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Roads and Highways collaborate with Ga South Assembly to prevent perennial siltation

The Minister of Roads and Highways Kwasi Amoako- Attah has said his Ministry is collaborating with the Ga South Municipal Assembly to prevent washing of silt onto the Mallam-Kasoa road before the toll booth.

According to the Minister they are leveling the sand winning in the area and planting grass as part of the measures to stop further development in the areas.

The Ghana Highway Authority has engaged contractors to desilt all drains and culverts as part of their routine maintenance programme. As contract for the construction of additional trapezoidal drains at the Osiadan areas was awarded November of last year to increase the capacity of the side drains to intercept and collect surface water, the Minister said on the floor of the House.

When Member of Parliament for Manso Adubia Yaw Frimpong, sort to know steps being taking to address the perennial siltation of the section  of the Mallam-Kasoa road before the toll booth.

Mr. Kwasi Amoako- Attah noted that the Weija Lands Commission has described land after  the road reservation as government lands initially intended for irrigation. However individual developers have changed the original land use into residential accommodation.

As the development has resolute in the area not having well-defined residential layout that will allow for road with drainage structures for effective conveyance and discharge of surface water, hence the surface water has to find its own path through buildings casing erosion and deposition of gravelly material onto the road.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Oquaye is a threat to our democracy–Muntaka


Minority Chief Whip, Mohamed Muntaka Mubarak has described the Speaker of Parliament, Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye as a threat to Ghana’s democracy “Mobutu Sese Seko or even Idi Amin will not behave the way he is doing”.

He noted that the Speaker has on several occasions refused to give the Minority the opportunity to make their views on some issues that come up for deliberation  on the floor even as they have such a right.

Mr. Muntaka was speaking to a group of Journalists on Friday March 2, 2018 after the House approved the controversial Legal Profession Regulations 2017 L.I. through a voice vote.

Among notable changes, the Subsidiary Legislation Committee recommended that the Ghana Legal Council should not be allowed to conduct interviews for entrants into the Ghana School of Law.

The Committee, however, said the entrance examinations for admission into the school would continue.

Muntaka had insisted that the House should have done division voting where every Member of Parliament (MP) is given the opportunity to vote the way they wanted, but claims that he was completely ignored by the Speaker.

The LI was drawn up and laid in Parliament on December 22, 2017, in response to the Supreme Court order directing a parliamentary approval for the admission process into the Ghana School of Law and to the Ghana Bar.

Some concerned law students had earlier put pressure on Parliament not to pass the L.I. claiming it was not in the best interest of LLB students and potential lawyers in the country.

The Asawase MP had also opposed the entrance exams as a prerequisite for entry into the Ghana School of Law as captured in the L.I.

The Minority Chief Whip stood on his feet for close to 20 minutes trying to catch the attention of the Speaker to make his point after the approval of the L.I, but was ignored.

He wanted to challenge the vote and ask for a procedure of division on the voting of the L.I. but he was not given the opportunity.

Minority members who were also not happy with the issue hooted at the Speaker and chanted loudly in Parliament.

“Civil society should be concerned about how the Speaker is conducting himself, it is so terrible. As for listening to us, you have to listen to us and make your ruling. If we want to challenge your ruling we know what to do, but to deliberately, continuously do what he is doing, I think he is a biggest threat to our democracy.”

Muntaka insisted that per Parliament’s Standing Orders “a member has the right to challenge the vote and ask that the   Speaker should do either a head count or to go for division.”

“It is not for nothing that when we were voting from four years back to three years SHS system, Paapa Owusu Ankomah knew that they did not have the numbers in the House, but he wanted it to be on the record that when this thing came to the House, this is what happened. That is why sometimes we call for the votes, but the Speaker deliberately just refused to see any of us.”

“The way he is behaving, I think all of us need to be concerned and be very worried about because it is too much unbecoming of the Speaker. As somebody who has written so many books on theory, now he has the opportunity to turn the theory into practical, and he is completely messing up. I doubt whether Mobutu Sese Seko or even Iddi Amin will be behaving the way he is doing. It is too shameful that the Speaker continues to do this and disregard the rules of the house,” the Asawase MP added.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

If you nature a monster it would devour you -Minority tells government

In the wake of insecurity in the country, the Minority in Parliament has pointed out to  the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) government lead by President Nana Akuffo-Addo that they were warned of the  monster vigilante group they  natured could  come back to devour them.

According to the Ranking member on Defense and Interior, James Agalga, at the onset of the current government attention was drawn to acts of lawlessness being perpetrated which portend danger for law and order and National security as a whole.

The Minority organised a press conference and cataloging events that had led to the insecurity in the country and the role the vigilante groups  link to the NPP had played.

Members of the Delta Force, a militant group attacked the Ashanti Regional Security  Coordinator, when arranged before court, group members stormed the court threatened the Judge and freed the suspects.

The Invisible Forces attacked toll collectors at various toll booth across the country, made away with money and valuables and got away with their crime.

Mr. James Agalga alleged that the President Nana Akuffo-Addo has rewarded and integrated many of the vigilante criminals into the National Security.

We are reliably informed that members of these militant groups have recently undergone training at a camp at Asutuare belong to the military.

He further added that, the instructors included two South African mercenaries who were deported from the country in the run up to the 2016 general election.

“If you train people in that manner and you do not engage them actively what do you expect, so there is a correlation we are not running away from that fact”, he lamented.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority demand Ministers in charge of security to address security issues


The Minority in Parliament is demanding that the numerous Ministers in charge of Ghana’s Security be made to address issue surrounding insecurity,  in the wake of increase activities of armed robbery across the length and breadth of the country.

According to the Minority, the Minister of Information Mustapha Hamid is not the right person to address issue touching on security.

Ranking member on Defense and Interior and former Deputy Interior Minister, James Agalga in an interview pointed out that it was wrong for the Information Minister to make public operational measures to deal with the insecurity state of the country.

Again this is the first time in the history of Ghana that we have several  Ministers in charge of Security.

We have Minister of Defense, Interior, National Security and Ministers of State at the presidency in charge of security with their Deputies.

And added that the Minister of Information Mustapha Hamid lacks the competence to discuss issue of security, the line Ministers should have done that he said.

Worsening this situation  is the lack of discretion  on the part of several appointees, who have rather sought to mock Ghanaians and heap insults on them on social media and elsewhere because they have complained about feeling insecure he lamented.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com


“We would form the proper Majority in few months time—Avedzi

Deputy Leader of the Opposition Party in the Eight Parliament, James Kluste Avedzi has given indications that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) caucus would in the coming months form the proper Majority party in the House.

According to him, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Seventh Parliament dropped from one sixty-nine (169) to one hundred and thirty-seven and would go further down after the cases his party has in court are determined.

“They are struggling to find comfort with one independent MP and they were jubilating after the ruling of the Speaker on Friday, January 15, 2021. They are not the Majority party in Parliament, explain this to the public. We are taking Techiman South and two other constituencies back in a few months to come, we would form the proper Majority”.

He made this remarks just after the Deputy Majority group Leader, Afenyo Markin addressed the media on the ruling of the Speaker Rt Hon. Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin to clear the air on the ambiguity of Majority and Minority caucus.
Dr. Avedzi noted that at best their side can be described as the Opposition side since they are not in government, but it is just

a matter of time, and the Leader of the NPP side can best be described as Leader of government Business.

“What is not there should not be put there, the Speaker avoided addressing the two Leaders either by Majority or Minority”, he emphasized.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Nigerian Senate President addresses Parliament @ 25 symposium

President of the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria H. E. Dr Abubakar Bukola Saraki has delivered the keynote address at a symposium commemorating 25 years of Ghana’s uninterrupted Parliamentary Democracy on the theme “The future of good governance in Africa”.

He stated that Parliament is the best defender of Africa’s democracy and must be preserve at all times and noted that the strength of democracy stands in the strength of Parliament.

According to him, the special relations between the two countries dates back to the days of their founding fathers Dr Kwame Nkrumah and Dr Namdi Azikiwe to give hope to the rest of Africa.

The Senate President who trained as a medical doctor urged African governments to place premium on the education of the masses to safeguard the future.

He also encouraged regional bodies to institute workable measures and strengthen their security apparatus which is a threat to development.

The Speaker of the Nigerian Senate urged Ghana and his country to ensure that trade between the two nations peak for the benefit of their people.

African Parliaments, he said, must come together and cross pollinate ideas in support of their governments.

The former Governor of Kuara State called for collaboration within the ECOWAS sub-region which has the capacity to drive the economic prospects of Africa and its people whiles urging Ghana and Nigeria to be in the driving seat for development.

H . E the Senate President said the challenges of unemployment which make the youth of the continent live in hopelessness must be reversed to make the continent a place of opportunities for all.
He advocates increase in inter trade based on economic model that produces primarily for the African market.
African governments have also been urged to take critical look at rail, ICT, modernization and renewable sources of energy development to make Africa a place of investment.

Dr Abubakar Bukola Saraki urged the passage of land mark economic laws to help small scale businesses and critical look at some ECOWAS treaties for industrial development aimed at the economic Empowerment for the people he said are key to the development of the continent.

Opportunities he said must be provided for the private sector to make room for infrastructure development.
He indicated that good governance must make people feel that they are governing themselves.

The symposium was on the theme “25 Years of Continuous Parliamentary Democracy in Ghana- Challenges and Prospects”.
The symposium has thus set in motion activities marking a year-long anniversary commemorating Ghana’s 25 years of uninterrupted Parliamentary democracy.

The Trades Union Congress (TUC), Ghana Bar Association (GBA) and the Coalition on Civil Society had a panel discussion on the topic ” the Forth Republican Parliament in Retrospect “.

The symposium was graced with President Nana Addo-Dankwa-Akufo-Addo, Members of the Bench, members of the Council of State, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Ministers of State, former Members of Parliament, Traditional Rulers, the Clergy, Political Party functionaries and several others.

Other activities marking the 25th anniversary of Ghana’s uninterrupted Parliamentary Democracy include a luncheon with former Members of Parliament and leadership of Parliament, Mock Parliament demonstrations by Students Parliament in the country, Quiz competitions among the Students Parliaments, fitness walk, public forum and interdenominational thanksgiving services.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Libya returnees must be screened-Ablakwa

Ranking member on Foreign Affairs Committee, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa is calling for a thorough national security screening of 200 Ghanaians who would be brought back  from Libya by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), following documentary report shown by CNN of slave auctions.

Shirley Ayorkor Botchway, the Foreign Affairs Minister briefed Parliament on a five member delegation from Ghana who visited the six detention centers in Libya, a move to rescue some 72 Ghanaians from these camps.

A move the ranking member commends government and the Foreign Affairs Minister.

“We want to call on the government to institute a special national security screening for all these Ghanaians returning to Ghana and we are making this call because of very obvious reasons.”

The trend of illegal migration according to some experts, is increasingly becoming a national security concern in Ghana, hence the need for firm acts to address it.

Reports have indicated that, since 2014, more than 400,000 African migrants and refugees have crossed the Mediterranean from Libya to Italy.

A recent report by IOM indicate that, about 15,000 deaths had been recorded globally since 2014 as a result of illegal migration.

However in 2016, the number reduced to 5,143, and further decreased to 3,116 in 2017.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Poor weather cause of recent Starbow crash-Report

Investigations into the Starbow crash by a five member committee has blamed poor weather as the cause of the crush.

The Airline which was on flight from Accra to Kumasi overshot the runway at Kotoka International Airport as it attempted a takeoff on Saturday November 25, 2017.

The plane, with 63 passengers and five crew members, ended up fencing around the airport, leaving dozens of passengers traumatized. Starbow following the crash, suspended operation.

Minister for Aviation Cecilia Dapaah on Tuesday revealed that the local airline has been ordered to review its operational procedures and retrain its crew when she answered an urgent question on the floor of the House.
She said during the take-off, the airline gradually drifted off the runway without the crew appreciating it, as a result of the severity of the weather.

The Minister noted that in the process the captain seat inadvertently moved rearward which made the captain transfer control of the aircraft to the co-pilot.

“At this point, the aircraft was virtually off the runway,” she told the House.

The crew, she said, initiated action to bring the aircraft to a stop but did not follow the correct procedures.
“Most importantly, they did not select best track which would have slowed down the aircraft much faster. There was also lack of adequate coordination among the crew during the flight,” she said.

The preliminary findings based on the investigations carried out, she told the lawmakers, are “loss of situational awareness from the part of the cockpit crew leading to runway excursion and failure by the crew to execute correct procedures in aborting the takeoff.”

The findings thus direct Starbow to review its professional portfolio and ensure it hires adequate, qualified operational personnel. It should also arrange a retraining of its crew to include cockpit resource management and appropriate takeoff procedures.

It should further ensure that the air-worthiness directive number 2016—0256 is effected on all subsequent ATRs before they are added to their fleet.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

MP commissions three community centres at Agona East

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Agona East, Obaatanpa Hon Queenstar Maame Pokuah Sawyerr has commissioned three Community Centres at Agona Aboano, Agona Domoki and Agona Anomabo as well as cut the sod for the commencement of another three (3) at Kow Afedzie, Mensah Kwaa and Agona Brahabekome all in the Agona East Constituency.

The commissioning of the three brings the total of community centres completed for various communities to a total of 24 aside the 3 to be constructed.

Speaking during a tour of communities in the constituency to commission the projects and starts new ones, Hon Pokuah Sawyerr stated that, “I am conscious of the promises I made to you before my tenure of office as your MP and as you can see, I won’t renege on them. I will continue to be selfless in my service to you.”

“I will ensure that this constituency takes its place when it comes to development,” she declared as she commissioned a community centre at Agona Aboano, Agona Domoki amidst claps and cheers from the constituents.

At Agona Aboano, the Odikro, Nana Amo Mensah and his people commended Hon Queenstar Sawyerr for her commitment to selfless service to them.

“You are always there for us. Your commitment to duty and support for all manner of people especially the vulnerable is commendable” Nana Amo Mensah pointed out.

At Mensah Kwaa, Agona Brahabekome where she cut sod for the construction of a community centre, the MP, maintained her stance against political, social and cultural affiliation explaining that, her mandate is to all persons within her jurisdiction, irrespective of their political, social, cultural and religious affiliation.

At Kow Afedzie, she disclosed that her decision to build a community centre, which sod she was cutting, was borne out of a realization that the communities lack a place to hold social events such as durbars, community meetings and funerals, among others.

“Such social events forge unity and togetherness and common purpose that build into the development of communities; I am hopeful these centres would be used to maintain the unity and peace prevailing in the areas,” she said.

Hon Maame Pokuah Sawyerr said “This centre should serve as a shelter for all and sundry when it rains or when the sun is high”.

She explained further that, it would also relieve the people of the burden of hiring canopies for such events.

Hon Queenstar Sawyerr, at Agona Anomabo urged students in her constituency to take their studies serious especially the final year JHS students who are preparing to write their Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in two months time.

Hon Queenstar assured the BECE candidates of providing free one HOT MEAL each day, God willing for them during the examination period as she has been doing always.


Speaker directs Otiko to follow 4 year rape girl case to logical conclusion


Minister of Gender Children and Social Protection, Afisa Otiko Djaba has been directed by the Speaker of Parliament Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye to follow to its logical conclusion a 4 year rape case that occurred  at Assin Nyamebekyere near Adadietem.

According to the Speaker, the House takes serious view of the matter where young girls and women are raped.

The Gender Children and Social Protection Minister has been directed by the Speaker to come back to the House and brief it on how the issue before court was concluded.

Speaker Oquaye directed that the Minister gets involve in the case herself and should not allow any Priest or chief try to settle the matter out of court or privately.

“This is a felony cannot be settle out of court to kill this case Parliament would want to see the conclusion of this matter”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com