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Minority Leader invokes Order 53 (2) to haul EC to the House

Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu was compelled to invoke Order 53 (2) to ensure the Electoral Commission comes to the House to brief it on its road map towards election 2020, after weeks of request on the matter had not been addressed.

According him, he had made this demand for the EC to come to the House since 30th April for the Majority Leader Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu to summon Mrs Jean Mensah to update parliament either at the Committee of the whole or the special budget Committee.

“Parliament should be allowed to interrogate matters relating to their budget requirement and procurement, as a way of political accountability constantly the matter has been relegated to the background”.

And recounted that the last time he raised this issue he was told the EC would be in the House on 9th June 202, but presenting the Business Statement on Friday there was no indication that the EC would be in the House.

The Speaker Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye was compelled to ask the Majority Leader to ensure that finality is brought to the matter.

Mr. Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu pointed out that the Minority Leader was the vice chairman of the special budget committee which made invitation to the EC and he has been updating his colleague.

Again, the Minority Ranking Member of the Business Committee had  raised the issues  there and he updated him on the matter hence he finds it unfortunate that he still has to raise the matter on the floor of the House.

“Initially the EC said they would be in the House on June 16, 2020; I was thinking they could be here on the 9th but they are working at the various districts on a pilot registration for new voters ID”.

He further explained  to the House there has been a new development where the EC had been directed by the Supreme Court to  avail themselves on Monday June 8, 2020 and would follow up with them to find out if they can avail themselves to the House before they get back to the districts.

Speaker Oquaye intervene and asked when the EC would be in the House to brief it of its preparation ahead of this year’s Presidential and Parliamentary elections?

Mr. Mensah-Bonsu told the speaker he want  to further engage with the EC to see if he can talk to them to be in the House on the June 9, 2020 but  compelling them would be difficult.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Infrastructure Development: Akufo-Addo cannot match Mahama—Agbodza

Ranking Member on Road and Transport, Govern Kwame Agbodza has pointed out that President Nana Akufo-Addo is trying to ignore the solid contribution of former President John Mahama when it comes to infrastructure development of the country.

According to him the opposition National Democratic Congress is a party of infrastructure and Akufo-Addo cannot match the record of former President John Mahama.

He further pointed out in a briefing with journalists in Parliament that for the past four years the current administration has not been up to the task when it comes to social infrastructure in education, health, transport or aviation.

“The President suspended all cocoa roads pretending that those projects were awarded wrongly, others said wrongly inflated, whiles others said they did not exist; four years down the line they have not been able to produce a report despite they paid dollars to get a committee to produce a report”.

He challenged the media to demand the audit report on the cocoa sector roads and share with the Ghanaian public.

He further added that former President John Mahama sought help from the Japanese government in 2015 and got a grant for the construction of the Tema Motorway Roundabout which needed not come to Parliament for approval.

In his last state of the nation address and manifesto, the project could not be stopped as it has nothing to do with the current administration.

Mr. Agbodza placed on record that there is a very worrying practice by President Nana Akufo-Addo where he ignores the contribution of his predecessor, with the sod cutting for the Kumasi Airport project.

Again, the previous government envision building of six lanes on the motorway roundabout which was part of the Meridian Ports and Services project and the current administration did not carry it out; they were rather looking for a concessioner, hence the project is in “abeyance”.

In addition, he pointed out Article 35 (7) which says it is the responsibility of every government to continue a project started by the previous government and there is nothing wrong for President Akufo-Addo to continue with projects started by former President John Mahama.

“Former President John Agyekum Kufuor started the Bui dam and did not complete it but was actually built by the NDC government we are honest people,  have you heard any NDC person say they initiated it?”

He added that President Akufo-Addo should be straight forward with Ghanaians and acknowledge the works of former President Mahama as he commissioned the Tema Motorway Roundabout.

The Sinohydro project envisaged by the current administration, he noted that, they came to Parliament,  he predicted that it would  amount to nothing , hence no one should blame the inability of  the project to  started on COVID -19.

“Sinohydro collapsed before COVID-19 and how many of the critical projects have been done, the President has failed the road sector, his hope on the one point six billon cedi road fund unfortunately he took two point two billion cedis for the four years instead of allowing that money to be used in paying the contractors to do more projects”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Majority Leader to address missing names at the presidency this week

Majority Leader, Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has told the House he would follow up with the chief of staff at the presidency to provide the six missing names from the list the Presidency provided as staff to the House this week.

Ranking Member on the Committee of Foreign Affairs, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa raised this issue for the second time on the floor of the House when he wanted to know why some six names have been missing from the list provided to the House.

According to him Act 463 section 11 has been complied with by providing the list of Ministers of state at the presidency.

He noted that appendix C page seven had six Ministers of state provided for 2019 fiscal year comparing it to that of 2018 there are some names missing from what had been submitted recently.

“They are Dr. Anthony Osei-Akoto, Professor George Gyan-Baffour, Mr. Daniel Kwaku Botwe, Mr. Ibrahim Mohamed Awal, Mr. Yaw Osarfo Marfo and Mrs. Mavis Hawa Koomson, the House is not aware of any reshuffle that has been done or resignation”.

He further added that as MPs they need correct data and if there is a correction to be made it should be made since the list is coming from the presidency the sanctity of the report should be protected.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS Commission condemns death of George Floyd

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission has expressed shock at the brutal murder of Mr. George Floyd, a black American caused by police in the US and offered its deepest condolences to the family.

In a statement, the Commission indicated that it supports the disapproval of the development as expressed by the Chairperson of the African Union Commission as it invokes historic resolution against racial discrimination in the US, as adopted by Heads of States and Government of the Organization of Africa Union as far back as the 1964s.

The Commission believes that the democratic tradition of the United States of America would inspire efforts to find a permanent solution to the unfortunate phenomenon.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“Drainage problems to be tackled with availability of funds”—Atta Akyea

Minister for Works and Housing, Samuel Atta Akyea has assured Parliament that his Ministry would tackle identified drainage problems immediately the Finance Ministry gives it financial space.

According to him due to the critical nature of drainage problems in Djankrom area, the Hydrological Service Department of the Ministry has identified other areas that require urgent attention.

This came to light when Member of Parliament for Nsawam-Adoagyiri Frank Annoh-Dompreh wanted to know when the drainage works in Djankrom area and its environs would be completed.

He told the House Messrs Prompto Logistics and Services Limited is the company contracted to carry out works on Djankrom.

Mr. Speaker over the years the Ministry has been implementing the National Flood Control programme across the country, an intervention in areas with critical drainage and sewage problems.

Under the 2018 National Flood Control programme, the contract was awarded on the 12th of July of February 2019 at a sum of one million nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, seven hundred and seventeen Ghana cedis, seventy five pesewas (GHc 1,999,717,75).

Under the contract, drainage improvement works were carried out at three (3) areas in Djankrom as directed by the District Assembly, as works to be carried out are concrete drains covering a total length of six hundred and ninety-two meters and also channel improvement works.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Parliament passes HR Management Ghana Bill 2019

Parliament on Thursday June 4, 2020 passed the Chartered Institute of Human Resource Management, Ghana Bill 2019 in law waiting to be passed on to the President Nana Akuffo-Addo to assent to become a law.

The Act would regulate the practice of Human Resource Management in the country when assented to by the President.

In addition, the Chartered Institute of Marketing Ghana Bill 2019 was also taken through third reading and passed by the House.

When assented to by the President, it would set marking standards in the country. The bill was taken by the Majority Leader Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu on behalf of the Education Minister Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh who was not in the chamber.

Meanwhile, the Land Bill 2019, and Pre-Tertiary Education Bill 2020 are both at the consideration stages with fifty-six (56) and nine (9) Amendments respectively.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“Don’t impose thirty percent women representation on us”—Ken Agyapong

As Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) advocates for thirty percent women representation in the worlds Legislature advocated by Majority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu at forum organised by his Ministry with leadership of Committees, the Chairman of the Local Government Committee, Ken Ohene Agyapong has said thirty percent women imposition should not be forced on Ghana since it would not work.

“IPU can advocate for thirty percent women representation and the fact that they have taken a decision on it does not mean Ghana would follow we are a sovereign nation, and Ghana has an open system as it is not preventing any woman from contesting for a political office”.

Again, he pointed out if a woman does want to go for a political office you cannot force the person and added that instead of advocating for imposition of women they should rather be encouraged.

Mr. Agyapong further pointed out that all over the world politics is rough and dirty so when most women venture into it and notice that its rough they do not have the courage to contest, and noted he does not disagree with women contesting, “it is a free range”.

In a related development, he lamented over the relationship between the Executive and the Legislature in the country and describe it as “social distancing, the gap is wide” adding that MPs do not get an opportunity to interact with the Executive.

“We do not go to cabinet, the Ministers go, the only time you see a Minister is when he or she comes to the House to do business on the floor, and the President when he comes to give state of the Nation Address”.

He added that Ministers when they are through with their business on the floor, they take their files and go away.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Komenda factory: Gov’t fears it would not get credit – Samuel Mills

Member of Parliament for Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abbrem, Samuel Atta Mills has said the reason why government is failing to revamp and operationalise the commissioned Komenda Sugar Factory in his constituency by the previous government is the “fear of not getting credit for it”.

According to him the current government has left the sugar factory unattended to but moved to Ekumfi to build a pineapple factory because for the first time they have captured the seat in that constituency.

“If they could have avoided using terminal three airport they would have done that because, everybody was complaining that the old terminal was not good enough, they did not even commission it they did a little bit of inspection boom they started using it, what a shame”.

He emphasized that there should be continuity of projects anytime there is a change of government, “we should not play games with Ghanaians.

“If they could have avoided using terminal three they would have done that because everybody was complaining that the old terminal was not good enough they did not even commission it they did a little bit of inspection then boom they started using it what a shame we should have continuity the government comes you continue where the other person left off; do not play games with the Ghanaian people”.

In an interview as to whether there is anything new in the answers given by the Trade and Industry Minister, Alan Kwadow Kyremantey on ensuring that the Komenda sugar factory becomes operational, with his earlier question and recent one this week, he said,e “I was not impressed with the answers given by the Minister, the assurance he gave Parliament that April 30th the factory would be operational never happened. And added that last November when they heard we were going to demonstrate they brought a so-called strategic investor to take over, he never came back”.

He pointed out that it emerged that the strategic investor was not given a contract, as it turns out cabinet had not given approval, “why is it that approval was not sought?”

Again they talk about sugar policy, “did we have pineapple policy in producing pineapple juice but Ekumfi juice factory has been set up, they are playing a political game, we have six months to elections when is the contract going to be signed?”

Mr. Samuel Mills was worried that as a country we spent over six hundred million dollars to import sugar whiles other land log countries like Burkina Faso, Mail and Niger import sugar that passes through Ghana, whiles we can operationalise the sugar factory we have.

And expressed the view that if even it produces over two hundred million dollars worth of sugar it creates direct and indirect jobs with seven thousand people employed it is a lot of job and cooperative farmers would benefit.

Rather the fishing industry is being killed at the same time the farming industry is being destroyed, he lamented.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

North Dayi MP expresses worry over improper wearing of face masks

Member of Parliament for North Dayi, Joycelyn Tetteh has expressed worry over majority of Ghanaians improperly wearing face masks as some place it below their chin, carrying it in their hands, with others having it on their forehead despite buying into the idea of wearing it.

According to her, this practice is usually exhibited at the markets, workplace and in commercial vehicles with impression created that it is sufficient to own a nose mask and carry it around.

Again, she further expressed worry over the way some handle the home-made mask, and pointed out that the proper way to handle it is for one to wash it with warm water and soap, “dried and iron it at least once a day if possible”.

“Sadly people wear soiled and unkempt mask, the situation is alarming as experts tell us clothing or accessories have the potential to be contaminated Dr. Daniel Griffin an infectious diseases expert at the Colombia University advices we must wash our masks as often as we do to our underwear”.

In a statement on the floor of the House on Thursday June 4, 2020, she pointed out that while she applaud efforts made to enforce mandatory wearing of nose mask, there should be a further step of ensuring that they are properly handled and worn, hence more public education from government agencies.

The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Health Ministry, media, MPs, Information and Local Government must also support in this effort.

“Mr. Speaker we are told the wearing of the facemask alone may not prevent a healthy person from getting the virus but at least they may help to ensure that we do not spread it to others. I hope we would all adhere to the guidelines for using the facemask so as to protect ourselves”.

The guidelines also calls for encouraged use of alcohol based hand sanitizers before putting on or taking off a face mask, and the face mask should be removed from behind and safely disposed.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Education Ministry awards 822 infrastructure projects across Ghana

Minister for Education Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh has told Parliament his Ministry has awarded eight hundred and twenty-two (822) various infrastructure projects at the Senior High Schools levels across the country.

According to him, this is to improve access to secondary education as he provided summary details in a table attached to the order paper of the day.

He further told the House the Ministry is guided by its strategic plan to improve equitable access to, and participate in quality education delivery in the country.

The Minister was answering the Member of Parliament for Builsa South, Dr. Clement A. Apaak’s question on the number of senior high schools benefiting from the eight hundred and four projects in the country.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com