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Binduri MP seeks government’s attention to absorb Kusaagu SHS

The Member of Parliament for Binduri constituency, Noah Ben Azure is currently fronting consultations to assist capture and absorb Kusaagu Community Senior High School(SHS) at Binduri as one of government’s assisted second cycle institution’s in the Upper East region.

Following this, the MP is earnestly liaising with the Ministry of Education (MOE) to push this agenda for the school in the area, noting that he will leave no stone unturned regarding this move.

Speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, the MP contended that the school is typically a rural community SHS and required some level of attention and assistance to enable it improve its status and recognition in the area.

Meanwhile, the MP has managed to commit some funds from the GETfund for the rehabilitation of structures in certain basic schools in the district.

They include a three unit classroom block at both Bansi and Barabogo communities which have duly been renovated to help enhance teaching and learning activities.

The MP also revealed the cladding of three unit classroom block project completed recently at Aniisi within the district. The project ostensibly involved cladding of the pavilion, flooring and fixing of blackboards to aid lessons in the beneficiary school.

Jonathan Jeffrey Adjei/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Agortime-Ziope MP hails Ola Girls SHS at 6

Our Lady of Apostles Senior High School popularly known as Ola Girls School in the Volta Region has over the years trained girls within the region and its environs with moral upbringing and high academic standards.

Those were the words of the Member of Parliament for Agortime-Ziope Constituency, Hon. Juliana Azumah Mensah when making a statement on the Floor of Parliament to congratulate the Ola Girls Senior High School which will celebrate its 60th anniversary this Saturday.

According to the MP, the school which was established in 1954 with name Queen of Apostles Senior School under the Catholic Mission but was later changed to its current name.

The previous name was however changed to its current name and was captured under the government assisted schools but still under the supervision of the Catholic mission.

She revealed that the school usually scores hundred percent (100%) in the SSSCE and WASSCE examinations.

Hon. Mensah recounted the situation where girls in the Volta Region who wished to further their education had to travel over 200 miles to Cape Coast which has a sister institution for girls but due to the establishment of the Ola Girls schools in the region the situation has been solved.

She however congratulated the school for emerging 60 years.

Godwin Allotey Akweiteh/GhanaMps.gov.gh

Napo calls for BoG Governor’s head

Member of Parliament (MP) for Manhyia South, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, popularly known as Napo, has asked President John Dramani Mahama to sack the governor of Bank of Ghana (BoG), Henry Kofi Wampah.

According to the Manhyia lawmaker, it is long overdue for him (Henry) to be fired because instead of finding ways to stabilize the cedi, he rather waits for things to get worse before deciding to do something about it.

The governor of BoG announced that $20 million has been injected into critical areas of the economy as part of efforts to shoot up the cedi.

Since the beginning of the year, the cedi has suffered more than three per cent depreciation against other currencies, as demand for the dollar by local firms importing goods to drive the growing economy heavily outstripped the supply, thereby worsening the country\’s inflation outlook.

“We are aware of the slight depreciation of the cedi. This decline is seasonal due to firms buying dollars to pay for goods bought during Christmas and it will soon subside. I believe this new set of measures and others to follow soon are transformational and will help revamp our interbank market and stabilise the local currency,” he said.

But speaking to Kwami Sefa Kayi on Friday’s edition of ‘Kokrokoo’ Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh said “it is about time governor of the Bank of Ghana gets fired. It is long overdue. BoG is in charge of regulating micro finance, savings and loans, banks and so what has been his work and achievement so far. If he says it is difficult to manage depreciation and inflation, where are we heading as a country? I just don’t get it. I heard the governor of BoG saying he was going to fight inflation and depreciation; so what have you been doing since you became a governor”

To get the economy back in shape, the Hon MP advised President Mahama to ‘call upon stakeholders who can help him in managing the economy’.

“Sometimes you just don’t know what to say for the President to urgently do something about the economy…It is about time the President sits up; call upon stakeholders who can help…if the economy will improve, it will not occur by experimentation. We have had enough of it. The managers of our economy either are so much incompetent or they don’t know what they’re doing. If you don’t know you create a situation where all hands can be on deck” he indicated.


Kennedy Agyapong is ‘toothless bull dog’, loose talker – Namoale

The Member of Parliament for La Dadekotopon constituency of Acrra, Nii Amasah Namoale has taken a swipe at his colleague on the side of the opposition New Patriotic Party, Kennedy Agyapong, describing him as “loose talker”.

Mr. Agyapong has taken on the leadership of his party, accusing them of failing to render accountability. He has also vowed to ensure the all the current national executive officers of the NPP lose their respective positions at the March 1 national delegates\’ congress.

“Kennedy is like a [toothless bull] dog who barks anyhow but he cannot and dare not bite,” Nii Namoale said on the “Mpεnsεmpεnsεmu” (discussion) segment of the “Bawdam” morning show on Adom TV, Thursday.

Nii Amasah Namoale regrets having a member of parliament make such “useless” utterances aimed at shooting down a party on whose ticket he was elected.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) MP subsequently described Kennedy Agyapong as a “braggart” and a loose talker. ‘’Kennedy is a braggart, he talks too much. We are tired of you Kennedy. Stop being a talkative,” the MP exclaimed.

Adwoa-Safo appeals for SHS for Dome-Kwabenya

As a Member of Parliament who has the welfare of its constituents at heart, Adwoa Safo, MP for Dome-Kwabenya is appealing to the Ministry of Education and Government to establish a Senior High School (SHS) in her constituency.

According to her, students within her constituency in their quest to access such facilities travel to other communities far and near whilst those who could not afford the high cost of financing the daily routine to and from school as well as fees are deprived of secondary education.

A situation the Dome-Kwabenya MP said does not auger well for the constituency which happens to be one of the most popular towns in Ghana.

“Dome-Kwabenya is a very large constituency and as we speak now there is no such secondary school in the constituency. We are told by the Ministry of Education that there is a project that is in line, where government has in line establishing a secondary in my constituency. We are therefore pleading that this project is very welcoming,” She added.

Although Hon. Safo revealed that her constituency could boast of three tertiary institutions, the least said about secondary education the better.

Hon. Safo made the appeal whilst contributing to a statement on the Floor of Parliament today by the MP for Agortime-Ziope, Hon. Juliana Azumah Mensah when she was congratulating the Olla Girls Senior High school for emerging 60 years.

The Presbyterian Senior High school and West African Senior Secondary School were formally under the Dome-Kwabenya Constituency but in recent times can be located in other constituencies due to further demarcation of districts and municipalities.

Godwin Allotey Akweiteh/GhanaMps.gov.gh

Minority Leader rebukes MPs

The Minority Leader, Hon. Osei Kyei-Mensah Bonsu has cautioned MP against the use of inferior tactics such as shouting and noise making in Parliament whiles an MP is making a statement or contributing to statements on the Floor of Parliament.

The Minority Leader, also MP for Suam who was saddened by this issue urged his colleague MPs to refrain from using such tactics.

“Filibustering is a known and accepted strategy in every Parliament. Heckling is also a known strategy but shouting across the aisle and using indecent language while gesticulations and so on are not tools known and accepted in any parliament,” the Minority Leader fumed.

Hon. Osei-Kyei Mensah Bonsu who made the call in Parliament today described such situation as irritating and offensive.

“We have begun a new year, let us talk to ourselves. I will urge that we begin on a new clean slate and give ourselves a new beginning,” he added.

Godwin Allotey Akweiteh/GhanaMps.gov.gh

Sacking Terkper will not improve economy – Dr Assibey Yeboah

New Patriotic Party (NPP) Member of Parliament (MP) for New Juaben South, Dr. Mark Asibey-Yeboah has described calls for the dismissal of Finance Minister, Seth Terkper, as improper.

In his view, sacking the Finance Minister will not improve the dire economic situation that the country finds itself and equally cannot be blamed for the economic challenges.

In recent times some members of the governing party (NDC) including the Information Minister and the party’s Central Regional Director of Communications, Mr Allotey Jacob have openly expressed displeasure over the work of Mr Seth Terpker.

Mr Allotey Jacob has asserted that the austerity measures being rolled out by the Finance Minister who he referred to as “Judas”has put a toll on the already “financially burdened” ordinary Ghanaian, a situation he also thinks may see the party losing the 2016 elections if the status quo is not checked.

However speaking on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Wednesday, Dr. Asibey-Yeboah stated that if the country’s economic fundamentals are wrong, no matter who replaces Mr Terkper is bound to have difficulties managing the economy.

He blamed the over spending spree that characterized the government in the run-up to the2012 election as the cause of the economic distress.

Dr. Asibey-Yeboah who is an economist by profession lashed out at the members of the economic management team for failing to implement fiscal policies that will take the economy out of the quagmire.

“If people are saying Seth Terkper should be sacked, then the others like the Chairman of the Economic Management Team, Paa Kwesi Amissah-Arthur, should be changed, the Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Dr. Wampah and the president’s economic advisor, Dr. Nii Moi Thompson should also be sacked”, he said.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

MP to lead demonstration over N1 highway

The Member of Parliament for Okaikoi Central, Patrick Boamah has threatened to lead a demonstration against government over the increasing rate of accidents and deaths on the 14 kilometer N1 Highway.

His threat comes a day after a speeding car crashed another road user to death on the George Bush motorway.

The protest march will last for about four hours on the N1 Highway.

According to Patrick Boamah, over 70 lives have lost their lives since the opening of the N1 hence the need for the demonstration.

“We are planning a massive demonstration on the NI to drive home this issue to the government.If government has forgotten about that issue, then I think this is one of the ways with which we can send a clear message to the government that we are not happy with the way we are being treated in our
constituency,” the MP said

According to him, although government has been informed about the problem, “it has not taken any step to control the situation till date.”

Parliament must vote out the plant breeders’ bill – PUSAG

The Private Universities Students’ Association of Ghana (PUSAG) is calling on parliament to vote out the Plant Breeders Bill, since it is yet to be passed.

According to them, the passage of the bill is a detriment to the country’s national development because it would “finally surrender our economy in the hands of these multinational companies.”

In a statement issued by PUSAG, they questioned why government wants to agree to the passing of the bill because it would allow the importation and exportation of genetically modified seeds.

“Numerous countries all over the world are resisting GMO foods, to the very recent, South Sudan. So what is causing the government of Ghana to agree to jeopardize the fortunes of this country by approving the plant breeder’s bill to adopt GMO foods?” they asked.

They also mentioned that because GM seeds are contract barring seeds; farmers will not be able to replant from the same seeds and would have to continue buying from the seed companies which “would cause more hardship to our farmers and also cause the devaluation of our cedi.”

They also revealed that Health wise, GMO foods have been associated with the cause of strange diseases, birth defects and cancers of all kinds in countries that are consuming GM foods.

Below is the full statement from PUSAG

The Private Universities Students’ Association of Ghana (PUSAG) is calling on parliament to vote out the Plant Breeders Bill, and it is cautioning the good people of Ghana to reject any attempt to adopt Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) foods, which would be propagated in the unlikelihood event of parliament approving the bill.

The parliament of Ghana had since the year 2011 passed the Bio-Safety Act 831.

This Act is to ensure the establishment of a National Bio-Safety Authority – an administrative body that will oversee to the administration of genetically modified organisms resulting from biotechnology, which includes GM foods in this country.

The Plant Breeders Bill is yet to be passed by parliament, and it passage would allow the importation and exportation of genetically engineered or genetically modified seeds.

Hitherto, Ghana is not producing genetically modified seeds. However, these plant variety GM seeds are licensed properties of multinational chemical and food companies such as Monsanto, Bayer Cropscience, Dow Agroscience etc.

The passage of the bill is a detriment to our national development and it would finally surrender our economy in the hands of these multinational companies.

Agriculture is the backbone of Ghana’s economic development. Section 23 of the bill states that, “a plant breeder right shall be independent of any measure taken by the Republic within Ghana the production, certification and marketing of a variety or the importation or exportation of the material”.

This implies that, the government of Ghana does not have any right to regulate the activity of companies’ in charge in the importation of GM seeds. Assenting to the plant breeders’ bill is closely associated with the Bond of 1844, paving up for neo-colonialism.

Numerous countries all over the world are resisting GMO foods, to the very recent, South Sudan. So what is causing the government of Ghana to agree to jeopardize the fortunes of this country by approving the plant breeder’s bill to adopt GMO foods? GM seeds are contract barring seeds, this means that farmers cannot replant from the same seeds they have used but would have to continue to buy from the seed companies.

This by far would cause more hardship to our farmers and also cause the devaluation of our cedi.

Health wise, GMO foods have been associated with the cause of strange diseases, birth defects and cancers of all kinds in countries that are consuming GM foods.

Early on, the Ministry of Health, Ghana Health Service, the Catholic Bishop Conference, the Food Sovereignty Ghana and the Convention Peoples’ Party have called on government to reject the plant breeders’ bill and GM foods. PUSAG in the spirit of solidarity and partners in national development is joining them to cause government to heed to these calls.

Generally, what we need is an agricultural ministry which supports farmers through training, loans, supervision, education, equipment construction of more roads to our farming communities and so on.

Benjamin Panlogo-Logodam (National President)
Raphael Apetorgbor (National Media Relations Officer)

MP Donates Ghs30,000 Medical Equipment

The Member of Parliament for Tano North Constituency, Freda Prempeh, has donated assorted medical equipment worth GH¢ 30,000 to the Bomaa Health Centre.

The items which included hospital beds, computer with printer, delivery set, wheel chair, mattresses, electronic table, baby weighing scale, sterilizer, among others, was in fulfillment of her promise to the community during the campaign.

The intention of the MP is to equip the maternity block of the hospital with modern equipment in her fight against maternal mortality in the area.

At a short ceremony, the elated Midwife In-Charge of the Bomaa Health Centre, Philomena Attipoe, thanked the MP for her benevolence towards the facility.

Madam Attipoe used the opportunity to appeal to the MP to do something about the deplorable nature of the Bomaa-Duayaw Nkwanta road.

The midwife said the bad road was a major problem to them since pregnant women who were referred to Duayaw-Nkwanta during delivery “go through hectic time before they finally get to the district capital, a situation which sometimes leads to so many complications and sometimes death.”

Hon Prempeh assured the Bomaa community of her preparedness to work around the clock to ensure the construction of the road.

She explained that she had already taken all the necessary steps to fix it by bringing engineers from Feeder Roads to do the drawings. She said the only thing left was the Government Releasing Funds for construction to begin.

The MP explained, “It is my desire to work hard to reduce infant and maternal mortality rates in the area.” She, therefore, urged pregnant women to attend to regular antenatal clinic to avoid complications during childbirth.

Receiving the items on behalf of the staff, Rostancilla Kuuzune, Deputy Director of Nursing Services (DDNS) of the Tano North District In-charge of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH), commended the MP for the items.

Fred Tettey Alarti-Amoako, Bomaa