghanamps.com touched base with him at his residence at the constituency on Friday, August 28, 2021.

According to him the stress level is taken away and reduced drastically to eighty (80) to ninety (90) percent.

“The stress goes down and it is a period where you have enough interaction with your wife and children, again you take a lot of rest”.

He indicated that though you remain an integral part of the community when people call on you from time to time for advice and opinion on matters of community development, it is nothing compared to what they go through as serving MPs.

He was pleased with the visit by the news team and shared his view on some national issues and constituency related issues.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“Member states should bear cost of electing ECOWAS MPs” — Michael Teye Nyaunu

A former second deputy Speaker in the third ECOWAS Parliament, Michael Teye Nyaunu has joined the crusade for election of lawmakers to the community parliament in order that they would dedicate their energy to the course of the functions of the parliament.

He, however, suggested that for the crusade to elect lawmakers to the Community Parliament to work effectively, member states of the sub-region should bear the cost of electing MPs to make the whole process effective, “I subscribe to this absolutely”, he added.

The former Ghanaian Lower Manya Krobo lawmaker, who served as Second Deputy Speaker under Rt. Hon Dr. Ike Ekweremadu, in an interview pointed out that each country’s economy is different and they have a way of paying their lawmakers in their various Assemblies.

“The fact that you have elected and individual from a member state to the Community Parliament, you should not make things look different from his or her colleague serving their National Assembly. We have various member states contributing towards the ECOWAS fund and there are countries who do not pay up their levy; either they pay late or do not pay at all”

And further pointed out that, “they come with the excuse of they do not have the money”,

Mr.  Nyaunu was responding to the issue of funding the elections process and paying the lawmakers who would serve in the Community Parliament, further added that member states who fail to honour their financial obligations to the community parliament “come with the excuse of they do not have the money”.

He hinted that when the ECO currency comes on board, Community lawmakers would be paid in that currency and not the current prevailing system of dollars; and at the initial state of kick-starting election of Community lawmakers each member state should pay their lawmakers.

“As we advance after ten years, we move along and every country would contribute to the common fund, then funds from the common fund would be used to pay lawmakers”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com


Citizens along the land borders of Ghana are biting hard the effects of the long closure of the land borders on their lives.

It is almost two years since the government closed the borders to help contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. And without any sustainable measures to support the economic lives of the people, the call for government to open the borders is now getting momentum with a lot of well-meaning citizens of the country adding their voices.

One of such prominent citizens is Mr. Clement Kofi Humado, a former Member of Parliament for the Anlo Constituency who has made a case for the borders to be opened.

Read below the full article:


The prolonged closure of land borders which is affecting the free movement of persons and goods across land borders in the 15 member countries of ECOWAS during the Covid – 19 pandemic has recently assumed topical interest to communities and people living in border areas of Ghana especially along the Aflao – Kojoviakope Ghana – Togo border. ECOWAS governments have struggled since the start of the outbreak of the Covid -19 pandemic to strike a balance between containing the virus and maintaining the day-to-day economic activities that millions of their citizens depend on to survive.

However, it is important that a quick review is made of the position of ECOWAS Heads of States and Council of Ministers on this matter and to examine where we are currently so as to effectively position the call of affected communities for the opening of the land borders to enable free movement of persons and goods across our land borders especially the Ghana – Togo border.


It is noted that on the 17th June 2020, the ECOWAS Ministerial Coordination Committee on Transport, Logistics and Trade met and made recommendations on the harmonized and gradual re-opening of land, air and sea borders for restoring cross border economic activities, especially for movement of humanitarian personnel, medical supplies and equipment as well as essential goods relevant for the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The recommendations were adopted for submission to the Co-Chairpersons of the ad-hoc Ministerial Committee, for onward submission to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and champion of the regional COVID-19 response, H. E. Muhamadu Buhari, for subsequent presentation to the Summit of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of States and Governments.

Furthermore, on the 23rd January 2021, the Fifty-eighth Ordinary Session of the Authority of Heads of State and Governments of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was held via video conference, under the chairmanship of H. E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana, and Chair of the Authority. At this virtual meeting, the Authority of Heads of States endorsed the main recommendations in the earlier reports of the Council of Ministers presented through the Covid-19 Champion HE Buhari and the ECOWAS Commission. The main recommendations of the Council of Ministers were accepted, endorsed and are summarised as follows:

That member States adopt a gradual and coordinated opening of land borders and airports based on health data on the evolution of the pandemic and called for the appropriate fiscal measures by governments to support the effective implementation of the guidelines. According to the meeting’s report, the opening of the borders is to be hinged on the proposed Guidelines for the mitigation of health risks and the harmonization and facilitation of cross-border trade and transport in the ECOWAS region in the context of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, which will amount to a coordinated and progressive opening of air, land and maritime borders. They also held that the reopening had become imperative in view of the need to revive the economies of ECOWAS member countries.

That a three-phased approach to the opening of land and air borders was to be adopted beginning with a first phase of opening local internal domestic air and land transport within ECOWAS Member States at the beginning of July 2021. This was to be followed by a second phase which would involve the opening of land and air borders between ECOWAS Member States by 15th July 2021, to allow the free movement of goods and persons on the basis of strict application of the proposed guidelines for the harmonization and facilitation of cross-border trade and transport in the ECOWAS region.

The third phase would start by 31st July 2021, after a review of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in respective Member States. This would involve the opening of air and land borders to countries outside ECOWAS with low and controlled levels (according to WHO classifications) of COVID-19 contamination rates.

The Authority of Heads of States further endorsed the call for accurate information sharing on opening-up measures among Member States in the spirit of solidarity, collective self-reliance and inter-State co-operation through bilateral and multilateral consultations.

They also called for the need to ensure speedy and safer clearance of transit goods at the borders and to minimize physical contact in customs and immigration cross-border trade transactions through the rapid deployment of the new ECOWAS Interconnected Goods and Transit Management System popularly termed SIGMAT. They also urged the provision of such information to private sector actors namely Shipping lines, Airlines, cross-border transporters and traders, media and civil society while ensuring strong collaboration at borders among control agencies for the establishment of arrangements to control travellers regarding the COVID-19.

Owing to the need to ensure an effective coordination mechanism to follow-up implementation of the guidelines at both national and regional levels, it is important to use existing state or regional structures and committees responsible for ensuring the proper application of the protocols on free movement on Community corridors and borders of national and regional trade, among others.


Following the 58th meeting of the Authority of Heads of States in January 2021, many countries started opening their land borders ahead of the deadlines for the free movement of persons and goods. From the meeting of the Authority of Heads of States, two key issues emerged as paramount:

Opening of land borders to free movement of persons and goods based on an assessment of the prevalence of covid 19 in member adjoining states. This is to be done through a collaborative assessment by respective joint national health, foreign affairs and transport committees of adjoining neighbouring states.

The establishment of necessary Port Health facilities and Testing equipment etc at the various border check points in accordance with proposed Guidelines for the mitigation of health risks and the harmonization and facilitation of cross-border trade and transport in the ECOWAS region

Assessment of the economic impact of the Covid 19 on the economy, livelihoods and standard of living of communities along the borders.

Currently the position of various ECOWAS countries on land border closure and free movement of persons and goods is as follows

SENEGAL: Land borders opened for free movement of persons and goods with Mali, the Gambia and Guinea Bissau

MALI: Land borders opened for free movement of goods and persons to Guinea Conakry, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone and Liberia

The GAMBIA: Land borders opened for free movement of persons and goods to Guinea Conakry and Senegal

SIERRA LEONE: Land borders opened for free movement of persons and goods with Liberia and Guinea Conakry

LIBERIA: Land borders opened for free movement of persons and goods with Sierra Leone and La Cote d’Ivoire

GUINEA BISSAU: Land borders opened for free movement of persons and goods with Senegal and Guinea Conakry

COTE D’IVOIRE: Land borders opened for free movement of persons and goods with Burkina Faso, Guinea Conakry, Mali and Liberia

BURKINA FASO: Land borders opened for free movement of persons and goods with Mali, La Cote d’Ivoire, Togo, Benin and Niger

NIGER: Land borders opened for free movement of persons and goods with Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Benin and Mali

NIGERIA: Land borders opened for free movement of persons and goods with Niger and Benin. Land borders are now open at check points of Seme/ Krake, Illela, Maigatari, and Mfun.

BENIN: Land borders opened for free movement of persons and goods with Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso and Togo.

TOGO: Land borders opened for free movement of persons and goods with Burkina Faso and Benin

GHANA: Land Borders are only opened for goods but not for free movement of persons with la Cote d’Ivoire, Togo and Burkina Faso.


With the above review, it shows clearly that Ghana is the only ECOWAS country that has not opened its land borders for free movement of persons across the borders of its neighbouring states after 31st July 2021. All other member countries have opened their land borders already to the free movement of persons and goods.

In terms of economic impact, there is overwhelming evidence and calls by communities living in border areas to draw the attention of government to their declining living conditions and impoverishment as a result of the prolonged border closure.  Government must heed the call by affected communities for land borders to be opened to enable free movement of persons as well as goods to make it possible for border communities to have cross border trade for economic living and sustenance.

On the issue of prevalence of Covid 19, the recent information from the Ministry of Health Volta Region on the increasing incidence of the Covid 19 Delta variant in the region cannot be blamed on cross border infections from across the border with the Republic of Togo because the border is already closed to free movement of persons. It would seem that the increasing incidence in the Volta Region is rather due to the greater interaction of its citizens with main cities in Ghana such as Tema, Accra, Koforidua, Kumasi etc for trade because of the border closure with Togo. So far there is no evidence of cross border infections. Furthermore, Ghana needs to provide evidence of the collaborative assessment between Ghana and Togo that supports the continuous and prolonged closure of the land borders to the free movement of its citizens across borders. The argument for increased incidence of Delta Variant corona in the Volta Region cannot be used to justify the continued closure of the Ghana Togo border. Presently it is easier for a Ghanaian living in the USA or in Europe to visit Ghana than a Ghanaian living in Togo or Benin who is just a few kilometres across the border. This does not promote social justice. Ghana government should work with its counterparts in the Republic of Togo to open the second major Joint Border Point at Dzodze – Akanu which has been lying idle since its commissioning three years ago. This JBP was established by ECOWAS and is the approved Check point for the ECOWAS International Highway between Togo and Ghana and it has more facilities than   the check point at Aflao. Its opening will create more space and facilities than the Aflao Border check Point and will increase space for social distancing and processing of persons and goods across borders.

It is logical to also assume that the closure of the borders to free movement of persons would also reduce government revenue collectable from the Ghana Immigration Services. On the other hand, it has created the opportunity for illegal crossing by desperate small scale traders who pay various bribes to government officials to enable them cross.

From the analysis above, Government cannot continue to be oblivious to its obligations relating to the decision of the Authority of Heads of States of ECOWAS on this matter. The Abidjan – Lagos corridor is a vital economic lifeline for the entire population of ECOWAS. The current economic hardships in the country, especially among ordinary citizens is attributable somewhat to difficulties of sourcing goods and services by Ghanaian traders from neighbouring countries in the sub region.

The official land border entry points should be opened without delay. There should be a measured balance between public health and human security. Volta Region should therefore make a case for the reopening of its borders with the Republic of Togo since the people have been subjected to great impoverishment under the prolonged and unjustified closure of the border. Other countries have opened their borders with their neighboring countries so why is Ghana an exception?

By Hon. Kofi HUMADO

Education Committee Inspects TVET Projects

As part of its oversight responsibilities, the Parliamentary Select Committee on Education has paid a working visit to inspect some Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) projects within Central Region.

One of the facilities the Committee visited is the Gracelove Creations Training Institute at Winneba. Here, the Committee members observed that since government started offering financial support as part of the TVET Voucher Project, the institution has been able to expand its facilities and enrolled more interested apprentices.

Members of the Committee inspected a new hostel building being constructed by the management of the institution due to the benefit of the TVET Voucher Project.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Gracelove Creations Training Institute, Mrs. Joana Eshun, noted that since the institute started accessing the funds from the TVET Voucher Project about two years ago, it has trained 240 apprentices with some coming from outside the country.

At the Vocational Training and Rehabilitation Institute in Biriwa, the MPs inspected ongoing projects at the South Campus where major, and old classrooms and workshops are located, as well as the North Campus where the new boys’ hostel and administration blocks are being constructed.

Through the support of the TVET Voucher Project, the Biriwa Vocational Training Institute will also have a new girls’ hostel, a one-unit workshop block for brick laying and concreting, and an oil and gas equipment maintenance workshop.

The Chairman of the Committee, Kwabena Amankwah Asiamah and the MP for Agona East, Queenstar Pokuaah Sawyer, urged the contractors of the new school building to vary the project to include access roads to the project since the current contract does not have that component.

The Acting Director General of the Commission for TVET, Dr. Fred Kyei Asamoah, who was with the Education Committee, said the exercise by the MPs is very important because it helps to check some of the investments Government has put into TVET.

The TVET Voucher Project is an initiative of the Government of Ghana aimed at increasing access to master craft persons, workers and their apprentices to training vouchers. It is being co-financed by the German Government through KFW.

The Committee is also expected to inspect TVET projects in Western, Ashanti and Eastern Regions.

click for more photos of the event


Agenda 111 will augment health facilities – Oda MP

The Member of Parliament for Akim Oda Constituency, Alexander Akwasi Aquah said the ‘Agenda 111’ initiative, which is aimed at building 111 district hospitals across the country, and is expected to commence on August 17, 2021, will augment the health facilities in the country.

Ga East District Hospital

He disclosed this in an interview on Accra-based Original FM.

He said the government’s Agenda 111 initiative, which is aimed at building 111 district hospitals across the country is a positive thought-through programme and entreat Ghanaians to collaborate with the government to achieve this goal.

Out of the 111, about 88 districts have procured lands for this initiative and all the necessary documents, have been done through the Chief of Staff, Akosua Frema Osei-Opare. And explained that each of the hospitals will take 12 months to complete, that is, when the construction commenced.

According to the MP, the government has secured US$100 million start-up fund through the Ghana Investment Infrastructure Fund (GIIF) for the commencement of works on ‘Agenda 111’ district, specialized and regional hospitals across the country.

He hinted that government will also continue to upgrade and recruit more qualified medical personnel while putting in efforts to train young doctors and health care professionals in the country.

Nana Kesse/Ghanamps.com

“ECOWAS Heads of States are obliged to respect rulings of ECOWAS Court” —Humado

Immediate past member of the Ghanaian delegation to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Clement Kofi Humado said Heads of States are obliged to ensure that rulings of the Court of Justice of the Community are respected by member states.

According to him articles that established the ECOWAS Court, he believes were as a result of the joint proclamation of the Authority of Heads of States and Government documents they signed which has been ratified by their various parliaments.

“To the effect and purpose, importance of the ECOWAS Court, then they are obliged by the articles that they have singed to obey the rulings of the court of justice, so the court has jurisdiction over matters that it rules on”.

And further pointed out in a telephone interview that in the treaty and protocols, it would have specified the nature of the matters that the court can handle.

The former Community lawmakers’ comments come in the wake of an ongoing joint delocalised meeting ongoing in La Cote d’lvoire where Speaker Sidie Mohammed Tunis expressed worry over the practice of non-compliance of the rulings of the ECOWAS Court.

“I recall a case in Sierra Leon where a President sacked his vice and the vice said it was unconstitutional for him to be sacked and the way it was done, the vice sent the matter to the ECOWAS Court of justice and the sacked vice-president had a ruling in his favour”.

The president had to compensate him and added that similarly, “rulings should be binding on other Heads of States who ratified the protocols of the establishment of the Court of Justice”.

As to whether the call by the Speaker is coming in late, he answered saying; “I don’t think the call by the Speaker is late in coming, rather it’s a work in progress and at any stage the attention of the Heads of States can be drawn to documents they have signed and the need to obey the rulings of the courts”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

We believe in consensus building; we can’t bully Minority with our numbers —Tolon MP

Member of Parliament (MP) for Tolon, Habib Iddrisu said consensus building is the hall mark of the current 8th parliament with 137 seats making up both side of the House and only one Independent MP offering to do business with the Majority side of the House.

According to him the current parliament is a difficult one hence the Majority side cannot use its numbers to bully the Minority. “We do not have the numbers but we have a government business to push, we need two thirds but with 138 we still do not have it”.

Speaking on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 when a delegation of MPs from the Ethiopian Parliament called on the Rt. Hon Speaker Alban Sumana Bagbin, Mr. Habib Iddrisu said that his side is always building consensus to ensure that the agenda of government passes as the president is very determined to ensure that Ghana achieves its transformational agenda, but stated that “This cannot happen without parliament, and there is no democracy without parliament”.

“We are happy with your visit and we hope to deepen our relationship”, and went further to say the current Ghanaian parliament is an interesting one which he has not come across its kind in the world.

Again, at the Committee level where it has twenty (20) members like the health committee, it is ten members each, and to come up with a report to the plenary it means both sides had to agree on issues, he said,

And further added that the Speaker of the House who has twenty-eight years continues experience as a former lawmaker is also a student of the current parliament because of the current dynamics. “As at the time we were preparing for democracy of the fourth Republic in 1992 Ethiopia was struggling to come out of a military Janta in 1991; we have a lot to share together”

 Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Media practitioners competing with MPs to catch eye of the president — Ahmed Ibrahim

First Deputy Minority whip, Ahmed Ibrahim has said he is worried about a current development crippling into the Ghanaian democratic system if not checked would not be in the interest of the nation.

According to him it’s not only Members of Parliament who are working to catch the eye of the president for position in the Executive arm of government but media practitioners are also working to catch the eye of the president.

“As a continent we can’t proceed on this path and expect the best for our continent; when you win as a president all the other parties are minorities, they have to be a watch dog on you, who have been given the resources of the state and that is how the electorate can put us on our toes”.

Again, if we are not able to nature our media very well, we may not be able to grow the Ghanaian political system very well, that would bring the best for the country. He lamented that “the fourth estate of the realm, the media now the Executive arm of government is inviting media and that is what we as African leaders must guide against”.

He made this remarks on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 when a delegation from the Ethiopian Parliament called on the Rt. Hon Speaker Alban Sumana Bagbin to learn from the Ghanaian experience.

“Big men of the various media houses are being given board member positions, once that happens, every media person wants to be noticed by the Executive to be given a board membership position. And when that happens who would be informing the electorates?”.

In addition, he pointed out that when Ghana has a misinformed electorate, the future of the country’s democracy is in danger.

“I am describing the media as hybrid because when the Ad Hoc Committee tasked to investigate the health minister presented its report last week, a media person who has been given position on a board is marking the health minister 7/10 for the refund of the money”.

“What of the minority that caused the investigation to be conducted and committee set up, all because the minister is championing the refund of the money, we need a media that is free, fair and transparent working in the interest of the country without fear or favour?”

Again, as a parliament, we can do the best for the country to work in our national interest, not that I am in opposition every time I do everything working to sabotage government’s work, but working to ensure that I am the best alternative, he told the visiting delegation.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com