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“How come it’s easy to travel to Europe than the sub-region?” — Kofi Buah queried

Emmanuel Kofi Armah Buah, Deputy Minority Leader in Ghana’s parliament cannot fanthom how it is easy to travel from the West African sub-region to Europe than from among sub-regional countries.

Mr. Buah, a Ghanaian representative in the ECOWAS Parliament said, “It’s difficult to travel from Ghana to Sierra Leone; but how come it’s easy to visit Europe and America from the sub-region, and what are we doing to address this?”

As to what the Parliament is doing to help address the whole issue of Free Movement of ECOWAS citizens in the wake of high ticket prices and transport fairs, he noted in an interview that it is not an issue for the Parliament to intervene.

He said the focus should rather be to create a conducive economic atmosphere that would propel investments in the region; a situation that would generate healthy competition. “If we have enough airlines, prices would go down, prices of fuel would go down and that of tax in member states as well”.

Again, when we have a critical look at these things the market would transform itself we should focus on some of these things.

He asserts that things about ECOWAS should be prioritized if we want to achieve results and make positive impacts.
“We should not treat ECOWAS as an afterthought; ECOWAS should not be looked at when we are less busy, ECOWAS should be our focus, the objective of setting up ECOWAS is very relevant today and like the time it was founded we need to move faster than we are moving now”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

IGP Leaked Tape Saga: Committee’s report anaemic, lacks substance — Atta-Akyea

Mr. Samuel Atta Akyea, the Chairman of the ad hoc committee investigating a leaked tape regarding a plot to remove the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr. George Akuffo Dampare from office, has criticized the committee’s report, describing it as ‘anaemic’ and lacking substance for any parliamentary action.

According to the chairman he failed to sign the report that accused three senior police officers—COP Alex George Mensah, Supt. George Lysander Asare, and Supt. Emmanuel Eric Gyebi of misconduct; a major offence under police regulations, recommending they be sanctioned according to police disciplinary procedures.

However, during the Parliamentary debate, Mr Akyea urged the House to reject the report, citing that it lacks logical foundation.

He further said, “I want to submit with the greatest of respect that this report reduced parliament and the good committee of parliament to a conveyor belt that anything they drop on it should go. You do not just listen to people who come before a committee and that will bring you to a conclusion of the matter. You delve into the matters. A committee of parliament is not a conveyor belt. They’re supposed to delve into this matter. And on that showing, this report is so anaemic.”

In addition, “It lacks substance for plenary to find, with the greatest of respect. I urge this House to reject this report because there is no foundation of evidence for this report. And we shouldn’t make a resolution based on such an anaemic report.”

In response, Mr. James Agalga, the Vice Chairman of the ad hoc committee, countered Akyea’s remarks, accusing him of misrepresenting the facts.

“Mr. Speaker, quite a number of issues have been raised, which constitutes a gross misrepresentation of the facts and of the report…in the course of the committee’s deliberations, the chairman had the opportunity to raise the arguments that he has canvassed before this house this evening that we could not elevate conspiracy to the level of our criminal jurisprudence under section 23 of the criminal and other offences act and we all agreed as a result of that intervention.”

Finally, the majority leader, Mr Alexander Afenyo Markin in his contribution added that, the NPP government led by President Akufo-Addo would never remove the IGP from his position as some members of NDC Minority are trying to portray to Ghanaians that, President Akufo-Addo wants to base on the committee’s report to get Dr Dampare out of office.

He explained that, looking at the good job of the IGP and reforms he is introducing would sure meet some opposition because some people who benefit from the old ways of doing things would surely dislike the new reform.


July 23rd sets for Mid-Year Budget Review

In presenting the Business Statement for the ensuing week on Friday, July 12, 2024, Majority chief whip Frank Annoh Dompreh told the House, the Minister for Finance Dr. Amin Adam would present to the floor of the House the Mid-Year budget review of 2024.

According to him members of Parliament should take note and ready themselves to receive the Minister for the Mid-Year Budget Review onTuesday, July 23, 2024.

The House was informed that from Monday, July 15, 2024 parliament would start extended sittings to deal with back log of work outstanding as the House is expected to go on recess on Wednesday, 31, 2024.

Again, the Minister of Educations and Minister for Employment and Labour Relations are scheduled to brief Parliament on the strike action by the lectures of colleges of Education, whiles the Employment and Labour relations Minister would also apprise the House on the strike action by the Civil and Local Government staff Association, Ghana (CLOGSAG).

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS member states need to prosper together – Kofi Buah advises

Deputy Minority Leader in Ghana’s Parliament and a member of Ghana’s delegation to the Community Parliament, Emmanuel Kofi Armah Buah said for the sub-region to make impact, it is not for each individual member states being prosperous but the prosperity of all member states.

According to him being in the ECOWAS Parliament is an eye opener, fighting for the fundamental issues that addresses the bread and butter matters for the Community citizens.

In an interview he noted that Ghana cannot develop in isolation leaving the other member states, and pointed out further that in Ghana’s capital Accra it is visible the number of children of Niger, Burkina Faso origin along the streets begging; hence the need to prosper together.

“You will see yourself overwhelmed as a Nation by all these immigrants hence the need to have development plans and we should look beyond our borders, think beyond our borders”.

“Again, the ECO dream, what are we doing to ensure that it is realised and implemented? Look at the financial sector, the cost of foreign exchange, member states changing money into dollars. We have a long way to go, and until we address these things as a bloc we would not move forward if we continue to tackle them as individual member states.”

“We should think bigger than our tiny countries, so that we are not pushed around by smaller countries coming for summit, we are there with cup in hand those are the things that we were warned against by Ghana’s first president Dr. Kwame

Nkrumah and those visionary leaders of his time. If we do not move faster and together we would find ourselves where we are; we need to go back and pick those pieces”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Buah calls for transparent recruitment into security services

The Deputy Minority Leader, Emmanuel Kofi Armah Buah has urged the Minister for Interior to immediately halt the recruitment process of eleven thousand security personnel and rather open the process up for Ghanaians to participate in it fairly.

According to him the ongoing process is opaque and dismissed assertion that it is as a result of back log over the years.

At a press conference address by the Deputy Leader on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, he pointed out that the police administration on July 7, 2023 in a press statement indicated that they do not have any back log hence the Minority is surprised at the turn of events.

And instead of advertising the recruitment process as has been the normal practice the sector Ministry is hiding under the guides of backlog in other to recruit supporters of the ruling NPP government into the security service saying this does not need advertisement as a result of backlog.

Immigration personnel expected to be recruited are three thousand, Ghana police personnel five hundred, prison service five hundred and narcotic five hundred

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS Parl.: Liberia receives commendation for appointing a female as defense Minister , but worries over treatment of form President—-Ahi

At the ongoing first Ordinary Session of the 6th Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament in Abuja Nigeria, lawmakers have commended Liberia for appointing the first-ever female defense Minister, Brigadier General Geraldine George.

The MP gave the commendation during the presentation of the Country’s report by the leader of the delegation Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe Jr. on Tuesday, July 9, 2024.

That notwithstanding, the MPs were not enthused about some treatment being meted out to the former President George Weah including being denied access to a VIP lounge.

A member of Ghana’s delegation to the 6th Community Parliament, Samson Ahi in his contribution to Liberia’s Country report commended the country for giving a very detailed report on current happenings in the country.

I was going through the report and was thinking that things were going on very well in Liberia. But at a point I have to change my mind, when i noticed that the former President was denied access to the VIP lounge, a development I think not good enough, he stated.

Again, I was expecting the report to commend the former president because of what he did in the elections. You hardly find a sitting president would lose less than forty thousand votes and just agree to transfer power; this is a mark of statesmanship and I was expecting the report to commend him highly but I do not know why they decided not to commend him, Mr. Ahi noted.

Hon. Ahi joined his colleagues to further commend a good development in Liberia and noted that he is not commending them for appointing a female as first defense Minister, but the fact that she was appointed as deputy defense Minister by the previous government and when there was change over the current government elevated her as substantive Minister.

“That is a good ternate of democracy; look at the talent of the person, if the person has the capacity to help irrespective of the person’s background you have to give the person the opportunity”.

However, he was not happy the report did not give information on how the Liberian government is putting in measures to deal with drug abuse in the Country.

In the case of Guinea he indicated that he was happy their delegation are back in the ECOWAS Parliament which has been their prayers and hope others like Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali would return to the fold.

He flawed Guinea on grounds that their Country report is not detailed enough; and hoped they would improve it during the second Ordinary session when they are presenting their country report.

He also questioned their efforts at returning to democratic rule which was not specified in the report.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Parliament experiences yet another blackout

Parliament has experienced yet another blackout on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, when the House was getting ready to commence proceedings.

Members of Parliament for more than an hour have been waiting on the floor of the House for lights to come on for business of the House to commence as at 11: 21am when Ghanamps.com filed this report, the lights was still not back at the chamber.

Members of the parliamentary press corps have been in the heat of their offices writing stories as there had been two press conferences organized in the early hours of the morning.


Avedzi blames AG, Parliament for inaction on PAC’s recommendations for prosecution

Chairman of the Public Account Committee, Dr. James Klutse Avedzi has clarified on the floor of Parliament that Parliament and the Attorney General are yet to act on the Committee’s recommendation for prosecution of entities and individuals cited for various infractions.

According to him a follow up with the Attorney General and Minister of Justice’s office revealed that Parliament is yet to communicate with them on referrals for prosecution.

Similar checks in Parliament also confirmed that the clerk of parliament is yet to sign the letter to be forwarded to the AG’s outfit.

“It would be good if the clerk signs the letter, so that it can be communicated to the AG for action to be taken”, he emphasized.

A member of the Committee, Rockson-Nelson Etse Dafeamekpor further added that it was when the Attorney General appeared before the Public Account Committee (PAC) and they enquired on progress of recommendations for prosecution that it came out that the AG has not received any recommendation from Parliament for prosecution.

He added that the law establishing the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) without information emanating from the Legislature, they can go ahead and take action on issues coming out of the public hearing of PAC.

The MP also backed the Chairman’s call for the letter to be transmitted from Parliament to the AG’s office for action to be taken.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Appointment Committee: Minority accuses Majority of breaching Committee practices

The Minority on the Appointment Committee has taken a swipe at their colleagues on the Majority side for breaching time-tested practices of the Committee, as they went ahead to vet Minister of State designate at the Ministry of Energy.

According to a statement issued by the Deputy Minority leader, Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah there is a long-standing parliamentary practice that requires national circulation of information on memoranda from the public.

That is, the public ought to be given adequate time to submit memoranda to make representation; and the Minority is at a loss as to the rationale for the indecent haste on the part of the Majority, more especially as there is a substantive Minister of Energy, and the nominee is already a Deputy Minister at the sector.

Last week, it took a strong push back from the Minority to call off the vetting of the same nominee just a day after the referral by the Speaker to the Appointment Committee to ensure that the appointment was advertised.

The Minority wishes to serve notice that it will not be part of any hasty process deliberately designed by the Majority to deny the people of Ghana participation in the work of the Appointment Committee and Ghana’s democracy.

Consistent with the Minority’s earlier position, the Caucus will not participate in the vetting of any ministerial nominee that adds to the already bloated size of this Akufo-Addo/ Bawumia government.

Again, the Minority cannot support the President’s nomination for the Minister of State at the Ministry of Energy at a time when Ghana is going through very difficult periods, including crippling economic crisis, food insecurity, debt default, corruption, state capture and wasteful expenditures.

The Minority once again calls on President Akufo-Addo to downsize his government to signal to the people of Ghana that, at the very least, he is in tune with feedback and appreciates the challenges resulting from the bad economic policies of his government. It cannot be the case that whiles the government asks the people to tighten their belt; those in government would have no belt at all.

Under the circumstances, the NDC Minority Caucus cannot in good conscience participate in the vetting of yet another injury time ministerial nominee, he affirmed.


MP for North Dayi provides breakfast for 783 BECE candidates

Member of Parliament for North Dayi, Joycelyn Tetteh has today, Monday July, 8, 2024 toured three (3) Basic Examination Certificate Examination Centres in her constituency and provided each candidate twenty five (GHc 25) Ghana cedis for the week at the ongoing examination.

According to her she is aware of the socioeconomic situations hence supporting these candidates to at least buy breakfast each day before they sit for their exams.

She challenged them to pass their exams with good grades and she will be there to support them heavily with their SHS prospectus.

The lawmaker further provided one hundred Ghana cedis GHc 100 to the invigilator and some support for various teachers from the schools that have brought their candidates to the centers as motivations for their commitment to serving her beloved pupils.

Hon. Joycelyn has assured to doing her part as far as educational activities are concerned in North Dayi Constituency.

The candidates, invigilators and the teachers alike were grateful for this supportive and benevolent gesture from their MP. They wished her well in all her endeavours.

Bismark Kwabla Kpobi