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Government must walk the talk on nurses- MP

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Daffiama- Bussie-Issa constituency in the Upper West Region, Dr. Sabastian Sandaare has urged the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government to back the words spoken during the electioneering campaign with real actions to give more opportunities to qualified candidates, create jobs for all nurses in the country and enhance healthcare to all citizens.

The MP who is a member of the Health Committee of Parliament said the quota admission policy adopted by government against its campaign promise not to cut nurses trainee intake will deny over 1,600 students entrance to nurse and midwifery training collages for the 2017 academic year alone.

This development he noted will affect Ghana’s quest to close its 38,000 nurses deficit gap in order to meet the World Health Organization’s Standard.

“There are numerous districts including Daffiama-Bussie-Issa, with no single registered nurse to provide services to citizens”.

The MP stated the problem cannot be solved by the approach of reducing intake and urged government to prioritize quality delivery to citizens.

According to him adequate numbers are needed for quality health delivery and hence Ghana should be working towards bridging the gap and not cutting down intake.

“It takes a strong political will to solve the problem and hence the move to reduce intake is only a lack of political will to meet the global standards so far as providing quality health services is concerned” he noted.

Dr. Sandare, a medical doctor and a former District Health Director for Lawra described government’s quota policy as ‘very dangerous to health delivery in the country, it’s “double jeopardy” he said.

By: Christian Kpesese/ghanamps.com

Sissala West MP improves water situation

From his own personal resources, Member of Parliament (MP)for Sissala-West, Patrick Al-Hassan Adamah has been able to provide nine boreholes to help address the persistent water situation facing the area.

The nine boreholes includes five new constructed ones located within the Gwollu town and four rehabilitated ones for communities including Jeffisi, Nimoro, and Duu-West.
The MP assured other communities especially the Pulima community of an intervention soon.

According to the MP who said he is not in competition against any one, he is committed to use his meager resources to provide good drinking water and other needs for his constituents who have been neglected for far too long.

“I am not competing with anybody not even with myself. I am doing my best, and if my best means as at the time I can afford it, I will do it. Our people have so many needs” he stated.

Hon Al-Hassan Adamahhas also previously donated some 31 motorbikes to the Assembly Members and the District Health Directorate for Community Health Service and an amount of GHs 6000 for a year’s rent for 10 nurses in the area.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Talensi MP commits to Agriculture mechanization

The honorable Member of Parliament for the Talensi constituency in the Upper East region Benson Tongo Baba is investing heavily into mechanize agricultural production to improve the lots of his constituents and beyond.

He has secured five tractors from John Deere to help plough the lands for the farmers to cultivate on large scale basis.

The tractor services are highly subsidised in order to motivate majority of the people especially the youth into agriculture.

86 hand pumping machines, as well as unspecified number of chemical sprayers have also been acquired to improve irrigation of the farms, ensure work efficiencyand reduce human labor and increasing output.

He is particularly happy that most youth in the area were going into agriculture and this has encouraged him to do more to help their course.

Hon BT Baba has also procured 20 canoes for the safety of farmers during harvest in the flood prone area especially in every August when Bagri dam is opened from Burkina Faso.
He hinted that an additional 20 canoes for both fishermen and cash-cropping purposes would be procured.

Guinea fowl production within the Talensi constituency has also received a major boost following the provision of five incubators for hatching.

This, he noted has resulted in the hatching of 2000 fowls within 28 days, 10,000 fowls in a month.
For the past six months, 120,000 guinea fowls were hatched.

The MP urged the Ministry of Agriculture to enhance agriculture production by instituting policies especially irrigation to promote the cultivation of all kinds of crops even cocoa on Ghana’s arable lands for the country to experience all year round water for Agriculture purposes.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

“We are working in the interest of local miners” – Huni Valley MP

Member of Parliament (MP) for Prestea/Huni-Valley and Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Resource, Barbara Oteng Gyasi says governments move to stop illegal mining in the country is aimed at ensuring that mining on the small scale is done legally and in a proper way.

She further revealed that small scale mining is restricted to indigenous people but for certain reasons foreignersare engaging in the small scale mining, “we want to put a stop to that”.

Basically we are on course in putting a halt to this illegal activities in Ghana, some of these illegal miners say they will not vote for us. But if we are able to streamline the small scale mining they will derive a lot of benefit from it, she emphasised.

According to the Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Resources water bodies in areas where illegal mining activities were taking place are now looking clean rather than the previous brown water.

She cited the Eastern, Ashanti and the Western Regions as places where the small scale illegal mining are still ongoing hence the deployment of the joint taskforce operation vanguard.

The Prestea/Huni/Valley law maker further noted that the taskforce on the ground are doing a good job, but was quick to add that it is regrettable that there had been few incidents that had occurred.

She noted that, the taskforce is not on the ground to harm anybody, they have been advised not to burn any equipment because the law says “we should confiscate the equipment”.
Subsequently the sector Minister may decide what the equipment may be used for the Deputy Minister said.


Amomole road to see facelift

The Member of Parliament for Trobu in the Greater Accra Region, Moses Anim on tour of his constituency to inspect roads in order to ascertain the level of deterioration to the roads in the area.

According to him, his aim is to work seriously to ensure that poor road networks in the area are reshaped to help enhance transportation.

He stated that he is committed to improving upon the nature of the roads in the district and has committed himself to major rehabilitation works on the main roads.

At the moment, he is on site with engineers together with urban roads inspecting the roads of which work has seriously commenced.

His visit to some communities like Amomole, Omanjo, Mile 7, and Tantra Hill accorded him the opportunity to experience the ordeals people have to endure traveling on some of these roads and assured that something will be done about them.

In a conversation with ghanamps.com, he said people have consistently complained about the rough nature of the road networks of the area which is the plight of the people living in and around that part of the constituency, therefore the need to mount pressure on the contractors to make sure the roads are done.

Irene Kwakye/Ghanamps.com

Oppose pressure to legalize homosexuality – MP

A Member of Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Reverend John Ntim Fordjour has called on MPs to take a stand against any attempt to legalize homosexuality in Ghana.

His remarks follow advocacy from a group of eight Ghanaians in Canada who have petitioned the Canadian government to put pressure on Ghana to decriminalize homosexuality.

Addressing the press in Parliament on Wednesday, the Assin South MP said the country must stick to its position not to legalize homosexuality in spite of international pressure

Without favoritism to the position of the Parliament of Ghana, Government of Ghana, any religious body or political party on the subject of homosexuality, lesbianism and bestiality, premised on my deepest convictions and principles as a Christian, Reverend Minister and a proud advocate of Jesus Christ and legislator.

Member of Parliament for Assin South constituency, I hereby openly, and unequivocally declare my firm position against the views of the members of an advocacy group who on Thursday, August 17, 2017 sought to canvass support from certain powerful persons in institutions in Canada to put pressure on Ghana to decriminalize homosexuality.”

Describing the acts by the eight Ghanaians as a “demonic agenda,” Mr. Fordjour who is also the Chairman of Ghana-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Association as well as a Vice Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Members Holding Offices of Profit said such deeds defile the traditions and customs of the country.

“It is worth stating that the constitution of Ghana makes adequate provision which debar homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality and such acts that defile the core tenets of our beliefs, values, customs and traditions as a people,” he added.

The issue over Ghana’s legalization of homosexuality continues to be an unending debate in the country.
Whereas some human rights activists call for its legalization, others argue against it.

Rosemary Afua Obeng Yeboah/ ghanaMPs.com

Minister commences household data sensitization programme

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection in collaboration with the Ghana National Household Registry is embarking on a sensitization programme on household data collection in the Tamale Metropolis of the Northern region.

The programme, according to information gathered by Ghanadistricts.com, is aimed at identifying ways of acquiring resources and making them available for the street people in order to improve and raise their standards of living.

Speaking at the programme, Minister for Gender Children and Social Protection, Madam Otiko Afisa Djaba noted that the move formed part of government’s practical frameworks to help improve livelihoods and raise the standard of lives.

She added that the move is expected to empower, especially the youth to benefit from the numerous government interventions such as the Planting for Food and Jobs, One Village One Dam, One District One Factory initiative, one million dollars per constituency as means of providing them with job opportunities to be more productive instead of indulging in heardpotter business (Kayayo).

The Deputy Northern Regional Minister and Member of Parliament for Bunkpurugu, Mr Solomon Boar on his part, lauded the Gender ministry for their effort and assured them of the necessary support to make the programme a reality.

According to him, the One Village, One Dam, One District One Factory and others initiatives were clear indications of the NPP government’s commitment to provide the citizenry with job to improve their standards of living.

Other dignitaries who graced the occasion include Madam Betta (National Director of Ghana National Household Registry), Mr Daniel Nanor (National Director of Social Welfare), Mr Oyeh Prosper (Northern Regional Director) and other dignitaries.
Meanwhile, the team also paid a courtesy calls on the regional minister and later visited the Dakpem Naa and Gukpegu Naa Palaces.

By:Alice Abubakari/ghanamps.com

SADA was a good initiative- Mutawakilu

The honorable Member of Parliament for Damongo in the Northern region, Adam Mutawakilu has lauded the establishment of the Savanna Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) describing it as a good initiative to help bridge the developmental gap between the south and the Northern sector of the country.

According to him despite the many challenges that has bedeviled the initiative in the past, it has generally been a good intervention by the previous NDC Government.

As MP for Damongo which is located within the SADA zone, he said he can personally attest to the fact that 85% of trees grown in the area survived.

The outspoken lawmaker who is the Ranking Member on the Mines and Energy Committee of Parliament urged the NPP government to sustain and endeavor to improve upon the gains chalked by SADA to improve the lots of people living within the catchment areas of the initiative.

His comments follows accusations by some beneficiaries of SADA`s tricycle project against officials of the Authority of breaching the terms of payment agreement for tricycle purchased.

The operators of the tricycle and SADA signed a two-year agreement on the payment modalities and one year maintenance of the motor kings which were sold to them on high purchase.

SADA, under the agreement was supposed to service the tricycles for a year with subsidised spare parts but has not been doing that.

Mr Adam Mutawakilu urged both parties to settle the matter amicably.

By Christian Kpesese/ghanamps.com

Inusah Fuseini salutes gov’t over tow levy halt

A former Minister of Roads and Highway and Member of Parliament for Tamale Central, Inusah Fuseini has commended government for withdrawing the implementation of the compulsory tow levy that has generated public concerns.

According to him, the decision by government was in the right direction since it was in response to public outcry.

“I think that the government has responded rightly; it is a step in the right direction. When a policy is introduced or initiated and there is a general outcry, the government has to suspend its implementation and reconsider it and review it to ensure that it meets the legitimate expectations of the people.

So I commend government for withdrawing the towing levy.” He said on an Accra based radio, Class fm.
Transport Minister Kwaku Ofori Asiamah in a press release on Sunday announced the cancellation of the levy following strong opposition by most Ghanaians against the implementation of the policy which seeks to impose a mandatory fee on all vehicle owners in the country.

By Christian Kpesese/ghanamps.com

It’s time to collate data on firearms- Manhyia North MP

Deputy Chairman of the Defense and Interior Committee of Parliament, Collins Owusu Amankwah says the time has come for Ghana to adopt the use of technology to begin collating data on the number of licensed firearms in the country.

The collation of accurate data, he noted, will help address issues of illicit arms with its attendant challenges for public safety.

“I am one of those who are of the view that we need to be more sophisticated, we need to have accurate data because people are holding guns with impunity” he observed.

The MP has therefore called on the Ministry of Interior to use technology to track firearms in the country to help curb situations of insecurity.

According to him the increasing incident of gun violence in the country demands a more tactical modus operandi by the Police and other security services to ensure safety of citizens in the country.

“We need to digitize the old manual way of retrieving and filing records. We need to computerize the system so that we can track all the arms in the system” he said.

The Manhyia North lawmaker advocates that people who possess arms should be questioned to ascertain where they acquire the arms from.

“We need to question them, where did you purchase this particular arm, be it gun, rifle, or whatever firearm we can talk of. We need to question people,” he said.

The National Commission on Small Arms and Light weapons indicated that there are about 2.3 million unlicensed arms in circulation in the country.

By Christian Kpesese/ghanamps.com