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NPP commissions ultra-modern office in Northern Region

General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) John Boadu, has commissioned an ultramodern party office at Tolon, in the Northern Region.

The office complex was constructed and donated to the party by a young businessman and party sympathizer, by name Abdul Malik Alhassan.

Mr. John Boadu expressed the party’s thanks to the sole financier of the party office and lauded his initiatives to advance the party’s cause in the constituency and beyond.

And challenged the youth in the party to draw inspiration from the unprecedented feat chalked by Abdul Malik Alhassan and not to forget to sacrifice the little they have for the good of he party.

“NPP was founded on the immense scarifies and selflessness of individual members of the party, and continues to survive on their sacrifices and selflessness”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Report on Assin Central MP to be taken today

Report of the Privileges Committee on the breach of privileges and contemptuous remarks allegedly made by Assin Central lawmaker Ken Ohene Agyapong would be taken today.

The Committee’s report which has been ready and advertised since last year would be dealt with today, it was advertised in the order paper as motion six yesterday.

Speaker of Parliament Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye ruled that the report be presented today, when it got to motion six yesterday and the chairman of the committee Joseph Osei Owusu indicated to the speaker that there is another report before the committee against same person.

Minority Chief Whip, Mohammed Muntaka Mubarak called on the House to take a look at the conduct of the Assin Central MP recounting disparaged remarks he had made against the House and the Majority Leader.

Meanwhile the privileges committee would, have to sit again and consider a case brought against same Assin Central lawmaker.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Portholes on steel works junction to Tema to be addressed this year —Minister

Minister for Roads and Highways, Kwesi Amoako Atta has told Parliament completion of works on Tema Steel area on the Tema Aflao road will be completed this year as soon as outstanding payments due the contractor are made.

According to the sector Minister, inspection of the Tema Roundabout-Kpone Junction revealed that the road surface has deteriorated with portholes.

He further added that the contractor working on the Dawhenya-Afienya road project was instructed to treat the defective surface and overlay with asphalt.

“The contractor, however, after completing repair works and overlay on the East bound lanes suspended works on the West bound lanes suspended works on the West bound carriageway due to lack of payment”.

The Minister made this revelation on the floor when Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram, Samuel Nartey George sought to know from the sector Minister plans to carry out maintenance works on the portholes that have developed at the Steel Works Junction on the Tema–Aflao road.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Yendi to benefit from three million dollar water expansion project—Minister

Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Abena Dapaah has told Parliament cabinet would forward memorandum for an approval of three million dollars to kick start expansion of water project in the Yendi Municipality.

According to the sector Minister when Parliament approves of the need funds for the water expansion project in Yendi as soon as possible, the Ministry would ensure that work commences.

The Minister reveal to lawmakers that the current water supply was built in 1961 and additional bore hole was secured in 2015 to supplement the water ration system in place.

“Averagely water supply to the Municipality is point three million gallons of water, as against a demand of one point six million gallons of water daily”.

She further told the House, Ghana Water Company has introduced a program of rationing water in affected Yendi Municipality and other surrounding towns.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Ayawaso Violence: NDC to meet donor and diplomatic communities

With the violence that characterized the just ended by-election at Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo has given indications that the party would embark on a trip to donor and diplomatic communities on Monday.

According to the chairman they would meet with the Americans, British, Canadian, European Union DFID and USAID.

The funding agencies, demand some transparency fairness and neutrality from security Agency and EC once we would  give them the chronology of event and what is happening, on the electoral land map.Which is not making the process transparent, not providing a level playing field this time we want to go to them and let them know things going on; we do not want to put everything into the public domain, it is not good for the country, he said in an interview.

“When we meet them behind closed doors, we can discuss a lot more into details give them some evidence and pictorial evidence and all the things that they ought to know that would help them insist we create a level playing field for 2020 and beyond”.

He further pointed out that if the above bodies would fund Ghana’s election, it must peaceful; not invest into a bloody elections, Ghana is a peaceful democratic country.

He was however quick to point out that “we know a President who introduced violence in his own party when he was made the flagbearer, invisible forces beat their own party people, they burnt cars; he is now President and wants to extend that one, walayi we are not going to accept that”.

“We are sending a clear signal to the President that, those of us in the NDC we are not cowards, we are law abiding party, but cannot be taken to be our week point, we do respect the rules of the game”.

And told party supporters at Dome/Kwabenya where he was guest of honor at a maiden awards ceremony, he was at the Inspector General of Police’s (IGP’s) office on election day, “I asked him who deployed the people in the musk, he said, ‘I do not know them’ and we are dead”.

“If people are occupying police vehicles and are being driven by the police, and the IGP says he does not know them we are in big time trouble”.

“When we meet them behind closed doors, we can discuss a lot more into details give them some evidence and pictorial evidence and all the things that they ought to know that would help them insist we create a level playing field for 2020 and beyond”

When you look at the political parties laws voters are not to be intimidated on election day, it actually reduce the turn out; you need to name and shame people who have engaged in this, the law must take its rightful course and serve as a deterrent so that people would not come and do that it also create the awareness, he said.

Also people at the polling station should be each other’s keeper and ensure that people who do not have anything to do on election Day are not permitted to come there to disrupt things.

“We need public education, we are not in government, we do not have arms, we do not have anything but we would train our people sharpen their skills and make them effective at the polling stations to ensure we are not short changed at the various polling stations’.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Dome/Kwabenya pledge 99 percent support for John Mahama

Constituency Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Dome/Kwabenya, Isaac Lamptey has said his constituency would give John Mahama ninety-nine percent (99 %) in the upcoming 23rd February primaries.

According to the chairman, when he sort the views of the ward executives in the constituency as to who they would vote for the emphatic declaration was the former President.

In an interview he pointed out that the branch executives in the one hundred and ninety-nine (199) branch executives are for John Mahama, they are poised to bring him back not that the others are not good but its John’s time.

“He is one person who can take power away from President Nana Akufo-Addo, the evidence are clear on the ground that, John is the one to take back power from the incompetent Nana Addo, we are not going into 2020 to gamble for one to say try me and see”.

Again the party needs a straight forward thing, “from John Mahama to Nana Addo and Nana Addo to John Mahama later we would think about who would lead the party”.

“For now, the rest like Alban Bagbin Alabi and the rest should forget it, it is not their time, it is time for John to finish the unfinished business”.

Songs made for former President John Mahama in the 2016 elections were played at the maiden award ceremony that took place a Dome/Kwabenya over the weekend, with the constituency chairman tell party supports.

“I spoke to John Mahama three days ago, and he has indicated that when he comes to power in 2021, he would turn his attention to this constituency, everybody should vote for John Mahama I am going to do that at my ward”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

From Ayawaso: NDC would not be the same again—Ofosu Ampofo

Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Samuel Ofosu Ampofo has said God loves his party hence he reveals to redeem.

According to the chairman the violence that occurred during the just ended by-election at Ayawaso West Wuogon, if it had not happened their opponent and ruling government, New Patriotic Party (NPP) would have taken them by surprise in 2020.

He told party faithfulness who were being recognised at Dome/Kwabenya, “people did not understand where we were coming from, people did not know the information we had picked, our opponent had planned violence”.

“NDC would not be the same again after Ayawaso West Wuogon, we are a peace loving party, we would not love people to take us for granted”, he lamented.

People should not get former President Mahama wrong, his “boot for boot” comment, he is not calling for war, you cannot tire our hands slap us and ask us not to cry, have you seen some before?,  and the party supporters responded no.

I did campaign on the promise that ballot box would be protected, what has happened has strengthened my resolve, that we need to take our destiny into our own hands, if you are a branch chairman start identifying people who would help you protect the ballot box on election day, he said.

“We would not go with guns and weapons, we would go with peoples power when the people’s power is at work no gun can stand against the people’s power”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

EC chairperson is becoming dangerous for stability of Ghana—NDC Chairman

National Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, has taken a swipe at the chairperson of the Electoral Commission Jane Mensah.

According to Chairman Ofosu Ampofo, the EC chair is fast becoming a very dangerous substance for the future stability of the country.

“If you have a commissioner, who organizes an election in a constituency where people were attacked, short at and were in the hospital as a woman you go and sit and say it was a free and fair. But for the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election organize by the EC people would not have been injured”, he lamented.

He further pointed out that the EC white washed every violence that occurred in the Ayawaso West Wuogon constituency by saying the violence did not occur at the polling station, did you hear of any violence at Dome/Kwabenya?

The National chairman made this remarks over the weekend at Dome/Kwabenya when he served as a special guest of honour at the maiden awards ceremony of the party in the constituency.

“People said we would have worn the by-election fine, do we want to win a seat at the expense of people’s life and blood, we did not want further blood follow you should have been there with us to see what happened in the first two hours the election started”.

Mr. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo recounted that he had been to by-elections in the Northern part of Ghana, where it is said that there had been conflict, places like Bimbela, “we walked through gun fires”.

“It has never happened in the history of this country, where arm security people have taken arms against defenseless people who are just going to vote, if this were an encounter between the NPP and DNC it is normal. You see AK-47 gun being targeted at people who do not have stone, as a party leader you want me to go and tell them, to move in and die I would not do that”.

Again we would push for reforms, we would ensure that before we go into election 2020, we are clear in our minds about the security arrangements.

“We have not gone into any elections where the turnout is less than twenty percent, the EC was happy that she had organize and she is happy that she had organize a referendum, which had a turnout of ninety percent.”

And the by-election less than twenty percent and this woman says she is okay and happy, she is an embodiment of “incompetence”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

You cannot know everything about Parliament within six months—Kate

Acting Director of Public Affairs of Parliament, Kate Addo has expressed worry over practice where editors of various media houses withdraw journalists from Parliament less than six months, of they being assigned to the House.

According to acting director, young and inexperienced journalists are sent to the House to report in Parliament which is a specialized place.

She made this remarks at a day’s workshop organized by the Ghana Free Zones Aauthority for members of the Parliamentary Press Corps, to get a better understanding of the workings of the authority and appreciate its workings.

Again, at the various point of training of journalists, specialization is not emphasised, hence the need to engage in this constant training being under taken by the Free Zones Authority to build the capacity of the press corps.

In addition, when journalists do not understand happenings on the floor of the House, their headlines are changed and they do not give reflection of what happened in the chamber. They are unable to challenge the change.

She recounted working as a broadcast journalist covering Parliament, she thought her report was very good until, she started working in Parliament and saw that you need to know precedents and understand the nuances of the standing orders.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority walked out of swearing of MP elect

Minority side in Parliament kept to their words expressed on last week Friday when it indicated to the media through its leader, Haruna Iddrisu that it would not be part of the swearing in of the new MP elect of Ayawaso West Wuogon.

Chief Whip of the Minority Mohamed Muntaka Mubarak indicated to the first Deputy Speaker, Joseph Osei Owusu who was presiding over proceedings and called that Lydia Seyram Alhassan, be brought in for swearing that they could not be part because of the incident leading to her elections.

“Mr. Speaker with a heavy heart I want to say with the security challenges that we had at the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election and in support of our comrades that were unnecessarily hurt and brutally assaulted our side of the House cannot be here to witness this”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com