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Ohene Ntow speaks only when NPP has internal wrangle – Markin

Member of Parliament for Effutu, Alexander Afenyo-Markins has criticized for NPP General Secretary Nana Ohene-Ntow accusing him of speaking publicly only when the party has internal wrangling.

According to him, Nana Ohene Ntow has the capacity and competence to situate the NPP agenda for winning the 2016 elections by way of his acclaimed communications skills and media expertise, but sadly he has decided to sit on the fence and become a spectator.

Speaking on Joy FM, MultiTV news analysis programme, Newsfile Saturday Hon. Afenyo Markin stated that such attitude will not inure to the party’s quest to win the upcoming elections.

“This man [Ohene-Ntow] is an eloquent communicator, if you see the competence with which he analyses issues, you would expect that this man would be in the forefront in leading the chart, helping the party’s cause.

“My only problem I have with Ohene-Ntow is that I only hear his voice when we have internal issues coming up….party communicators are overstretched when there are people in this party who for whatever reason, they have pulled back, but when there is an internal matter you hear their voices.” Hon. Markin noted.

The largest opposition party has seen increased tension within in one month, during which its Northern Regional Minister, Adams Mahama lost his life following an acid attack on him by some alleged assailants one of who is a brother of the National Chairman and is currently being prosecuted at the court.

The unfortunate incident sparked uproar in the party with seven out of the ten regions calling for the resignation of National Chairman Paul Afoko and General Secretary Kwabena Agyepong both of who are suspected by some party members of working against the victory of Nana Akufo Addo in the impending 2016 elections.

The Party’s Presidential Candidate Nana Akufo Addo has called for a cease fire and unity in the NPP to ensure that the party wins the upcoming general elections to salvage Ghanaians from the worsening economic crises that has been caused by the abysmal performance of the ruling NDC government.

Ghanamps.gov.gh/Kwadwo Anim

Parliament to meet EC over botched voters registration exercise

Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Edward Doe Adjaho has directed that leadership of Parliament should meet the Electoral Commission (EC) over the botched Voters registration exercise.

The deliberation with the EC will afford the House the opportunity of knowing what the next step of the EC will be and what will be done with the prospective voters who had been registered before the exercise was put on hold.

The Speaker’s directive follows a motion earlier moved by the Second Deputy Minority Chief Whip, Hon. Ignatius Baffour Awuah who had urged Parliament to summon the EC for commencing a voters registration exercise when it had not consulted the political parties who are main stakeholders.

The Electoral Commission about a fortnight ago suspended its voter registration exercise after four political parties kicked against the exercise lamenting they were not consulted.

In a press statement released, the E.C said it was putting the exercise on hold to allow “a thorough discussion of the matter with IPAC” (Inter-Party Advisory Committee).

The continuous registration exercise was to enable teenagers who just attained the age of 18 years to register ahead of general elections in December 2016.

Those who have misplaced their cards could also obtain a replacement.

However General Secretaries of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC), and opposition parties New Patriotic Party, Convention People’s Party and People’s National Convention (PNC) opposed the registration exercise insisting that they were taken by surprise.

They protested against the venue which is the District offices of the EC and argued the registration should be done in Electoral areas.


NPP confusion: Obuasi East MP backs Kufuor’s ‘call for a truce’

The Member of Parliament for Obuasi East constituency, Edward Ennin says former President Kufuor’s intervention responds up-front, a need in the midst of the confusion set in the NPP, therefore party members should listen to ‘his call for a truce’.

He explained what the party required now is to move away from every entrenched position as well as the ‘rancor and media war’ which had rocked the party to be able to clinch power by 2016.

Mr Ennin speaking on Adom TV on Friday said, Kufuor is not only a statesman but a man of integrity, therefore was in doubt that, he could take stance that will injure the image of the Dankwa-Busia-Dombo tradition.

He continued ‘ if the party can avoid the divisive mindedness and be dispassionate when dealing with the hot issues which have overwhelmed the party, we can restore calm and improve our political chances come 2016 elections,’ Mr Ennin stated passionately.

He however, advised the members of the party to withdraw from following leaders who are denting the image of the party underground and causing confusion.

There is an intractable tension in the NPP recently, as some supporters of the party have pressed for the National Chairman, Paul Afoko and the General Secretary, Kwabena Agyepong to vacate their positions.

This follows their alleged involvement in the killing of the party’s Upper East chairman, Adams Mahama, who was acid bathed currently and died at the Bolga Hospital as a result of that.

Jonathan Jefffrey Adjei/Ghanamps.gov.gh

NPP internal strife: cool down now!…says Addai Nimo

Former NPP Presidential Aspirant, Francis Addai Nimo has called for tempers to cool down within the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the wake of recent happenings in the party.

Speaking to Peacefmonline.com, Addai-Nimoh noted that the recent controversies and petty squabblings in the NPP can only be solved when party members tolerate each other.

According to him, the party comprises people who are from different backgrounds and with different behaviours, so definitely there will be dissenting views.

However, the dissenting views he stressed should not disintegrate the party fortunes.

With regard to the murder of the late Adams Mahama, Upper East Regional Chairman of the party, Hon. Addai Nimo said; “sometimes the way forward in a situation like this may not be clear cut. Let us take note of that. The way forward in a situation like may not be clear cut immediately. That is why I’m saying that we need patience, we need everybody to calm down, to cool down. And as the days go by then we will begin to see the way forward.”

“It will be in a rush to find a judgment. I believe that we allow tempers to cool down. We should calm down…We’re individuals of different character, different behaviours coming together to constitute ourselves into a group by name the New Patriotic Party, seeking political power to govern this nation, use the resources of this nation to develop our country.

“So, we have different interests and different behaviours but we should be able to accommodate one another even in dissenting. I believe that from now, I will rather entreat or urge every member of the party to remain calm and quiet and not to resort to any kind of outburst…We should allow ourselves to cool down.”


NPP MP backs Afoko; tells Minority to stop issuing statements

The Member of Parliament for Kade in the Eastern Region, Ofosu Asamoah has criticized the minority over its call for the National Chairman, Paul Afoko and General Secretary, Kwabena Agyepong to step aside.

The Minority issued a statement calling for the two to step aside citing several reasons, including the death of the Upper East Chairman of the NPP, Adam Mahama.
According to Mr. Asamoah,  the Minority caucus in Parliament should not have issued the statement calling for their exit but rather sought to advise the two to step aside to calm tensions within the party.

“What does our constitution say in terms of removal? Even if we want to persuade them that due to what is happening, they should step aside, we in the Parliamentary caucus could have a meeting with them, either the leadership or the whole caucus.  You are supposed to advise. You don’t issue statements.” Ofosu Asamoah told Citi News in an interview.

He advised the members of the party to pursue the matter in accordance with the party’s constitution or risk harming the party’s chances in the elections.

“We are talking about rule of law, or do we only practice it when we come to power and not when we are preparing for power? Is that what we are saying.? At the end of the day, the party will lose and that is our problem,” he said.

Help the police or keep quiet

Ofosu Asamoah also chastised members of the party who have made various allegations concerning the death of Adam Mahama in the media.

He argued that there was no basis for the accusations being hurled at Paul Afoko and Kwabena Agyepong given that the Police had not concluded their investigations into the death of the NPP Chairman.

“I think the immediate cause, although there may be some other remote causes, of the calls for the removal of Paul Afoko and Kwabena Agyepong is the death of the Upper East regional Chairman and the police are investigating. Unfortunately I am not aware of party members who are speaking on the radio and TV, saying all sorts of things, volunteering information to the Police. Yet party members seem to know or identify those who killed him and those who are behind. That is causing all these troubles,” he said.

“[People are] trying to link the Chairman and the General Secretary just because they happened to have been chased out of the region a few days before the murder. The police have not invited them, the party has not set up any investigative committee to look into it and yet there calls for them to step aside.” Ofosu Asamoah added.
Paul Afoko is Chairman of the NPP

Paul Afoko is Chairman of the NPP

Why do NPP want Afoko, Agyepong out?

Paul Afoko and Kwabena Agyepong’s term in office has been fraught with several controversies, culminating in the death of the Chairman,

There have been suggestions from within the NPP that the party’s troubles started when the two where elected into office and their continued stay would only make things worse.

There have also been reports of of a strained relationship between the pair and the Presidential Candidate of the party, Nana Akufo Addo.

Kwabena Agyepong

I am going nowhere

Several media organisations on Tuesday reported that Kwabena Agyepong had resigned from his position as General Secretary after a letter signed in his name and bearing the letterhead of the NPP was circulated to the media.

However, Mr Agyepong, rejected the claims and insisted that he intended to see out his mandate in office describing the false announcement of his resignation as desperate.

‘Step aside’ for the good of the NPP

Citi News sources within the NPP indicate that the Council of Elders of the party had written to Afoko and Agyepong to step aside to ensure that peace prevails.

However, the Council declined to comment on whether such a letter had been issued.


STATEMENT: Afoko, Agyepong must step aside – NPP MPs

The Members of the Minority New Patriotic Party (NPP)in Parliament met in Parliament after adjournment on Tuesday, May, 26, 2015 and deliberated on developments in the Party.

The meeting made the following observations and arrived at the conclusions herein stated and forward same to the National Chairman of the Party as well as other members of the Steering Committee for the necessary action:

That for some time now, especially since the second half of 2014 till date, the party at the constituency, regional and national levels have experienced considerable tumultuous developments bordering on anarchy;

That both the Steering and National Executive Committee have not been holding regular meetings because the persons with the requisite statutory mandate to summon and conduct such meetings have not been discharging their responsibilities suffiently;

That there appear to be a leadership vacuum and communication gat at centre of the party;
That there appears to be a great degree of mistrust within the leadership ensuing from declared positions taken by the two top most elected officers of the party;

That the handling of the Parliamentary Primaries by the national officers have been most abysmal as it has led to suspicions by the aspirants, notably some Members of Parliament, since the General Secretary has declared that he has personal interest in some constituencies where the Party has incumbent Members of Parliament and therefore has demonstrated that he is neither neutral nor impartial in the conduct of the Parliamentary Primaries which objectivity, neutrality and impartiality a General Secretary is supposed to exhibit;

That the dastardly and heinous criminality perpetrated against the Chairman of the Party for the Upper East Region, Mr Adam Mahama, which has resulted in the tragic death of the said person and the arrest of Mr Gregory Afoko the brother of the National Chairman, Mr Paul Afoko, has further poisoned the atmosphere against the two key officers of the party, Mr Paul A. Afoko (National Chairman) and Kwabena Agyei Agyepong (the General Secretary) to the extent that it has become difficult for the two to discharge their statutory responsibilities effectively at the national head office of the party;

That many otherwise well-placed persons in the party have assumed rather Philippic postures of always attacking persons in the party including, in particular, former President Kufour and Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. President Kufour is a principal personality in the resolution of conflicts in the party and any attack on him weakens both his hand and resolve in that enterprise. Nana Akufo-Addo is the flagbearer who must be properly advertised to attract the neutrals and the non-committed and the attack on him after his decisive victory only tend to scare away potential sympathizers.

That in the circumstance, the two national officers be requested, in the interest of peace, unity, trust and stability in the party, to step aside to allow for an impartial investigation into these matters especially the gruesome murder of Mr Adams Mahama, the Upper East Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

That, we in the NPP Minority Caucus appeal to all NPP Members, supporters and sympathizers to remain calm in the face of the current storm and that genuine lovers of the party should refrain from doing anything that will further accentuate the tenstion in the party. The darkest hour in the night is the period just before daybreaks. The NPP must overcome the current difficulties in the overall interest of mother Ghana.

Osei Kyei-Mensah Bonsu
(Minority Leader)

Govt to review policy on strike actions – Haruna Iddrisu

Government will soon present a policy review to Parliament to regulate strike actions undertaken by workers of public institutions in Ghana.

According to the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, Hon. Haruna Iddrisu this move when implemented will ensure that strike actions when in force, don’t adversely affect the smooth running of the country.

He is of the view that in as much as workers reserve the constitutional rights to embark on strike actions to back home their demands; they should not do so beyond seventy two hours.

“ It is important that workers return to work between forty eight to seventy two hours after they strike since their long absence from work has dire consequences on productivity which also go a long way in robbing the country of huge revenue, and also has the potential of threatening the lives of ordinary citizens ” Hon. Haruna Iddrisu noted.

Over the years, strike actions especially by health workers has resulted in some patients losing their lives in the process, and it is expected that this policy review will prevent or curb such unfortunate incidents.

The Minister made the statement on the floor of Parliament when answering a question posed by MP for Komenda/Edina/Eguafo/Abrem Dr Nana Ato Arthur on the current status of the Tier 2 Pensions Scheme which has been of major concern to pensioners in particular and Ghanaians workers generally.

Touching on the Tier 2 pensions, he disclosed that government currently owes the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) to the tune of GHS288 million.

The Minority in Parliament was quick to point out that per the constitution; employers are required to pay their employees SSNIT contributions within fourteen (14) days.

Hon. Haruna Iddrisu responded by stating that government was in discussion with the Ministry of Finance to fulfill its obligation, adding that nonetheless it was not unusual for governments to owe contributionsof workers social security albeit  temporarily.


I’m bent on making 100% coverage under LEAP”- Alijata


The Member of Parliament for Sissala East constituency, Sulemana Alijata Gbentie has affirmed her commitment to support the lives of the locals and the underprivileged in deprived communities through the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP).

In her bid to help prop up the socio-economic lives of her constituents, the MP has managed to lobby for the expansion of the number of beneficiary communities under the LEAP programme.

At least 33 additional communities have been covered ranging from 75-100 households in her enclave, which currently represents 95% coverage of the total number of households benefiting from the LEAP programmme in the Sissala East constituency.

Besides this, the MP in an interaction with Ghanamps.gov.gh said, she is working hard to meet the marginal gap of 5% of non-beneficiaries to eventually enable tally up 100% coverage of LEAP in the area. “I am currently going round the communities with the help of the Data collection officer in the constituency to reach out to the 5% left that needed to be included,” she disclosed.

According to her, the poverty rate in her constituency is worrying therefore such interventions are crucial to meet the subsistence needs of the poor and underprivileged.

Some of the beneficiary communities which are on-board included Bawiesibelle, Komo, Genebisi, Sachoboi, Du-east, Wellembelle, Santie, Jigen, Vamboi, Bugubelle, Tarsaw, and Kroboi.

Others are Mmanduanu Yigantu, Challu, Sakallu, Banuwuru, Piina, Kasana amongst others.

The Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty (LEAP) Programme is a social cash transfer program which provides cash and health insurance to extremely poor households across Ghana to alleviate short-term poverty and encourage long term human capital development.

Jonathan Jeffrey Adjei/Ghanamps.gov.gh

NPP Crisis: Afenyo Markin prescribes ‘political decision’ for a turnover

The Member of Parliament for Effutu constituency, Alexander Afenyo-Markin has posited that a ‘political decision is necessary at this point to bring the internal squabbling under control’ in the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

He said: ‘either the two gentlemen (Chairman Afoko/Kwabena Agyepong) should demonstrate genuine commitment to work together with the flag bearer to win election 2016 or they step down to ease the multiplicity of frictions in the party.’

The Effutu MP contributing to the way forward of the party on the Badwam platform on Multi TV, Wednesday admitted that the party is currently at a crossroad, but a more resourceful move would be for the party to dispel the disunity and more so be bold to foist a political decision; that may be necessary to bring a revolution in the party.

“The bottom line is, we are a political party and we should be able to manage our internal affairs,” the Effutu legislator maintained.

According to him, because of the emphasis of the internal wrangling, some important issues of national interest urgent for discussion in the media have been consigned to the backburner as a result of the misunderstanding they faced as a party.

He claimed: “there was no time for us (NPP) to waste as a party,” hence it was imperative for the rank and file of the party to quickly rein in the infighting for a backroom decision to be taken so they reach a common ground within the party.

The Dankwa-Dombo-Busia tradition is rocked with confusion over the past few days.

Six regional branches of the party have passed a vote of no confidence in Afoko and Agyepong following their alleged involvement in the killing of the Upper East regional chairman of the party Adams Mahama.

Jonathan Adjei/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Kumawu District Edu. Office to be completed by Dec. – Kyeremeh

The Sekyere Kumawu District Education Office which was originally scheduled to be completed in February 2013 is to be completed by the end of 2015.

The project which was awarded in March 2012 at a contract sum of GHS476, 353.99 has delayed mainly due to variations in the contract and irregular funding. The amount has been revised to GHS 942,898.05.

This was disclosed by the Deputy Minister of Education, Hon. Alex Kyeremeh on the floor of Parliament while answering a question posed by Hon. Philip Basoah MP for Kumawu as to what was causing the delay in the completion of the Sekyere Kumawu District Education Office.

Hon. Kyeremeh noted that the project now stands at 62% level of completion with total expenditure to date amounting to GHS 475,600.95.

He further disclosed that the contractor’s claim was being processed for payment and work was expected to resume by June this year, with the outstanding works including tilling, painting, ceiling, plumbing and furnishing expected to be completed by December.
