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Klottey Korle MP tours extra – classes venues

Mr Nii Armah Ashietey, Member of Parliament for Klottey Korle in the Greater Accra Region, has toured venues of extra classes for final year students of public Senior High Schools (SHS) in three circuits of the constituency.

The free-classes organized every year by the MP forms part of measures to improve the performance of SHS students in the constituency.

Mr Ashietey, who is also the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, said the students were the future leaders of Ghana and must be encouraged to learn hard in order to pass their exams.

He said the vacation classes had been helping the students to pass their exams, hence the decision to make it an annual affair.

Mr Ashietey said: “I am happy that the students have the enthusiasm to learn, I will organize a mock exams for them prior to their exams next year to prepare their minds.”

He advised the students to respect their parents, elders and teachers always, saying “respect and honesty are some of the things that could take a person to a higher level in life”.

Mr Ashietey also asked the students to look at people who had attained higher level in society to emulate them as role models.

Ms Esther Kissiwa Omare, a student and beneficiary of the programme, said the extra classes had helped them so much to learn, especially topics that their regular teachers could not cover in their respective schools.

She thanked Mr Ashietey for the gesture.

Bia East MP renovates Adobeakrom R/C JHS

The Member of Parliament for Bia East constituency Richard Acheampong is facilitating the renovation of a six unit class room block at Adobeakrom Roman Catholic JHS.

According to him, the facility until its repair was in a poor state with very weak structures, a situation which posed as a death threat to the students and teachers alike.

Speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, Hon. Richard Acheampong stated that the weak condition of the facility negatively affected the studies of the students as they feared the building could easily collapse and in a bid to ensure a safe atmosphere for effective studies he decided to put the building in good shape.

He noted that at the moment, all the items needed for the projects including roofing sheets, iron rods and cements are currently on site with work progressing.

Hon. Richard Acheampong stated that the project is estimated at GHC 2,000 which is proceeds from his share of the MPs common fund, adding that work will come to a close by the end of next week.

Irene Kwakye/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Tolon MP assures to extend pipe borne water to five communities

Member of Parliament for the Tolon constituency in the Northern region, Wahab Suhiyini Wumbei is optimistic that the water situation in the area will tremendously improve in the near future, indicating that massive consultation were underway to improve the situation at large for the district.

Several communities have in the past benefited from the drilling of boreholes either from various stakeholders, especially development partners and NGO’s or government to suffice the needs of residents in potable water, but the MP has disclosed that he has personally attracted more NGO’s to come to the aid of the area to ease accessibility to potable water.

Speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, the MP maintained that improvement in water issue remains a priority to him and had lately lobbied with New Energy,a local NGO, Community Water and Sanitation Agency(CWSA),UNICEF, and Water is Life amongst others to assist in the extension of water to deprived communities.

Besides this, he revealed plans to also support the area extend pipe borne water to certain communities earmarked for this move through resources from HIPC fund and his share of the Common Fund.

Communities to benefit from this extension include Yobzeri,Dawagri,Nlaalaayili,Dundo, and Grumanchagyili respectively.
He assured that the project in the pipeline would duly be delivered when he is able to secure the intended funds for its implementation in the area.

Jonathan Jeffrey Adjei/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Practicalise six months exclusive breastfeeding Policy – Ursula

Ms Ursula Owusu, Member of Parliament for Ablekuma South, on Thursday said it is important for all Ghanaians to ensure the implementation of the six month exclusive breastfeeding policy.

She said perhaps the nation also needed to think seriously about granting paternity leave to fathers and giving nursing mothers the opportunity to work half day as well; as such alternatives that could make the six month exclusive breastfeeding policy practicable.

The World Health Organization and the Ghana Health Service are advocating the policy that enables nursing mothers to give breast milk on demand for the first six months to ensure exclusive breast feeding.

Ms Owusu made the comments at the forum to discuss a National Nutrition Policy organised by the Ghana Coalition of Civil Society Organizations for Scaling Up Nutrition (GHACCSUN).

She said “as a country we need to invest into the future of our children if we are to ensure that they have good health” adding that it is important that parents started teaching their children about the importance of balanced nutrition at a tender age.

Ms Owusu also expressed the need to ensure food safety and urged the monitoring organisations to check the health of food vendors since some of them end up selling diseases to their unsuspecting patrons.

The Ghana Coalition of Civil Society Organizations for Scaling Up Nutrition (GHACCSUN) a group of non governmental organizations concerned about improving nutrition in the country is working to make nutrition a priority development issue in the country.

The Forum which brought together members of the Coalition, Members of Parliament and health professionals to solicit new ideas and recommendations on how the new National Nutrition policy should be implemented, also aimed at increasing the coverage of high impact nutrition specific interventions that would ensure optimal nutrition for all Ghanaians.

Mrs Wilhelmina Okwabi, Director, Nutrition Department, Ghana Health Service, said major challenges persisted regarding breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices in Ghana saying 45.9 percent of infants benefited from early breastfeeding which showed a decline from the 52.3 percent in 2006.

“Similarly there has been a decline in the rate of exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months from 62.8 percent in 2008 to 46 percent in 2011,” she said, explaining that rather, bottle feeding babies below six months which was being discouraged, had increased from 11 percent in 2008 to 18 percent in 2011.

Mrs Okwabi said even more problematic was the high rate of sub-optimal complementary feeding that required that breastfed children be given two or more meals of solid, semi-solid or soft nutrients dense food rich in iron and vitamins.

She advised health professionals to educate families to enable them be in charge of their health in terms of nutrition.

She said the National Nutrition Policy also aims at prioritising nutrition so as to generate interest and demand adequate food and nutrition security among policy makers and Ghanaians.

Mrs Okwabi said the health of Ghanaians and the economic development of the country were closely linked hence the need to ensure that all Ghanaians had access to adequate nutrition.

Nana Ayim Poakwah, Coordinator of GHACCSUN, said investing in nutrition can improve several key development outcomes in Ghana which include child survival, educational achievements and ultimately more economic productivity.

He said GHACCSUN was committed to working to change the unacceptable child nutrition indicators in the country especially the prevalence rate of stunting, wasting and anaemia.

The Coalition said high rates of stunting persist in all regions reaching as high as 34.7 percent in the three northern regions.

MPs add voice to calls to ensure sanity on airwaves

Members of Parliament have added their voice to calls to ensure sanity on the airwaves before, during and after the Supreme Court ruling on the election petition.

They believe the media play a central role in ensuring social cohesion and peace.

The MP for Damongo, Adam Mutawakilu told Radio Ghana, regulatory institutions such as the National Media Commission and the Ministry of Information and Media Relations need to ensure that media houses regularly train their staff to improve upon their competence.

The MP for Nsawam, Frank Annor Dompreh for his part said the Media alone cannot be blamed on irresponsible reportage but resources persons as well.

Source: GBC

Parliament signed a bad deal with Newmont Ghana – Inusah Fuseini

The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources has admitted that Parliament signed a bad deal with Newmont Ghana Gold that allowed the company to retain all its earnings outside Ghana without retaining part with the Bank of Ghana (BoG).

According to the Mining and Minerals Act, mining companies are to surrender a percentage of their earnings to BoG to be lodged into the country’s foreign exchange account to bolster the nation’s foreign reserves and stabilize the cedi as well.

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament is investigating circumstances under which Newmont was not made to comply with this law.

The sector Minister, Inusah Fuseini in an interview on Eye Witness News admitted that Parliament did not do due diligence.

“Our Parliament failed to live up to its responsibility because our Parliament had a duty through its work and committees to look clearly at the terms of the agreement and probably disagree with some of the provisions if they had cause to disagree.”

He stressed that Parliament has a responsibility to make good deals and sign agreements which will benefit the country saying, “it is not for nothing that Article 257 talks about ratification because the mineral resources of this country are the property of the people.”

Alhaji Fuseini stated that even though Parliament is at fault, “we need to look at the majoritarian regime that we are running here and that members of Parliament can be whipped into line and understand the circumstances through which this thing can happen.”

Obuasi West MP issues ultimatum to Micro- Finance company

The Member of Parliament for Obuasi West in the Ashanti Region, Kwaku Kwarteng has given Eden Micro-Finance ultimatum to settle all customers in Obuasi who want to withdraw their deposits and savings or face legal action.

The ultimatum was contained in a letter dated 19th August 2013 written to Eden Micro-Finance. It followed a public meeting the Member of Parliament had with affected persons at the Obuasi Central Market.

Mr. Kwarteng notes in his letter that, “As a Member of Parliament, the sight of people wailing because many months of savings or deposits cannot be accessed for the purpose their petty trading or payment of school fees is extremely worrying.”

If the ultimatum is anything to go by, then Eden Micro-Finance will meet the Member of Parliament and the affected persons in court next Monday unless Eden gives a clear date on which they will make all outstanding payments. Please find attached a copy of the letter.

See below the letter from Mr. Kwaku Kwarteng wrote to the management of Eden Micro-Finance:

19th August 2013
Branch Manager Eden Micro-Finance Ltd Obuasi
Dear Sir,

I write in respect of the inability of some residents of Obuasi to withdraw savings and deposits they have made with Eden Micro-Finance. Many of the affected persons have suffered this problem since April of this year.

I have had discussion with the staff at your office about this matter and appreciate the natural difficulty a financial institution could have if many of their depositors applied to withdraw their deposits or savings at the same time. However, four (4) months should have been enough time to mobilise the required funds and to settle the affected depositors. With due respect, the continued explanation by your bank that the deposits and savings have been invested and will take time to mature is no longer convincing or acceptable.

As a Member of Parliament, the sight of people wailing because many months of savings or deposits cannot be accessed for the purpose their petty trading or payment of school fees is extremely worrying.

May I therefore suggest that, within seven (7) days from the date of this letter, you give us a clear and acceptable date on which the affected persons will be paid their monies. Should this problem continue, we will have no choice but to invite the law courts to determine the matter, and to impose the necessary remedies.

We look forward to a speedy response these concerns.
Kwaku Kwarteng
(MP, Obuasi West Constituency)

Peace returns toTwifo Praso, Police awaits autopsy report

Peace has finally returned to Bimpongagya, a suburb of Twifo Praso in the Central Region week after a spar between the Twifo Praso Divisional police command and the some youth of the community after the police had gone to clamp down illegal miners in the area.

An eyewitness who gave account on what happened that fateful day said illegal miners tried to swim across the Pra River upon seeing the police approach, and in the process one of miners was shot by the police while another drowned when trying to escape.

He continued that bodies of the deceased were later washed to the banks of the river alleging that some of the youth took the dead bodies to the Twifo Praso Police Station and upon their arrival ransacked the police station, destroying documents and other valuables in the process and further attempted to burn down the police station.

In a follow-up interview with Member of Parliament for the area, Hon. Samuel Ato Amoah confirmed that calm has been restored in the area, after bodies of the deceased were sent to the hospital for autopsy.

He said meetings have been held with families of the deceased and had all agreed to wait for the autopsy report before any further actions are taken.

Hon. Ato Amoah took the opportunity to advise “galamsey” youth who operate in the Prah River without permit to desist from the act since their waste toxin were polluting the only source of water to some indigenes.

The MP further noted that personnel from the Ghana Police Service and government’s special taskforce will continue to hunt illegal galamsey operators in the area.

Emmanuel Frimpong Mensah/GhanaMPs.gov.gh

Hon. Edem Asimah builds nurses quarters for Peki hospital

In a bid to improve the quality of health delivery in the South Dayi District, Member of Parliament for South Dayi, Hon. Edem Asimah has constructed nurses’ quarters for the Peki government hospital to house the health workers who work at the facility.

The facility which is soon to be handed over to the hospital authorities is worth GHC 90,000 and was built with proceeds from the MPs share of his National Health Insurance Scheme fund.

Speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, Hon. Edem Asimah stated that his decision to provide the nurses with accommodation follow an appeal by the Doctor in charge of the hospital, Dr. Kumi who expressed concern over the lack of residential facilities for his nursing staff.

According to the MP, the lack of bungalows for the nurses created a situation where some of the health workers declined posting to the Peki hospital, a development that negatively affected the development of quality health delivery in the area.

He was confident that with the provision of their place of abode, the nurses will not worry themselves about where to lay their heads but will rather discharge their duties efficiently.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Why pamper the US and hound Otabil for blowing security alarm? – Ursula

Member of Parliament for Ablekuma West, Ursula Owusu has criticised government for choosing to give a prompt response to the warning issued by the U.S Embassy to its citizens ahead of the Supreme Court judgment on the election petition, while hounding Pastor Mensah Otabil for expressing same sentiments.

According to Ms. Ursula Owusu, the General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church, Pastor Mensah Otabil cautioned Ghanaians over what he felt could be a potential violence after the judgement on the Election Petition is announced but that he was virtually ignored by government in some cases criticised.

The Pastor in early July, told his congregation that he sensed evil befalling Ghana within the month of August if Christians do not wake up and pray for the country. He subsequently led his congregation in a passionate prayer for Ghana, after which he made even more passionate and positive declarations about the destiny of the country.

The U.S Embassy on Monday, August 19, 2013, advised U.S nationals to avoid the offices of political parties, Ghana’s Supreme Court, the buildings of other institutions associated with the elections, and all political rallies.

However government, while agreeing that the US government reserves “the right to take any step that they deem will be beneficial to their citizens”, said there is no cause for alarm.

Minister for the Interior, Kwesi Awhoi said Badwam on Adom TV Tuesday, the release was just to caution its citizens over places they should avoid just as the Ghana Police Service did earlier.

The New Patriotic Party MP has described as hypocritical government’s decision to swiftly react to the release from the U.S Embassy and also assure everybody in the country that there will be peace after the August 29 judgement by the Supreme Court.

Speaking in reaction to Mr. Awhoi’s comments on the programme Ms. Owusu said, there was no difference in the sentiments expressed by Pastor Otabil and the release issued by the U.S Embassy.

She accused government of being selective by offering detailed explanation to the U.S Embassy’s release, while members of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC) abused and insulted the Pastor for alerting the nation by making same comments.

Adom TV