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Ghanaians shortchanged in Merchant Bank, Fortiz deal – Bosomtwi MP

New Patriotic Party (NPP) Member of Parliament for Bosomtwi, Simon Osei Mensah, says Ghanaians have been “shortchanged” in the controversial sale of Merchant Bank to private equity Fund Company, Fortiz.

According to him, the proposal by Fortiz was the least among those who applied to take over Merchant Bank.

The sale of the Bank has hit the rocks again as the Minority in Parliament has raised red flag demanding the immediate abrogation of the transaction.

They claim the Bank of Ghana approved Fortiz bid to acquire 90 percent stake without the necessary due diligence.

As the sale has become a subject matter of a court action, officials of the central bank and Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), remain tight-lipped on the matter.

Commenting on the issue on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo Friday, Simon Osei Mensah said the entire transaction reeks of corruption.

He described as unfortunate the rejection of the proposal by First Rand, which was prepared to invest 176.4 million Ghana cedis for 75 percent but rather SSNIT accepted that of FORTIZ, which will only invest 90 million Ghana cedis in Merchant Bank.

Bosomtwi MP, who is an economist and banker by profession, maintained that the transaction is not value for money but an attempt by government to gift out Merchant Bank to a company without “experience or expertise” in banking.

Mr. Osei Mensah blamed Ibrahim Mahama, the brother of the president and owner of Engineers and Planners for the collapse of Merchant Bank.

He alleged that Ibrahim Mahama, who heads a performing company, has “deliberately failed to pay back the loan” he took from the bank due to his connection in government.

The NPP MP called on the Bank of Ghana to as a matter of urgency, offer cogent answers to the begging questions about the sale.

Simon Osei Mensah pointed out that as a SSNIT contributor and a legislator, “I have a personal interest and hence must protect the interest of citizens”.

Ghanaians shortchanged in Merchant Bank, Fortiz deal – Bosomtwi MP

New Patriotic Party (NPP) Member of Parliament for Bosomtwi, Simon Osei Mensah, says Ghanaians have been “shortchanged” in the controversial sale of Merchant Bank to private equity Fund Company, Fortiz.

According to him, the proposal by Fortiz was the least among those who applied to take over Merchant Bank.

The sale of the Bank has hit the rocks again as the Minority in Parliament has raised red flag demanding the immediate abrogation of the transaction.

They claim the Bank of Ghana approved Fortiz bid to acquire 90 percent stake without the necessary due diligence.

As the sale has become a subject matter of a court action, officials of the central bank and Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), remain tight-lipped on the matter.

Commenting on the issue on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo Friday, Simon Osei Mensah said the entire transaction reeks of corruption.

He described as unfortunate the rejection of the proposal by First Rand, which was prepared to invest 176.4 million Ghana cedis for 75 percent but rather SSNIT accepted that of FORTIZ, which will only invest 90 million Ghana cedis in Merchant Bank.

Bosomtwi MP, who is an economist and banker by profession, maintained that the transaction is not value for money but an attempt by government to gift out Merchant Bank to a company without “experience or expertise” in banking.

Mr. Osei Mensah blamed Ibrahim Mahama, the brother of the president and owner of Engineers and Planners for the collapse of Merchant Bank.

He alleged that Ibrahim Mahama, who heads a performing company, has “deliberately failed to pay back the loan” he took from the bank due to his connection in government.

The NPP MP called on the Bank of Ghana to as a matter of urgency, offer cogent answers to the begging questions about the sale.

Simon Osei Mensah pointed out that as a SSNIT contributor and a legislator, “I have a personal interest and hence must protect the interest of citizens”.

Minority yet to decide on 2014 budget reading boycott

The Minority caucus may be in Parliament tomorrow to give the House its full complements of Members of Parliament while the 2014 budget statement is presented.

The group said it is yet to conclude on any decision to boycott Tuesday’s reading of the budget.

There had been rumours over the weekend that the minority was due to announce a boycott to demonstrate their displeasure over last Friday’s 2.5 percent increase in the VAT threshold by the majority side in Parliament.

Addressing a press conference on Monday, Minority Leader, Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu said “We have not taken any such decision. No such decision has been taken,”.

“Between Friday and tomorrow we still have so many hours before us and we will still be evaluating the events as they unfold. We have agreed to meet tomorrow at 9am,” he added.

Kwadwo Anim/GhanaMPs.gov.gh

Gov’t to launch online platform for corruption complaints – Ayariga

Government is to launch an online complaints platform in the coming weeks to encourage people to report incidence of corruption among public officials.

This forms part of president John Mahama’s action plan to have firsthand information from the public in his bid to stem the incidences of corruption.

Minister of Information and Media Relations, Mahama Ayariga disclosed this Monday, on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show.

He said, the platform will provide members of the public with “the opportunity to report cases where they believe that there was impropriety and smack of some corrupt practice”.

President John Mahama on Friday outlined a number of measures to fight in the country at a meeting with anti-corruption groups, Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) as well as the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ).

Key among the actions, is the directive to all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to submit to cabinet for scrutiny their justification for seeking to apply for sole sourcing in the procurement of goods and the award of contracts before such applications are submitted to the Public Procurement Authority (PPA).

Mr. Ayariga said, the president was keen on fighting corruption hence the decision to set timelines for all the directives he issued last week.

“Given the seriousness the president attaches to the issues that have been raised I can assure you that any agency that is responsible for implement any part of this will make sure that by the deadline, they report favourably on how far they have [gone]”.

The Minister entreated civil society groups and the media, to follow the actions with keen interest in order to update the public of developments on government’s fight against corruption.


In a related development, Chief Policy Analyst at the Ghana Institute of Public Policy Options (GIPPO), Dr. Charles Wereko-Brobby says the directive to MDAs to submit contracts to cabinet for scrutiny, could lead to “over-centralisation of cabinet”.

“That cannot stop the influence of politicians, so long as the whole thing [contract] is shrouded in secrecy,” Dr. Wereko-Brobby stated.

He suggested the immediate passage of the Right To Information (RTI) bill, to promote the transparency that the president is seeking to achieve in his government. He maintained: “transparency cannot work without the RTI.

Marginalising the PPA

Head of Policy Monitoring and Evaluation at the Presidency, Dr. Tony Aidoo, however, disagreed with Dr. Wereko-Brobby that the plan to have cabinet to review all contracts sole sourced would amount to marginalisation of the MDAs.

According to him, the decision is to “ensure nothing is done on the blind side of the president.”

“That [decision] does not make PPA redundant; all that it is there to do is to ensure …all kinds of dubious activities does not happen,” Dr. Aidoo stressed.

He also suggested the scientific study of corruption through the creation of a database, which will identify the different types of corruption.

This he said will lead to the creation a systematic way to deal with the canker than the current sensational manner in which corruption is being tackled.


Gov’t to launch online platform for corruption complaints – Ayariga

Government is to launch an online complaints platform in the coming weeks to encourage people to report incidence of corruption among public officials.

This forms part of president John Mahama’s action plan to have firsthand information from the public in his bid to stem the incidences of corruption.

Minister of Information and Media Relations, Mahama Ayariga disclosed this Monday, on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show.

He said, the platform will provide members of the public with “the opportunity to report cases where they believe that there was impropriety and smack of some corrupt practice”.

President John Mahama on Friday outlined a number of measures to fight in the country at a meeting with anti-corruption groups, Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) as well as the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ).

Key among the actions, is the directive to all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to submit to cabinet for scrutiny their justification for seeking to apply for sole sourcing in the procurement of goods and the award of contracts before such applications are submitted to the Public Procurement Authority (PPA).

Mr. Ayariga said, the president was keen on fighting corruption hence the decision to set timelines for all the directives he issued last week.

“Given the seriousness the president attaches to the issues that have been raised I can assure you that any agency that is responsible for implement any part of this will make sure that by the deadline, they report favourably on how far they have [gone]”.

The Minister entreated civil society groups and the media, to follow the actions with keen interest in order to update the public of developments on government’s fight against corruption.


In a related development, Chief Policy Analyst at the Ghana Institute of Public Policy Options (GIPPO), Dr. Charles Wereko-Brobby says the directive to MDAs to submit contracts to cabinet for scrutiny, could lead to “over-centralisation of cabinet”.

“That cannot stop the influence of politicians, so long as the whole thing [contract] is shrouded in secrecy,” Dr. Wereko-Brobby stated.

He suggested the immediate passage of the Right To Information (RTI) bill, to promote the transparency that the president is seeking to achieve in his government. He maintained: “transparency cannot work without the RTI.

Marginalising the PPA

Head of Policy Monitoring and Evaluation at the Presidency, Dr. Tony Aidoo, however, disagreed with Dr. Wereko-Brobby that the plan to have cabinet to review all contracts sole sourced would amount to marginalisation of the MDAs.

According to him, the decision is to “ensure nothing is done on the blind side of the president.”

“That [decision] does not make PPA redundant; all that it is there to do is to ensure …all kinds of dubious activities does not happen,” Dr. Aidoo stressed.

He also suggested the scientific study of corruption through the creation of a database, which will identify the different types of corruption.

This he said will lead to the creation a systematic way to deal with the canker than the current sensational manner in which corruption is being tackled.


Minority yet to decide on 2014 budget reading boycott

The Minority caucus may be in Parliament tomorrow to give the House its full complements of Members of Parliament while the 2014 budget statement is presented.

The group said it is yet to conclude on any decision to boycott Tuesday’s reading of the budget.

There had been rumours over the weekend that the minority was due to announce a boycott to demonstrate their displeasure over last Friday’s 2.5 percent increase in the VAT threshold by the majority side in Parliament.

Addressing a press conference on Monday, Minority Leader, Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu said “We have not taken any such decision. No such decision has been taken,”.

“Between Friday and tomorrow we still have so many hours before us and we will still be evaluating the events as they unfold. We have agreed to meet tomorrow at 9am,” he added.

Kwadwo Anim/GhanaMPs.gov.gh

Minority urges Ghanaians to resist VAT increment

The Minority in Parliament has called on organized labour and Ghanaiansnot to accept an increse in Value Added Tax (VAT) rate.

Parliament on Friday approved amendments to the new VAT bill raising the threshold from the current 12 and a half percent to 15 percent much against the objection of the minority caucus.

The Minority Leader, Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu at a Press briefing in Accra on Monday described the increment as reprehensive and condemnable adding that the processes that led to the hike was an affront to parliamentary democracy and good governance.

Below is a full text of the Minority’ statement issued during the press confab on Monday, November 18, 2013.


Last Friday, November 1 5, 2013 President John Mahama caused an increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate by two and a-half percent to be foisted on the nation.

The disingenuous contrivance was supported by the presiding person, Hon, Ebo Barton-Oduro, the 1st Deputy Speaker. The confounding events culminating into the introduction of the 2 1/2% increase in the VAT rate are reprehensible and condemnable as they sounded the death-knell of Parliament. To that extent, last Friday’s incident was a disgraceful and shameful to Parliamentary democracy and, indeed, to good democratic governance.

The Value Added Tax Bill. 2013 was introduced in Parliament in July 2013. Ever since it was read the first time rumours had saturated Parliament to the effect that the John Mahama-led NDC government was purposed to use the opportunity to increase the rate of VAT.

The Minority Leader upon enquiry from his caucus members engaged his counterpart, the Majority Leader, Dr. Benjamin Kunbuor on the veracity of the rumour, but the Majority Leader flatly denied any such intentions on the part of government. Dr. Kunbuor is the Minister in charge of Government Business in Parliament.

On two other separate occasions, the Minority Leader engaged the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Mr. Seth Tekper on the persistent rumour. The Minister’s response was that no such consideration had come before Cabinet and that he had been informed that the managers of the National Health Insurance Scheme were the people who were lobbying for that. The Minister firmly assured that the taxes and levies that had already been introduced were sufficient to rake in enough revenue to lubricate the system and hence government was not minded to increase the VAT rate. This assurance, the second of which was in the week preceding last Friday, when the increase occurred, the Minority Leader again communicated to his Caucus Members.

In the circumstance, the act of increasing VAT rate last Friday constituted a grotesque betrayal of trust. Parliament thrives on consensus-building. Is the Majority Leader to be taken serious by his colleagues from now on ? The motion to increase the VAT rate which is an imposition of tax as done on behalf of President Mahama as article 108 provides. The conduct of the Minister of Finance who earlier assured, on behalf of the President, that no enhancement of the rate was intended but whose Deputy moved the motion to increase the rate with the Minister sitting beside him is even more questionable. Is the Minister of Finance or, indeed, President Mahama to be believed by the people of this country from now on? Has governance been reduced lo propaganda, deception and outright lies?

When the Deputy Minister moved to increase the rate of the VAT he introduced new policy intent and principles into a Bill that had been read the second time where the principles and policy had been debated. If Parliament had to take it after the Deputy Minister had moved his amendment motion, then we had to discuss the policy and principles again but Order 128(2) provides that “at the consideration stage of a bill the House shall not discuss the principles of the bill”. In other words, nothing should be introduced which will engender a re-visitation to the principle of the bill. Indeed, the introduction of the VAT rate enhancement clause was inconsistent with an earlier decision of the House which was that the rate of the (VAT) is 12 1/2 % percent. Order 128 (4)(b) provides that any amendment (including new clauses and new schedules) ”must not be inconsistent with any clause already agreed to or any decision already come to by the House”. The rate of the tax as contained in the clause 3 of the Bill had already been agreed to.

It is also important to note the indecent haste with which the Presiding Member curtailed further debate on the proposed amendment by the Minister. Order 83(3) obligates the 1″ Deputy Speaker, after the Minister had moved for the deletion of the 12 1/2% rate, to have invited justification and counter reasons renewed debate or consideration and thereafter put the question and if the question was agreed to only then could he call for what was to be inserted. The transaction of business did not conform to known procedures. It was unorthodox, it was bizarre, it was all a mud rush.

Again, one notes the lightening speed with which the Presiding Member closed further deliberation on the Bill in the House by allowing a motion for the Third Reading of the Bill in flagrant breach of Order 131(1) which provides “A Bill having passed through the consideration stage, the Third Reading shall not be taken until at least twenty-four hours have elapsed”. Besides, it is instructive to note that when the Chairman of the Finance Committee moved his motion for a second consideration it was in respect of specific provisions in the bill as Order 130(1) provides, it was not for a reconsideration of the whole bill. In the circumstance, the Deputy Minister of Finance who moved to amend clause three (3) of the bill should have come with his own application for a second consideration in respect of the clause (3) as required by Order 130(1 ).

He did not do that but chose to float on an earlier application for a specific purpose which had been made by the Finance Committee Chairman. The 1st Deputy Speaker who was presiding had no business admitting the motion to amend clause 3 in the manner it was done. Obviously, the Speaker was determined to do what he did and did not care whether or not our procedures were complied with. That is the Speakership which afflicts Ghana’s Parliament. To the Speaker, the end justifies the means! !

Order 96(1) is particularly significant on the protection of the rights of the Minority. Whereas the Majority in Parliament may always have their ways it is imperative that the Minority be accorded space to have their say. This principle is pivotal to good governance. If the Majority conspire to whittle away space for the minority, democracy is stabbed in the back as happened last Friday.

The purpose of any bill is captured in the accompanying memorandum. That is provided for in Article 106(2)(a) of the 1992 constitution. The purpose of the Value Added Tax Bill, 2003 is expressed in its accompanying memorandum. The object of the bill is to revise and consolidate the laws relating to VAT. Pursuant to this, the bill aims at simplifying tax legislation in respect of integration and modernization of revenue administration to make it more user-friendly and iron out the differences in compliance requirements. It has nothing to do with increasing the rate of VAT.

Notwithstanding, if government purposes to increase taxes it is their prerogative. However, any responsible government would want to and indeed engage the citizens if they want to impose taxation. Even in the colonial regime citizens demonstrated and boycotted shops when the colonial government imposed taxation without consulting the people. The NDC believes that the Minority must not be engaged. The Representatives of the people do not matter and that is why the Majority Leader was insistent that once the Speaker has put the question the matter was closed and nobody should be entertained.

Increasing the VAT rate by 2 1/2% was done on behalf of the President. It could not be done by an ordinary Member of Parliament. It must come from someone that the President has sent for that purpose. This is what Article 108 is about. In that regard, it represents a major policy intervention by the President. The intervention by the Majority Leader that increasing the VAT rate is not a policy measure could only be laughable. The policy- drive and the principle underpinning the introduction ought to have been clearly established iEI the memorandum of the bill, unfortunately, it is not there.

As Article 106(2)(a) requires, what the defects in the existing regime are, ought to have been established. What are the remedies to cure the identified defects in the new regime? No such thing is captured in the memorandum. What has occasioned the urgent necessity for its introduction?

Since the Minister of Finance had already assured that the new measures put in place are sufficient to generate enough revenue without any VAT rate enhancement what happens to those measures already in place? Is government minded to review downwards or even repeal the tax measures put in place or at least some of them before this enhancement? What are the financial implications? The Finance Minister has already spoken about pressure from the managers of NHlS. Is a portion of this new enhancement going to NHIS, and if so, how much? What is going to be the impact on such a course?

The Minister alluded to the usage of such accumulation for infrastructural development. Which infrastructural development did he have in mind? Should Parliament have earmarked certain proportions to specific programs? if Parliament had taken time to interrogate the request by the President, Parliament then would be better positioned to trace and track the use of the new tax increase and thereby strengthen its oversight over the Executive. As it happened, Parliament has surrendered or weakened its oversight responsibility in this regard. It is a tragedy that Parliament should thus shoot itself in the foot.

Ghana must remain very competitive in Africa and, in particular, in the sub-region. How is this new regime going to affect our competitiveness in a holistic manner? Parliament should have probed further into this.

In all these we should remember that Parliament is the body that represents the people of this country. The Executive are the servants of the people. Those who serve (the Executive) cannot and should be allowed to lord it over the people or the Representatives of the People (i.e. Parliament). Unfortunately, it is clear that is the path that our Speakers of Parliament have chosen for the Parliament of Ghana. It is a complete disservice to the people. Those Members of Parliament who think that they must always do the bidding of the President must know they are stabbing the people they represent at the back.

The Parliament of Ghana was deprived of the opportunity to conduct due diligence in the increase in the rate of VAT. This crude attempt to increase the VAT rate is happening at the time the nation has become aware of massive leakages in the system and also at the time of revelations of corruption of

scandalous proportions. Even if Parliament was minded to agree with government on an upward adjustment of the VAT rate, Parliament ought to have demanded to know what commensurate measures government had put in place to plug the leakages in the system and combat corruption. That the Parliament failed to do this is a dereliction of responsibility. It is a deficit in Parliament’s oversight responsibility. If Parliament continues this way, it will remain a mere boot note in democratic governance.

The net detect of this increase in the VAT rate and in this form is that the purchasing power of consumers will contract. The standard of living of the generality of Ghanaians will be lowered further, especially at a time when the local currency, the Ghana cedi, is suffering continuous depreciation against all the major currencies. Agricultural production and local industry will be negatively affected. The economy will stagger and the projection of government to generate an additional GHC745 million is not likely to happen. That is why the Minority Caucus is opposed to Foisting the 2 1/2% VAT threshold increase which in itself translates to a 20% increase in the existing rate, in this manner on the already overburdened tax-payers of the country.

It is for this reason why we are calling on Ghanaians to rise up to resist the rule of the oppressors; a President who has no sense of compunction. Why did it become necessary for the hikes in utility tariff rates to be lowered and then the VAT rate to be increased, so suddenly. Is it the case of double speak.

Mr. President?

Fellow countrymen, ladies and gentlemen, enough is enough.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen of the media.

Parliament passes VAT Bill despite Minority walkout

Parliament on Friday passed the Value Added Tax [Amendment] Bill, increasing the VAT rate from 12.5 percent to 15 percent after the minority side staged a walk out in protest of the increase.

The 15 percent will be exclusive of the National Health Insurance Levy (NHIL) which is 2.5 percent.

The minority who criticized government for using its majority in Parliament the House to push through the increase without debate and due process described what happened in parliament as “disgraceful”.

They are of the view that for the new tax to be imposed on Ghanaians a specific legislation should have been brought before the house, deferred to a committee for an exhaustive discussion after which the bill will be debated on the floor of the house, but none of these were done.

Addressing a press conference after proceedings in parliament, the Member of Parliament for the Sekondi constituency, Paapa Owusu Ankomah , said“ I must say that the bill in question has been passed and we expect that the president of the Republic will file it into law before it defectively moves to become law”.

The Minority Leader, Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu on his part described today as a day of shame and said they have “washed their hands” off the VAT legislation.

He noted that the Finance Ministry has not proffered any information explaining the reason for the proposed VAT increase.


Minority want 2014 budget reading postponed

The Speaker of Parliament, Edward Doe Adjaho on Friday refused a suggestion by the Minority Members of Parliament calling for the postponement of the presentation of the 2014 Budget on Tuesday, November 19.

The proposal was made by the Member of Parliament for Atwima Mponua and who is also the Minority Spokesperson on Youth and Sports, Isaac Asiamah on the floor of Parliament.

He was of the conviction that if the call is heeded this would enable the nation concentrate on the return leg of the Black Stars’ World Cup qualifier against Egypt which would be played on that same Tuesday.

However the Speaker indicated that rescheduling the budget reading would not be needless as that will not have any impact on the game most Ghanaians are very expectant of.

He explained that his information is that the football match would be played at 4pm by which time Parliament would have been adjourned to allow honourable member interested in following the game do so.

The Black Stars of Ghana play Egypt on Tuesday in a 2014 World Cup qualifier return leg, a game which is very dear to the hearts of most Ghanaians.

Ghana trounced Egypt in the first leg played in Kumasi by 6:1, putting Ghana in pole position to qualify for the impending world cup.

Kwadwo Ani/GhanaMPs.gov.gh

Investigating Vicky Hamah for money laundering is unlawful – Markin

Legal practitioner and Member of Parliament(MP) for Effutu, Mr. Alexander Afenyo-Markin, says the decision of the Financial Intelligence Centre to investigate Victoria Hamah for money laundering is wrong and unlawful.

He says the FIC was clearly acting outside its mandate as laid down in the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749) that established it.

Apparently acting on comments by Ms. Hamah on a leaked tape that she would not pick up fights with her superiors and risk her appointment as deputy Communications Minister if she could not boast of a million dollars, the FIC wrote to banks requesting the bank details of Ms. Hamah.

The letter, signed by the Chief Executive Officer of the FIC, Mr. Samuel Thompson Essel and addressed to all banks said, “Pursuant to Section 28 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749), please furnish us with the following information on [Victoria Hamah],

Mandate and Account opening forms
Evidence of Know Your Customer (KYC) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD)
Legible copy of photo identity
All transaction statements (Bank/Investment statement).”

The FIC hoped to receive responses from the banks by Friday, November 15, 2013, to further its investigations into the financial transactions of the dismissed Deputy Minister, who it said “has come under security notice.”

But speaking on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show Friday, on the subject, Mr. Afenyo-Markin said he did not believe Ms. Hamah had committed any offence to warrant the investigations.

He said, “Mr. Essel’s interpretation of the law is completely wrong [because] Section 1(1) of Act 749 defines what money laundering is.” According to the section, “A person commits the offence of money laundering if the person knows or ought to have known that property is or forms part of the proceeds of unlawful activity and the person,

Converts, conceals, disguises, or transfers the property
Conceals or disguises the unlawful origin of the property or
Acquires, uses or takes possession of the property.”

The opposition MP noted that clearly Ms. Victoria Hamah, “has not laundered any money, this woman has not been indicted by anybody; no suspicious transaction report has been filed against her by her bank; she’s committed a political blander, she is paying the political consequences for it,” but she has not committed a crime.

Mr. Afenyo-Markin believes that the FIC is simply engaged in a Public Relations gimmick.

He said there were far more serious matters that needed the FIC’s investigations, citing Fortis’ acquisition of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT’s) shares in Merchant Bank and the guinea fowl project between the Savanna Accelerated Development Authourity and Asongtaba that gained national attention early this year.

He called for the immediate resignation of the CEO of the FIC, Mr S.T. Essel.

Supporting Mr. Afenyo-Markin’s argument on the legality of the investigations against Ms. Hamah, private legal practitioner, Mr. Dennis Adjei Dwomoh, said the comments of Ms. Hamah neither fall under Section 1(1) of Act 749 or Section 2, which deals with financing terrorism.

He said even if the FIC founded its action on suspicions that the sacked deputy minister may have engaged in some impropriety to necessitate the investigation, that suspicion must be based on reasonable belief.

“The belief must be based on permissible standards and not a belief as in your believe in God or you believe in Harikrishna;…for the belief to be reasonable, there are certain basic fundamental [thing] that you have to demonstrate for it to ground your belief,” he stated.

Mr. Dwomoh stressed that as far as he was concerned, the former deputy Communications Minister’s comments fell outside the ambit of the law which the FIC sought to rely on to investigate her.’
