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Adaklu MP thanked Speaker for keeping to word on research assistants

Mr. Governs Kwame Agbodza, the  Member of Parliament (MP)) for Adaklu has commended the Speaker of Parliament for keeping to his work and ensuring that MPs who submitted qualified people got their research assistants.

He gave the commendation on behalf of his  colleagues when the house resumed sitting on Tuesday, and said he hoped those who have gotten the opportunity would consider it as a great opportunity and give them service that they deserve as Members of Parliament.

“This is a mile stone in the history of Parliament that we have been assigned official research assistants that would prove to the country that given the necessary support we are also able to deliver to the country”.

The Adaklu MP quite apart from his crusade in ensuring  that the House starts on time, has devoted much of his time in demanding that the House provides MPs with research assistant.

He was very persistent with this demand most of the time drawing the Speaker Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye’s attention to this and did that during the emergence recall of the House too.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority pledge to be early in Parliament to support Speaker—Haruna

Minority Leader and Member of Parliament (MP) for Tamale South, Haruna Iddrisu has pledged to the Speaker of Parliament Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye that his side of the House from Wednesday 30th October 2018 would be punctual to do business in the House.

According to the Minority Leader he is aware that the Speaker is always on time carry out business of the day when the House is in session.

“From today we would be here by 10:00am to support you do government business, our ten should be ten, as you have been saying it should not be business as usual”, he lamented.

He further pointed out that the Ghanaian public is watching and observing MPs, “they are not happy with us, I make a commitment that from tomorrow ten o’clock prompt and sharp we would be here to support to start work”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

“We would withdraw research assistant who do not meet requirement”—Osei-Kyei

Majority Leader and Leader for Government Business, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has said to Members of Parliament whose research assistant do not meet the set requirement and have not been taken on, if not withdrawn, Parliament would do so.

According to the Majority Leader the standard is that MPs present either people with Masters, First Degree with first class or second class upper.

Mr. Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu cautioned that if MPs do not take steps to withdraw those who do not qualify, Parliament would be forced to do that on their behalf.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority demand presence of Finance Minister

Deputy Minority Leader Dr. James Klutse Avedzi is demanding that the Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta should avail himself to workings of the House.

According to Deputy Minority Leader the Finance Minister was not on the floor of the House yesterday and the Deputy Finance Minister Abena Osei-Asare was urged to inform him to be on the floor of the House but that has not been done.

Deputy Majority Leader, Sarah Adowa Safo on her part indicated that the Finance Minister is working on presenting a good budget to the floor of the House.

This issue came to play on the floor of the House on Wednesday the 31st of October 2018 when the Finance Minister was to present a paper on the floor of the House on an agreement establishing the Trade Insurance Agency Treaty (ATI).

When the House questioned the where about of the Minister, the Deputy Minister of Finance Abena Osei-Asare indicated to the House that the Finance Minister is not in but conducting a business that would benefit the country.

Speaker Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye cautioned that in the future the Deputy Majority Leader should not indicate that the Finance Minister was preparing a good budget being the reason why he is not on the floor and rather state why the Minister is absence.

Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye further allowed the Deputy Minister to lay the paper on behalf of the Finance Minister.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority Demand University and petroleum commission report

Former Minister of Power, Dr. Kwabena Donkor is urging leadership of the House to ensure that the Petroleum Commission report is presented to the House as the House is in the third meeting and the second session is coming to an end.

He made this remarks when the Leader of Government Business, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu presented business statement on the floor of the House on Tuesday to start the third meeting of the second session of the seventh Parliament of the fourth Republic.

Act 821 (3) “the petroleum commission through the Minister must present to this house an annual report our petroleum resource”.

He further pointed out that, it  is of importance to this country,  it has emotional and economic importance if at the end of October this House has not still been briefed we would be failing in our oversight responsibility if this House attention is not drawn to it, he added.

Meanwhile former Deputy Minister of Education in charge of tertiary, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa called for reports of Public Universities to be presented to the House as it has delayed for a lot of academic years.

He indicated that he had raised this issue previously but there had not been any change, but added that per the University Act, National Council for Tertiary Education through the Education Minister should present this report.

“If the report comes, it helps the House carry its oversight responsibilities to draw attention to some of the issues that are problematic”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority Leader demands specific date the 2019 budget would be presented

Minority Leader and Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Haruna Iddrisu has taken a swipe at the Leader of Government Business and urged him to be definite as to when the Budget for 2019 would be presented on the floor of Parliament.

According to the Minority Leader, it is not encouraging for the Leader of Government Business in presenting Business statement for the week not to be definite on the day the budget would be presented.

“We need him to speak in certainty he needs to be definite, is it 13th or 15th October 2018, when it comes to financial matters he cannot be sitting on the floor here say that, business analyst and business are interested to know when the budget would be presented if it is 15th say so”, he lamented.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliament must find space to touch on development on KNUST —Minority

As Parliament resumes from recess today, the Minority has said it would push for the House to touch on development on the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology today (KNUST).

According to the Minority Leader, in an “ideal Parliament” the first item is for the Speaker to accommodate statements on the brouhaha on KNUST campus.

He made this remarks when he addressed journalists in Parliament House indicating the Minority’s displeasure in the way and manner government is handling KNUST brouhaha and gave indications of what the Minority would want to see the House do today.

Mr. Haruna Iddrisu further pointed out that in the exercise of true oversight roles, details and facts of the development at KNUST should be shared on the floor, but lamented that it would become an issue of the Majority wanting to protect government’s position.

“It does not strengthen Parliamentary democracy and weakens our power to exercise oversight, by the very architecture of the 1992 constitution oversight rest largely on the Minority”, he lamented.

The Minority, he noted would engage the Speaker today on this matter and continue to engage you the media as we have done a day before the House resumes from recess.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Atiwa East MP cuts sod for the commencement of new clinic at Jejeti

Member of Parliament (MP) for Atiwa East and Deputy Minister for Finance, Abena Osei-Asare has cut sod for the provision of a new clinic at Jejeti in her constituency.

The clinic project is expected to be handed over to the community in a year’s time. The project which is expected to cost three hundred thousand Ghana cedis (GHC 300,000), is being funded by the MP from her share of accumulated National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) fund.

According to the Atiwa East lawmaker, she had to intervene due to the perennial flooding since 2001 that submerged the current clinic, destroys medicines that run into millions of Ghana cedis during the draining season.

The MP together with the District Chief Executive (DCE) Kwabena Panin Nkansah approached the elders of Jejeti community, who provided a land at Old Jejeti for the relocation of the clinic, which is well tarred.

The DCE commended the MP for her assistant and revealed that on the 12th of July this year, she mobilized ten thousand Ghana cedis (GHC10,000) for the purchase and replacement of damaged drugs, whiles the Assembly bought eight mattresses for four affected nurses and four wards.

In addition the Assembly bought five hundred pieces of folders to replace spoilt ones, with both MP and DCE pledging to move the constituency forward in term of development.

AandC Construction Firm is to undertake the project with Nana Prempeh Okogyea as the managing director, as the MP pointed out that there are funds available to the clinic to be completed within a year taking into consideration inflationary situations.

The contractor revealed that the project comprises; Out Patient Department (OPD), a pharmacy, consulting rooms, injection rooms male and female wards with toilet facilities as well as lobby with toilet facilities.

Mr. Eric Atuahene,  the District Director of  Health applauded the intervention of the MP and added that his outfit was concerned with the health needs of the people in accordance with the World Health Organisation (WHO) policy of sustainable good health.

According to him, each time the issue of flooding of the health facility was reported to him, it is forwarded to government for assistant.

“The MPs intervention had come in handy, very timely and exceptional, we are very grateful for this great effort” he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

“I would be mother for all in Upper East Region” —Tangoba Abayage

Minister designate for the Upper East Region, Paulina Tangoba Abayage has given assurance to the Appointment committee of Parliament when approved she would be a “mother for all” no matter ones political persuasion.

According to the Upper East Regional Minister designate she is prepared to work with all Members of Parliament (MP), Municipal and District Chief Executives (MDCEs).

She further pointed out that her “trump card is a mother” and as a mother she would do her best to bring all together to help build bridges rather than the “walls” that have been built.

Miss Paulina Tangoba Abayage gave this indications when the Minority Chief Whip, Kwasi Ameyaw Kyeremeh wanted to know what the nominee would do to help address the conflict between MPs and MDCEs.

Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu questioned, if the Minister designate would “breast feed” the MPs and MDCEs. She responded that she would rather give them T-Z, the local food prepared in the Northern Ghana and would not pick and chose by discriminating against anyone.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Appointment Committee room over crowded as supporters storm proceeding

Supporters of Upper East Regional Minister designate Paulina Tangoba Abayage storm the Appointment committee on Monday morning in their numbers despite the early morning rain.

The committee room was very full to capacity that had a lot of people standing to observe the vetting process.

Journalists who were late in covering the vetting process had to stand throughout the vetting of the first nominee with only four Journalists occupying seats that were meant for them.

Security personnel in Parliament had a tough time trying to indicate to some supports who would not understand why they are being prevented to move to the committee which was full to capacity.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com