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Empty gas cylinder cause stir in Parliament

Members of Parliament (MP) expressed worry when the MP for Tarkwa-Nsuaem, George Mireku Duker walked in the chamber with an empty gas cylinder to show as an exhibition during the debate of the 2018 budget.

Confusion ensued when the legislator pulled the cylinder under his desk to buttress his case for government’s cylinder re-circulation programme to be rolled out soon.

Moments after the MP lifted the cylinder, the deputy Minority Leader James Klutse Avedzi protested, arguing the cylinder is an “offensive weapon”.

Avedzi pleaded with the First Deputy Speaker Joseph Osei-Owusu for the object to be removed from the Chamber because it puts the lives of others in danger.

In spite of protest from the Majority Leader Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu arguing the cylinder was without gas, the Speaker ruled that the cylinder even without gas can serve as a weapon.

He queried why the Marshals in Parliament allowed the MP to carry the object into the Chamber before ordering for the gas cylinder to be removed from the House.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

We get judged by how we represent out constituent —Ras Mubarak

Member of Parliament for Kumbungu  Racks Mubarak has expressed worry over the delay in dealing with a question in his name that has taken almost three weeks for the Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources to answer.

He noted MPs are judged by members of their constituency, on how issues affecting them are championed by their representative.

The Kumbungu legislator has filled questions which has to do with how water challenges in his constituency will be addressed and has appeared in the other paper for three weeks in running but the sector Minister, Joseph Kofi Adda has not had the time to come to the floor to address it.

According to Ras Mubarak some of the communities in his constituency are completely cut out of enjoying water and it is urgent something is done.

Majority leader, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu indicated that within the week it was impossible for the sector Minister to be in the House due to a commission activities he was engaged in, in Tamale.

He further indicated that he cannot give assurance that he will haul the Water Resources and Sanitation Minister to the House to take the question in his name.

I can announce to the House that he will do his best to get the Minister next week to address his question but can happily reveal to the House that the Minister is in Accra to answer the question in his name, he indicated.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority object to Deputy Communication Minister answering questions

The Minority leader Haruna Iddrisu, objected to the Deputy Communication Minister, Vincent Sowah Odotei from answering questions on behalf of the sector Minister Ursula Owusu-Ekuful on Thursday 23rd November 2017, and was upheld by the Speaker of Parliament.

Minister of Communication was scheduled to answer five questions on the floor of the House but was not available to answer, whiles 2nd Deputy Majority whip Mathew Nyindam sort permission for the Deputy but was turned down as the Minority side objected to the move.

The Tamale South legislator in addition expressed worry with the late start of proceedings in the House and asked if the 10:00am is not workable if the House can revert back to midday sitting.

Speaker Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye, indicated that he will start proceedings tomorrow at 10:00am.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

When police are killed am not invited to Parliament—Interior Minister

Minister for Interior, Ambrose Dery has revealed that when Men and Women in the police force in the course of their duty get killed, he is not hauled before the House.

He said his Ministry is doing its best to transform the process of policing to restore public confidence in the police service. in an interview.

His comment comes in the wake of the shooting and killings at Asawase, which is under investigation.

Speaking in an interview, Mr. Dery, indicated that the Ministry is doing all it can to restore public confidence in the police force hence when a video showed some police picking money, those identified are investigated to ensure professionalism.

Again refresher courses have been put in place to train the police force in modern practice in best international practice and check people who make Ghana unsafe.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Kintampo Senior High to benefit from furniture next week—Minister

Minister of Education, Mathew Opoku Prempeh has revealed that Kintampo Senior High School will from next week receive mono desks, bunk beds, and mattresses on the floor of Parliament.

He further told the House, the Ministry has procured several mono desks, bunk beds, and mattresses for on wards distribution to needy schools across the country,

According to the Education Minister, the Ministry has over the years provided furniture to basic needy schools across the country to ensure effective teaching and learning.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

“Be in charge of your Ministers”—Haruna

The Minority leader and Member of Parliament (MP) for Tamale South, Haruna Idrisu has urged leader of Government Business in the House, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu to be “in charge of Ministers” to ensure that they attend to questions on the floor of  the  House.

He made this remarks when the Minister for Agriculture Dr Owusu AfriyieAkoto a second Minister in a role failing on Wednesday 22nd November 2017 to answer question on the floor of the House.
Mr. Speaker I was encouraged with your persistence on the Majority to demonstrate that he is in charge.

Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, Joseph Kofi Adda same day failed to turn up in Parliament to answer question in his name, attracting the Minority side of the House drawing the Speakers attention that some Ministers are not taking Parliament serious.

MPs for Builsa South, Dr. Clement A.  Apaak and Kwasi Etu-Bonde,Kintampo North both had questions for the Minister for Agriculture but he was not in the House to answer.

Leader of Government Business Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu, told the House it is time for a decision to be taken if Deputy Ministers can answer questions on behalf of Ministers.

He promised to work at getting Ministers come to the House to answer questions and dismissed suggestions from the Minority leader that he is trying to rationalize absence of Ministers in the House.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Suspects were on wanted list in Asawase killing —Interior Minister

Minister of Interior Ambrose Dery has said on the floor of Parliament that one of the two suspected robbers killed by police in Asawase had been on the wanted list of the Regional police command for more than a year.

The two suspects were said to be terrorizing residents of Kumasi, the police on 9th November 2017 shot and killed the two suspected robbers at Sepe.  The deceased persons were identified as 38-year-old Awudu Osman and Lukman.

Asawase Member of Parliament (MP),Muntaka Mubarak had decried the brutalities one of the victims was subjected to during his arrest and challenged the allegation of robbery against him.

He charged the Interior Minister to make findings of preliminary investigations available to help reduce the tension brewing in the constituency.

According to Mr. Dery one of the suspected robbers had been on the wanted list since June 2016.

“One of them has been on the regional wanted list since 16 June, 2016 for his involvement in a robbery case that occurred at a bakery in Kenyase where they shot a worker Aba Kyere and took away a pump gun and GHc13, 500.

“Two of his accomplices, Farouk and Saliu are currently in prison custody…names of the suspects are also on a list of suspects allegedly involved in the illegal acts of land guards in the Kumasi metropolis,” Mr. Dery said in Parliament on Wednesday.

And also assured investigations into the shooting of the duo are ongoing, adding “that the commitment of government to make all persons free and safe is unflinching.”

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Sanitation Minister unable to meet Speakers deadline

Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, Joseph Kofi Adda could not meet the Speakers deadline of 2:00pm on Wednesday 22nd November 2017 flying down to answer three questions in his name.

Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye directed that the Sanitation Minister, Joseph Kofi Adda report to the House to answer three questions in his name when he touches down in Accra from Tamale, after the leader of Government Business told the Speaker the Minister was stranded in Tamale.

First Deputy Speaker, Joseph Osei-Owusu who was presiding over the House presented communications from the Sanitation and Water Resources Ministry, indicating that the sector Minister will not be able to come to the House to answer questions in his name.

As he is still locked up in Tamale addressing pressing issues and was practically impossible for him to attend upon the House.

And promise to attend to the House upon arrival and will contact the clerk’s office and will take the necessary action.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Stranded Sanitation Minister must report to the House—Speaker

Speaker of Parliament, Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye has directed that,  stranded Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources Joseph Kofi Adda reports to the House to answer questions  in his name when he touches down in Accra from Tamale.

Mr. Joseph Kofi Adda who had three questions in his name failed to attend to the House on Wednesday 22nd November 2017.

The Speaker further noted that, the moment the Sanitation Minister touches down from Tamale as leader of government business hinted that he is stranded at the Tamale airport he should proceed to the House to answer questions in his name.

Deputy Minority leader, Dr. James Klutse Avedzi did not take kindly to absence of the Sanitation Minister and some Ministers who do not take the work of the House serious despite the admonishment given by the Speaker.

And hoped MPs will not struggle again in getting Ministers to come to the House to perform their duties and lamented over the way and manner the leader of government Business OseiKyei Mensah-Bonsu keeps defending Ministers.

“This will continue if we have leader of Government Business always defending absence of Minister on the floor of the House”, he said.

According to OseiKyei Mensah-Bonsu he was in touch with the Sanitation Minister who was stranded in Tamale because he had to commission a facility and has not touch down in Accra as at 11:00am.

And further added that Ministers take Business of the House very serious and, indicated that ministers who are unable to come to the House to answer questions, their questions will be stand down and taken later.

“We will continue to engage Ministers to have them attend to Business of the House but it is not good it keeps occurring. It is also very important that those who ask questions attend to Business of the House”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Mutawakilu laments over abrogation of power agreements

Ranking member on the Energy and Mines Committee, Adams Mutawakilu has said the current government is making impossible the vision of former President John Mahama of Ghana being a net exporter of electricity.

His comment comes in the wake of Akufo Addo’s government terminating 11 Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), with a justification that it will save the country around $7.2 billion dollars over a 13 year period.

Mr. Boakye Agyarko, the Minster of Energy has said some of the power agreement were knee-jerk reactions to the erratic power situation and explained that the agreement would be providing excess power.

He said review of the agreements revealed that, “the projected capacity additions from the PPAs were far in excess of the required additions inclusive of the 20 percent system reserve margin from 2018 to 2030 and would result in the payment of the capacity charges for undispatched plants”.

With all the power projects signed by Ghana, the total capacity is estimated to be 10,800 megawatts, even though the country needs 5,000 megawatts, he added.

But Mr. AdamsMutawakilu in an interview believes the government could have leveraged facilities such as the West African Power Pool to export excess power from the country in a move that would increase foreign exchange earnings as envisaged by the Former President.

Under the ECOWAS Energy Strategy, the first phase of the West Africa Power Pool APL3, aims to curb imbalances between domestic energy resources and the needs of member states with specific emphasis on Burkina Faso.

He suggested to ghanamps.com that the Akufo-Addo government is not being ambitious enough when it comes to power.

“They have narrowed it to the national demand, per the minster’s [Boakye Agyarko] response. He never included government’s vision to make Ghana an energy exporter or a power exporter, and I think that we need to look at it broadly than just limiting it to Ghana’s needs.”

“Currently, we consume at peak 2225 MW, but currently we have 4500 MW… if we don’t take time, the vision President Mahama had for this country of being a net exporter of power might not be achieved,” Mr. Mutawakilu added.

As part of efforts to integrate national power systems in West Africa, Ghana in 2012 procured a $25.9 million loan facility from the International Development Association (IDA), under the West Africa Power Pool APL3.

The facility is to enable the construction of a 225-kilovolt-transmission line interconnection, and associated sub-station in Ghana and Burkina Faso, as part of the first phase of the World Bank backed Inter-Zonal Transmission Hub Project of the APL3 programme.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com