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NPP brought Speaker Oquaye just to collapse the House-Ahi

Former Deputy Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing, Samson Ahi after walking out of the floor of Parliament on Tuesday in an interview with ghanamps.com said the New Patriotic Party government brought in Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye as Speaker just to collapse the House.

The Minority walked out of Parliament on Tuesday over the Speaker’s decision to forward a motion to withdraw the 2015 AMERI deal to the Energy Committee.

“If he does not respect himself nobody will respect him, our leader was on his feet talking he deliberately ignored our leader, he is not prepared to listen to us”.

“Ghanaians if Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye is prepared to collapse the House, we will not allow him he never brought any one to this House. If he is not prepared to respect himself nobody will respect him”, he lamented.

What he has done he has set a very wrong precedent, every decision taken by the Speaker he is setting a precedent going forward those precedent can come back and hunt the NPP, he said.

Mr Ahi noted that, he (the Speaker) is setting a very dangerous precedent we should remember that when you are elected as a Speaker your major responsibility is to the state and you have to contribute to the democratization of this Nation.

“What he is doing, he is rather derailing this Country, moving it back as far as this Country is concerned”. “He has not done it once he has done it repeatedly”, he stated.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

“Don’t allow Speakers to decide whether to allow motions”-Former Deputy Speaker

Former Second Deputy Speaker of the sixth Parliament of the fourth Republic and Member of Parliament for Essikado-Ketan Joe Ghartey says “Speakers of Parliament should not be allow to decide whether they will allow motions or not”.

He noted in an interview with ghanamps.com that Tuesday’s precedent where Speaker Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye allowing Kobina Tahir Hammond’s motion is a good development for our democracy it gives everybody the opportunity.

The Adansi Asokwa MP moved an urgent motion that the House rescinds its decision to approve the Build, Own, Operate and Transfer Agreement between the Government of Ghana and the Africa and Middle East Resources Investment Group LIC (Ameri Energy) for the installation of ten GE TM2, 500+ aero derivative gas turbines, operate, maintain transfer and provision of support services that the House took on March 20,2015 for reasons of gross misrepresentation.

According to the former second Deputy Speaker, if the Speaker has not allowed K. T Hammond’s motion it will mean a right is being given to the Speaker to decide whether or not to bring motion before the House.

He further noted that, the Adansi Asokwa MP could not have jumped straight with his motion to the Committee. “Our rules does not allow that, rather there should be a referral from the House”.

Everything that the Minority leader wanted to say I had things to say to those things will be said at the committee level then the committee will bring its report, in fact the committee may disagree with K T Hammond or may agree with him, Parliament as a whole is not bound to agree with the committee, he said.

Also fundamental rule of justice is that nobody should be condemned without being given a hearing,people who are affected by the decision we are about to take, are people who cannot appear before Parliament when we are sitting in the plenary.

The affected people may appear before a committee of the whole in Parliament but how can parliament sit as a committee of the whole to decide on this matter, he remarked.

In addition what comes back to the House is not what K T Hammondthinks, it is the combination of what he thinks all the facts properly adviced then it comes back to the people, the reason why agreements come to the House is that it is because you have the presentative of the people here and they should decide, he said.

“What the Minority leader was doing was wrong this is not a court of law, Speakers have rules on that and in Parliament when a motion is moved then you can make your point before the point could be made the Speaker in his wisdom has referred the matter to the committee”.

He said when you are speaking on the floor and the Speaker rules against you that is the end of your speech, you should not continue speaking if you disagree with him you come by a motion and there are ways of disagreeing and there are procedural way of doing that.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

GNPC must focus on core Mandate-Assibey Yeboah

The honorable Member of Parliament for the New Juaben South constituency in the Eastern region and Chairman of the Finance Committee of Parliament, Dr Mark Assibey-Yeboah has reiterated Parliaments call to the management of GNPC to focus attention on the delivery of its core mandate to the people of Ghana.

According to him, Parliament is not totally against GNPC’s funding of the Black Stars but has a responsibility to ensure that activities of GNPC is streamlined according to the law that established it.
DrAssibey observed that GNPC has often times went beyond its mandate into other functions including handing over money to other state entities which are not supposed to be hence the need for Parliament to act.

The renewed call came in the wake of the Public Interest and Accountability Committee (PIAC) report on how oil revenues were utilized in 2015.

It indicates that GNPC made financial commitments to Tema Oil Refinery (TOR), Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation (BOST) Company which are outside its mandate.

GNPC as the headline sponsor of the Black Stars has since 2013 been committing $3million annually to the team.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

First Deputy Speaker charges MPs to develop interest in French

First Deputy Speaker and Member of Parliament for Bekwai , Joseph Osei-Owusu has charged his colleague Members of Parliament to develop interest in the learning of the French language to enable them integrate well into the comity of nations.

According to him, 21 out of 29 French speaking countries in the world are found in Africa and in the same vein Ghana is also surrounded by French speaking Nations hence MPs cannot afford to snub learning French.

The Chairman of the Appointments Committee of Parliament emphasized the urgent need for the learning of other languages by all especially French to enable MPs communicate with ease on the international scene for better integration.

Mr Jopseph Osei-Owusu made the call when he launched a Booklet explaining parliamentary terminologies from English to French for Members of Parliament during the Information Week celebration by the Inter- Departmental Research and Information Group (IDRIG) of Parliament.

It was on the theme: “Promoting Evidence-Based Research and Information in Strengthening Parliament.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

It is a privilege to lead your people- Alhassan Mumuni

The honorable Member of Parliament for Salaga North constituency, Alhassan Mumuni has urged people in position of trust to discharge their responsibilities in humility, truth and honesty.

According to him it is rather a rare privilege for one to assume the reigns of leadership therefore when given the opportunity to serve, that role must be performed to the benefit of the people who entrusts power into once hands.

He bemoaned the lawlessness in the country as a result of actions of vigilante groups and party activists taking over public properties and unlawful mob actions among others.

The Salaga North MP who is the deputy Ranking Member on the Defence and Interior Committee of Parliament urged the house as representative of the people of Ghana to ensure law and order in the country.

He challenged the Nana Akufo- Addo led government to act promptly to bring perpetrators of crime to face the full rigors of the law.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Speaker made unfortunate history – Haruna Iddrisu

Member of Parliament for Tamale South and Minority Leader, HarunaIddrisu has stated that the Speaker of Parliament Prof Aaron Michael Oquaye has made a very sad history in the 25 year reign of Ghana’s 4th parliamentary democratic practice by referring a motion to a committee.

According to him, never has it happened that a motion moved and seconded was referred to a committee of Parliament without being debated by Members.

The Minority Leader raised this concern is protest of an urgent motion moved by Member for Adansi Asokwa, Kobina Tahiru Hamond seeking the current 7th Parliament to rescind a decision taken by the 6th Parliament to approve the Build, Own, Operate and Transfer Agreement between the Government of Ghana and Africa and Middle East Resources Investment Group LIc (Ameri Energy) for the installation of ten (10) GE.

These comprise TM2, 500+ aero derivative gas turbines, operate, maintain, transfer and provision of support services that Parliament took on March, 20 2015 for reasons of gross misrepresentation.

Haruna Iddrisu explained the Standing Orders of Parliament does not support the action taken by Mr KT Hamond quoted Order 93 (3) to support his claim.

Order 93 (3) of the Standing Orders provides that; “It shall be out of order to attempt to reconsider any specific question upon which the House has come to a conclusion during a current session except upon a substantive motion for recession’’.

He cautioned that the current Parliament should not veer into the realm of the judiciary because it is not a party to the contract.

The Minority leader said it is only the court that can give a determination on the case hence the need for Mr. KT Hamond to seek redress in the courts.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Special Prosecutor law will stand test of time -Banda

Chairman of the Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Ben Abdallah Banda says the office of the Special Prosecutor Bill when passed into law will stand the test of time despite the controversy that had surrounded it.

“If you quickly pass a Bill and you notice there are a lot of deficiency in it, it will have been better if you have not started at all”.

Speaking with Ghanamps.com, he noted that with the withdrawal of the Bill, it re-laying is within the bosom of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice.

According to Mr. Banda Parliament on the 14th of July 2017 gazettethe bill and per his calculation, “we have a day for the 14 constitution requirement to elapse any time the AG may decide to re-lay the Bill before the House goes on recess on the 4th of August 2017.

If this is done then the Bill will be referred to the Committee within the recess, we can deal with all matters relating to the Bill so that immediately the House resumes in October, our report can come before the House for second reading, he said.

We can fast track the passage of the Bill before the end of the session so that the law can be captured in the next Budget which will be read in November.

He was however very emphatic that withdrawal of the bill will not put off or disorganize plans of the committee. As road map has not been drawn yet the committee’s meeting two days ago did not come on, but we will have stakeholders’ engagement reason why the Bill cannot run under a certificate of urgency.

“I cannot tell if we will be having Regional tour and travel outside the Country, to seek the views of Ghanaians and Countries of best practices”.

Government is contemplating on passing this Bill into law before the next budget is taken and before the year end, the chairman of the committee said.

“If this is not captured in the next budget the office cannot be established what will be the legal basis for procuring equipment and establishment of the office”

The special prosecutor might not be able to start his or her work so what we intend to do is to ensure that this Bill is passed into law before the end of the session so that it can be factored into the next budget to ensure the necessary resources will be made available in establishing the office, he said.
He remarked that under a certificate of urgency means the bill will have to be passed within a day, but already some people have started to raise some concerns about provisions to appear in the Bill and we need to hasten slowly. But that does not mean the passage is not urgent.

He added that the Attorney General and Minister of Justice is not taken aback with the turn of event, “we did a broad consultation” he point out.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

One district, one factory to start ending of August

Minister for Special Development Initiatives, Mavis Hawa Koomson says by the end of August 2017 President Nana Akufo- Addo’s policy of “one district, one factory”, will kick start.

We are on course, a ten member committee is on the ground taking needs assessment and that is the starting of the whole show, she said.

Asked whether the “one village, one dam” is also on course, she emphasized that all priority policies have been captured.

“We have started working and did not wait until the Development Authority Bill is laid and passed before we carry out implementation. Ghanaians believe the President is committed to this flagship project and we will deliver”, she said.

As to whether getting funds to execute the projects will not be a challenge she said, “not at all” and was very optimistic about availability of funds for the project.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

We are grateful to Speaker for allowing women to shine – Ada MP

Member of Parliament for Ada Comfort Doyoe Cudjoe-Ghansah says she is grateful to the Speaker of the seventh Parliament, Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye for the opportunity she is giving to Women in the legislature to shine.

At a recent workshop in Koforidua, female MPs from both side of the House under took a training session to sharpen their leadership skills, and address challenges ahead of them.

“In the House I have championed the course of women, we need to help the women grow, and we cannot go against our own women”

According to the Deputy Minority whip, “men can go against their fellow men no one will complain but immediately a woman does that it becomes a big issue. Then you hear people saying women are their own enemies now we will not take those chances again”.

She further added that, whoever the person is, so far as she is a woman “we will support her to get to the top and be on top of issues”, she said.

And lamented over the fact that when it comes to number of female MPs’, “we do not have the numbers but we are pushing and we will get there gradually”.

On our side in the Minority we have 13 female MPs, 4 in the ranking position; as we pushing more women to serve on committees we will set that up as part of our Parliamentary Friendship Association, she said.

The Ada lawmaker gave an example of Madam Patricia Appiagyei who was chairperson of the committee on local government and rural development until she was given an appointment as Deputy Minister of Environment, Science and Technology and Innovation.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Zongo Development Fund Bill 2017 re-laid

After the brouhaha that surrounded the first laying of the Zongo Development Fund Bill, 2017 leading to its withdrawal, since it could not go under a certificate of urgency, the Bill was re-laid on the floor of the Monday 31st of July 2017 and referred to joint committee on finance and local government and rural development.

Minister for Inner-City and Zongo Development, Abu-Bakar Saddique Boniface in an interview with ghanamps.com noted that he has been in touch with leaders of the joint committees, who had given him an assurance of working on the Bill whiles the House was on recess.

“Today in Parliament, everybody is happy I have re-laid the Bill because both side of the House are more than happy to see the Bill being passed”, he said.

And was optimistic the Bill will be fast trucked at the committee level for it to go through the second reading when the House comes back from recess early October 2017.

He further noted that, it was not like someone wanted to “frustrate me”, we sort for Executive approval under a certificate of urgency at the same time we had sent it to publishing for gazette.

Also once you gazette it means you want it to go through the normal procedure “which we have done”, everybody will see the transparency in the whole system he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com