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Government to construct Water Supply facilities in five regions

Government is in the process of constructing Water Supply facilities (150 Point Water Systems with Nano-Filtration Systems and 12 Small Towns Pipe Water Systems) in five (5) regions namely Ashanti, Eastern, Volta, Oti, and Greater Accra.

This follows the approval by Cabinet and Parliament of a €30 Million funding secured from the UK Export Finance, HSBC Bank, and Government of Ghana.

The Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Abena Dapaah who revealed this on the floor of Parliament when responding to a question filed by Mr. John Kwabena Bless Oti, Member of Parliament for Nkwanta North on the steps being taken to fix the problem on the Kpassa Community Water System which is on the verge of collapse, said the Damanko–Kpassa Water System will be a beneficiary from the facility.

On the specific project in question (Damanko–Kpassa Water System) the Minister indicated that design activities have started and rehabilitation works will start in December 2021.

“The CWSA has also employed technical staff to operate the Damanko-Kpassa Water System to stabilize water supply to the communities.

According to her, it is expected that by the end of the year, 2022 water supply would improve to meet the water demand of the population of Kpassa and surrounding communities.

The Damanko–Kpassa Water Supply System which supplies safe water to Kpassa Township and its environs, was completed in March 2011 with consultation support from DANIDA and funding from the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DfID) and Government of Ghana (GoG).

The facility which was under the management of the Water and Sanitation Management Team (WSMT) in accordance with the prevailing policy on rural water management, after few years of operation, however, broke down and had accumulated electricity bills owed to the Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCO) to the tune of about GHS 400,000.

“The Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), in November 2017, took over the broken down Damanko–Kpassa Water Supply System and immediately restored water supply. The CWSA has also settled the indebtedness of the Water System to NEDCO in full. However, in view of the excessive damage caused to most of the components, especially the [18] pumps and transmission pipelines, water supply to the Kpassa township has not been as frequent as expected.”

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

GWCL to carry out pipeline improvement works in Adentan Communities

The Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) is expected to carry out planned pipeline improvement works in some selected communities In the Adentan Municipality to ensure increased access to water and improve supply in the Adentan Constituency.

The selected areas include implementation in Amrahia, Ashiyie, Amanfrom, Otano, Dzen Ayor, and Ogbojo under the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) Sanitation and Water Project (Additional Financing).

The Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Abena Dapaah however, noted that in the interim, the GWCL is currently undertaking mains extension works in Adenta Comandos and Amrahia areas. “These interventions will continue in a progressive manner, using internally generated funds to extend water supply to areas in the Municipality which are currently not being served.”

She urged residents who want to connect to the GWCL pipe mains to apply to their respective GWCL district offices to enable the GWCL to conduct an inspection to determine the feasibility of the application. “If the application is upheld on the basis of operational protocols, an estimate of the new service connection works will be [19] submitted to the applicant. Upon payment of the new service connection fees, the applicant will be connected.”

The Minister who was answering a question from the Member of Parliament for the Adentan Constituency, Mohammed Adamu Ramadan on what the Ministry is doing to ensure that Ghana Water Company extends its services to most residents in the Adentan Constituency also promised to institute an investigation into the practice where residents are asked to contribute for the extension of GWCL pipe mains to their communities and are later billed for extension into their individual home.

The MP brought this to the attention of the Minister and appealed that the practice should be checked since it is the duty of the GWCL to provide GWCL pipe mains to communities.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

Minority to contest High Court ruling on Assin North MP

The Minority in Parliament has served notice it will challenge the Cape Coast High Court Decision that seek to suggest a possible by electron in the Assin North Constituency.

The High Court on Wednesday, July 28, 2021 declared the Assin North Parliamentary election in December 2020 which elected Gyakye Quayson as null and void on grounds that by the Supreme Court decision in the Republic vrs High Court (General Jurisdiction 6), a person desirous to contest for parliamentary election should be qualified at the TIME the EC issued the notice of polls.

The High Court held that at the time the EC issued the notice of polls and  Quayson filed his nominations, he didn’t have the certificate of renunciation issued by Canada.

The certificate of renunciation was issued in November 2020 before the election; however, the notice of polls came in October 2020.

Hon Quayson applied for the renunciation much earlier but the Canadian Authorities only issued the certificate of renunciation on the 26th November, 2020.

But the Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu addressing the Parliamentary Press Corps stated that they remain unshaken. “We are confident that it is our seat, it will remain our seat. Our first is to use the same legal processes and legal forum and opportunities available within the Constitution. We will contest the ruling, the judge erred both in law and in facts. It is a travesty of justice.”

According to him, they don’t want to believe that the courts of Ghana have been captured, that the courts of Ghana have become forum being used surreptitiously to tilt the balance of power; we are equal, 137, 137.

He believes the courts are being used to weaken time tested historical motion of checks and balances. “Justice must not only be done, but must manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.”

But the Majority led by Frank Annoh Dompreh said they have been vindicated by the court ruling having raised the red flag on January 7, 2021 at the swearing in of the 8th parliament.

He noted that they raised the issue of illegibility of the Assin North MP and cautioned the implications of that decision for the Member to sit in and be part of that decision making on that day because the member was invalidly elected.

He chides the Minority Leader for suggesting that the government was using the courts to tilt the balance of power.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

Speaker Bagbin allay fear of GUTA

Speaker of Parliament, Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin has allayed the fears of Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) of ever doing anything that would not be in their interest of Ghana.

Address the leadership of GUTA at his conference room on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 he pointed out that it is not true that he described members of GUTA as opportunist when he met his counterpart in Nigeria as being rumored in the media.

And pointed out that the former deputy trader minister Carlos Ahenkora who is a business man himself and now chairman of the Trade and Industry Committee is their member and whiles in Parliament would not pass a law that would be inimical to GUTA members.

Speaker Bagbin noted that because the GUTA members are directly affect in the ongoing brouhaha between them and their Nigerian counterpart their emotions may sometime over power them and some words that they might not use in their daily dealings they would even use them.

And should have some confidence in leadership who are trying to resolve the trade brouhaha, “we are not like we are being portrayed if we were we would not have reach this far we have taken your concerns and situation into consideration we are leading you in the negotiation there would be nothing done that would not be in your interest”.

Rt. Hon Alban Bagbin noted that both Ghana and Nigeria identified some areas they both need to work on and showed them a copy of his speech and meat with official from the trade ministry who have been dealing with the whole retail trade issues.

“Only to come back from Nigeria to hear my people attacking be for being a sale out, I was talking about others trying to take opportunity in our weak system, how can I go to Nigeria and attack Ghanaians and call my own people opportunist, where is this coming from?”

Again, we take time to groom leaders and within seconds we destroy leaders, and no country develop without leaders.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“Citizens would understand what ECOWAs stands for through discussions” —Chief

The traditional leader of Winneba, Neenyi Ghartey VII is confident citizens within the West African sub-region would understand better what the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) stands for through discussions on radio.

According to him they have heard a lot about the Community Parliament and he appreciate it that finally Winneba is witnessing the hosting of a delocalised meeting of the Parliament, adding it is the entire Central Region of Ghana that is benefiting from the delocalised meeting.

He made this remarks on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 when the Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament with his delegation called on him in his palace at Winneba.

“We are fortunate to host this delocalised meeting and talking about history and tradition we stand tall, we are most grateful to ECOWAS Parliament for taking the decision to come to Effutu, with Alexander Kwamena Afenyo being part of you nothing would go wrong “, the chief stated.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament calls on Winneba Traditional leaders

As part of bringing the Community Parliament closer to the door steps of ECOWAS citizens, Speaker Rt. Hon Sidie Mohamed Tunis led by leader of the Ghanaian delegation to the Parliament, Alexander Kwame Afenyo Markin called on Neenyi Ghartey VII at his palace on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 ahead of the commencement of the joint committee delocalised meeting in Winneba, Ghana.

According to the Speaker as someone coming from the village and values tradition, and reiterated by leader of the Ghanaian delegation, if they had not come to pay homage, he does not think the delocalised meeting would have commenced.

“We believe this should be our first port of call and we respect the authority of chiefs. On behalf of my colleagues, I want to say thank you for your kind hospitality you have extended to us since our arrival”.

And recounted, the good music he and his colleagues were welcomed with Monday night, that he had no option but to dance to.

He further noted that ECOWAS Parliament is trying to bring the people of the sub-region together and it is a key policy and mission, “our vision is to bring parliament right to the door steeps of the people, we decided not to stay in Accra the capital through the leader of the delegation, rather come to Winneba”.

And recounted that some weeks back, when leadership of the parliament called on Chair of the Authority of Heads of States and Government, President Nana Akufo-Addo, he was informed of the delocalised meeting to be held in Winneba, Central Region of Ghana, and he was happy to hear the news.

“We would continue to collaborate with this Community to ensure that the people in this Community, are aware of what we do as members of ECOWAS Parliament and ECOWAS in general”.

He presented some traditional drinks to the chiefs and presented five thousand dollars as part of supporting the chief’s educational fund.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

AG update Parliament on status of high-profile murder cases

The Attorney General, and Minister of Justice has updated Parliament on the status of some high-profile murder cases including the murders of Tiger Eye PI’s investigative journalist, Ahmed Hussein-Suale, former MPs for Abuakwa North and Mfantseman, Joseph Boakye Dankwa Adu and Ekow Hayford respectively and former law lecturer at the University of Ghana, Professor Emmanuel Yaw Benneh.

Mr. Godfred Dame was responding to a question asked of him by North Tongu Member of Parliament, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, who wanted to know the status of investigation into those alleged murders.

He said, “No docket has been built and presented to the Office of Attorney-General for prosecution since the deceased was killed on 16th January, 2019. The Attorney-General is thus not seized of this matter,” he said of Ahmed Hussein-Suale.

However, upon assumption of office in March this year as the principal legal adviser to the government, Godfred Dame said he received a briefing on the case by the Inspector-General of Police (IGP).

Sharing the status of investigations into the 31-year old’s killing and details of the briefing with the House, he said four suspects – Edward Gatson Kofi Goka, Musah Iddrisu, Francis Osie Poku and Abdul Rashid Meizongo – who were earlier arrested in connection with the murder have been granted police enquiry bail because the prosecution witnesses could not identify them after a sketch of the alleged assailants were made available to them.

Trial of two accused persons – Daniel Asiedu and Vincent Bossu – in the murder of the late Abuakwa North legislator, the A-G told the House, was ongoing in the High Court (Criminal Court 5).

 “The first Bill of Indictment was filed on 16th February, 2017. Nolle prosequi was entered on 29th May, 2017, effecting a discontinuance of the matter. This was to enable further investigations to be conducted on the identity of the masterminds of the murder.

“On 25th January, 2019, a fresh Bill of Indictment was filed and the accused were committed to trial. On 15th April, 2019, the 1st accused was referred to the psychiatric hospital for assessment. This process took quite a while. The accused was eventually declared fit to stand trial on 9th January, 2020.”

The trial, however, was delayed by the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease which forced the trial of all criminal cases to be put on hold.

Prosecution has since called three witnesses following the recommencement of the case on February, 9, 2021 with the case adjourned to 21st October, 2021 in view of the impending legal vacation, he added.

Five suspects, Jibor Ali, Saadoh Ali, Umaro Sandoh, Alhassan Abubakar and Nazairu Fudailu Nash, the Attorney-General disclosed were standing trial in the murder of the late Mfantseman legislator.

He said they were identified in an identification parade by persons who were with the slain lawmaker in October 2019 after they were arrested in a similar robbery attack similar to the one that claimed the MPs life.

“The suspects who are in custody having been convicted of an earlier offence have been arraigned before court on charges of conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to commit robbery and robbery in relation to the events that led to the death of Ekow Quansah Hayford.”

In the case of the murder of the 66-year-old University of Ghana law lecturer, Professor Benneh, the A-G said though the first suspect, James Nana Womba, who is believed to have “strangled” the deceased to death, died in custody on 17th October 2020, prosecution of a second suspect, Ebenezer Kwayisi, has commenced.

With a third suspect, Opambuor Agya Badu Nkwansah, discharged after a study of the docket revealed that he was not at the scene of the crime when the offence was committed although he was invited by James Womba to assist him rob the deceased, committal proceedings have been held at the Kaneshie District Court as prosecution awaits the notice of arraignment at the High Court.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanampa.com

“We can achieve regional development through the use of ICT tools” —Speaker Bagbin

Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, Rt. Hon Alban Sumana Bagbin said the West African sub-region can achieve regional development through the use of ICT tools hence the need to address concerns in respect of mobile roaming services.

According to him 2018 World Bank report indicates that there are over 320 million mobile subscribers in the sub region, however the uptake of mobile data remains a serious challenge.

And most of the ECOWAS nationals who travel to other countries in the sub-region have to pay higher premiums on mobile usage, while others have to change their sim cares to have access to the network available in their new destination.

He made these remarks at the opening of ECOWAS Joint Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Legal Affairs and Human Rights, and Telecommunications and Information Technology, on the theme, “Telecommunications and Information Technology (TIT) in Achieving Regional Development, Peace and Security and Human Rights’’ in Winneba.

We can only achieve regional development by ensuring that the Regulation on Roaming on Public Mobile Communications Networks in the ECOWAS Space, which was adopted by the Council of Ministers on 16th December 2017 is implemented.

These regulations are intended to reduce charges paid by ECOWAS citizens for communication services while roaming within the community, it is therefore more imperative now than ever to deploy the use of telecommunications and information technology to advance all sectors of one’s economy and also promote the development of the sub-region.

“If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology, and must also leave them with the gimps of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we got through with it”.

Cybercrime and the insecurity in the maritime space in the Gulf of Guinea, are issues that require immediate attention. For this reason, countries in the sub-region through data collection and data sharing are strengthening their collaboration and existing co-operation with International Agencies such as (INTERPOL) and the West Africa Police Chiefs Committee (WAPCCO), in order to combat cross border crimes and terrorism.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Mid-year budget review slated for Thursday

This year’s mid-year budget review is slated for Thursday, July 29, 2021 when the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta would be on the floor of the House to present it to the plenary.

Majority Leader, Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonus in presenting the business statement for this week last Friday noted that there would be a motion for the adoption of mid-year review for the budget statement and economic policy of government of Ghana and supplementary estimate for year ended December 31,2021 financial year.

And all lawmakers are supposed to present themselves at the plenary for this critical business.

The House would sit on Monday, July 26, 2021 to enable the Rt. Hon Speaker and the House to receive some eminent personalities in connection with the Millennium Excellence Award 2021 and the conduct of related business.

For business of the week, there would be two (2) urgent questions on the floor of the House with forty-one (1) oral questions.

  1. Defence Minister 2
  2. Attorney General and Justice 2
  3. Sanitation and Water Resources 3
  4. Health 7
  5. Food and Agriculture 7
  6. Interior 3
  7. Gender, Children and Social protection 3
  8. Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation 1
  9. National Security 1
  10. Youth and Sports 2
  11. Roads and Highways 10
  12. Works and Highways 2

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Komenda Sugar Factory to be operation before the end of this year —Trade Minister

The Minister for Trade and Industry, Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen has told Parliament, the Komenda Sugar factory would start production before the end of this year, 2021.

He explained that, as he presented to Parliament during his ministerial vetting in February this year, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, working in collaboration with its Transaction Advisor Pricewaterhouse Coopers Ghana Limited, is in the process of concluding the Conditions Precedent for the activation of the Concession Agreement with the selected Strategic Investor, Park Agrotech Limited, to commence operations at the Komenda Sugar Factory.

Mr.  Kyerematen added that, he previously indicated, Park Agrotech Limited, a geoprocessing company based in Ghana who together with its technical partner based in India, have significant expertise in the sugar cultivation and processing industry.

Mr. Kyerematen concluded that, he has instructed the Transaction Advisor and Park Agrotech to ensure that the Conditions Precedent to the Concession Agreement and a Road Map for the opening of the factory is finalized by the end of August to enable operational activities commence before the end of this year.

The minister’s answer came as a response to a question filed by the Hon member of Parliament for Komenda/Edina/Eguafo/Abirim, Dr Samuel Atta Mills, asking the minister for trade and industry, why Komenda Sugar factory is still closed and what has happened to the strategic investor the country was promised.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com