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Police must apologize to alleged Prostitutes – Markin

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu Constituency, Alex Afenyo-Markin wants the Police to apologize to the 31 women who were arrested for alleged prostitution on Monday.

He is also calling on women’s groups in Ghana to rise up and take on the Police for the said act.

31 commercial sex workers and two of their male patrons were on Monday arrested in a police swoop in Accra.

The swoop was undertaken by the Cantonments Police.

According to Mr. Afenyo-Markin, there is no proof that the women were indeed soliciting for sex when they were arrested.

“You cannot see somebody on the streets of Accra at night and claim that he is a commercial sex worker, arrest the person, take her to the Police Station, take photographs of her and claim that she has admitted in a caution statement she is a commercial sex worker,” he remarked.

He disclosed that even though the suspects may have made an incriminating statement against themselves, the Supreme Court has clearly made a stance on such a situation that such a statement “does not make that person guilty.”

The Effutu lawmaker condemned the actions of the Police saying, “it was wrong in law and they must apologize to those women.”

He was of the opinion that the Police could have charged the women for public nuisance rather that parading them “on front pages and saying that these are prostitutes.”

Source: citifmonline

Ghana may collapse – says Kyei Mensah as Kumasi rocked

Minority Leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu says Ghana is heading to the path of destruction if President John Mahama and his appointees do not change the course of governance.
Speaking to Luv FM’s Erastus Asare Donkor at a heavily attended ‘Ya Y3 Den’ demonstration in the Ashanti Region, Tuesday, the Minority Leader said Ghanaians can no longer endure the perilous hardships being forced down their throats by the government.
“The [rationale] for this demonstration was to indicate to government the extent of the affliction that has been inflicted on Ghanaians.
“I am talking about the cost of living and the extent of anguish that Ghanaians are going.
“The depreciation of the currency which is on the downward spiral on daily basis, high interest rate, government imposing taxes on almost all goods and services, unemployment the energy crisis.
“Let government know that indeed the economy of Ghana is collapsing,” he pointed out.
The MP for Suame, dismissed the assertion that the demonstration was relatively successful because it was organised in the NPP’s stronghold.
“Nobody should construe this demonstration as for Ashantis. Ashanti is a microcosm of Ghana. It is the region where every ethnic group resides.
“Government should change course; if it doesn’t change course Ghana will collapse,” he warned.
The MP described as “blatant lies” comments by President John Mahama that the challenges Ghana is facing were global with developed countries having their fair share of the challenges.
According to him, Ghana has lost its competitiveness and cannot even compare with war-torn Sierra Leone.
He said Ghana’s Anglophone neighbours in the subregion are on the verge of achieving the 10-point criteria on the level of development.
“Liberia is non oil producing, Guinea is non oil producing, Gambia is non-oil producing. Sierra Leone has come out of war not too long ago and yet for 2013 their GDP growth rate averaged 6.7 per cent. Aren’t they experiencing the same situation in the global village. So why Ghana?” he demanded.
The opposition party has vowed to take the demonstration to other regions across the country with Tamale expected to be the next destination in two weeks.
Source: Daily Searchlight

Parliament disappointed in Mahama over breach of procedure

The Speaker of Parliament Edward Doe Adjaho has described as legitimate criticisms against the president for failing to inform Parliament about his new ministerial appointees and choosing rather to make it public in the media.

The issue was raised on the floor by MP for Sekondi, Papa Owusu Ankamah who was bemused by the actions of the president.

The president has within the past couple of weeks announced a ministerial reshuffle and by law he was supposed to inform Parliament about it even if he decided to put in the media concurrently.

But the president has failed to inform Parliament about the new nominations.

Papa Owusu Ankamah stated the conduct of the president is unacceptable.

“When he fails to put Parliament in the know then the inference is that he doesn’t consider the role of Parliament in respect of appointment to be urgent. So Parliament should never be stampeded into approving or considering the President’s nomination.

“It is not a mark of good governance for this practice to continue. After all if the president has considered it worthy to nominate people in the media, contemporaneously he could just write to the Speaker.

He said the management of the president’s office is even problematic.

The Speaker agreed with the concerns of the Sekondi MP.

“The sentiments expressed on the floor of this House on this matter is a very legitimate one and I share the sentiments expressed by members.

“Policies as much as possible must be announced on the floor of this House,” the Edward Doe Adjaho noted.

“We must know which ministers we are dealing with at any particular time,” he added.

The Majority Leader Benjamin Kunbuor has promised to draw the president’s attention to the anomaly.


MP Rehabilitates Pontoon For Constituents

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Afram Plains North, Emmanuel Didieye Aboagye, has embarked on a rescue mission by rehabilitating a pontoon to serve his constituents, who commute between the Eastern and Volta Regions.

The people of the area have for the past two years endured the pain of using wretched canoes powered by outboard motors to cross the Volta Lake from one community to the other, at the peril of their lives. The MP, worried about this phenomenon, told The Chronicle moments after inspecting the run down pontoon, named ‘Nana Kwasi Gyimah’, at Akosombo last Thursday, to know the cost of the rehabilitation, that he has had sleepless nights trying to find a solution to the problem.

He said the problem when solved would open up business and create employment opportunities for the teeming unemployed youth in the north-eastern part of Afram Plains and some parts of the Volta Region. According to him, due to the persistent accident of canoes on the Volta Lake commuting between Agodeke, Kpando Torkor and Aveme Torkor, it has become his number one priority to ensure that the hardship of his people is ameliorated.

He has pledged to sacrifice his car loan, a facility he secured from Parliament, as a member of the legislature to service the pontoon, which two engines have completely broken down. “There is no pontoon serving the people of Afram Plains North who have socio-economic and cultural ties with the people of Volta Region and, therefore, depend on bad canoes powered by outboard motors.

“We have had incidents of boats getting capsized and innocent people losing their lives while traveling between Agodeke and Kpando Torkor. As MP for the area, I want to see an end to this problem. When the pontoon gets back to service and my people are free, it is there that I can enjoy my sleep,” he stressed.

The Managing Director of the Volta Lake Transport Company (VLTC), Eric Kweku Yarboi, told the MP that a team of engineers were working on the old pontoon to assess the cost of the rehabilitation, which would be communicated to him in two weeks time.

Parliament resumes sitting today

Members of Parliament (MPs) are resuming sitting today, Tuesday 10th June after postponing their scheduled re-opening two times.
The House was initially set to resume business on Tuesday, May 27, but was later postponed to June 3 and again to June 10.
Media reports have quoted the Minority leader, Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu, asserting that the postponements were due to financial constraints.
The House of Legislature has complained severally about the way the executive arm of government has treated it, especially denying it of the needed funds to execute its functions efficiently.

Ashanti NPP, Parliamentary Caucus stage demo today

The Ashanti Regional branch of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), in collaboration with the Ashanti Regional Parliamentary Caucus, will today hold a massive demonstration in the Kumasi metropolis to register the party’s displeasure and abhorrence at the increasing hardships in the region.

Dubbed “Ya Ye Dien?”, which literally means: “What Have We done?,”  today’s demonstration is also against the failure of President Mahama-led ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) to fulfil the plethora of promises it made to Ghanaians in the run-up to the 2012 presidential election.
It is expected to attract all the Members of Parliament (MPs) from the region, all aspiring presidential candidates of the party, and the national executive members of the party.
Briefing the Daily Graphic, the Ashanti Regional Organiser of the NPP, Mr Kennedy Kwasi Kankam, said the party was troubled by the deliberate moves to make life unbearable for the people in the region.
He, therefore, urged all residents in the region who have been affected in one way or another by the happenings in the country, especially the economic hardships, unending power cuts and capitation under the National Health Insurance Scheme, to participate in the peaceful demonstration.
Power cuts
He explained that although the country was going through turbulent economic hardships, the region was bearing a disproportionate portion of the suffering.
He mentioned the rampant and unannounced power cuts in the region which was collapsing businesses and said it was worse than what other regions were experiencing.
Unit prices of electricity
Mr Kankam alleged that enquiries by the party had also indicated that certain regions were not experiencing  the same quantum of power cuts irrespective of the fact that their prices per unit of electricity were lower than that of Ashanti Region.
He wondered why electricity generated from the same sources would be priced differently in certain areas, while those who pay more were rather made to suffer more power cuts than those who paid less.
He said the party had concluded every discussion with the Police Command in the region and had agreed on the route.
He said the demonstration would start from the Suame Roundabout through Abrepo Junction, Bantama High Street, Komfo Anokye Roundabout, Pampaso,  the Prisons Roundabout, Melcom and Asafo Interchange to Abbey’s Park.
According to Mr Kankam, the demonstration would be addressed by regional and national party leaders.
In a related development, a statement jointly signed by the Ashanti Regional Secretary of the NPP, Mr Samuel Pyne and the Chairperson of the Ashanti Caucus of Parliament, Elizabeth Agyeman, said “since this government, for reasons best known to it, has decided to turn a deaf ear to the plea of the people, it has become necessary that we pour out our frustration through this demonstration.”
According to the statement, “hardly does a day pass in Kumasi without continuous power outages. The intensity of what has come to be known as ‘dumsor’ in the Ashanti is mind-boggling.”
The statement recalled that President Mahama had stated that “load shedding shall be a thing of the past” but expressed worry that the country was bracing up for a worse energy situation.
Another group calling itself the Concerned Citizens of Ashanti Region are also poised to hit the principal streets of Kumasi today in a peaceful demonstration against the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), the Volta River Authority (VRA), Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo) and PURC over what it calls “excessive power outages in the region”.
A statement signed by its PRO, Odehyieba Kwabena Amofa Ababio, affirmed the decision of the group to join the NPP and any political party which supported its cause.
Daily Graphic

Minority’s claims on stabilization fund ‘ridiculous and inaccurate’ – Govt

Deputy Minister of Finance, Cassiel Ato Baah Forson has rejected Minority’s claims that government illegally withdrew $177 million from the Petroleum Stabilization Fund.

The Minority today claimed the government in May 2014 made a withdrawal of $177 million from the Fund and “strongly urged Parliament to investigate this issue and we ask the government and the Bank of Ghana to come clean on this”.

But Mr. Ato Forson told Evans Mensah on Joy FM’s Top Story Tuesday it is “shameful” for the Minority to revisit an issue government had already clarified. The NPP is simply refusing to accept government’s position, he said.

The 2014 Budget Statement and Economic Policy of the Government of Ghana proposed a cap on the Ghana Stabilisation Fund (GSF) at US$250 million in line with Section 23(3) and (4) of the Petroleum Revenue Management Act (Act 815).

The Deputy Minister said the GSF balance as at end-December 2013 stood at US$319,034,153.16. In the first quarter of 2014, a total of US$107,457,183.71 accrued to the GSF, bringing the total GSF balance as at March 31, 2014 to US$426,491,336.87, he added

The excess amount, he said, would be utilized for debt repayment and setting up the Contingency Fund.

Given the GSF cap of US$250 million, the excess amount at the end of March 2014 was US$176,491,336.87, he noted.

The Deputy Minister further explained that the Ministry of Finance wrote to the Controller and Accountant-General to instruct Bank of Ghana to use the equivalent of GHȻ50 million of the excess amount to set up the Contingency Fund- a fund meant to cater for urgent or unforeseen expenditure – as proposed in the 2014 Budget, and transfer the rest into the Debt Service Account for debt repayment.

Mr. Ato Forson therefore described as “ridiculous” and “inaccurate” the claims being made by the Minority.

He also challenged the Minority to check with the Bank of Ghana if the amount transferred from the GSF is not in the Contingency Fund and Debt Service Account.

He insisted that government has not violated any law as the Minority claimed. The government would only go to Parliament for approval when it wants to utilize those accounts, he stated.

Ato Forson maintained that Contingency Fund and Debt Service Account were approved by Parliament, as captured in column 3647 of the Official Report of Parliament (The Hansard, Fourth Series, Vol.84, No.31) on Tuesday, 17th December, 2013.

But Deputy Minority Leader, Dominic Nitiwul was not convinced by his explanation.

He emphatically stated that government cannot establish the contingency fund through a budget: this would only be possible if the Petroleum Revenue Management Act is amended.

He said Parliament is still waiting for a proposal on the Contingency Fund, and insisted that there no such contingency fund.

He therefore insisted that the Minority’s checks at the Bank of Ghana revealed that the US$177 million has been withdrawn by government but what it was used for is still not clear.


Greatest reshuffle is to vote Mahama out in 2016

Member of Parliament for Tema East, Daniel Titus Glover has said the greatest of re-shuffles will be to see President John Mahama out of office come 2016 polls.

According to him, the abysmal performance by the incompetent Mahama led government which has plunged Ghanaians into unbearable economic hardship and high level of corruption that has characterized this administration should be the reason for voting out the government in the next elections.

The MP was speaking on Adom FM’s Dwaso Nsem programme on Monday in relation to the recent reshuffle done by President Mahama that has led to various ministers being assigned to other positions while new nominations have also be done.

Mr. Akwasi Oppong- Fosu, Minister for Local Government & Rural Development, has been reassigned to the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation.

Also reassigned is the Minister for Roads and Highways, Alhaji Amin Amidu Sulemani, who is now the Minister for the Upper West Region.

Deputy Minister for Trade and Industry, Edwin Nii Lante Vanderpuye, has been reassigned to the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development.

Also reassigned is Ibrahim Mohammed Murtala, Deputy Minister for Information and Media Relations who moves to the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations.

Hon. Titus Glover who was not excited about the reshuffling was skeptical that the reshuffle will in anyway improve the fortunes of Ghanaians.

He was particularly not enthused about the re-assignment of his colleague Hon. Murtala Mohammed from the Information ministry to the ministry of Employment and Labour Relation.

Hon. Titus Glover maintained that Hon. Murtala whose utterances have been a source of concern for a section of the public, may cause problems for government with his kind of language and posturing as he would have to deal with aggrieved workers who demand for better working conditions.


Queenmother salutes Kpando MP on her appointment

The Paramount Queenmother of the Akpini Traditional Area in the Kpando Constituency, Mamaga Nkuako Nyuiemedi Agbalisi IV, has, on behalf of the people of the area, commended the President for his nomination of Mrs Della Sowah as a Deputy Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection.

In a statement, Mamaga Agbalisi said the nomination showed the recognition of Mrs Sowah’s diligent work and desire to create a better future for her people.

Mrs Sowah is the Member of Parliament for Kpando.

The statement said it was certainly gratifying that President John Mahama wanted to bring Mrs Sowah’s rich experience and knowledge to bear on efforts to improve the welfare of all the citizens of Ghana.

It expressed confidence that Mrs Sowah would be up to the task, as “she is a very humble, friendly and selfless individual, as well as a committed Christian.

“In her short time as MP for Kpando, the constituency has seen a change and we are very happy with the various programmes and projects she has embarked on.

“Her Future Stars free remedial school has benefitted many people, including school dropouts. The skills training programme for the unemployed has given a lot of our women skills. Lately, her agriculture programming for farmers and the youth is helping the municipality greatly,” the statement said.

On behalf of all queenmothers and citizens of the area, the statement also congratulated Mrs Sowah on her nomination and prayed that God would fortify and strengthen her for the task ahead.

Akwasi Oppong Fosu re-assigned to Min. of Environment

Mr. Akwasi Oppong- Fosu, Minister for Local Government & Rural Development, has been reassigned to the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, a statement from the presidency said Sunday.

His new assignment settles the dust on his political future with regards to his continues stay in government, as an earlier reshuffle last week left him out without any portfolio which in the event fuelled speculations that he had be sacked from government.

Hon. Akwasi Oppong Fosu who is also the Member of Parliament for Amenfi East, run the Ministry of Local Government effectively for nearly one and a half years.
