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Our decentralization would not work without serious accountants—-Speaker

Speaker of Parliament, Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye has said Ghana’s decentralization would not work without serious accountants at the various Assemblies.

According to the Speaker, a visit to some Assemblies would reveal that there are not proper accountants, hence the mismanagement because they do not know what to do, even as some may have good intention and may not really be thief’s.

“They are incompetent and is as harmful as virtually stealing, we do not need it and also those who also mismanage are not quickly detected because the practice of auditors itself is weak”, he said.

Again they are from the same accounting family, “who would watch the watchman”, we need the best professionals who would watch the watchman?

Parliament is a House of accountability, we will not do our work well if we do not embrace the best of practices in accounting, we need the assistance of real professionals, the Speaker remarked.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

PAC comes to the aid of revenue collector after pocketing GHc25, 958.69

Chairman of the Public Account Committee of Parliament (PAC), Dr. James Klutse Avedzi has come to the aid of a revenue collector at the Nkwanta South Municipal Assembly, Hebedzi Ayetor after pocketing revenue collected and an embargo was place on his salary.

According to the chairman of the committee, placing embargo on his salary is not the way to go as the officer in question would find other ways and means of surviving.

Mr. Hebedzi Ayetor the officer in question earned a salary of eight hundred Ghana cedis (GHc 800) and for the past eight month he had not been receiving his salary.

The Assembly consequently instructed his bank to withhold his entire salary. The chief finance officer of the Assembly, Ebenezer Afetogbor appearing before the committee revealed that the officer was indicted in the 2015 Auditor General’s report and has then be demoted to a messenger.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

We need new law to reflect current accounting trends—ICAGH President

President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana (ICAGH), Christian Sottie, is calling for amendment to the current Parliamentary Act 1963 that regulates the accounting profession to reflect current trends in the profession.

According to the former Controller and Accountant General, the current law is lacking behind and over the years they have been trying to bring a new Bill which will be in line with current happenings in the accounting profession.

And further added that ICAGH had raised the issue with the Ministry of Education which they fall under but they had been moving back and forth on the issue but are almost at the end of the draft Bill which will be taken to cabinet soon.

Mr. Christian Sottie urged Parliament to look favorable to their Bill when it comes to the House. He made this remarks when ICAGH and Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales (ICAEW) paid a courtesy call on the Speaker of Parliament.

So many things are happing all because we did not envisage so many things and we do not have legal backing to deal with those things, key among them, people parading themselves as “Chartered Accounts of which they are not”, he said.

He noted that the new Bill that will come before Parliament when passed will give ICAGH the moral strength to be able to regulate some of these things.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Road users on Odorkor/ Mallam stretch happy with traffic situation

The heavy presence of Motor Transport and Traffic Directorate (MTTD) of the Odorkor Police Division on the Odorkor and Mallam stretch, where a drainage construction is underway has aided with the free follow of traffic.

A visit to the site by ghanadistrict.com on Wednesday and interactions with most road users shows their happiness with the way and manner the MTTD is controlling the traffic situation.

However, the only dissatisfaction by road users has to do with heavy traffic situation around the Sakarman traffic light between 4:00pm to 8:00pm.

In an interview with Gabriel Engman, a Sanitary Engineer with the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) Sanitation and Water Project, he pleaded that road users have to bear with the situation but most of the time the MTTD men and women in uniform are visible to direct the traffic situation.

He further added that measures had been put in place to tow away any vehicle that would breakdown along the Mallam and Odorkor stretch not to cause traffic as road safety commission had given assurance of their assistance.

On the extent of work done so far Gabriel Engman, indicated that he is very satisfied with work done so far but was on site to push the contractor to work faster.

Mr. Emmanuel Eklu of the Ghana Highways Authority material division also commended, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Michael Asiedu for ensuring that his men and women are on the ground, to assist with free follow of traffic and being around himself to ascertain the situation on the ground.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanadistricts.com

KEEA MP calls for privatization of bungalows at Assembly

Member of Parliament for Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem(KEEA) Samuel Atta-Mills has said government should sublet rental of government bungalows at the Assemblies in the light of ridiculous low rent charges.

He further said the Assemblies are not equipped to be renters hence privatization of the bungalows will ensure the buildings are maintained and rent effectively collected.

According to the KEEA legislator, now that the Assemblies are paying rent as low as GH¢14 Ghana cedis for two bedroom house and the buildings are not being maintained in the next ten years, when this buildings “collapse what then do we do”?

Mr. Samuel Atta-Mills further retreated that those staying in the government bungalows at the Assemblies who are not government appointees should be made to pay rent that reflect current charges, “you are not a government appointee but staying in government building and paying GHC14 Ghana cedis, master this is call arm robbery”.

We are putting so many burdens on the Assemblies, they are not equipped to be renters rather subletting it to a private body to manage the facility is the way to go, so that the Assemblies can pay some agreed percentages to this private bodies, he added.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

2 bedroom apartment goes for GHC14 Ghana cedis at Kadjebi Assembly

Public Account Committee of Parliament (PAC) has called for an upward review of rents charged on government bungalows is some Assemblies.

According to the chairman of the committee the current rent on government bungalows at the districts were not economical.

He further added that the review of the rents upward should reflect the realities on the grounds and directed his call to District Chief Executives and Financial Directors on low rent charged on government bungalows.

The Financial Director of the Kadjebi Municipal Assembly, Mac George Apetorgbo told the committee that rent on a two bedroom apartment goes for GHC14 Ghana cedis a month and even at that occupants fail to pay.

Dr. James Avedzi urged auditors to monitor the renovation that occupants of government bungalows made to ensure that the costs of renovations were not inflated.

And urged the assemblies to take steps to retrieve all the outstanding rent arrears and report same to the auditors for verification.

According to the Auditor General’s report, the financial memoranda for District Assemblies, finance officers were required to support their payments with invoices or other vouchers.

The affected Districts are Agotime-Ziepe, Biakoye, Central Tongu, Hohoe, Keta, Krachi East, North Tongu and South Tongu.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Police to be present at PAC public hearing—Dr. Avedzi

Chairman of the Public Account Committee (PAC), Dr. James Klutse Avedzi has hinted at the ongoing public hearing in the Volta Region that persons cited for various financial infractions in the 2017 Auditor General’s report will be handed over to the police immediately.

He further revealed that there will be police presence at the public hearing of the 2017 Auditor General’s report.

This came to light after an accountant with Asuom Senior High School (SHS) in the Eastern Region, Emmanuel Ayernor sought to find out why public officials are still hauled before the committee even after satisfying demands of auditors, then the chairman of PAC made the revelation of police presence.

“For the 2017 report if you don’t respond to those issues within the 30 days after the exit conference, you will provide those information to the Auditor General, they will not clear you, they will surcharge you. So when you come we will ask if you have paid the surcharge. If you do no police,” he stated.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Journalist to receive training in safety—GJA President

In the wake of attacks on Journalist in their line of duty in Ghana, the Ghana Journalist Association (GJA) has in collaboration with Norway’s Journalist Association started training some media practitioners on safety in their line of duty in Accra.

In an interview with President of the Association, Roland Affail Monney revealed that the training workshop will be replicated in the regions to sharpen the sense of security in all areas which will pose as danger to Journalist.

He further added that apart from the collaboration the association is having with their counterpart from Norway, the Norwegian government is supporting in the exercise.

As to what advice he has for Ghanaian Journalist, he said, media practitioners should value their life more than the work they do.

Again the International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) is pushing for governments to extend protection to Journalist, “we will push for that convention”, the  UN has also come out with safety guidelines for  Journalist we will train Journalist on this content and for them to adhered to it  in their day to day work

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliament to re-introduce briefing of journalists

The Acting Director of Public Affairs in Parliament, Kate Addo has indicated that the House is re-introducing briefing of Journalist who cover proceedings in the House at the beginning of every meeting.

She added that leadership of the house would want to brief the media likely on Tuesday the 15th of May, 2018 when the House returns from recess.

The second meeting of the second session of the seventh Parliament of the fourth Republic starts on Tuesday the 15th of May 2018.

Journalist covering parliament would have the opportunity to ask questions, high on the agenda would be the issue of MPs who double as Ministers in the 6th Parliament taking double salaries that had generated a lot of controversy.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Ghana beyond aid: Technical education should be the focus– Moses Anim

First Deputy Majority whip, Moses Anim has said if Ghana is to realize President Nana Akufo-Addo’s dream of Ghana beyond aid, Technical Universities should focus on promoting maths, science, accountancy and technical education.

According to the first Deputy Majority whip, research has shown that in the Technical Universities, 61 percent of their courses are on humanities whiles 39 percent are on math, science and the technical courses.

“We do not want to be price takers of our raw materials and commodities that we send abroad, rather we want to add value to our raw product and compete very well with our economic resource and build opportunities for our people”, he remarked.

He further added that “we want to stop begging for aid, which is in line with the Presidents vision, Ghana beyond aid means we need to develop our math, science and technical education.”

We have a local content law passed by Parliament, to ensure that our resources; oil and gas sector Ghanaians play a leading role, foreign companies would also train Ghanaians so that in five years Ghanaians take over managerial roles.

This cannot be achieved if our Technical Universities are not focusing on math, science and technical education but rather humanities, he said.

Again we will need our accountants to ensure that profits that we make are not being misappropriated and taken away illegally.

He made this remarks when the Ghana Chartered Institute of Accountants paid a courtesy call on the Speaker of Parliament Professor, Mike Aaron Oquaye.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com