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Mali, Guinea and Burkina MPs to participate in Extraordinary Session in Liberia—Snowe

Chairman of the Economic Community of West African States Parliament’s (ECOWAS) Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Edwin Melvin Snowe Junior has revealed that lawmakers from Mali, Guinea Conakry and Burkina Faso would be invited to the upcoming seminar and Extraordinary meeting to be held in Liberia which would commence this week.

According to him the invitation is being extended for lawmakers to be informed on happenings in the three member states that had experience coup; Mali, Guinea Conakry and Burkina Faso.

Mr. Edwin Snowe in a telephone interview at his base in Liberia on Monday, March 1, 2022 noted that in the case of Mali the president wanted to temper with the result of their parliamentary election that led to a popular uprising which was later followed by a coup.

While in the case of Guinea Conakry, the president sought a third term through a constitutional reform and was supported by the parliament, then the coup.

In the case of Burkina Faso, the military noted that the president was not doing enough to fight the insurgency; they over threw the government and pointed out that these are three different scenarios.

“We need to find the actors, and confront the actors by holding the bull by the horn then we can find solution. We are also inviting civil society members from those countries”.

Rt. Hon Speaker Tunis left and chairman of Political Affairs right

As to whether MPs who were members of the National Assembly before it was dissolved would be invited, he responded in the affirmative and noted that in the case of Burkina Faso they are inviting them to give their perspective of what happened, as they are citizens of the sub-region despite the fact that their National Assembly may be dissolved.

 In the case of Mali, they have the CNT the first group before the Parliament was dissolved, “we have had cases where Mali is on sanction now by ECOWAS but all of the staff of Mali that work for ECOWAS Commission remain within their employment of ECOWAS send by the previous government to work as ECOWAS Commissioner at the Commission same with Guinea Conakry, Same with Burkina Faso”.

And was quick to point out that,  but when you come to the Parliament, the MPs are excluded from representing their county, “so we want to have a conversation; we are not violating any ECOWAS Protocols neither are we disrespecting the Authority of Heads of States, but we need to hear from the actors”.

“We need to ask Guinea Conakry MPs, why did you vote on third term constitutional reform? You knew the objective of the former president was to seek a third term, why were you coerced to it? So let us face our peers those were our colleagues from the parliament”.

Again, he added that they should hear  from them as to  why they did it and if they  feel the reason is not sufficient and justified, they  can caution them that, “ you are the cause and  part of the situation, we must be able to remedy the situation”, he emphasised.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“Democracy must improve human lives”—Bagbin

The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban S.K Bagbin, has said that democracy anywhere must serve the purpose of improving upon the quality of human lives and meeting the hopes and aspirations of the people.

Therefore, the legislature must add value to interventions targeted at improving upon the lot of the citizenry, and not the reverse.

He was speaking during a courtesy call on him by the Qatari Ambassador to Ghana, H.E. Mohammed Ahmed Al Homid, at Parliament House in Accra.

Also present to call on him was the Indonesian Consular, H.E. Pascal Rois. Both visits were aimed at exploring ways of strengthening relations between Ghana on one hand, and on the other, Qatar and Indonesia.

It was also to understand the dynamics at play in Ghana’s parliament at the moment, given the composition of the House.

Referring to the challenges posed by the hung Parliament that Ghana has today, Rt. Hon. Bagbin said: “there is the need for all of us, myself inclusive, to break this jinx, so Ghana’s parliament can return to the days of consultation, dialogue and consensus building, and move them a notch higher”.

He was of the view that “the culture of give and take” must be encouraged, since that is the only way the country can mitigate the current political tensions.

Mr Bagbin said the quality of a country’s human resource and the strength of its institutions mattered most, when it comes to democracy; and commended the leaders of Qatar for persisting in investing in their people and building their own systems of governance and administration, irrespective of their strong relationship with western countries.

He was concerned about avenues for development, especially for women, who are financially challenged and said, “Our countries cannot be fully developed, if focus and priority is only given to men, whilst women are still largely without similar opportunities to improve upon themselves.” For example, he said, out of the 275 parliamentarians in Ghana’s parliament, the females are only 40, representing 14.5%, which is inadequate.

He called for a stronger relationship between Ghana and Qatar to create more employment opportunities for the citizens of both countries, whilst supporting Ghana to strengthen the caliber of her human resources, through partnership in education and other capacity building interventions.

The Qatari Ambassador said Ghana and Qatar share common values when it comes to democracy, particularly the role of parliament. Besides, he said, the two countries are committed to, not only strengthening parliament, but also strengthening the relations among parliamentary institutions under the banner of the International Parliamentary Union (IPU).

H.E. Al Homid said apart from education, the energy sector, trade and commerce are areas where the two countries can collaborate. Ahead of Qatar hosting the FIFA World Cup in 2023, the envoy wished Ghana well in the upcoming qualifiers with Nigeria and extended a welcoming hand to all Ghanaians, especially football enthusiasts to visit Qatar to watch the World Cup Tournament.

The Indonesian delegation, led by the Consular H.E Pascal Rois, and their team from parliament discussed capacity building exchange programmes between Ghana and Indonesia, and scholarship programmes in Indonesia that Ghanaians can take advantage of.

There was a request to Ghana to waive visa requirements for Indonesian businessmen who want to explore opportunities in Ghana to help improve upon trade and commerce between the two countries.


“I did not grant Adwoa Safo permission on health grounds”—Bagbin

Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin has dismissed reports making rounds in the media he granted Dome/Kwabenya lawmaker, Sarah Adowa Safo permission to absent herself with permission on health grounds.

According to him he wants the world to know that he did not grant any such interview anywhere and have not said anything like that anywhere, and the votes and proceedings of Parliament is so loud on that.

Gender, Children and Social Protection Minister

“She has been absent without permission for all those days, that is on the votes and proceedings of the House. It is not the Speaker who determines who is present and absent , the votes and proceedings would capture that”.

Again, those who are absent with permission would be captured. He pointed out on Thursday, February 24, 2022, and added that he has received a lot of calls from journalists on the subject matter and he does not want to delay in addressing issues on that matter.

“I am going to address the issue on absentee MPs very clearly for everybody to understand tomorrow”.

Below are messages making rounds on social media:


Adwoa Safo asked permission from me. I have a written note from her asking for permission on health grounds, and Parliament is aware of her health condition. She did not violate Article 97(1)(c) of the 1992 Constitution.



Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Speaker sounds warning over salary of persons on government payroll.

Rt. Hon Speaker Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin told lawmakers on Thursday, February 24, 2022 before departing the chamber that, if something is not done in the next three months, the government may not be able to pay salaries of workers.

As such he urged lawmakers to show leadership to finding solution to the problem.

As part of proceedings in Parliament on Thursday, Deputy Majority Leader in Parliament, Alexander Afenyo-Markin expressed concerns over the possible effect of the Russia-Ukraine crisis on Ghana’s economy.


Speaker threatens to cause arrest of noisy MPs

The Rt. Hon Speaker Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin has serve a strong warning to Members of Parliament that he might be compelled to get the marshal’s office to arrest lawmakers who make noise, disturb and don’t pay attention to him whiles he is presiding in the chair.

“Parliament is not a place for joking, it is a place for serious business; our current parliament have never been witnessed by Ghana not even the Gold Coast, it’s a different type of parliament, we must be prepared to change to accept the decision of the people and work together”.

Rt. Hon Speaker Bagbin made this comments on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 before he officially gave his communications which witness MPs talking among themselves whiles he was presiding. He said, “When the Speaker is talking, members are also talking; Speakers are heard in silence for good reasons”.

 And further told the House that what is happening in Ghana’s Parliament is unacceptable, I am not sure you have acceptance of the temperature of the country, neither is he sure they know the nature of the responsibility that has been placed on their shoulders.

“You are all mature adults in this House, what I’m talking about is still happening, you make me sick, would you shut up, do you rule out of order in this House?”

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Speaker cautions against unduly delaying works of some Committees

The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon Alban Bagbin has cautioned the leadership of the majority and minority groups in Parliament to desist from attempts to unduly delay the works of some Committees of Parliament.

According to the Speaker, the development had stalled a number of parliamentary businesses and made it difficult for the House to perform its oversight role.

He emphasized that while it is the duty of all committees, to give the matters referred to it due and sufficient consideration, such consideration should not be used to delaying Parliamentary works.

The Speaker gave the caution when he delivered a formal communication to the House during Tuesday, February 22, 2022 proceedings in the chamber.

The Constitution does not provide a time frame within which a committee must complete its work, except in instances of a Bill introduced by or on behalf of the President.

Under these circumstances, Article 106(14) of the Constitution requires that such a bill must not be delayed for more than three months in any committee of Parliament.

Speaker Bagbin further bemoaned the absence of committee minutes at the conclusion of deliberations; and charged committee Clerks to be guided by Order 212(2) of the Standing Orders of parliament.

He warned that Cluster heads of the committee groupings will be held directly responsible for absence of minutes; and same would be treated as dereliction of duty.


Speaker Tunis seeks improved trade relations between ECOWAS and Morocco

Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament, Rt.Hon. Dr. Sidie Mohamed Tunis has emphasized the need to boost trade relations between ECOWAS nations and the Kingdom of Morocco to boost economic growth.

He underscored the need for alliances to be forged between sub-regional blocs and among all African countries to foster development, prosperity and peace building so that the continent will take its pride of place among other continents.

Tunis while addressing the Moroccan House of Councilors at the opening of the 6th International Parliamentary Forum on Social Justice, emphasized that the trade relations between Morocco and West Africa was currently low, pointing out the need for it to be scaled up.

The Forum opened in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco on February 20 and has as its theme: “Social Dialogue and the Stakes of the Social State”

Dr, Tunis who led a delegation of ECOWAS parliamentarians and staff of the sub-regional body, commended His Majesty King Mohamed VI (The Sixth) and His Excellency, Ennaam Mayara, Speaker of the House of Councilors for the honor accorded to him and to ECOWAS.

Morocco’s fight against illegal migration, terrorism, extremism, and the speedy recovery of the Moroccan economy, despite the unprecedented repercussions of the COVID-19 crisis and the contraction of the global economy, are worthy of commendation, and we hail His Majesty for the leadership.

He pointed out that ECOWAS had recognized Morocco’s policies as regards ECOWAS countries as well as the numerous reforms undertaken in order to successfully integrate itself into the global economy and Africa in particular.

“We equally acknowledge the low level of trade with ECOWAS countries, the barriers to free movement of peoples and the weak dynamism of our partnership, all of which could be boosted with the development of appropriate frameworks for enhanced trade cooperation.

“We are hopeful that sooner rather than later, an equilibrium relationship between the Kingdom of Morocco and ECOWAS will be established, thereby paving the way for strengthened economic, political and investment ties. It remains an incontestable fact that because of our intertwined relationship, the prosperity, stability and security of one side, has a direct effect on the other. The global dynamics and insurmountable challenges to which our world has been subjected to, necessitates that both sides think out of the box and see the vast potential for prosperity and development that our union can bring.

Such alliances, when successfully forged would, no doubt, usher in the beginning of the process of a new regional development trajectory, aimed at giving our continent a sense of peace, dignity and prosperity.”

“We hold the view that if we want a continent that is fair and prosperous; a region in which the uncommon dreams of all will have a fair chance of realization; a region where the weak can become strong; then the leaders of today must rise up to these challenges and work assiduously towards promoting genuine and durable collaboration,” the Speaker said.

Giving an insight into the commemoration of the day, Dr. Tunis said that the Forum came as a consequence to the UN General Assembly’s proclamation, declaring 20th February as World Day of Social Justice – challenging states to devote the day to promoting national activities in accordance with the objectives and goals of the 1995 World Summit for Social Development related to conquest of poverty, the goal of full employment and the fostering of overarching objectives of development and social integration.

He admitted that COVID-19 had put so much pressure on the global economy with mass layoffs, pressure on businesses, severely deteriorating working conditions and access to basic social protection in countries around the African continent, but added that states must do all it can to advance social justice.

He opined that there was a need to support regional advocacy and local social dialogue at work to create a solid foundation for the commitment of employers and workers to joint action with governments in taking strategic measures to overcome crisis and obtain sustainable recovery.

He pointed out that ECOWAS and its member states had ratified: The Forced Labor Convention, 1930 (No. 29); The Abolition of Forced Labor Convention; 1957 (No. 105); The Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111); The Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98); The Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) and The Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention, 1999 (No. 182).

He charged the House of Councilors to dedicate the next few days to reviewing all the reports and studies made on the subject and endeavor to enrich collective reflection on the challenges and issues related to social dialogue and its stake on the social state.

Meanwhile, rising from the opening session, the Speaker also held two separate meetings with the Speaker of the Moroccan House of Councilors, Hon. Ennaam Mayara and Speaker of the Moroccan House of Representatives, Mr. Rachid Talbi El Alami.

In both meetings, the need to enhance relations between Morocco and West Africa as well as forging bilateral relations between the ECOWAS Parliament and the Parliament of Morocco were considered.

Also highlighted at the meetings was the appeal by Morocco to move from an observer status to become a permanent member of the sub-regional body, ECOWAS.

The Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament assured that he would work with his colleagues to give relevant support to improve the relations between ECOWAS and Morocco and the possibility of attaining a permanent membership status.

On the delegation of Dr Tunis were: Chairman of the Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and Africa Peer Review Mechanism; Third Deputy Speaker, other members of the Parliament as well as the Secretary General and other senior staff of the Parliament.


Speaker Bagbin admonishes Journalists to cross check their facts before publication

Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin has admonished journalists in Parliament to properly cross check their facts before publishing as according to him politicians would continue to give journalists leads.

According to him the politicians would put spin on leads they give out to journalists, but it is the duty of journalists in the pursuit of their job to do a balance and professional work by thoroughly examining the leads.

“Listen to both sides of a story and even go the extra mile for a third independent affirmation of the story”. He said this when he commissioned an office for the Parliamentary Press Corps.

 The Speaker further pointed out that, members of the PPC should go beyond the chamber for source of story including the hanzard, and touch base with researchers as parliament plans to open an achiever office to try and retrieve all lost materials they have since the 1850s.

The Speaker also suggested that there are a lot of human interest stories around that are very informative that journalists can highlight, but said he unfortunately does not get to read much from them on such issues including the personal relation between members here and staff. “There is diversity, and diversity is the spies of life, none of us created that diversity, is the creator himself, it is something that we should whole heartedly embrace and accept”, he added.

He affirmed that these human interest stories from Parliament are important to ensure that Ghanaians out there do not think that parliament is all heat; “we are always fighting, no, no, there are a lot of times we had good times together, our understanding of democracy may defer at this early stages, we are trying to see how we can synchronize and then come together and develop mother Ghana”.

He hoped the facility at the press center would be used to the benefit of journalists and they should not shy away from approaching staffs and Members of Parliament for additional information on issues that may not be clear to them.

The Rt. Hon Speaker further revealed that this year there would be a number of activities with the media to try and build their capacity for the task ahead and they would want members of the PPC to feel as part of Parliament.

“You, don’t just belong to your media house, you are part of parliament, we have put things in place for you. Many people out there do not value MPs  so there are some chief executive when I invite them they ignore my invitation they do not come; if I try to haul them before the privileges committee they would say the Speaker is King Kong, I am just enforcing the law”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Speaker commissions ultra-modern news centre for press in Parliament

The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin on Friday, February 18, 2022 commissioned an ultra-modern News Centre for Members of the Parliamentary Press Corps.

He cautioned the Parliamentary Reporters not to forget one of the cardinal rules of Journalism by cross-checking their facts before publication.

According to him the New Standing Orders which would be adopted very soon will allow reporters to attend all Committee Sittings therefore Editors at various media houses should be mindful to post Journalists with the requisite experience to report from Parliament.

He noted that the commissioning of the centre has taken too long in coming despite it is a priority their agenda did not capture it until recently when his attention was drawn to it by the Dean of the PPC and “I have to decide that we have to do it today Friday, February 18,2022 and leaders having short notice”.

Speaker Bagbin reminded the media and particularly the general public that, the concept of parliament goes beyond the Speaker, Members of Parliament and members of the Parliamentary Service to also include the police division in Parliament, Ghana National Fire Service, the health personnel mounting the parliamentary clinic and the media.

“There are some other invisible elements working here that they do not see who are part of the national security, when we are fighting for parliament, and the public should know these entities, we take care of their operational cost and there are ways and means we try to motivate them”.

“So that they would not feel neglected and say if they were with their mother unit, “parties like the Parliamentary Press Corps are so key to the work of Parliament since 1993”, and pointed out that since the start of the fourth Republic the media has been under resourced.

The challenge to the media today is the citizen journalists, as working as journalists today is more demanding than it used to be cutting through both the new and traditional media channels in other to reach your audience can be an adieu’s task.

“In today’s era of fake news, the journalists has a duty to check and cross check before it publishes his or her news” to get it to the public for consumption, he added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Bagbin blasts police over media persecution

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin has taken a swipe at the Ghana Police Service over recent arrest of media personnel in the country.

He said the increasing tendency on the part of the police to arrest journalists for what they describe as mistakes is old school, anachronistic and is sending this country back into the dark ages of media persecution.

The Speaker, who was speaking at the launch of the Parliamentary Press Centre on Friday, February 18, 2022 asserts that he is not for a moment holding brief for irresponsible and unprofessional conduct of journalists, but noted that the Constitution duly anticipates that the journalists in their attempts to disseminate information in a timely manner may make mistakes.

Members of the Parliamentary Press Corps

“Our information at times do not turn out to be entirely accurate. We end up making some misrepresentations, at times impugning on the integrity and reputation of others” hence prescribed a way out including the National Media Commission: “and that is why this country has plethora of laws on the media and free speech”.

“I am simply saying that there is a cure for that in our current legal regime.”

“I daresay that any attempt by any politician, hiding behind the police institution, to act as the standard bearer of ethical and professional journalism, or the regulator of journalism practice, is not only a pretender but also megalomaniac.

Mr. Bagbin said the police cannot assume responsibility for responsible media practice in Ghana by scanning newspapers and news portals and arresting journalists for errors and misrepresentations. “Those who are so offended by such write-ups know what recourse they have”, he stated.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com