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Other competing issues prevented many MPs from contributing as SONA ends


As the House rounds up debate on the President Nana Akuffo-Addo’s State of the Nation Address on Tuesday 27th February 2018 and extension from the previous 23rd February 2018 that the debate was supposed to end, Member of Parliament for Daffiama/Bussie/Issa Dr. Sebastian N Sandaare is lamenting over other competing Parliamentary issues coming up each day hence a lot of MPs not having the opportunity to contribute towards the debate on SONA.

According to Dr. Sandaare there was enthusiasm by members from both sides of the House to contribute but each day only few members had the opportunity to contribute.

He further revealed that a lot of MPs wanted to contribute which would have enriched the debate but in every institution one needs to respect the decision of leadership, “so if they have said they are ending the debate today what can you do”.

Again in terms of content the President could not talk about everything concerning Ghana, it should have been “rich small the speech did not contain much”.

“The President was only praising his Ministers on such an important day and gave a state of promises”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Political power is not for freeing wrongdoers —Rawlings


Former President Jerry John Rawlings has descended heavily on Member of Parliament for Odododiodioo Edwin Niii Lante Vanderpuye for saying in the media that the National Democratic Congress will free jailed former boss of GYEEDA, Abuga Pele should the party win the 2020 election.

According to Mr. Rawlings, such ideas and actions will only ensure the NDC remains in opposition for a “long, long time.”

In a strongly-worded statement published on his Twitter page, the former president said no one must be put above the law, and that persons who perpetrate crimes must duly be punished.

“If the quest for political power is to release wrongdoers from prison, then the NDC is laying its own foundation to remain in opposition for a long long time,” Rawlings said.

Abuga Pele, the former National Coordinator of the Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Agency (GYEEDA), was sentenced alongside the Chief Executive Officer of Goodwill International Group, Philip Assibit, to a combined jail-term of 18 years on various counts, including willfully causing financial loss to the state.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Withdrawal of LI delayed committee works — Mahama Ayariga


As the brouhaha rages on over the General Legal Council’s (GLC) Legislative Instrument (LI) before Parliament’s Subsidiary Legislation, to legalise entrance to the Ghana Law School, Chairman of the Committee on Subsidiary Legislation has revealed that withdraw of the LI before the committee as a result of inconsistency in the day it was laid and garzzeted has caused all the delay in the committee presenting its report.

He made this remarks as a result of calls from the Majority Leader Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu for the committee to speed up its work because of the anxiety it is generating.

Minority Chief Whip Muntaka Mubarak and Alexander Afenyo-Markin have embarked on a crusade to gather signatures to throw away the GLC LI before the Subsidiary Legislation Committee.

According to the Chairman of the committee, they have had three meetings and were putting their reports together, then the agitation from the Students Representative started, and the committee had to make time for the General Legal Council (GLC) and the Attorney General to hear all the parties involved so that their concerns can be factored in the Committees report.

He then informed the House that the Committee would present its report on Wednesday 28th February 2018.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Ghana must learn from Brazils women involvement in politics


The Speaker of Parliament has underscored the need for Ghana to learn best practices from Brazil as far as women involvement in politics is concerned as the two nations pledged to further strengthen their already cordial friendship in the area of Parliamentary relations for mutual benefits.

According to him, Brazil has made significant progress in the area of women empowerment and politics where Ghana can draw lessons from to better inform her proposed affirmative action bill.

The Speaker said these when the new Brazilian Ambassador to Ghana, Her Excellency Maria Elisa De Luna paid a courtesy call on him last week in Accra.

Ghana he said holds Brazil high for its advancement in the area of Science and football whiles hoping for greater collaboration in other sectors.

Mr Speaker prayed for further strengthening of the Ghana-Brazil Parliamentary friendship association.

He also announced that the Diplomatic Corps in the country will be invited to take part in activities marking Ghana’s 25 years of Parliamentary democracy.

Parliamentary relations expected to provide opportunity for both countries to learn best practices and shared values.

The Brazilian Ambassador to Ghana, Maria Elisa De Luna said her visit is to strengthen the already strong relations between her country and Ghana who bear many similarities.

She assured of the Brazilian Parliamentarians (Senators) commitment to deepen relations through exchange visits with focus on educational issues for possible cooperation.

The Ambassador proposed the setting up of focal units to help coordinate communication to ensure fruitful planning and cooperation between the two Parliaments.

Majority leader, Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu on his side welcomed the proposal for cooperation at the level of the legislature.

The shift in the area of bilateral cooperation and collaboration from the Executive to the Legislature he said is good for every nation.

He observed that cooperation at the level of the Executive only has always created gaps anytime there is change in policy hence the need for Parliamentary friendships with other nations.

According to the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Ghana can share in the experiences of Brazil in the field of Agriculture, from where Ghana had imported several tractors and in the area of oil.

The Member of Parliament for Suame said Ghana and Brazil who are facing challenges of deforestation must share experiences to help address the menace.

He noted that Ghana’s timber industry is gone with sawmill factories extinct posing threats of desertification whiles poverty is becoming endemic due destruction.

Member of Parliament for Banda, Ibrahim Ahmed who represented the Minority leader
Said Ghana and Brazil share many similarities especially geographically hence the need to further strengthen their bonds.

Mr Ibrahim who is also the Deputy Minority Whip calls for the strengthening of ties in the area of education especially technology and Sports to help Ghana and its juvenile teams to learn more from the Brazilian success story.

A lot of Members of Parliament have expressed interest in joining Membership association.

He also observed that education might Brazil’s secret for women empowerment and involvement in politics.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Afram Plains North MP cries for varsity campus

The Member of Parliament for the Afram Plains North constituency in the Eastern region, Betty Nana Efua Crosbi Mensah is up in arms against government to ensure that the proposed establishment of the Donkorkrom Campus of the University of Environment and Sustainable Development is done in accordance with provisions of Act 898, which established the University.

Section 3 of the University of Environment and Sustainable Development Act, 2015, Act 898, provides that the university shall be established in Somanya with campuses at Donkorkrom and any other place as the University Council may determine.

According to her the delayed establishment of the Donkorkrom Campus has resulted in mounting tension in the entire Kwahu Afram Plains area.

Responding to an urgent question filed by the Member of Parliament for the area on what steps are being taken for the establishment of the Donkorkrom Campus due to the mounting tension, Minister for Education, Matthew Opoku Prempeh disclosed that contracts have been awarded for the commencement of work on the main Somanya Campus and once infrastructure facilities are provided for the commencement of academic work, the Council may proceed the commencement of work on others campuses.

He stated that a $ 45 million loan facility was approved by Cabinet for the start of work on the Somanya Campus of the University.

When the MP insisted to know whether the Ministry will abide by the provision of the Act to establish the Donkokrom Campus before any other, the Minister was resolute that it is the University Council who determines which Campus is establish next apart from the main Campus in Somanya.

In October, 2017 some media reports indicated that government intends to relocate the site of the supposed second Campus of the University of Environment and Sustainable Development from Donkokrom to Akyem Land.

This alleged move has generated several agitations among the people of the Afram Plains resulting in demonstrations and treats of court actions against the move by the ministry of education.

The Member of Parliament for the area, Betty Nana Efua Crosbi Mensah has vowed to go any length in a bid to resist any such move intended to deny her people an opportunity to host the University Campus.

She cautioned against the use of technicalities by the Education Minister to shift the goal post.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Ghana-Brazil must strengthen bonds in Sports- Banda MP


Member of Parliament for Banda in the Brong Ahafo region, Ibrahim Ahmed is advocating that Ghana strengthens ties with Brazil in the area of education especially technology and Sports to help Ghana and its juvenile teams to learn more from the Brazilian success story.

He observed that South American countries like Brazil have set up several sporting facilities at vantage locations aimed at unearthing talents especially football stars hence the need for Ghana to learn such great ideas for her own talent development.

Mr Ibrahim who is also the first Deputy Minority Whip stated that Ghana and Brazil share many similarities especially geographically hence the need to further strengthen their bonds of technology and education.

A lot of Members of Parliament have expressed interest in joining the Ghana-Brazil friendship association to help strengthen cooperation at the level of the legislature of both countries.

Mr Ibrahim who was speaking during a courtesy call on the Speaker of Parliament by the Brazilian Ambassador, Maria Elisa De Luna also observed that education might Brazil’s secret for women empowerment and involvement in politics.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Ghana-Brazil must share experiences in Agric- Maj leader


Majority leader, Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has underscored the need for Ghana to learn from the rich experience of Brazil in the area of Agriculture in order to enhance her production capacity.

According to the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs who was speaking during a courtesy call on the Speaker of Parliament by the Brazilian Ambassador to Ghana, Ghana he said, can share in the experiences of Brazil in the field of Agriculture, from where Ghana had imported several tractors and in the area of oil.

He also welcomed a proposal for cooperation at the level of the legislature between the two nations.

The shift in the area of bilateral cooperation and collaboration from the Executive to the Legislature he said is good every nation stating that cooperation at the level of the Executive only has always created gaps anytime there is change in policy hence the need for Parliamentary friendships with other nations.

The Member of Parliament for Suame said Ghana and Brazil who are facing challenges of deforestation must share experiences to help address the menace.

He noted that Ghana’s timber industry is gone with sawmill factories extinct posing threats of desertification whiles poverty is becoming endemic due destruction.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Leadership of Parliament woes American investors

Both Majority and Minority leaders of Parliament have touted Ghana’s credential as an attractive business destination for potential investors.

According to them Ghana has the very stable democratic administration with an assurance to protect investments by successive governments in the African sub-region with several business opportunities that can be exploited for mutual benefits.

The leaders made the observation when a six four-member business delegation from the United States of America (USA) visited Ghana’s Parliament as part their activities in the country to explore business opportunities especially in the small scale sector.

Majority Leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, OseiKyei-Mensah-Bonsu urged the delegation to take advantage of government’s one district, one factory policy, industry and the agriculture sector.

The Suame Member of Parliament stated Ghana’s housing sector had a deficit of about 1.7 million, and prevailed on the prospective investors to consider investing in such sectors of the economy.

The leader assured that the country’s laws provided for successive governments to continue with projects started by preceding governments hence they have nothing to worry about.

The Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu on his part identified shea butter and the cocoa sector as some of the areas that the business executives could invest in for maximum returns.

The Tamale South Member of Parliament encouraged the investors to direct their energies towards value addition to products in Ghana for export.

The Member of Parliament for the Ablekuma South constituency and the immediate past Chief Executive of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), Alfred Okoe Vanderpuije at whose invitation the investors were in the country hoped that the visit would lead to the setting up of factories and creation of jobs for the teaming youth of the country.

The prospective American investors, comprises seasoned captains of industry and Master of Business Administration (MBA) graduates, are from the National Black MBA Association.

The President and CEO of National Black MBA Association, Jesse James Tyson, said they were attracted to invest in Ghana because of the country’s improved business climate and stable democratic credentials.

The business Executives he said were also encouraged by the recent legislations that allowed for repatriation of profits from investments.

He noted that the delegation was interested in investing in small scale enterprises with focus on cocoa and housing and others areas that may be profitable.

By Christian Kpesese / ghanamps.com

Pension fund to address mortgage needs- Atta Akyea

The mortgage challenge facing Ghanaian workers is set to receive a major boost as Government expedites action on a proposed bill that will ensure that 30percent of workers’ pension fund is dedicated to addressing mortgage financing, Minister for Works and Housing, Samuel Atta Akyea has disclosed.

The Ministry he said is seriously formulating the bill to enable low and middle income earners in the country who have expressed worry about their inability to access mortgage or build their own houses to breathe a sigh of relief.

“As far as the formulation of the law; we are on it, we are very anxious to expedite it and we are putting certain things together, we want to run the numbers and be able to bring something for the house to see” he said in an interview with ghanamps.com.

The Minister who earlier mentioned the subject matter on the floor of Parliament when contributing on the President’s State of Nation Address urged the need to make money available for developers to make houses easily available for Ghanaians.

The Abuakwa South Member of Parliament noted that since income levels are low, there is the need for a credible mortgage system where about 30% of workers income through their pension fund is used to service a mortgage loan for them.

“I am even submitting that we touch the first Tier, 2nd and 3rd and ring-fence about 30percent of all the monies and give them to banks at a very competitive administrative rates and then when we have developers, they will tell them that go ahead and develop the properties, because the developers are many, their fear is that when they finish the house they can’t be paid and they don’t have the luxury of time to be looking for end-users, so there is a good system in which you can now have the developers being paid by the banks.

After all the banks are having the monies of the pension funds coming in all the time, the banks are excited when monies come to them all the time and we tell the banks the interest rates which is good for our people” he suggested.

Mr Atta Akyea said it is important for Ghana to learn from best practices in Malaysia and Singapore, this said requires a legislation to achieve.

Effecting changes in the nation’s Pension Act according to him will boost the confidence of investors to consider pre-financing housing projects across the country.

Ghana is on the verge of a housing crisis as demand for decent housing far outstrips supply.

According to the 2000 and 2010 Population and Housing Census, housing demands by citizens is at 55.5 percent, representing some 1.7 million housing deficit.

Former President John Kufuor’s government rolled out the Affordable Housing programme in 2005 to address the challenge.

Also in 2016, former President John Mahama inaugurated 1,500 housing units at Ningo in the Greater Accra Region as part of phase one of the affordable housing project.

The project which is expected to produce 5,000 housing units is aimed at halving the deficit in 2016 but this has not been achieved.

The proposed mortgage financing model through the pension fund is also expected to further increase citizens access and ownership of houses.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Ga South Assembly to fix ripped off classroom block

Head master of Nglishe Amanfro Community One Primary School in the Ga South Municipality, Mr. James Derkpor is calling on the local authority to come to the aid of the school as the recent rain storm had ripped off the roof of four classroom blocks.

Four top classrooms had been ripped off leaving two class rooms for pupils in the basic school to manage, as a result of the rain storm, as such the school pupils are using the community public library as classrooms.

According to the headmaster Mr. James   the school is managing two classroom blocks that were not ripped off. And told ghanadistricts.com the school building is ten years old.

Mr. James Derkpor noted that the Ga South District Chief Executive who visited the school on two occasions this week assured the school authorities by Monday the 26th of February 2018 the Assembly would complete work on the damage school block.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com