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William Quaitoo to be hauled before privileges committee

Despite the former Deputy Minister of Agriculture William Quaitoo turning in his resignation for his comments about farmers from the three regions in the north, his woes are not yet over.

Ranking member on Communication and Member of Parliament for Sagnarigu Alhassan Bashir Fuseini has indicated in an interview that the former Deputy Minister resigning his position was not enough.

He noted that, when Parliament resumes in October leadership should take up the issue of dragging the former Deputy Minister to the privileges committee.

According to the Sagnarigu MP, one of the options the Minority demanded has been met and left with the option of the former Deputy Minister vacating his legislative role.

He commended Ghanaians for not turning the whole issue into a political issue.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

MP wants fight against poor waste disposal intensified

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Krachi East constituency, Mr Michael Yaw Gyato has charged the Ga South Municipal Assembly, to intensify their efforts on the fight against poor waste disposal to help improve sanitation in the area.

The MP, who also doubles as the deputy Minister for Sanitation in the Akufo Addo-administration, gave the advice when he visited the Old Weija Landfill Site to have firsthand information about the situation in the area.

Addressing the media after the visit, Mr. Gyato noted that the Ministry was poised to ensure that indiscriminate waste disposal, especially along the banks of the dam becomes a thing of the past in order to avoid the spread of waterborne diseases in the area.

According to him, constant dumping of waste in and around the dam could easily breed diseases, hence it was essential for the assembly to take gallant steps to ensure its safety.

He urged operators of the Old Weija Refuse Site to stop their activities and move their equipment to the newly allocated dumping site to help avoid their equipment from being confiscated.

Meanwhile, the MP, who further spoke in an interview with Ghanamps.com, likened the situation to the country’s fight against galamsey and called for all to join its fight by ending waste disposal in the area.

By: Irene Kwakye/ghanamps.com

Opposition is preparation ground–Okoe Vanderpuje

The honorable Member of Parliament for the Ablekuma South constituency in the Greater Accra region and former Mayor of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly.
Dr Alfredo Okoe Vanderpuje has stated that being in opposition is a good preparatory ground for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to reorganize and stage historic comeback in 2020.According to him, this is the time for the party to take its reorganization issues especially at the grassroot levels serious to enable it win back political power.

The Former Mayor also urged the rank and file of the party to work together with unity of purpose as the only way to realize the comeback agenda.

He made the call at New Ningo during a feast held by Member of Parliament for the Ningo/ Prampram constituency, Samuel Nartey George to mark the 2017 Homowo Festival of the Ningo-Prampram traditional areas in thanksgiving to God for a new year.

Dr Vanderpuje urged the constituents of  Ningo/Prampram  to support their Member of Parliament who is one of the youngest, hardworking and dynamic lawyers currently in Parliament to deliver development to them.

The occasion was graced by several dignitories including Emmanuel Laryea, MP for Amansaman, Yussif Jajah, and MP for Ayawaso North, former DCE for the Ningo-Prmpram District, Greater Accra regional and constituency Party Executives of the Party.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

P hints at plans to improve deplorable roads

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Trobu constituency in the Greater Accra region, Mr. Moses Anim has hinted at plans by the government to rehabilitate the seven-days – Golden door roads to help ease transportation in the area.

The MP, who noted this when speaking in an interview with Ghanamps.gov.gh, further noted that plans were far advance to ensure the over 60km stretch is improved to enhance transportation.

The road which is a major link between Seven-days, golden door, Israel to Tantra hills is currently in a very bad condition however, the MP believes any attempt to improve the road will be seen as a great source of relief to resident in the area.

Mr. Anim revealed that he was currently liaising with the Department of Feeder road and the Ghana Highway Authority in the district reconstructs the road soon.

He however called on government to as a matter of urgency support with funding so the project could be carried out to improve the road infrastructure in the Municipality.

Rosemary Obeng Yeboah/Ghanamps.com

Deputy Information Minister calls for support for galamsey clamp down

The Deputy Minister for Information and Member of Parliament (MP) for the Akropong constituency, Nana Ama Dokua Asiamah–Adjei has underscored the importance of the clamp down on illegal mining and the need for public support to ensure success of the operation of the taskforce.

She made the call at a Town Hall meeting organized by the Media Collation against Galamsey in conjunction with National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) at Kyebi in the Eastern Region

The meeting was to; among other things conscientize the people on the negative impacts of galamsey, hence the need to clamp down on it and the way forward as a country.

The Deputy Minister urged the citizens to help the fight against galamsey since the menace is taking a heavy toll on the environment, human lives, water bodies, plants and other creatures.

She admonished the people to ensure that: “Just as we were born into a ‘Green Ghana’, we must also die leaving behind a ‘Green Ghana”.

Alice Abubakari/ Ghanamps.com

MP cuts sod for commencement of KG block

Dr.  Zanetor Agyeman Rawlings, the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Korle Klottey constituency in the Greater Accra Region has cut sod to commence the construction of a kindergarten block for the Osu Ringway Estate Basic School.

Speaking to the media, Dr Agyeman Rawlings stated that she has passion for education hence the need to assist her constituency to get good foundation for the pupils.

The project is been sponsored by Imperial Homes.

The constituents were extremely elated for the kind gesture Dr Agyeman Rawlings has shown by bringing education to their doorsteps.

Present at the ceremony was Nana Ansah Kwao IV.

Alice Abubakari / Ghanamps.com

President: Accepts resignation of Deputy Agric Minister

President of the Republic of Ghana Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on Tuesday evening accepted the resignation of Deputy Minister of Agriculture William Quaitoo which took immediate effect.

The President wished Mr. Quaitoo the best of luck in his future endeavors. This was made known by the Director of Communication at the Presidency Mr. Eugene Arhin.

Meanwhile the Mr. Arhin has dismissed suggestions making the rounds that Mr. William Quaitoo was force to resign his position.

Mr. William Quaitoo resigned for what can be described as making ethnocentric comments about people from the three regions in the north.

The Member of Parliament for Akim Oda had been under fire for saying, in an interview on Accra base Starr FM that Northern farmers could not be trusted in their assessment of damage from the army
worms invasion.

Earlier this week, the Minority in Parliament in a statement issued by the Minority leader Haruna Iddrisu expressed shock at his comments, with some calling on the President to sack him while others were calling on him to resign as an MP.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Procurement plan for Free SHS policy laudable – Adwoa Safo

The Minister of State in charge of Public Procurement, Hon. Sarah Adwoa Safo, has commended the Ministry of Education, particularly the sector minister, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, for strictly adhering to the procurement laws in the various procurement activities his outfit is undertaking for the implementation of the free Senior High School (SHS) policy.

She said given the components that constitute Free SHS, she noticed that the program was going to be laden with a lot of procurement activities and in order not to flout the procurement regulations, her decision to pay a working visit on Monday to learn at first hand the kind of procurement methods being used and to advise accordingly.

Adwoa Safo noted that Free SHS is an important government flagship which has attracted diversional opinions and now that it is be implemented in few weeks; it did not need any further controversies especially, regarding the procurement processes.

However, after receiving briefings from Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh over how his outfit was going about the procurement processes, she was left with no other choice than to commend the Education Minister and his team for a good job done.

She used the opportunity to also advice Dr. Opoku Prempeh and his team to be mindful of a new directive from cabinet to seek its approval of any procurement that exceeds the GH₵50million threshold.
The Public Procurement Minister used the occasion to inform the Education Minister and his team about some of the government policies she is implementing to strengthen the country’s procurement system to ensure value for money.

For instance, she said in order to strengthen the capacities of local contractors, the government has made a policy where 70% of all its contracts or projects shall be awarded to local contractors.
Out of this 70%, 30% of the contracts or projects shall be awarded to Persons With Disability (PWDs), women and those in youth employment.

“It is a policy the government under the leadership of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is committed to implement. Very soon, my office will come out with how it is going to be done,” she noted.
She also told Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh and his team about efforts her ministry is putting in place to get the two existing Public Procurement Act (Act 663) and Public Procurement (Amended) Act (Act 914) harmonized for easy reading and referencing.

She also disclosed plans by her office to establish an e-platform where the database of the records of all contractors involved in government projects to enable them rate their performances from time to time.
“With this database, the citizenry could at any giving time, assess the performance of all the contractors to know who is doing well and who is doing badly,” she explained.

On his part, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, expressed his outfit’s appreciation to Hon. Adwoa Safo’s visit and noted that the government’s flagship free SHS policy would be implemented with due regards to the laws of the land.

He said the policy which is packed with equity, quality and employable skills would be rolled out in three weeks time and was very optimistic that its successful implementation will inure to the benefits of all.
The Education Minister further noted that despite the heavy investment the government is doing in the implementation of the Free SHS policy, his outfit would also ensure that subsidies for continuing students, capitation grant and teacher-trainee allowances are promptly paid.

We won’t tolerate indiscipline – Roads Minister

Mr. Kwasi Amoako-Atta, the Minister of Roads and Highway, has said his outfit would not tolerate indiscipline and reckless behaviour of individuals and organisations that would impede the construction works of government projects.

In that regard, he said, he would use the sovereign powers of the state to enforce the law to force
The Minister’s comments came in the wake of an unruly behaviour of an owner of excavators, whose hiring equipment was within road reservation area, thereby hindering the progress of construction works at the Spintex Underground Tunnel, near Flower Pot Junction, which would link the area to East Legon.

Three persons were arrested in the ensuing scuffle and handed over to the East Legon Police Station.

Mr Amoako-Atta said this when he inspected ongoing construction works of the Spintex Underground Tunnel, near Flower Pot Junction and Tema Roundabout Improvement Works in the Greater Accra Region, on Monday.

He said upon completion of the two projects, it would ease traffic congestion on the Tema Motorway and other adjoining roads, because vehicles would be moving simultaneously, which would promote productivity.

The Minister noted that the Government put high premium on value for money and would make sure all government projects were properly executed to specifications.

Mr Feda Natour, the Chief Engineer of SONITRA, the contractors for the Spintex Underground Tunnel, said the 55-metre underground project was in three phases.
He said the first phase involved the construction of a 21.5-metre stretch on the East Legon side of the road, a 21.5-metre stretch on the Spintex Road side and a 12-metre in the middle of the road.

Mr Natour, however, expressed worry that due to the occupation of the other side of the road by a private firm that had earth-moving equipment parked there, it would delay the construction works if urgent measures were not taken to eject them.

The project, estimated at the cost of GH¢15million, was expected to be completed by the end of this year.
At the Tema Motorway Roundabout, Mr. Amoako-Atta inspected the ongoing improvement works, which was being funded by the Meridian Port Services (MPS) as part of the Tema Port Expansion Works.

The project, which was estimated at the cost of GH¢30 million, was being undertaken by Sinohydro Ghana Limited.
It involved the construction of four additional lanes from the main Tema Roundabout, construction of double lanes at the Akosombo and Tema Hospital ends of the roundabout, in order to ease flow of traffic as well as landscaping of the roundabout to enhance the beautification of the area.

Source: GNA

Salaga South MP Provides 10 boreholes

The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Salaga South Constituency in the Northern region, Mr Salifu Adam Braimah has provided 10 boreholes to 10 communities in his constituency.

These are known to experience acute water shortages that compel residents to resort to drawing water from sources which quality they cannot vouch for.

The success of these boreholes which of course are in different stages of completion according the MP was made possible in collaboration with Lifetime Wells for Ghana, a non-governmental organization (NGO) that is in the business of providing potable water to deprived communities.

Beneficiary communities include; Matalpo, Kunshi, Mankango quarters, Kandlande, Nyikata, Garinshanu, Kamabuye and Kakoshi, among others.

Mr. Braimah stated that the level below at which the ground is saturated with water was poor, but he is making everything possible to improve water supply in the area.

The MP emphasized that he is interacting with both the Ghana Water Company and Community Water and Sanitation to find lasting ways to further boost the water supply system for the various communities.

He added that, water was an imperative part of development hence the need to provide good drinking water for his people since water is life.

Alice Abubakari / Ghanamps.com