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Ayariga condemns military brutalities in Garu

Member of Parliament for Bawku Central Constituency, Mahama Ayariga, has added his voice to condemnations of the brutalities meted out by soldiers to residents in Garu and Bugri in the Upper East Region.

He described the soldiers’ action as “barbaric and unacceptable” in the current dispensation.

On Saturday, October 28, the military launched an operation to seize weapons in the two areas after a team of five counter-terrorism intelligence officers deployed by the Ministry of National Security to Garu on a critical, special operation was attacked on Tuesday, October 24 by an irate youth group armed with AK 47 rifles, machetes and other weapons.

The weekend’s operation led to injuries to some residents who are receiving treatment in health facilities.

But the Bawku MP said following perennial calls he received the dawn of Saturday, he reached out to the National Security Minister, Albert Kan Dapaah, who denied knowledge of the operation.

The Minister was in Europe then, the Bawku Central MP said.

As a result, Mr Ayariga is calling for a full-scale inquiry into the incident.

“I will join my fellow Members of Parliament from the Upper East Region to call for a full scale inquiry into what happened,” he indicated in a statement on Monday, October 30.

“I recall being involved in a discussion with the Minister for National Security a few days earlier about some national security operatives who had been stopped in Garu and handed over to the police.

“I saw media reports of alleged shooting of the vehicle used by the national security operatives by unknown persons in the Garu area.”


Military should be withdrawn from Garu and Tempane—MPs

Members of Parliament for Garu and Tempane Albert Alalzuuga Akuka and Lydia Akanvariba Adakudugu have both condemned the military brutality of civilians in those constituencies and demanded their withdrawal.

And further demanded the release unconditionally of those arrested and those injured during the military disturbances should be taken care of and compensated by government/Ministry of defense.

In a joint statement, they noted that the lawlessness and brutality inflicted on innocent citizens should stop.

As they urge constituents to remain calm and peaceful during these challenging times for them to provide update as they gather information and work towards a comprehensive peace in the area.

“This unprovoked action by the Military on the innocent civilians is uncalled for and must be condemned by all peace-loving people. Any form of violence and brutalities meted on citizens, especially when it is perpetrated by those who are supposed to serve and protect them must be condemned unequivocally”.

And they are deeply disturbed by these reports, especially considering the volatile nature of the area vis-a-vi the Bawku Conflict (Note that Garu and Tempane are part of the Bawku Traditional Area), and we are therefore actively seeking more information about the situation.

We stand with our constituents who have been affected and demand a thorough investigation into the matter to ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

Our priority is the safety and well-being of our constituents, and we are committed to providing support to those who have been impacted by this incident. We are working closely with relevant authorities and organisations to ensure that justice is served and that such incidents are prevented in the future.


Techiman South MP gives 500 dual desks

Mr Martin Adjei- Mensah Korsah, the Member of Parliament for Techiman South Constituency in the Bono East Region has presented 500 dual desks to the Municipal Education Directorate for onward distribution to schools in the Municipality.

In an interaction, the MP disclosed that he got them through The Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) upon a request he made to them.

He admonished the officials of the Education Directorate to immediately dispatch them to schools that are in dire need of the desks.

Mr Adjei- Mensah Korsah again assured them of presenting another set in the shortest possible time to address the furniture needs of the pupils.

He pleaded with the Directorate to take good care of the desks to prolong their lifespan.

Mr. Stephen Aidoo of the Department of Finance and Audit at the Municipal Education Directorate received the dual desks on behalf of the Municipal Director of Education Mr. John Amissah and thanked the MP for the kind gesture.


IPU President elect: “I accept this position with all humility, whiles recognizing the responsibilities”

President elect of the World Parliament, Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU), Rt. Hon Dr. Tulia Ackson in her acceptance speech after her election in Angola, Luanda on Friday, October 27, 2023 where the 147th Assembly is being hosted thanked delegates for bestowing on her the honor.

According to her she is very humbled with gratitude for the confidence in electing her as the IPU President which was the turn of Africa.

As she accepts the responsibility she told delegates, “I recognize all the responsibility that comes with it and congratulated the outgoing president and the secretariat for organizing the 147th Assembly and Speaker of the Angola Parliament for being a great host”.

She used the opportunity to thank the President of her country, H. E. Samia Suluhu Hassan who was represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and also thanked her campaign team for the massive support.

And as someone who believes in team work, she called upstage her fellow contestant and appreciated them for running a dignified campaign.

She reaffirmed her commitment to work with all and sundry to enhance effective, accountable and transparent organisation.

“I believe we can work together. We have had the chance to know most of you delegates; it is all because of the good fight. If there was no fight, we would not have reached out to you like we have done now with me as your sister we would put ideas to work together, I will represent all of you; I would consult”, she added.

Madam Ackson noted that, when they work together as a team they can achieve the needed IPU and pledge to consult past presidents.

“Delegates, whatever I pledged to do for the IPU, I would do just that, trust me I will do justice to IPU as president elect”, she told the Assembly.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Minority’s allegation about NIB cannot be proven—Majority whip

Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annoh Dompreh has taken a swipe at the Ranking Member on Finance, Isaac Adongo on allegations that the National Investment Bank is being ruined from Canada by the Managing Director.

According to him the allegation cannot be proven and assured that he will join the Minority if they are calling on central government to push more capital into the bank.

Again, we are talking about 1D1F; and as a country, to develop our industrial sector the core mandate of the bank is to support industrial drive hence government should help in recapitalizing the bank but not to run down the bank.

“So our colleagues in the Minority should stop the politicization of the matter”.

At a media briefing in Parliament on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, he noted that especially with matters relating to the financial sector, if the Minority does not have the facts, they should be patient and investigate the matter and get the facts before they come out.

Additionally, he said we should not sit down and allow highway politicians; people who are excited to just organize the media and push out falsehood and run down the reputation of the bank. They would be the same people it is going to be affected, he stated.

He said the Minority should move cautiously if they do not have the facts. They should engage the board of NIB and they would get to know what the truth is.

“Yes the bank needs recapitalization, but its treasure is not bankrupt as the Minority would want Ghanaians to believe and the treasure is not being run like it was during their time where over five hundred million was given to non-banking sector against the code of ethics of the bank.

Issac Adongo and his colleagues should be patriotic, and whatever I have told you here you can make your checks; most of the monies given as loans under them have not been recovered. You go and destroy the bank at one breath and come and ask questions about how the bank is going down.”

On the merger of NIB with ADB and its sale, he called for caution stating that we need to be careful on these matters. “Next year being an election year, I am sure there is going to be such malicious lies being put out there. I am not aware of this merger the minority is talking about. If government wanted to sell off the bank, we would have had that privilege information; there is nothing like that as we speak. We should not allow the bank to be run down by propaganda. If they have evidence, they should put that out in the public domain”.

Again, we challenge the Minority, they should come and give us evidence and stop rumor mongering; if we are not careful we would run down the bank; no back is run by propaganda, he emphasised.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Kwabena Agyapong chooses Bawumia ahead of Ken Agyapong

Mr. Kwabena Agyei Agyepong, one of the flagbearer aspirant of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), ahead of the party’s delegate conference on Saturday November 4, 2023, to elect a presidential candidate has chosen Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia ahead of Ken Ohene Agyapong.

Speaking in a zoom interview he said “between Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and Ken Ohene Agyapong, in all good conscience, I prefer Dr. Bawumia to become the candidate of the party”.

According to him he has a feeling that he would be very different from the status quo, “and in life you can be different from the status quo. Again in life you can reengineer yourself.”

The former General Secretary of the ruling party noted that in Ghana late President Atta Mills who took over from late President John Rawlings is an example and former President Rawlings was all over the place complaining that, late Atta Mills does not listen.

“Power when it’s in your hands, you are the one who runs the show. I do not believe in the narrative that the cabal behind Akufo Addo would be controlling him pulling strings from behind. I want to give him that benefit of the doubt; the only way he can give the party and himself the good opportunity of winning is to demonstrate to the party and Ghanaians by his actions the decisions he make that he is his own man”.

He further added that, if he is in the position of helping the vice president achieve that, he will so that the party would give itself a reasonable chance of winning. “I am a party person and respect the decision of the party.

He was however; quick to point out that as a party, they have allowed so many things that have gone down unchecked and they need a new era. “We need a new dawn of decisive and strong leadership; it can be done and be achieved”.

He also pointed out that whoever the party elects as flagbearer, if he finds him wealthy of supporting him of contributing, “I will make that contribution.”

On his view, as to the resignation of Alan John Kyeremanten, he said he disagrees with a lot of the reasons put up by his team justifying why he left, “but that is his decision, I do not want to spend a lot of time on it”, he said.

He said he is a product of the party and he is not going to leave the party today or tomorrow; and that should put that matter to rest. You do not always get the best you want; this is the reality we have, and it’s the reality we have to deal with and I am prepared to deal with the reality, he added.

But was quick to point out that as a party, they have allowed so many things that have gone down unchecked and they need a new era. “We need a new dawn of decisive and strong leadership; it can be done and be achieved”, he emphasized.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

N TONGU: First Sky Group starts construction of housing units to house displaced persons

Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has cut sod for the construction of housing units to house twelve thousand persons as a result of the Akosombo Dam spillage that has displaced people in his constituency.

The First Sky Group, a subsidiary known as Construction Ambassadors are executing the project which they promise to complete in record time.

As contribution from the constituency, the lawmaker noted that they are offering free land at all agreed three locations.

Additionally, we stand ready to provide communal labour in support as the relocation will begin to restore the dignity of “my beloved constituents to ensure they live in much healthier conditions, and free the 21 schools being used as safe havens so our children can return to school”.

Again, “North Tongu shall never forget the generosity and humanity of the First Sky Group”, he noted.


Bagbin donates GHC100,000 to affected communities of dam spillage

The Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament Rt. Hon Alban Sumana Bagbin has donated a cash amount of GHc 100, 000 to flood victims in the Volat Region.

His Chief of Staff Kofi Attor, made the donation on his behalf at a durbar in Sogakofe in the South Tongu District.
The amount is to benefit victims in North Tongu, South Tongu, Ketu North, Anlo, Ketu South, Keta, and Central Tongu.

The National Democratic Congress and the Minority Caucus in Parliament also presented relief items worth one hundred and fifty thousand cedis to the affected communities.

Addressing the media Kofi Attor described the flooding as a serious situation and pointed out that it needs all the attention it deserves and called for fair distribution of all the items received.

“We hope the water recedes soon to bring life back to normal in these constituency, but until then, we have brought water, food and other relief to alleviate their plight”, he said.

Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson advocated for the need to relocate the affected people to the Saglemi housing project until the communities become habitable again.


Akufo-Addo shows no leadership at a time of disaster—Volta Caucus

The Volta caucus in Ghana’s Parliament has taken a swipe at President Nana Akufo-Addo over his comments at Mefe when he visited the flood victims in North Tongu constituency.

As constituencies across the region have called to express outrage and disappointment at the condescending utterances which show no leadership at the time of disaster.

The Volta Caucus is also concerned with similar unguarded comments by the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the NPP who ignorantly stated that the flood victims should not expect any intervention from the NPP government because of their voting pattern.

In a statement issued by the chairman of the caucus, Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzrah the Volta representatives believe the president’s visit to the affected area should have inspired hope and also demonstrate empathy towards the people.

On the contrary, however, it has worsened the people’s plights and dashed their hopes.

“For the president of our Republic to choose no other platform to poke those who did not vote for him in the eye, but use a congregation of flood victims to do the low level politics is not only irresponsible but wicked. One would have thought that President Akuffo Addo would have used soothing words on this occasion. We would have expected the president to encourage the victims and assure them of the nation’s readiness to stand by them at this difficult time”.

Again, they would have expected the president to boldly announce specific interventions that are quantifiable and which would go a long way to ameliorate the people’s grief and despair. As characteristic of the president however, he elected to use this forum to engage in irresponsible politicking bereft of tact and wisdom.

Quite recently, the Vice President H.E Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia was also in the Keta campaigning at a time the people were experiencing similar destruction of homes, businesses and properties by tidal waves.

“In a subtle snub, the Vice President did not visit the victims or make any public comment to show concern about the people’s predicament. Was it the case that the president instructed his vice president not to show any concern because of this mentality that the people of the Volta region do not vote for him?”

And further questioned, “Mr. President should the quantum of votes a president gets from different parts of the country be weaponized to this low level? Should you be singing this kind of discriminatory song at the twilight of your tenure as president of this wonderful republic?”

“We condemn these unsavory and ethnocentric comments by Mr. Akufo Addo and urge all well-meaning Ghanaians as well as sound minds in the NPP to rise to the occasion and reign in the president”, he emphasized .


Leadership of Parliament commiserate with family of late Hon E. T Mensah



The Rt Hon Speaker, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin together with leadership, Members of Parliament and Staff of Parliament visited the family of the late Hon E.T Mensah to commiserate with them following his demise.

 Late Hon. E.T Mensah was a former Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram, Minister of State and until his unfortunate demise, he was a Member of the Council  of State.

The Rt Hon Speaker shared his fond memories of the late E.T Mensah whom he referred to as his brother.

He informed the family that, Parliament will participate fully to ensure that he is giving a befitting burial. 
