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Kpodo donates to cured lepers

Mr Benjamin Kpodo, Member of Parliament for Ho Central on Tuesday presented assorted items to Cured Lepers’ at the Schoonhoven Village in Ho.

The items include bags of rice, cartons of cooking oil, detergents, used clothing and cash of GH¢500.

Similar items, all worth GH¢8,000.00 were given to inmates of the Ho Central Prisons and two orphanages in the Ho Municipal area.

He said the gesture was to demonstrate love to the less privileged and assured them that they were not forgotten and indeed mattered in national development.

“This is to share the joy of Christmas with you all, and let you know that we always have you in mind,” Mr Kpodo said.

He said government was doing its best to improve living standards in the country and called for support from all.

Mr Jacob Zor, Chief of the Cured Lepers Village, expressed gratitude to Mr Kpodo and appealed to philanthropists to support the Village regularly with foodstuffs.


Deplorable roads in Akorabo will be fixed – MP

The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Suhum Constituency, Mr Frederick Opare-Ansah has promised to help rehabilitate the roads in the Akorabo township.

He made the promise at the swearing-in ceremony and inauguration of 21 sub chiefs in the Akorabo-Amede area.

The Member of Parliament explained that the deplorable condition of the road and its rehabilitation had been captured in the budget of the Ministry of Roads and Highways for next year, and soon contracts would be awarded for work to begin.

He promised to do his best to see to the implementation of the project.

Mr Opare-Ansah promised a sum of Gh¢3,000.00 to support the construction of a Palace for the town.

The Chief of Akorabo, Baffuor Nargeh Korabo II, stated that heads of the different tribes in the town agreed to install chiefs to help develop the area.


I’ll seek for re-election -Tamale South MP

Employment and Labour Relations Minister Haruna Iddrisu has dismissed rumours making rounds in his constituency that he will not be seeking re-election in the next Parliamentary elections set for 2016.

The Tamale South MP who is one of the longest serving Members of Parliament in the Northern Region is said to be planning a political life outside Parliament.

But addressing members of his constituency at separate ceremonies in Dalogyili, fuoshegu and Adubiliyili, Haruna Iddrisu announced his intention to seek re-election.

He thanked members of his constituency for their support, encouragement and trust that they have invested in him as their representative in Parliament.

Haruna Iddrisu also commended his constituents for the level of religious tolerance and peace.

He presented assorted drinks, bags of rice and an amount of GHC1,500 to them to help them celebrate the Christmas.

The Tamale South MP assured the inhabitants that the government of president Mahama is working very hard to address the challenges that have confronted the nation.

He said the extension of electricity to many communities in the constituency and the commencement of work to upgrade roads in the area is a demonstration of government’s commitment to opening up the area and bring up development and prosperity them.

MP bemoans poor state of Central Region

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Gomoa Central, Rachel Nana Adwoa Apoh has lamented recent statistical report which showed that the Central Region is the second poorest region in the nation.

The Ghanaian hospitality sector which is known world-wide is inseparable during festive occasions like Christmas where the wherewithal and the less endowed try to be part of the celebration, a heterogeneous societal norm which has been endorsed by the Mrs. Rachael Apoh Opoku.

Mrs. Opoku was so passionate about the welfare of the widows and said that “I think it is imperative that the society and well meaning individuals extend a helping hand to the widows as their husbands are no longer existing and always put a smile on their faces”.

Mrs. Rachel Apoh marked the occasion with widows giving them gifts and encouraging them to be strong, steadfast and industrious to realize their aspirations in life.

Apoh said “my constituency was initially enlisted as part of the beneficiaries of the livelihood empowerment assistantship program (LEAP) but later when the benefit allotment came, her constituency was strucked out with no apparent reason”.

According to her she has written several letters to the gender ministry to include her district but to no avail.

Mrs. Rachael Apoh Opoku is therefore appealing to the president of the land John Dramani Mahama to include the Gomoa Central district in the LEAP project to alleviate the poverty in the area.

Credit: Akwesi Koranteng

MP reaches out to the aged and the poor

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Subin, Mr Isaac Osei, has donated food items and cash in support of the aged and other vulnerable people in the constituency.

These included bags of rice, gallons of edible oil and large quantities of tinned fish.

The MP, who went from house-to-house to distribute the gifts and interacted with the beneficiaries, said the gesture was to bring some comfort to them as they celebrated the Yuletide.

He underlined his determination to do everything he could to make things a bit better for the poor in the constituency.

Mr Osei called for the extension of the Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty programme – a social safety-net, to the “poorest of the poor” in the urban areas.

The intervention, he said, should not be limited only to those in the rural communities because there were many in the cities and towns living in abject poverty.

He again appealed to the rich in society to show generosity to the socially-disadvantaged.


Haruna Iddrisu commends constituents

Employment and Labour Relations Minister Haruna Iddrisu has commended the level of religious tolerance of the people of Dalogyili a farming community in the Tamale Metropolitan assembly.

He said it was exhilarating to see such a high level of tolerance existing between the various religious groups in the community.

That, he noted, demonstrated a high sense of maturity on the part of the leadership of the religions groups, which was important for unity and development in the area.

Haruna Iddrisu who is also the Member of Parliament for Tamale South said this when he joined deprived children and Christian families of Dalogyili, Fuoshegu and Adubiliyili all in his constituency at separate ceremonies to celebrate this year’s Christmas.

He presented assorted drinks, bags of rice and an amount of GHC1,500 to them to help them celebrate the Christmas.

The Tamale South MP assured the inhabitants that the government is working very hard to address the challenges that have confronted the nation.

He said the extension of electricity to the community and the commencement of some road projects in the area to link up with Tamale is a demonstration of government’s commitment to open up the area and bring development and prosperity to them.

In a related development, Haruna Iddrisu has supported displaced traders of the Tamale Aboabo Market fire incident with an amount of GHC21,000.00 to help them reconstruct their market stores.

He made the donation when he led his constituency executives to visit the affected victims to solidarise with them.

The Tamale Aboabo market has been placed under a 6pm curfew by the Northern Region police command after fire gutted the grain market destroying properties of traders worth millions of Ghana cedis.

The assured the traders that government will not leave them to their fate and that they will be given the necessary support to bring their businesses back to life.

Keta MP donates to communities

The Member of Parliament for the Keta Constituency in the Keta Municipal Assembly, Richard Quashigah has donated two LED television sets to Keta Ward as part of his contribution towards improving entertainment in the area.

The MP who made the donation as part of inspections tour of some project sites in the municipality said recreation is an important factor in every human endevour, adding that after hard works it is just appropriate to do something entertaining to relax mind and muscles for other days.

According to him, because of the common grounds that the various groupings gather to entertain themselves it was good to help them improve on facilities at the place hence donations.

Mr. Quashigah presenting the LED TV in the presence of the MCE,

Mr. Richard Quashigah commended the people for the spirit of unity that they have exhibited over the years and urged them to continue to nurture the peaceful and serene atmosphere in the municipality.

The Keta Ward includes Kloto, Old Information, New Information, and Tameklo Gardens.

Meanwhile, Mr. Quashigah has also procured quantities of computers for distribution to some selected institutions and schools in the municipality.

This according to him is to boost performance and facilitate acquisition of skills in information communication technology among students.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Ekumfi MP donates two ambulances to Health facilities

The Member of Parliament for Ekumfi constituency in the Central region, Abeiku Crentsil has donated 2 brand new Hyundai Ambulances to two health facilities in his enclave.

They are Essuehyia Health Centre and Otuam Health centre all in the Ekumfi constituency.

The move was undertaken as part of his contribution in improving quality health delivery in the district .

Delivering the vehicles, he said it was long over due for those two facilities to acquire such assistance, and continued to pledged his relentles support to improve the infrastructural needs of CHPS compounds and other health facilities in the district .

The Traditional council received the cars on behalf of the two communities whose representatives were present with their chiefs.

The MP appealed to the traditional council to support him in achieving development for the constituency.

Earlier this year, the MP in his support to improve quality health delivery for his constituents insured all chiefs and queen mothers , elders and the aged in Ekumfi under the Health Insurance scheme .

He also assisted communities who were on single face transformers to be upgraded to a double face and this work has been completed in Ekumfi Otabanadze ,Ekumfi Gyinakoma ,Ekumfi Akwansa Kokodo and other few communities .


Mps angry as Mahama slashes Parliament’s budget by 30%

Members of Parliament have accused President John Mahama of a conscious attempt to make the Legislature unproductive by denying it of adequate funds.

This follows the decision to cut budgetary allocation to Parliament for the year 2015 by 30 percent, a move that has got the legislature incensed.

Parliament approved an amount of 185 million cedis for the services of the house for 2015, which is 30 percent less of what the service presented to the president for approval.

The House requested an amount of 267.2 million cedis but the President recommended an allocation of 185.5million cedis representing a cut of over 30 per cent.

Presenting the report of the special budget committee, its Chairman Professor Gyan Baffour noted the reduction will affect all activities of parliament for 2015.

“The reduction will impact on all activities of Parliament for the 2015 budget year if nothing is done about it,” he said.

He stated that planned programmes such as the recruitment of support staff and research assistants and also the completion the Job 600 project, will be worst affected.

Minority Members of Parliament including MPs for Manhyia South Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh, and MP for Adansi Asokwa, KT Hammond launched a led vigorous crusade for the House to reject the proposal as a way of showing their resentment against the slash.-

The Speaker and the Majority Leader Alban Bagbin urged the House to accept the amount allocation to Parliament while Leadership continue to hold further discussion with the president to review the amount in the supplementary budget that will come next year.

Ghanamps.gov.gh/Kwadwo Anim

Parliament approves Kwabena Donkor as Minister for Power

Parliament has approved the nomination of Dr. Kwabena Donkor as the Minister of Power during its sitting on Thursday.

Dr. Kwabena Donkor who is also the Member of Parliament for Pru East, was vetted by the Appointments Committee of Parliament on Monday December 15, 2014.

His nomination by President John Mahama to head the new ministry comes in the wake of the persisting energy crisis facing the country.

Speaker of Parliament, Edward Doe Adjaho in announcing Dr. Donkor’s approval on the floor of Parliament reminded him that “so much is expected” of him as the Power sector minister.

A statement signed by the Chairman of the Appointments Committee of Parliament Barton Oduro indicated that “the Committee is satisfied that nominee [Dr. Kwabena Donkor] is suitable to be appointed as nominated”.

As an energy expert and the Chairman of the Energy Committee of Parliament, Dr Donkor is expected to bring to bear his vast knowledge in addressing the current power crisis bedeviling the country.
