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We saving funds that would have gone waste—PAC chairman

Chairman of the Public Account Committee (PAC), Dr. James Klutse Avedzi has said the work of the committee is helping to ensure the nation saves hung funds that would have gone to waste but are rather returned to government coffers.

He further explained that most of the infractions are addressed by the perpetrators before the public hearing begins.

According to chairman of the committee, it is wrong for the public to hold on to a notion that persons indicted in the Auditor General’s report are left unpunished and further dispel the notion that aside exposing the rot in the public sector no action is taken to either retrieve monies.

The committee would look at the Internally Generated funds (IGF) of the various Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) without looking at their common fund this time around.

Technical Universities of Ho and Koforidua in the Eastern Region will appear before the Pubic Account Committee today Monday 7th May 2018 then the committee would also look at reports on the pre-tertiary institutions, secondary schools in the Eastern and Volta Regions cited in the 2015 to 2016 Auditor General’s report.

The committee would wrap-up its Regional public hearing in Greater Accra after the one week public hearing in the Volta Region.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Volta Regional Minister welcomes PAC to the region

The Volta Regional Minister, Archibald Yao Letsa has welcomed the Public Accounts Committee to the Region and has given assurance to the committee of his total support to workings of the committee which will last for a week.

He reitreated the importance of the workings of the PAC and noted that he has been following the workings of the committee over the years and this is not the first time that the committee is visiting Ho.

The Minister however remarked that they had earlier communications to be in Accra for the PAC public hearing but latter on information came around that the committee will sit in the Volta Region.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Appointment Committee to vet deputy special prosecutor – nominee

Appointment Committee of Parliament will on Wednesday May 16, 2018 vet deputy Special Prosecutor nominee, Cynthia Lamptey when the House resumes on May 15, 2018.

President Nana Akufo-Addo nominated Jane Cynthia Naa Korshie Lamptey for the position of deputy Special Prosecutor on April 26th 2018.

When recommended for approval by the committee, the plenary will have to approve her and she will assist Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu.

She is a lawyer of 30 years standing at the Ghana Bar and a former acting Director of Public Prosecutions.

The Office of the Special Prosecutor has been tasked to investigate and prosecute certain categories of cases and allegations of corruption and other criminal wrongdoing, including those involving alleged violations of the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) and cases implicating public officers and politically-exposed persons.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Accra will have to get a permanent waste disposal site—Ablekuma South MP

Member of Parliament for Ablekuma South (MP) and former mayor of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) has said the only way to get Accra clean is to get a permanent waste disposal site for the capital.

He further indicated that the current government under the leadership of President Nana Akuffo-Addo should go back to the blue print the previous government left called the country project, “we could not implement it because of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme we went under”.

“The country project lays out all we needed to put in place, we have to build a number of transfer stations and started some at Nungua and Achimota.

We collect effectively refuse to these transfer stations and effectively carry them to their final depositary sites. Again we need to sort out these waste to help us put them into something productive by recycling these waste materials, he said.

According to the Ablekuma South legislator there is the need for distribution of waste bins to households and on the streets of the capital.

In addition there is the need for collaborative effort with the waste management companies to ensure that they are supported financially to put effective plans in place to collect money from the residence.

Until we do that whatever plan we have put in place; to swiping and cleaning the gutters on special days like the National Sanitation Day will not amount to anything. We have to follow a comprehensive action plan and good education camping and get people along, then we will be seeing the transformation we are calling for to have a clean city, the Ablekuma legislator remarked.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliament to resume second meeting Tuesday 15th May 2018

Speaker of Parliament Professor Michael Aaron Oquaye per order 37 has given notice that the second meeting of the second session of the seventh Parliament of the fourth Republic will commence on Tuesday 15th May of 2018.

The House went on recess on the 23rd March 2018 for the Easter break and was recalled for an emergency sitting to consider “urgent business” last month.

Whiles on recess some committees of the House are working including the Public Account Committee (PAC) has been to the Western Region to consider report of the region and that of the Central region.

The committee on Gender and Children had also been to the Central region on a field trip to assess the issue of rape of a four year old girl.

Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee and the Communication Committee are working on the Rights to Information Bill (RTI) reintroduce to the House that had gone through first reading.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

PAC heads to the Volta Region to consider zone 4 reports

The Public Account Committee of Parliament (PAC) is heading to the Volta Region to consider zone 4 for report which will be last for the regions on the 2015 to 2016 Auditor General’s report.

The Committee would have public hearing to consider the Auditor General’s report for the Volta, Eastern and Greater Accra Regions from Monday the 7th of May 2018.

Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) would appear before the committee pre-tertiary institutions and technical universities from the three regions will also appear before the committee.

Chairman of the PAC, Dr. James Klutse Avedzi had cautioned heads of institutions within the MMDAs, pre-tertiary institutions and the technical universities that from next year they will be surcharged for financial infractions and will have to take the Auditor Generals directives seriously.

The committee ha
d already held public hearing in the three regions in the north, Ashanti, Western and Central Region.

Dr. Avedzi had indicated that the committee will seek audience with the Inspector General of Police, to see how best issues brought before the police for investigation on financial infractions and misappropriation could be fast trucked.

By:  Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliamentary committee to look into “double salary” yet to start work

As the controversy of Members of Parliament and Ministers taking “double salary” rages on, Parliament has set up a two member committee to look into the issue and advice to prevent occurrence of a similar issue in the future.

The committee is made up of the Minister for Monitoring and Evaluation Dr. Antony Osei Akoto from the Majority side and Benjamin Kpodo from the Minority side.

In an interview with ghanamps.com the Ho West legislator revealed that the committee is yet to start work because they are yet to meet the leadership of the House for their appointment letters terms of reference and scope of their work.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliament to partner media in the fight against galamsay.

The Speaker of Parliament, Prof Aaron Michael Oquaye has disclosed that Parliament will partner the media in a union he christened “Parliament and the media Coalition in the Fight against galamsay” to curb the menace of illegal mining in the country.

He indicated that the partnership with the media will be a major agenda for discussion at the next Board meeting of the Parliamentary Service and formalised as a duty to the dead, the living and an inheritance to the yet to be born generation.

The Parliament and Media Partnership against Illegal Mining he said, will become an integral part of activities marking 25 years of Ghana’s uninterrupted Parliamentary democracy.

The Speaker disclosed this when members of the steering committee of the Media Coalition Against Galamsay paid a courtesy call on him Wednesday in Accra.

Prof Oquaye who condemned the act in no uncertain term observed that the 1992 Republican Constitution which enjoins all citizens to uphold the Right to Life of every individual also made conditions for the protection of the rights of other people hence no member of society should be allowed to deny others such rights to life through illegal mining activities which has become an albatross to the country’s development.

Prof Michael Oquaye expressed worry that Ghana’s number one foreign earner cocoa, water which is equivalent to life and the environment are all under serious attack as a result of galamsay activities.

Mr Speaker, an accomplished academician who once presented a paper titled “The Environmental crisis in Africa- the case of Gold Mining in Africa” called for an all stakeholder involvement to help curb the menace.

He stated that Parliament as the House of Representatives of the people requires the collaboration of advocates such as the media coalition to help achieve results in the fight against galamsay.

Prof Michael Oquaye also urged the need for sustained public education to enable the citizenry appreciate what galamsay is all about to help fight the canker.

A member of the Steering Committee of the Media Coalition Against Galamsay, Ken Ashigbey said the visit was to brief the Speaker and leadership about the Coalition’s observations so far and solicit Parliament’s support and involvement as a key stakeholder institution in the fight against illegal mining.

He blamed leadership failure at all levels of our national life as the cause of the galamsay menace.
Mr Ashigey mentioned the lack of political will, failed law enforcement, the lack of effective and deterrent justice delivery system, failure on the part of the media, the general lack of cohesion among stakeholders, lack of involvement of the local people and the culture of non-involvement of local chiefs among others as reasons the country is still where it is on illegal mining with its attendant challenges.

The Coalition also reported that the involvement of foreigners especially Chinese nationals in the menace was much appalling.

Mr Ashigeby said the solution to the galamsay menace is multifaceted and commended the President for demonstrating political will against galamsay through activities of Operation Vanguard which he said has performed significantly in controlling the challenge.

However, the group noted that lack of prosecution of offenders who are arrested will dampen the moral of security services in the fight.

They also urged government to supply the forces with night vision goggles, modern day technology gadgets and all the needed resources to enable them win the battle on a sustainable basis.

Whiles advocating critical measures to curb the menace including regular updates on the Multi-sectoral Mining Integrated Project (MMIP), the group also urged Parliament to get actively involve especially in communities where the act is dominant.

The Coalition invited Parliament to join the campaign against illegal miming in its “Operation Red Friday” by wearing red attires or armbands on the last Friday in May in protest against illegal mining.

“It should never be said that, during our time, the resources of our country was poisoned through galamsay”, Mr Ashigvey said.

Another member of the Coalition, Managing Director of the News Times Corporation, madam Carol Annan advocated resourcing of the media to embark on investigations that would result in naming and shaming of perpetrators to help sustain the work of Operations Vanguard.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com.

Parliament will demand answers from presidency- Clement Apaak

A Presidential staffer in the erstwhile Mahama administration and now Member of Parliament for the Builsa South constituency, Dr Clement Apaak has stated that Parliament will continually demands answers from the Presidency on the promises made to the Ghanaian people.

According to him it is incumbent on the representatives of the people to questions excesses of government hence the demands for answers of the total number of

Presidential staffers of the current administration under President Nana Addo Dankwa-Akufo Addo.

Dr Apaak said the huge number of Presidential staffers is huge toll on the public purse whiles urging the President to fulfill his campaign promise to protect the public purse.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Member of Parliament (MP) for the Krachi Nchumuru constituency

Member of Parliament (MP) for the Krachi Nchumuru constituency in the Volta region, John Majesi has called on all stakeholders to ensure that Persons with Disability (PWDs) are well catered for in order to ensure an inclusive society.

The MP made the call as he expressed satisfaction about the Land Bill, 2018 which is currently before Parliament for consideration.

According to the MP who is an ardent advocate for the Rights of Persons With Disability, his satisfaction was informed by provisions made by the Land Bill, 2018 to cater for rights of those in the less privileged segment of society.

Expressing an initial comment about the Bill during a stakeholder forum by the Lands and Forestry Committee in Accra, Mr Majesi noted with delight that section 8 of the Land Bill, 2018 took cognizance of the concerns of persons with disability as presented by Civil Society Coalition on Land.

The MP who is a member of the Lands and Forestry Committee stated that 15% of every population constitutes persons with disability hence the need for laws to cater for their needs.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com