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Ursula rallies support for children of Dansoman Special School

Mrs Ursula Owusu, Member of Parliament for Ablekuma West, has threatened to transport over 60 Children with Disabilities to the Minister of Education and the Accra Mayors offices on Monday March 31 if no action was taken to relocate them.

The children from the Dansoman Special School are cramped into one deplorable classroom, where they sometimes soil themselves, due to the lack of toilet and urinal facilities in the school.

The Lawmaker has also called on the Ministry of Education to move swiftly to save the children, who are suffering from varied levels and degrees of disabilities from any imminent danger.

Mrs Owusu noted that it was depressing seeing children with such deformities without running water, toilet and urinal facilities, compelling some to defecate openly in the classrooms.

She said when the room got warm during the afternoons the children become agitated and knock their heads together while others fall, sustaining injuries.

She said the Accra Metropolitan Assembly pledged last October to relocate the children from the current classroom to a new structure, but had failed to do so.

Mrs Owusu said it was intriguing that the new structure had been completed and locked up, whilst the children were still packed up in the current classroom with high-hilled stair case and potholes.

According to her, several attempts to get city authorities and the Ghana Education Service to liberate the children from their current state of condition had proved futile.

The lawmaker has, therefore, threatened to transport the children to the offices of the Ministry of Education and the AMA on Monday to present a petition.

The childrens disabilities range from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders, blindness and deafness.

Others suffer learning disabilities, medical disabilities, physical disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, and speech and language disabilities.

A Media Caucus on Disability team, which visited the school in October 2013 revealed that the children urinate right in front of the classroom and the canteen, which emanates a foul stench and house flies.

The children had been cramped into a single classroom with high-steeped slopping stair cases with holes, making it disability unfriendly.

The school lacks potable water, lighting system, toilet facilities, appropriate desks and specially trained teachers, as well as teaching and learning resources.


Parliamentarians demand personal bodyguards

Ghana’s Members of Parliament are demanding personal bodyguards for safety. They say past and recent attacks on some Legislators make it necessary for such protection.

On the floor of the House on Monday, MP after MP expressed concerns about the recent spate of “contract killings” in the country and said Legislators could be targets.

The MPs said the Police Service must be properly resourced to ensure security for all the arms of Government as well as the entire public.

Some of the MPs who have suffered robbery attacks are Nkwanta South MP Gershon Gbediame, who was robbed of his two ipads, six mobile phones, Ghc5000 and $7,500 as well as jewellery. His assailants robbed him at gunpoint at his Lashibi residence near Tema on January 11, 2014.

Member of Parliament for Akan, Joseph Ofori, was also attacked in October last year. He was stabbed in the head.

Also Majority Leader Benjamin Kunbuor suffered an attack a few years ago.

MPs worried over recent spate of killings

Members of Parliament have voiced out the disquiet over the latest spate of killings in the national capital and have charged the security chiefs to step up their work to end the killings.

The national capital and Tema in the last three months have witnessed killings under mysterious circumstances with the latest victim being a 50 year old businessman in Tema Community four who last week was shot by motor bike riding assailants when the area had a power outage.

The Legislators comments follows a statement read on the floor of Parliament by Member of Parliament for Ablekuma West Ursula Owusu-Ekufful who described the recent spate of killings as similar to contract killing.

She mentioned the murder of young and enterprising businessman Fenec Okyere, manager to hip-life star Kwao Kesse and others expressing her disappointment that no culprit had been arrested yet.

The human rights Lawyer requested an assurance from the Minister of Interior of the security personnel capacity to deal with the security threat and ensure the safety of the public.

Contributing to the statement MP for Garu Timpane Dominic Azuma expressed fear that MPs may sooner than later bear the brunt of these criminals as he has intelligence from police sources that Parliamentarians may be the next targets due to the believe that MPs are wealthy.

Two Legislators, MPs for Akan and Nkwanta South, Hons. Ofori and Gershon Gbediame respectively have been victims of armed robbery attacks in recent times during which the lost some personal effects.

Hon. Azumah urged the police to up their work to earn the confidence of the public in them and also ensure that Ghanaians can transact the legitimate duties in peace.

Parliament approves DACF distribution formula

Parliament on Friday approved the formula for the distribution of an amount of GHC 1,369,764,728 allocated to the District Assemblies Common Fund in the 2014 Budget.

The House recommended to the Ministry of Finance to consider the issue of release of Funds very seriously as the matter borders on infringement on the laws of Ghana, adding that the Minister of Finance should therefore ensure that this statutory obligation is fulfilled by the timely payment of all arrears due the Fund.

The Administrator of the Fund was also entreated to ensure that realistic data is provided by the central sources to enable the fund share the available resources fairly and equitably for equitable development.

It was observed that the District Assembly Common Fund (DACF) owes beneficiary institutions for both 3rd and 4th Quarter of 2013 due to non-release of funds by the Ministry of Finance and this situation has negatively impacted on the growth and development of the MMDAs.

Parliament is mandated by Article 252(2) of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana and the District Assembly Common Fund Act,1993(Act 455) to make provision for the allocation of not less than 5% of the total revenue of Ghana to the DACF for the implementation of developmental programmes in the MMDAs.

As at now 7.5% of the total tax revenue of Ghana is allocated to the DACF.

By the provision of Section 7(a) of the District Assembly Common Fund Act 1993(Act 455), the Administrator of the Fund is to propose annually for the consideration and approval of Parliament a formula for sharing the Common Fund.


Hon. Darfour wants Nkawkaw-Atibie roads repaired

Member of Parliament for Nkwakaw, Hon. Eric Kwakye Darfour has called for urgent repair works to be done on the road from Nkawkaw leading up the hills to the Atibie Tonship which is currently virtually impossible, especially as the Easter festivities draw near.

He said additionally, the stretch of road linking Atibie to the paragliding site that is the take – off ground is in such a bad shape that one wonders whether the Ghana Tourism Authority and the Ministry of Tourism are indeed in charge.

Delivering a statement on the 2014 Annual Easter and Paragliding Festival to be held at Kwahu Atibie on the floor of Parliament, Hon. Eric Kwakye Darfour noted that the Paragliding Festival has come to stay and that the new dimension it has introduced to tourism in Ghana and Easter festivities in Kwahu are tremendous.

He said Ghana stands to gain if the government can play its role by improving the road network to the site.

Hon. Kwakye Darfour asserted that the paragliding sport has added a new dimension to the Easter Festivities which arguably, have over the years been well attended and enjoyed in the Okwahu Traditional Area. This year’s event paragliding festival takes place from 14th April through to 22nd April.

He noted that the economic benefits derived during the festivities, inuring to the District Assemblies, to Hotels, Telcos, Restaurants, various manufacturing companies, food vendors and many more cannot be over emphasized.

The MP urged organizers to work closely with the security agencies to ensure adequate measures are put in place to safeguard the security of the revellers and tourists. He further urged the public to be equally cautious and not to over indulge as they enjoy themselves.


70% of my share of MP’s fund used for educational support- Atta Akyea

Member of Parliament for Abuakwa South, Samuel Atta Akyea has channeled over 70 percent of his share of the MP’s common fund to paying school fees and other related expenses.

This attest to the importance he attached to education in the constituency as a way of helping to reduce poverty among residents in the constituency. He said acquiring better education will help beneficiaries to pursue carrier options and be able to compete effectively in the job market.

Mr. Akyea said though there are a lot of brilliant young men and women, high poverty level makes it practically impossible for them to climb the education ladder. The only option is assistance, and the MP comes in handy needing responds to their demands.

According to him, the interventions cover all levels of education, from the basic level through to the university and currently, two doctors are among the beneficiaries.

In a related development, the Abuakwa State College was provided with quantities of books to help in the academic work for both teachers and students.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Bekwai MP hopeful investments in education will yield results

The Member of Parliament for Bekwai in the Ashanti Region, Joseph Osei-Owusu has expressed hope that resources channeled into improving quality of education in the constituency will translate into good grades this year.

Mr.Osei-Owusu said poor grades recorded by schools in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) has compelled him to institute in-schools quiz competition to prepare the students for the BECE and to evaluate performance of students and teachers, adding that the investment was worth it as it helped in identifying a particular zone that is very weak in English and Mathematics.

He therefore invested in bringing qualified teachers from the Akukore Colleges of Education and other higher institutions to take teachers in those zones through refresher courses in English, Mathematics, and Science.

The measure he noted was aimed at eliminating zero percent scores in any school in the district and provides students brighter opportunities for gaining admission into senior high schools and other second cycle institutions.

Apart from these interventions, the MP also facilitated formation of reading clubs in 17 communities, and by means of helping them achieve good results, procured and distributed over 1000 pieces of novels to them. The reading clubs are to enhance and inculcate reading habit in the students and make understanding of the English Language which is the official language of the country a lot easier.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Prestea MP sponsors quiz competition for basic school

Golden Tree Association has organized quiz competition for twelve selected schools in the Prestea Huni Valley Constituency to evaluate performance of the the students as well as teachers.

Golden tree Association is a strategic organization set up by the Member of Parliament for Prestea Huni Valley, Francis Koffie Adu-Blay to champion development in education, health and sanitation and to promote welfare of members in the constituency.

The quiz completion is in line with their educational objective to regularly tease the minds of the students and get them to be abreast of current issues.

Twelve schools including Prestea Goldfields, Prestea Experimental, Synn Upgrade, Darko, Catholic, and Methodist JHS schools.
The rest are Islamic, Presbyterian, Himan, Himan DA, Integration and SDA JHS schools.

Islamic JHS emerged overall winners and took home a set of computer and accessories. They were followed in 2nd position by Experimental JHS and had a set of jersey, while Goldfields placed 3rd and received football as prize. Each of the competitors received exercise books, text books, notebooks, and mathematical sets.


Min. of Health to brief Parliament of Capitation prgrm in Ashanti

Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Edward Doe Adjaho has directed the Ministry of Health to forward its report of the on-going Health Insurance Capitation programme being piloted in the Ashanti Region.

This follows a motion moved by MP for Wa West Joseph Yieleh Chireh and seconded by MP for Nhyieso Dr. Richard Anane urging the Minister of Health to review the on-going Health Insurance Capitation programme being implemented by the National Health Insurance Authority in the Ashati Region and to report to the House on the way forward.

Prior to this, Dr Richard Anane had initiated a campaign on the floor of Parliament to terminate the contentious capitation programme, however the Majority Leader, Dr Benjamin Kunbour argued and proposed an amendment to the motion filed by Dr. Anane rather calling for the extension of the capitation programme to across the country. The programme is to be rolled out in the Northern, Upper East and Upper West regions.

The capitation which is one of the three main payment systems under the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) sought to replace the fee for service which was considered to be causing a rapid rise in cost and thereby threatening the sustainability of the NHIS.

The capitation is a provider payment mechanism in which providers in the payment system are paid typically in advanced and pre-determined fixed rate to provide a defined set of services for the individual enrolled for a fixed period of time. Hence, capitation was considered to have the tendency of improving the viability of NHIS, simplifying claims processing and addressing difficulties in forecasting and budgeting.

Indeed virtually all labour fronts in the health sector of the Ashanti Region soon after the capitation programme was implemented resisted the operationalization of the scheme. Some civil society groups took the opportunity to air their grievances concerning the policy.


Adwoa Safo donates street lights to tighten up security

The Member of Parliament for Dome/Kwabenya constituency, Hon. Sarah Adwoa Safo has called on her constituents to readily provide tip offs and information to the police to enable them effect arrest of suspected characters in the constituency.

This, she noted, would help stem the tide of armed robbery which has bedeviled her people for quite sometime now.

She said the upsurge of the activities of armed robbers have become more pronounced, scary and dangerous to the lives of her people, hence the need for all hands to be on deck to help nip the canker in the bud.

The Dome/Kwabenya lawmaker made this observation when she donated 131 street lights to all Assembly members within her constituency as part of measures to tighten security in the area.

She disclosed that her office had been bombarded with many complaints regarding security failure, thereby, exposing them to the vagaries of armed robbery.

She told the Assembly members that what has made the situation even more precarious was that fact that some of the calls had come from the police themselves which meant that swift measures were needed to arrest the situation .

She asserted that the police have not been proactive in discharging their duties due to unavailability of logistics.

She assured her constituents that she would collaborate effectively with the security agencies to help curb the upsurge of armed robbery.

She noted that she was committed to fighting crime, hence, the provision of the streetlights to brighten up obscure areas within the constituency.

“The provision of the street light will serve as a disincentive to the operations of robbers whose activities are normally under the cover of darkness,” she noted.

The young and energetic MP stressed that so far over 600 hundred street lights were not functioning in her constituency and has therefore tasked experts to assess them and see how they could be brought back to good use.

She said the street lights will be distributed devoid of party lines and therefore asked all Assembly men including electoral coordinators to come together and decide on where the lights should be fixed.

She said she has contracted very technical and competent hands to do the installations when they decide on where they must be fixed.