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MTTD command call for formulation of strategies to deal with over speeding

The Accra Central Commander of the Police Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD), Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Anderson Fosu-Anckaah has called for the formulation and strategies to enforce policies and institutional coordination to deal with road crashes.

According to the MTTD Assistant Commander there is the need to understand the magnitude of traffic deaths, injuries and crashes as well as road user.

He further added that there is the need to think about the geographical areas, risk factors contributing to the crashes in a particular space, time and institutional structures necessary to address the road traffic problems.

ACP Anderson Fosu-Anckaah who was speaking at at the launch of he report .also noted that “All road safety stakeholders must adopt the findings of the report in order to improve road safety outcomes in Accra”, he said.

A representative of the Greater Accra Regional Hospital, Dr. Sarah Nana Yeboah said the hospital has created an emergency society chapter aimed at sharing best practices in solving emergency health cases across the city.

“Serious injuries and death on the roads are not random accidents they are preventable, and the detailed analysis in this report shows where and for whom prevention affords need to be targeted so that fewer Accra dwellers die on the roads”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

President Akufo-Addo must come clear on “LGBT”—Minority


The Minority in Parliament have challenged President Nana Akufo-Addo to declare his stands on, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT), issues that some developed countries want to force on Ghana.

According to the Minority in a press conference addressed on Friday October 4, 2019,  by Haruna Iddrisu noted that,  all former Presidents of Ghana, Jerry John Rawlings, John Kuffor, late John Mills and John Dramani Mahama have made their stands known.

“They have given their clear stands against this satanic foreign inspired and sponsored agenda, we know where the Speaker Professor Oquaye stand on this issue Mr. President please where do you stand?”

Mr. Haruna Iddrisu noted that the move to introduce a Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), at the basic level in Ghana is being desperately championed by the LGBT community.

“It is most shocking that a President who carries himself outwardly as a pious builder of the Lord’s Cathedral for which he is pulling down many pre-existing structures including bungalows for judges and passport office will expose his duplicitous character by embarking on such a terrible assault on the morals of our children”, he lamented.

He further explained that if the CSE is allowed to stand, the President can expect the current generation of children to grow and blasphemously turn his cathedral into a stinking brothel of sodomy.

The despicable conduct of the Akufo-Addo administration in signing Ghana up as the lead nation in a group of six African countries which includes Eswatinin former Swaziland, Malawi, Tanzania and Zimbabwe which are being descript by UNESCO as program acceleration countries is the most, “betrayal of the Ghanaian people in recent history”.

“We are deeply concern that at a time many countries are prioritizing the teaching of maths, science, coding, artificial intelligence and climate change, our government’s focus in on Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the service of an evil LGBT agenda”.

The Minority has taken judicial notice of the pathetic attempt by the Minister of Education Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh 1st of October 2019 at a press conference, to deny government’s complicity and active implementation of the CSE agenda.

This initiative is being funded by the Swedish government and so far twenty-two million dollars ($22m) has so far been committed, with government giving assurance to her international partners that they would do everything politically possible to, “overcome social resistance and operational constraints”.

“All funds collected in addition to manuals, guidelines, teachers’ resources packs and curriculum should be returned to the external promoters”.

The Minority urged Ghanaians to remain vigilant, resolute and be determined to collectively resist any sinister and evil force on the prowl in Ghana as the battle has not yet been won.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Ho West MP receives award for promoting education

Member of Parliament for Ho West, Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzrah has received a leadership impact award for outstanding contributions to the promotion of best practices in education in Africa.

A Nigerian base non-governmental organization Exam Ethics Marshalls International (EEMI) in Abuja presented the award to the Lawmaker during its 23rd International Conference.

EEMI which has its head office in Abuja – Nigeria operates in Africa and has chapter in Ghana. Its objective is to combat examination malpractice, education dishonesty and corruption in education in Africa.

It was funded in 1996 to inspire stakeholders in education to work individually and collectively to promote ethics and integrity and best practice in education.

Mr. Bedzrah who dedicated the award to his constituents promised to continue to do more to support education in Ghana.

He noted that at Ashesi University in Ghana, examinations are written without the physical presence of invigilators, “the practice inspires confidence, builds integrity and eliminates fear and panic that comes with writing examinations”.

The Ho West lawmaker, therefore urged EEMI to encourage this practice by other educational institutions across the continent.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliament: Special prosecutor should not draw us into his issues

Parliament has set the record straight pointing out to the Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu that it has not done anything in any way to sabotage and obstruct its work concerning the prosecution of a former Minister in the John Mahama led administration.

According to a statement signed by the Acting Director of Public Affairs of Parliament, Kate Addo, Parliament has collaborated with any law enforcement agency including Office of the Special Prosecutor.

“Mr. Amidu requested the release the release of Mahama Ayariga to be arranged before the High court in Accra on 4th June 2019, a meeting was to dialogue with your office as to how your office and court could be availed of Ayariga before court. With regards to his privileges presumption of innocence and in a manner in which would enable him to continue to efficiently perform his Parliamentary duties”.

The statement further noted that in a meeting with SP, his attention was drawn to Article 117 118 (1) and 122 of the 1992 constitution which provides that, “117 civil or criminal process coming from any court or place out of Parliament shall not be served on or executed in relation to Speaker or a Member or the Clerk to Parliament while he is on his way to attending at or returning from any proceedings of Parliament”.

It is clear from the onset that the Special Prosecutor knew the purpose of the meeting and he elected to come and was accompanied by an official from his outfit at an open meeting in the Speakers conference Room, with the Speaker, the statement added.

The Majority and Minority Leaders, Ranking members of the constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs and the Clerk to Parliament were part.

“To suggest therefore that the Speaker had a private meeting to get him to approach the prosecution wrongfully in unfounded, Speaker emphasised that MPs are not above the law. However there was the need to respect their privileges as in the 1992 constitution, the SP differed however with this viewpoint and the meeting ended”.

A letter of appreciation was sent to the SP and reference made to his differing viewpoint on the matter.

It was suggested to the SP that the long three month vacation was coming August to October 2019  and the MP could be tried day to day, certainly the SP did not see the benefit of the suggestion to use the vacation time in Parliament to do the trial.

“The time is almost gone and the Special Prosecutor has done nothing, Parliament wants to state categorically that it co-operated with SP during the investigation stages of the case in question. Indeed, Parliament has in the past collaborated with other law enforcement agencies in similar matters.

As a law making arm of government, Parliament will under no circumstances attempt to break the Laws of Ghana, “the Special Prosecutor should not draw Parliament into his own issues at all”.

Kwaku   Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliamentary Christian Fellowship calls for withdrawal of CSE

The Parliamentary Christian Fellowship of Ghana, (PCF) has called for the withdrawal of the controversial Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) to be introduced in Ghana by the Ministry of Education.

In a statement signed by the President of the (PCF), Emmanuel Kwesi Bedzrah, pointed out that they find it most disappointing and unacceptable attempts by officialdom from the sector Ministry at rationalizing, explaining and denying the justification of appearance of CSE in official documents.

“The subtlety with which CSE is being railroaded into our school curriculum in itself raises a number of questions that are begging for coherent answers”.

Lawmakers and staff of the legislative arm of government are resolved in engaging our colleagues to explore all available means to making sure that the CSE policy is withdrawn and completely abandoned.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Haruna expresses disappointment in equalizing Journalists on CSE

Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Haruna Iddrisu has expressed disappointment in a section of journalists in Ghana’s Parliament, trying to equalize adolescence reproductive health programme of the previous administration, with introduction of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE).

At a press conference addressed by the Minority Leader to kick against the introduction of CSE at the basic level of the Ghanaian educational curricular, some journalists sought to find out if the previous government did not seek to introduce same programme they are kicking against.

“I am disappointed some journalists are laboring to equalize and  justify CSE, we get disappointed in you sometimes that on a matter of national concern you are interested in confusing it with adolescent reproductive health, a trained journalist in Ghana why?”, he lamented.

When, Ghanamps.com sought to know if the Minority would take along some colleagues of theirs in the Majority who openly are against the introduction of CSE, at the basic level, he said, “We are encouraged because the righteous among the Majority side would join us”.

“We urge you to go and tell Ghanaians as we have said it here in our press conference, don’t go and confuse or add to our message, and again confuse adolescent reproductive health issue of age ten with Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) at the basic level”.

Mr. Iddrisu further pointed out that the Minority cannot be blame because they saw to the approval of the 2019 budget where the CSE was clearly in, and challenged journalists in Ghana’s Parliament to go and check the Minority’s position during the budget approval debate.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Vice President terminates aide’s appointment over Asawase race

Office of the Vice-President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has terminated the appointment of his Director of Political Affairs, Manaf Ibrahim effective September 30, 2019.

In a letter signed by Augustine Blay, secretary to the Vice President said notwithstanding the termination, he is still under the obligation of confidentiality undertaken he signed during his employment.

He had been directed to return all official equipment, property and documents in his possession to the office of the Vice-President.

Mr. Ibrahim recently secured an interim injunction from the Kumasi High Court to restrain the party from going ahead with its Saturday’s Extraordinary Delegate Conference which would had been held to endorse Asokore Mampong Municipal Chief Executive, Alidu Seidu  as the Parliamentary nominee for the governing New Patriotic Party in the Asawase constituency.

The Vetting Committee disqualified the former Director of Political Affairs at the Office of the Vice-President from the contest which left Seidu as the sole contender.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com


Ghana to host third ECREEE annual sustainable energy forum in Accra

The third forum of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) would be held in Accra from the 22nd to 24th of this month.

President Nana Akufo-Addo, President of the ECOWAS Commission, Jean-Claude Bro, Ghana’s Energy sector Minister John Peter Amewu, Kanja Seesay of Sierra Leone, Dr. Bachir Ismael Ouedraogo of Burkina Faso and policymakers within the energy sector committed to moving forward sustainable energy agenda would be part of the forum.

The forum would provide a platform for improving policy and regulatory landscape for private sector investment, where attendees would be able to liaise with financiers and secure other resources to fund their business endeavors.

In a statement by ECREEE it announced the upcoming event and noted that it would be supported by sister agencies like, the West Africa Power Pool, ECOWAS Regional Electricity Authority (ERERA).

The statement also noted that tremendous strides have been made in putting in place policy and regulatory framework for a viable sustainable energy access and growth, which is the objective of the ECOWAS Sustainable Energy Forum (ESEF).

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com


EU election observer mission calls on Speaker

Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye has welcomed a seven member delegation of European Union (EU) election observer mission to the House.

Speaker Oquaye informed the delegation that both the Majority Leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu and Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu were not with him because they had, other equally important engagement in their constituency since the House was on recess.

Head of the European Union to Ghana,  Mrs. Diana Acconcia, accompany the delegation to speaker,  where leader of the delegation told the Speaker he appreciate him and other members who had made time to meet the delegation, and as a former lawmaker he understands the busy schedule lawmakers have.

He pointed out to Speaker Oquaye that for some of them, this would be about the third and second time that they have been to the country, after the 2016 elections, observing the elections they made recommendations and were back in 2017.

“We are here to meet stakeholders and not to get involved in the Ghanaian domestic politics, we are going to talk outside the Ghanaian politics”, he emphasised.

The meeting then moved into an in-camera hearing where journalists and those not part of the Parliamentary structure had to move out for the meeting to continue.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com