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“Let us ensure women are free from violence”—Johnson Sirleaf

As part of the celebration of the International Women’s day, former Liberian President, H. E Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has urged lawmakers in the Community Parliament to ensure that women are free from violence and each of them should serve as stimulant of thought as husbands and fathers of children who are girls.

According to her the fathers should reflect and have a strong commitment as it is clear with statistics available that the coloration between enhanced participation of women in all aspects of life leads to a stronger economy and more participatory government, peace reconciliation and development.

Former President H. E Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in her statement on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 as part of the opening of the first in-person Extraordinary Session in Monrovia Liberia noted that her foundation, was celebrating its anniversary and they have plans for the progress that has been made, towards women empowerment.

“Many women face domestic violence as well as many girls and sometimes babies who are continually raped, they cannot celebrate the day, our messages also go for women and children in Ukraine who face death and are suffering with the invasion”.

Madam Sirleaf, gave out some statistics her organisation has compiled within the fifteen (15) member states on women participation in their legislature, Sierra Leone is 12.3 percent, Liberia eleven percent 11 and Ivory Coast 14.2 percent.

On election law, she pointed out that there is no election law in Sierra Leone, and that of Liberia has been amended, as political parties are expected to ensure there is thirty percent (30) representation of candidates accepted by the United Nations (UN).

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghamamps.com/ Liberia

Adoption of work programme for Extraordinary Session in limbo

As at close of day Tuesday, March 8, 2022 adoption of work programme for the first in-person Extraordinary Session in Monrovia Liberia was in limbo.

Whiles a section of the Community lawmakers were pushing for its adoption, others were calling for the settlement of issues concerning their former colleagues from Guinea Conakry and Burkina Faso whose government had been suspend due to coups in those country but have been invited to the meeting.

Some of the MPs acknowledged that though they were new in the Community, they made a strong point of upholding the rules of procedure.

Some lawmakers were of the strong view that with the controversies that had characterized the adoption, there was the need for the administrative head of the Parliament Secretary General, Mr. John Azumah to brief them on what the laid down practice is and jurisprudent to back the issues to serve a base to make progress.

Fourth Deputy Speaker Adja Satu Camara Pinto from Guinea Bissau who was presiding over proceedings had it tough calming nerves as tempers really went up.

Mr. Abdoulaye Vilane pointed out that when there was a roll call and names of their former colleagues were mentioned, they responded and commended the Malians for not being at the Extraordinary Session. “Be it Guinea Conakry, Mali and Burkina Faso, they have been suspended”.

“Madam Speaker, let us ask our colleagues from Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso to withdraw until they are properly invited to the meeting”.

Those opposing the presence of their former colleagues pointed out that they do not have anything against their former colleagues; all they are asking is that the proper procedure should be used.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com/Liberia

Do not condone manipulation of constitutional provisions – Veep advices CPA Members

The Vice President of Ghana, Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has challenged parliamentarians not to encourage the manipulation of constitutional provisions to serve sectional political interest under any circumstance, since such actions only undermine the integrity of our nations apart from eroding the gains we make as a people.

Giving the key note address at the 82nd Executive Meeting of the Commonwealth Parliamentarians Association (CPA), Africa Region in Accra on Tuesday, March 8, 2022, Dr Bawumia urged parliamentarians “as trustees of the people’s authority to jealously guard against democratic gains since you arc directly in contact with the constituents at all times”.
He, however, believed that these can best be achieved when they harness their collective effort in furtherance of the public interest. “It is also important to remind ourselves that, as political leaders, we have the responsibility to rebuild the confidence of our people in democratic governance by demonstrating selfless leadership.

The Vice President of Ghana who was drawing attention to recent threats to democratic gains on the continent said, “the recent spate of military interventions in our sub-region should give cause for concern; democratic governance is gradually coming under threat on the continent.

Mr. Speaker, it is a notorious fact, regrettable though, that, in the event of any instability, it is always the Legislative arm of government that suffers the brunt. The Executive arm of government is adversely affected in the sense that there is a change of guard but it continues somewhat. The Legislative arm is proscribed”.

He expressed worry that while we continue to make major strides at the political, economic and the sociocultural front on the continent, there remain concerns about general decline in democratic governance with indications of a reversal or subversion of some democratic principles such as freedom of speech, freedom of association, general respect for the rule of law, free and fair elections and peaceful transfer of democratic power from one regime to the other.

He thus urged members of CPA to strengthen their constructive engagements with respective parliaments in support of their governments for lasting solutions to the myriad of issues confronting our citizenry.

The Vice President also underscored the role of the CPA. Indicating that is a very useful avenue for Hon Members to deliberate and cross fertilise ideas on pertinent issues and build consensus on areas of common interest to the various national Parliaments and the Africa Region as a whole. “I have no doubt whatsoever that such deliberation would go beyond resolution of issues to deepen parliamentary democracy, good governance and ultimately promote human development.

This agenda, I believe, ties in perfectly with the mission statement of the CPA, Africa Region, which is “to promote and protect the interests and perspectives of the CPA Africa Regional Parliaments and Countries into the Commonwealth and beyond and to promote gender equality, emancipation of women and respect for human rights, freedoms, democracy and good governance”.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

First ECOWAS Parliamentary Seminar 2022 underway in Liberia

Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament has again called on the citizens of the sub-region to avail themselves, of the opportunity to take the COVID -19 vaccine in-order to mitigate and reduce the effects of new possible variants that may likely create more death cases arising from its devastating effects which according to him have reduced significantly.

According to him the sub-region cannot deny the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic is not yet over, and as such we must remain vigilant and anticipate the possible emergence of yet another variant because this is the characteristics of any pandemic.

However, it has been proven that vaccination contributes significantly to the mitigation of its effects. He added that ‘Fortunately we see that hospitalizations and deaths resulting from Covid-19 have reduced significantly as has the virulence of the disease.

This, according to him, is why he would continue to appeal to our people to take the vaccine and believe in its providential efficacy because it works, the Speaker added at the opening of the first ECOWAS Parliamentary seminar 2022 which is currently taking place at Ministerial Complex in Monrovia the capital of Liberia.

The Speaker said that the objective of the Seminar which is titled “ECOWAS VISION 2050; FORMULATION PROCESS AND CHALLENGES TO THE IMPLEMENTATION” is to enable the MPs to take ownership of the ECOWAS Vision 2050 and ensure their full involvement in its implementation.

He lamented that as a Parliamentary body, we are confronted with challenges in our governance and security sector and it has become absolutely crucial that they deliberate candidly on the issues that threaten peace and democracy in the region. This is why according to him the ECOWAS Parliament have dedicated the upcoming session to particularly discuss the political and security situation in the region while hoping that at the end they should be able to build a broad based consensus around the necessity to stamp out the menace of unconstitutional takeovers, terrorism and insecurity.

He said that the purpose of the seminar is to be able to define a framework that will help us to access where we are now as a region and where we want to be by 2050 and how we can get there. This, according to him is the only way we can help to improve the quality of life of the people of our sub region to meet up with our counterparts in the developed world. In his words, visioning in this context means creating multiple alternatives development strategies and integrated implementation approaches for reaching the goals of future regional development.

And so holding this seminar is to promote the 2050 vision as it would henceforth be the basis of our actions and relationships over the next 30 years.’ According to him it is expected that the vision would provide policy prescription to tackle the complex issues of Development as it relates to education, science and technology, health and development, sustainable agriculture, Peace and social justice and gender Equality. This is why this sensitization seminar offers the opportunity to define a common strategy and to give guidance to our regional institutions particularly to the Community Parliament in the framework of the implementation of the Vision 2050.


Empowering women is critical – Rt. Hon. Bagbin

Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, has said that Ghana’s effort at economic growth and national development will achieve very little results unless attention is paid to the development of women so they could take up their positions at the forefront of national endeavors.

 He was speaking during a courtesy call on him by the Cuban Ambassador to Ghana, Her Excellency, Mrs. Annette Chao Garcia, at the Parliament House in Accra on Wednesday, March 2, 2022.

Rt. Hon. Bagbin said “our mothers served as the very foundation for our journey up the ladder of education. They were our first teachers and guided us along the path of education. It is imperative that we facilitate their education, build their capacity and empower them, else, Ghana will labor in vain”.

He paid glowing tribute to the people of Cuba, describing them as a fine example of what a determined people can achieve. He referred to the blockade of Cuba by the United States of America (USA) and how the people of Cuba have withstood the might of the USA through their fearlessness, unity and sheer determination.

Besides, he said, Cuba has over the years, identified and focused on the basic essentials of life – health, education, food, simplicity and happiness. He wondered why other countries, Ghana included, are still locked in a mad rush to acquire items of vanity in the midst of poverty.

The Speaker spoke about the stalled Mosquito Project, the delivery of which Cuba was leading in Ghana. The objective of the project was to eliminate malaria in Ghana. He was hopeful that the project will resume soon.

Mrs. Garcia was appreciative of the support Cuba has continued to receive from Ghana over the years at various international fora, and saw that as what has characterized the long-standing relations and strong partnership that have existed between to the two countries.

The opportunities Cuba offers Ghanaians for education and the historic and continuous collaboration in the area of health, she said, was just a way of showing appreciation to the government and people of Ghana for their support.

Hon. Kofi Attor, Special Aide to the Speaker of Parliament, spoke about the various supports that Cuba has extended to African countries, particularly Ghana, and said Cuba deserves the solidarity of Ghana and Africa in reciprocity.

Hon. Zuwera Mohammed Ibrahim, Member of Parliament for Salaga South, referred to the commitment of Cuban doctors to their job and their preparedness to work in very remote areas in Ghana as very supportive and exemplary.

Hon. Alhassan Abdallah Iddi, Member of Parliament for Salaga North, commended Cuba for the immense value they have delivered to Ghana through the training of a number of middle-class technicians and artisans, as well as other professional training programmes.


“I could not have been sworn in as Speaker without support from the Majority side”—Bagbin

The Rt. Hon Speaker Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin has said he could not have been sworn in as a Speaker without the support of some Majority lawmakers, and he does not see himself as a party fanatic despite being a member of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

According to him he has been able to reach out across the political divide and has very good friends on the other side of the political divide.

“You, would hear me say at the end of the day, I do not expect either of the parties to praise me in the performance of my function, I would be impartial that does not mean I would be neutral and that is what I have learnt from late Rt. Hon Peter Ala Adjetey”.

The Rt. Hon Speaker made this remarks on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 when members of the Council of States called on him and further pointed out that he has an interest as a citizen and his is to move the national agenda forward”. “I cannot be neutral because I have an interest but in the performance of my duty as a Speaker I have to be impartial, people did not understand this and said I was being partisan, no I cannot seat as a speaker and see no evil and hear no evil and speak no evil that would be adjudicating my role as a state man”.

He further told the visiting Council of State members that any time there is a coup it is the Parliament that surfers, the Executive and Judiciary arm of government would continue and the absence of the Parliament, Ghanaians do not understand what parliament is and its workings.

Again, he has gone through parliament since 1993 till date and has witnessed the challenges and when he took over as Speaker then the weight came over him and would discuss that into details in their close door discussion.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Members of Council of State call on Speaker Bagbin

After their earlier engagement with leadership of the Minority and Majority members of the Council of state paid a courtesy call on the Speaker Rt. Hon Alan Kingsford Sumana Bagbin on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 and were led by its chairman Nana Otuo Siriboe II.

According to the chairman of the Council of State he recounted that in his earlier visit to the Speaker to arrange for the current meeting, he pledged the council’s support to the Speaker to ensure that he is successful in his turner as Speaker.

More especially when the country has a hang parliament 137 for the NPP and 137 for the NDC with an Independent indicating he want to do business with the NPP to now form the Majority.

 “Recent development in Parliament has given us cause to feel that our hopes may not be realized; we as the 8th Council of State,  if we do not give you the support that we pledged and seat down for things to get out of hand we would be accused of not doing anything in  our work as expected of us”.

And added that issues of ego and procedural have been on the front burner, but in the Ghanaian culture the elders say, “it is bent but has not broken and can be mended”.

They pointed out to the Speaker that their earlier engagement with leadership of both side of the House has been fruitful as they were able to talk about issues with them frankly and they came out of the meeting refreshed.

“We have only one Ghana hence people need to bury their egos and entrenched positions for the good of the people of Ghana, we do not want history to be written for it to be said that in the 8th Parliament, things went out of hand and the 8th Council of State were looking on”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Let us preserve institutional memories—Bagbin

Governance institutions in developing countries must priorities the preservation of institutional experiences and memories, the Speaker of Parliament Alban S. K Bagbin has advocated.

This, he said, was necessary for continuity whiles also ensuring that people have access to accurate historical facts and data.

The Speaker made this remark during a courtesy call on him by a delegation from the Sierra Leonean Parliamentary Service Commission led by Mr. Hassan Abdul Sesay, opposition whip for the Sierra Leonean parliament.

The delegation is in the country among other things to interact with their counterparts here in Ghana, learn best practice and exchange ideas. The team is hoping to use this visit to create a platform for networking between the parliaments of both countries.

Speaker Bagbin in welcoming the delegation called for promotion of similar exchange visits among parliamentary commissions and services across the continent.

He said there is the need for the major stakeholders of the legislature in Ghana to commence discussions around establishing a Council modeled like the council of state to advise and guide the Speaker and Members of Parliament to effectively discharge their duties.

The leader of the Sierra Leonean delegation, Hassan Abdul Sesay commended Speaker Bagbin for his exemplary leadership. He said Ghana has a lot of democratic credentials to share particularly building strong and independent institutions.

Cardinal among the reasons for their visit, he said, was to learn the various schemes and legislations put in place to determine the conditions of service of members retiring from parliament.


Community Parliament to visit Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso—Chairman Snowe

Chairman of the Community’s Parliament Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe Junior has revealed that Mali, Guinea Conakry and Burkina Faso would be visited after the Extraordinary Session.

According to him the Speaker Rt. Hon Sidie Mohammed Tunis has confirmed that immediately after the Liberia Monrovia Session there would be a visitation as the Session would come up with a resolution.

For instance, he gave an example of ECOWAS Parliament delegation in Mali when the coup occurred it was headed by Mahama Ayariga and when he reported to the Parliament of the development, he was airlifted.

Again, in Sierra Leon, the ECOWAS Parliament went there to mediate and settle their problem when the two main political parties had issues and could not form a government and emphasised that the Parliament has been playing critical role within the West African sub-region.

“We would be discussing the failed coup in Guinea Bissau, what led to that, how were they repelled, those are things that we need to look at. You see what is happing in Ukraine and Russian, if we allow this to go down our region and flips out of our hands we do not know what is going to happen. Do not forget we have Russian troops today in Mali”.

And added that what is happening in Ukraine if not arrested might trickle down in the region. The community parliament has condemned what is happening in Ukraine,  “we stand by the government of Ukraine do not forget we have the Russians next in Mali what about if that geo-politics begins to have a trickle-down effect in the region, the very Russians begin to give arms to the insurgence.

He noted that it would undermine “our” peace and security and that is why they have to look at the situation now.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

All is set for ECOWAS Parliament’s seminar and Extraordinary Session in Liberia

Leader of the Liberian delegation to the Community Parliament, Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe Junior has said all is set for the upcoming Seminar and Extraordinary Session to be held in Liberia starting this week.

According to him the seminar is expected to center on the current political and security situation within the West African sub-region.

First Rapporteur Committee on Political Affairs

In a telephone interview, it came up clearly that,  meetings of the ECOWAS Parliament has to compete with very important assignments of some member states parliament, a point in case is the Ghanaian Parliament that has a hanged parliament 137 :137 with an independent candidate, doing business with the Majority adding up to 138.

There is an Electronic Transfer Bill 2021yet to be passed with each side counting strongly on their numbers to either pass or reject the bill.

“We could continue to have this kind of problems because the first commitment is to our National Assemblies and ECOWAS Parliament becomes second, not until the Community Parliament can hold direct elections”.

And added that they are looking forward to seeing the Ghanaian delegation, as Mahama Ayariga First Rapporteur to the Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) has a key role to play in Liberia and is expected to make a presentation.

Another situation, he pointed out is that of the Nigerian lawmakers to the Community Parliament who are expected to vote on a constitutional reform this week, and as soon as that is done, they would move to Liberia over the weekend.

“One of our best institutions in our sub-region,  when it comes to issues of political and security  studies is the Kofi Annan Peace Keeping Institute in Ghana,  so we have invited the director General of the institute who would be presenting a paper”.

Senator Snowe further pointed out that Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, who has a long history in mediation and security situation in the sub-region and the rest of the continent, would be presenting a paper, same with the former Nigerian President ECOWAS mediator on Mali H. E.  Good Luck Jonathan would present a paper.

And the moderator of the session would be Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, “we would be looking at ECOWAS vision 2050; how does it conflict with the current political and security situation in the region, we are not looking at the future of ECOWAS and that future is being interrupted by barrages of coups over throw and constitutional changes leading to third term; we need to look at that, how does that threaten the future of ECOWAS”.

The Extraordinary Session which would be the Committee of the whole would have the Commissioner of Political Affairs for them to look into the nitty-gritty in other to look at the root cause of the current development within the sub-region and how they can remedy them.

He used the opportunity to thank the President of Liberia H. E. George Manneh Oppong Weah for his assistance, same with the governor of Liberia. “We look forward to full participation of the Liberian public”, he added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com