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Cement Price Hikes: Afenyo accuses Minority of standing in the way of government

The Majority in Parliament has expressed disappointment in the Minority for standing in the way of government, as it makes efforts to ensure Ghanaians have fair pricing of cement in the country.

Majority Leader, Alexander Kwamena Afenyo Markin at a press conference on Thursday, July 4, 2024, expressed worry over the attitude of some members of the Minority, when government is taking steps to ensure Ghanaians do not experience constant price increase in cement produce.

According to him, more worrying is the fact that the NDC Minority keeps calling on government to leave up to expectation by halting the arbitrary increase in cement products in the country, and yet their attitude in parliament towards that effort speaks otherwise.

“We are disappointed at the manner in which the minority went about the Legislative Instrument (LI) which was laid two days ago in Parliament”, he stated.

The Majority Leader asserts that the main objective of the L.I as contained in the paper presented is to promote competition within the cement industry, but not to regulate pricing of cement; adding that government is not seeking to re-introduce price control as if we are a communist government.

He said this government believes in free market enterprise, but it should be regulated and checked. ‘When the matter came up for the laying of the L.I. the Minority raised a strong objection to the effect that we should subject the L.I. to a pre-laying, which suggestion we agreed. It was made and referral was made to the Subsidiary Legislation of Parliament, it is headed by Dr. Dominic Ayeni after their deliberation they came up with a document, a report signed by the chair of the committee”.

The content said if the sector Minister would take into consideration all the amendments, then they are not opposed to the L.I. The Minister incorporated every single amendment proposed by the committee into the new L.I before same was laid. In other words, the old L.I. was changed so the Minority amendment was factored into the new L I.

“So how come the next day some members of the Minority came attacking government? They are the same people complaining about cost of leaving, cost of pricing of food stuffs and production, and government is taking steps to protect the consumer, the ordinary user of cement in Ghanaian.”

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Committee wants eastern railway to Boankra expedited

Delay in the start of works on the Eastern Railway Network from the Tema Port to Boankra is of a major concern to some members of the Roads and Transport Committee.

Mr. Samuel Atta Mills, a member of the Committee raised issues with this after presentation on the project was done to the Committee members who were on an oversight mission to ascertain progress of work.

“You have started this project how many more years do we have to wait for the railway line to be completed for Boankra to be useful. Are we going to let it sit as a white elephant?” He queried.

The consultant on the project Dr. John B. K. York pointed out to members of the Committee that there is work currently ongoing on the Western rail line leading to Boankra from Takoradi which is sixty-six (66) kilometers to Boankra.

But the Eastern rail line is going through the process, and yet to be started. He added further that by the time the Inland port is completed, fleets would still come by road until the rail lines are completed.

In addition, the Committee was briefed that with the completion of Boankra Inland Port, fourteen percent (14%) of the workload in Tema would be taken off. Government he said is however looking forward to using Public-Private-Partnership approach to develop the three hundred and thirty (330) kilometers Eastern Rail line to Boankra, and the process is ongoing.

The Railways Ministry told the Committee that studies have been done and submitted to the PPP Committee of the Ministry of Finance. They have received approval and have been directed to go to the market and invite private developers to partner government develop the Eastern Railways to Boankra Inland Port.

Mr. Emmauel Gyamfi pointed out to his colleagues that neighboring Republic of Togo has built an Inland port without Rail lines and in that process they have even taken away Ghana’s business from the Tema port; most especially from Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso.

These countries now do their transit through Togo and encourage members that it should not be said that because the rail line would not be completed in time, the project would be useless; “that is a wrong impression if we compare what Togo is doing.”

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.co

Justmoh appeals to Parliament to ensure funds are made available for completion of Boankra port

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Justmoh Company Dr. Justice Amoh, currently constructing the Boankra Inland port has appealed to Parliament to intervene and ensure that funds are made available for the completion of phase one of the project which is forty percent complete.

According him this is an important national project hence they have been to their banks to ensure that the project goes on even though they have not been paid since November 2023.

He made this appeal when the Committee on Roads and Transport visited the site on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, as part of their oversight to see for themselves where the project has reached as there is much public interest in the project.

More so, it is hoped that the visit of the MPs would help facilitate how best funds would be made available to the contractor for successful completion of the project.

The CEO of Justmoh thanked the Committee for coming around and pointed out that the visit is historic, adding that in his thirty-five years being in the construction industry this is the first time he has had a visit from a parliamentary Committee.

Concerning the regulation of his contract on the Boankra project, he noted that the process is ongoing, and to the best of his knowledge, it is before the Public Procurement Authority and they have given approval for the project to continue; “but we are yet to finalize the signing of the contract.”

According to him, the contract that was approved by parliament was three hundred and thirty million dollars; but this was revised now to three hundred and eighty million dollars and “we signed one hundred and ten million dollars with the concessioner for a section of the project”, he added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Contractor on Boankra Port Project regularized — Osei-Nyarko assured

Chairman of the Roads and Transport Committee, Kennedy Osei-Nyarko has explained that the current contractor working on the Boankra Inland Port project has been regularized based on issues raise by the Minority members of the Committee on controversies between Ashanti Port Service and Justmoh on the abrogation of their contract.

According to him the sector Ministry has explained that Ashanti Port Services were given time to get the needed fund to work but could not do it and their contract was subsequently terminated as the Ministry has gone to the Public Procumbent Authority to regularize the contract of Justmoh, the current contractor working on the project.

He said the Attorney General and lawyers would deal with whatever they need to do in the wake of a possible judgment debt as some of the parties are in court.

In an interview, he pointed out that they have advised the ministry to bring the new contract to Parliament as the initial contract was brought to Parliament.

Mr. Osei-Nyarko further noted that the Committee has learnt that there were some variations in the contract, indicating that in the initial feasibility study, it did not come out that some portions were water logged, and when not worked on, in the future additional money would be spent to do filling. And working on those areas delayed the project a bit.

Meanwhile, the committee has requested for the new contract to be brought to it for them to be well informed on the current development to help them adequately inform the public and the media on the project.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Boankra Inland Port: Roads and Transport Committee impressed with work so far — Chairman

Chairman of the Roads and Transport Committee Kennedy Osei-Nyarko in the company of other Committee members has expressed satisfaction in the work so far done at the site.

The Committee members as part of their oversight role paid a day’s working visit to the ongoing Boankra Inland port project in Ejisu constituency on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.

According to him, the Ministry, contractor and consultant have done well so far with forty percent of phase one of the project done.

“What we witnessed is impressive; when you are outside you hear so many things as if nothing is happening, all of us are witnesses; you the media, we on the side of the committee, I would say we are impressed. We were told by the consultant that the contractor has not been paid since November 2023, the IPC that has been raised has not been honoured”.

He affirmed that the project is such a great initiative, and that the government and the ministry should do well to ensure the project goes on, since it would be helpful for the nation.” It is not for only the Ashanti Region; but the Sahel and the Northern part of the country; it is going to serve a great part of the Northern half of the country”.

And further pointed out that initially he was of the view that the first phase would be completed by the end of this year, “but we have been told in 2026 due to the new changes that came in. We are happy as a committee and we are going to the House to report it; where ever we have to find money for the contractor to finish the work we would do for the project not to halt”, he assured.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com


The Parliament of Ghana has held a public forum with a colourful durbar of Chiefs and people in Techiman and its environs in the Bono East Regional capital as part of its scheduled year-long activities to mark the 30th Anniversary celebration of the 4th Republic of Ghana.

This celebration marks three decades of uninterrupted and stable democratic governance and Parliament has undoubtedly, been at the forefront since January 7, 1993.

The Forum in Techiman sought to provide an opportunity for Parliament to soberly reflect on the successes chalked since the inception of the Fourth Republican Parliamentary Democracy and the challenges to overcome as a nation, going forward.

Rt. Hon. Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, the Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament in his speech to mark the occasion in Techiman said the 1992 Constitution has stabilized democracy in Ghana but noted there was a lot yet to be done to refine it to better suit the situation of Ghanaians. He called on future government to take it seriously to amend the 1992 Constitution. ”In the light of this, it is imperative that we treasure and put a high premium on the re-examination of the 1992 constitutional concept and practice of our multiparty constitutional parliamentary democracy, particularly within the context of Sub-Saharan Africa, where some of our neighboring countries, Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea, and Niger have witnessed democratic reversals with the emergence of unconstitutional governments”, he stated.

Speaking on the theme of the anniversary celebration dubbed, “Thirty Years of Parliamentary Democracy Under the 4th Republic: The Journey Thus Far”, Mr. Alban Bagbin acknowledged the sacrifice, dedication and commitment of visionary leaders who worked tirelessly to craft the 1992 Constitution that paved way for the inception of the Fourth Republic. “We celebrate the wise counsel and leadership of our Kings, Queens and Queen Mothers, a pillar of stability in this country. The contributions of past and present Members of the Consultative Assembly and Parliament, whose dedication and service have contributed a great deal in deepening our parliamentary democracy”, he emphasized. He added that Parliament further recognize with great appreciation the contributions of notable former Clerks to Parliament from Bono such as Nana Rex Owusu-Ansah and Mr. Emmanuel Anyimadu.

Touching on Parliament as an institution, The Speaker said Parliament is the pillar that holds democracy globally and therefore recognizes the onerous responsibility that the citizens of this country have placed on it. He noted that Parliament was mindful of the trust that the citizens have reposed on it. “Let me assure you, Chairman, that Parliament do not take the responsibility and trust for granted; we are resolved to ensure that our democracy survives not only the test of time, but also the test of legitimacy, responsiveness and relevance to the needs and aspirations of Ghanaians”, he assured. He was quick to add that the quality of Parliament determines the quality of democracy in every country.

On Governance, the Speaker noted the nation, certainly were confronted with various challenges such as poor leadership and bad governance as a result of week institutions and systems, yellow journalism, insecurity, mismanagement and an unprecedented economic down turn. He re-iterated, nonetheless, the Ghana was blessed with a stable but fragile political environment that provides the opportunity to dialogue and work towards overcoming the difficulties and challenges.

Also on 2024 Elections, Mr. Alban Bagbin urged all stakeholders, including Nananom, the Executive President, Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo, the Judiciary, led by the Chief Justice, the Constitutional Commissions, particularly the EC, NCCE, CHRAJ, MC, Political Parties, think-tanks, Security Agencies, Civil Society Organizations and the Clergy to work together towards ensuring a peaceful, free, fair and credible elections in December this year. “Mr. Chairman, as we celebrate our democratic credentials, let me emphasize that we can only maintain our true accolade as the beacon of democracy in Africa, if we conduct election 2024 in a peaceful, free, fair, transparent and credible manner”, he said. He noted that the impending elections was a new opportunity to reaffirm and renew Ghanaians commitment to the democratic ideals, a new opportunity to demonstrate that Ghana, the Shining Star of Africa, can always rise to the occasion, and show the way for others to follow.

Mr. Kwasi Adu-Gyan, the Bono East Regional Minister in his speech assured the people in the Region that he will ensure that the 2024 elections was conducted in peaceful atmosphere with free and fair outcome. “If there should be bloodshed, not in my region”, the Regional Minister assured.

The Public Forum was chaired the Omanhene of Bassa, Nana Owusu Sakyi III.
The Speaker was accompanied by his spouse, MPs from Bono and Bono East regions, the Deputy Clerk to Parliament and some staff of the Parliamentary Service.

Imoro T. Ayibani

Parliament organises mock debate at Sunyani to mark 30-years

The Parliament of Ghana as part of its 30th anniversary of the Fourth Republic of Ghana has organized a mock parliamentary debate at the Sunyani Technical University.

The debate organized among five tertiary schools was on the theme “Social Media Has Made Us Less Social.”

Rt. Hon Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin, Speaker of Parliament of the 8th Parliament Of the fourth Republic of Ghana delivering his key note address on the theme “Thirty years of Parliamentary Democracy under the fourth Republic; the journey thus far”, indicated that Politics was all about service and representation of the masses.

He advised that in the Country’s quest to achieving Good Governance system there is the need for attitudinal change and reforms.

In related issues of concern, he said celebrating three decade of uninterrupted Democracy was the reason why the country prides itself as a democratic Country.

The Speaker again said, Parliament has under gone a lot of transformational progression and advice that democracy should not be practiced at a tortoise space.

On the part of students, the Speaker cautioned that failure should be seen as a first attempt in learning and the debate should not be based on only academic excellence but a political progression of ideas.

The Bono Regional Minister Justina Owusu Banahene, marking the anniversary expressed her sincerest appreciation to the Speaker and parliamentary service for choosing Sunyani as the venue for the programme.

She added that the practice of rule of law and respect for fundamental human rights has led to peaceful transitions of power and applied tenets of democracy through free and fair elections.

She again said our democratic institution has grown stronger and the voice of the people have been given the platform to be heard and respected.

The Minister urged all the citizens to have a sober reflections essential in acknowledging the tremendous rise made in various sectors.

Nana Okokyeredom Sakyi Ako II Chief of Drobo Traditional Council representing the Regional House of Chiefs urged all present to work towards the preamble of the 1992 constitution by showing love, unity, stability and patriotisms.

Climaxing the ceremony awards, medals and cash prizes were presented to the participating schools which Sunyani Technical University emerged first.

Rejoyce Ofori Tamea

Appiah-Kubi and Wireko-Brobby represent Committee at vetting of deputy Trade Minister designate

The Leadership of the Majority side of the Trade and Industry Committee were represented by Andy Kwame Appiah-Kubi and Bright Wireko-Brobby on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at the vetting of deputy Trade and Industry Minister designate by the Appointment Committee.

The minority side of the Appointment Committee boycotted the working of the Committee today.

With the revision of the new standing orders, leadership of the Committee whose sector Ministry is being vetted makes a representation at the Committee.

As advertised, the vetting was supposed to take place at 10:00am but started at 11:00am after an hour of waiting.

Deputy nominee for Trade and Industry Kofi Ahenkorah Marfo appeared before the one-sided Majority Committee for vetting, and the nominee noted that with his experience in alternative dispute resolution he would help the sector Minister to address disputes associated with trade associations.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Minority boycotts vetting of deputy Trade and Industry Minister

The Minority members on the Appointment Committee have boycotted vetting of deputy Trade and Industry Minister nominee, Kofi Ahenkorah Marfo on Tuesday, July 2, 2024.

According to a statement issued by the Minority Leader Dr Atto Forson, they, as a caucus are affronted by the already large size of the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government and its poor economic performance. “We are again unable to support this nomination by President Akufo-Addo at this time because our country has gone through very difficult periods, including crippling economic crisis, food insecurity, debt default as a result of excessive borrowing, corruption in government and wasteful and reckless expenditure.

He further pointed out in his statement that, ordinary Ghanaians going through excruciating hardships and businesses relocating from Ghana as a result of the high tax regime created by the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government, one would have expected the President to downsize his already large government.

This would have sent a signal to the people that President was mindful of the economic realities and was willing to do things differently to restore the needed confidence in the economy. That the President continues to nominate additional ministers to his already large sized government at this injury time demonstrates a lack of appreciation of the economic mess that his government has unleashed on Ghanaians as a result of its bad economic policies.

And consistent with their position as announced on May 17, 2024, the NDC Minority Caucus cannot out of good conscience support the approval of this injury time deputy minister nominee, especially when this Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government has been reckless, wasteful and insensitive about the plight of the ordinary Ghanaian.

“We will not, and cannot, take part in a decision to further burden the already suffering Ghanaian, especially when the president is unmindful of the financial consequences of his bloated government”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS: Touray cautions about effects of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger’s withdrawal

At the opening of the first Ordinary Session of the 6th ECOWAS Parliament in Abuja, Nigeria on Monday, July 1, 2024, the President of the ECOWAS Commission, Dr. Omar Alieu Touray cautioned Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali against their decision to leave bloc following ECOWAS’ insistence that those countries return to democratic rules.

The three countries had in January 2024, decided in complete sovereignty on the immediate withdrawal from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Announcing their withdrawal from the regional economic bloc, in a joint statement, the three countries accused the regional body of failing to support their fight against terrorism and insecurity, while imposing illegal, illegitimate, inhumane and irresponsible sanctions”.

President ECOWAS Commission

Efforts to broker peace between the aggrieved countries seem to be hitting a brick wall as the three countries are unwilling to shift position.

Dr. Touray, said it is clear that disintegration will not only disrupt the freedom of movement and establishment of people, but it will also aggravate insecurity in the region.

More specifically, he said that the withdrawal of the three aforementioned countries will deal a severe blow to security cooperation, particularly in terms of intelligence sharing and participation in the fight against regional terrorism and other joint security initiatives, such as the operationalization of the ECOWAS standby force that the member states’ defense ministers have just agreed to activate, as well as the Accra Initiative and the Multinational Joint Taskforce.

The withdrawal of the three countries, he said could also lead to diplomatic and political isolation on the international stage, as these countries will no longer be able to benefit from bloc support when their citizens or candidates seek international positions within the African Union, the United Nations, and similar bodies.

He added that this withdrawal will also affect travel and immigration conditions for citizens of these three countries, as they will now have to apply for visas before traveling within the sub-region, stressing that citizens of these countries may no longer be able to reside or freely create businesses within the facilities established by ECOWAS and may be subject to various national laws.

“Additionally, these three countries will have to cease using ECOWAS passports, the ECOWAS biometric national identity card, and the ECOWAS “Brown Card” automobile insurance on a regional scale. Economically and financially, the withdrawal of the three member states could lead to the cessation or suspension of all projects and programs implemented by ECOWAS in these countries, valued at over 500 million US dollars.

“It is also worth noting that the two regional financial institutions, namely the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) and the West African Development Bank (BOAD), have significant investments in these three countries. EBID has 27 projects currently in these three countries, with a total value estimated at around 321.634 million US dollars, of which 38.1 percent are public sector projects and 61.9 percent are private sector projects. The banking portfolio in these three countries represents approximately 22.5 percent of the total bank portfolio in the 15 member states. The three countries have contributed a total of 33.135 million US dollars to the bank’s capital.

“Institutionally, it is worth noting that the withdrawal of the three countries will result in the closure of four ECOWAS regional entities in Burkina Faso, two ECOWAS regional bodies in Mali, and one ECOWAS regional office in Niger. This will also affect the job security of approximately 130 ECOWAS staff citizens of the three countries, distributed as follows: 77 from Burkina Faso; 23 from Mali; and 32 from Niger”, Touray said.

He noted that these are the disastrous consequences of disintegration on the citizens that motivated the decision of the Conference of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS, under the leadership of President Ahmed Tinubu, to open dialogue with the three countries in order to maintain the unity of ECOWAS, stressing, that is why the Conference of Heads of State also ordered at its last session that the representatives of the people continue to play their role within the ECOWAS Parliament.
He laments that this lack of cooperation from the three countries, the President of ECOWAS Commission, Dr Touray, said the four transitional countries were invited to send representatives to this legislature, unfortunately, only the Republic of Guinea responded positively to this invitation.

“Inviting the transitional countries to send their representatives to the ECOWAS Parliament was one of the many measures we have taken to involve the transitional countries since the extraordinary summit on February 24, 2024.

Other measures include requests for hearings and invitations to participate in sectoral and consultative meetings. Although none of these openings have received a response, my colleagues and I at the commission remain determined to continue reaching out to preserve the unity of the sub-region. As representatives of the people, your role in this process is crucial, and that is why I commend the resolution you took in Kano to involve the various stakeholders from the three countries. I assure you of the full support of the ECOWAS commission for the various steps you are taking. We must be effective and strategic in our engagement,” he said.
