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Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament calls on President Alpha Conde

Speaker of the Community Parliament, Rt. Hon. Sidie Mohammed Tunis has paid a courtesy call on President Alpha Conde at Conakry on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at the presidential lodge.

According to the Speaker, he was pleased to be in Guinea as a guest of the National Assembly, and thanked the president for the hospitality shown him and his delegation since they arrived in the country.

In his remarks he outlined activities undertaken by the fifth Community Parliament since its inauguration in March of this year in Niger.

He further outlined his vision of making the Community Parliament a peoples Parliament and emphasized during his tenure, he would seek to engage National Parliaments of the Communities frequently, and pointed out that it would fully support the ECOWAS integration programs.

The Speaker disclosed that, the Community Parliament is closely following the electoral process in Guinea and stands to support the Independent National Electoral Commission of the country, as it prepares for the presidential election.

And fifteen Community lawmakers would be dispatch as part of the ECOWAS observer mission to witness the October 18 2020 presidential polls.

Speaker Tunis used the opportunity to convey a special message from President Julius Maada Bio of the Republic of Sierra Leone, to his Guinea counterpart on bilateral relations between the two West African countries.

On his part President Alpha Conde, thanked the Speaker and his delegation for their visit and expressed is desire for more integration process in the sub-region, and further noted that ECOWAS having a single currency would be a big step towards achieving the integration process.

And added that the introduction of ECO would smoothen the path towards a truly unified ECOWAS, and also further added that the partnership between the Community Parliament and that of Guinea National Assembly is sentimental which was reciprocated by the Speaker.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

42 Bills to be presented to the House as third meeting of seventh starts today

As the third meeting of the seventh Parliament starts today, forty-two bills are expected to be presented.

Some of the Bills are Judicial Service Bill, 2020, Creative Arts Bill, 2020, Council of State Bill, 2020. Meanwhile, nineteen Bills are currently at the Committee level, and include Exemptions Bill 2019, at the Finance Committee, Anti-Money Laundering Bill 2019, at the Finance Committee, and Public University Bill 2020.

There are also four Bills at the consideration stage. Motions for debate and statements would be admitted by the Speaker during this meeting.

In a statement by the Director of Public Affairs, Kate Addo noted that the House would continue to observe the COVID-19 protocols during the meeting.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Speaker pledges House’s support to Guinea to deal with perceived tension

The Speaker of the Community Parliament, Rt. Honorable Sidie Mohammed Tunis has pledged the House’s support to the National Assembly of Guinea, with its rich experience of mediation to engage in meaningful dialogue surrounding the perceived tension.

He made this remark when he addressed the first Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Guinea at the invitation of the President of the Assembly.

He also noted that the laws to be formulated by the ordinary session would seek equity and fairness for all, most especially the young generation, adding that the issue of unemployment among the youth should no longer be accepted.

According to the Speaker, this problem of unemployment is usually exploited by terrorist, and military groups who conscript the youth for little or nothing, but rather use them to perpetrate harm in the communities.

Again, the youth have had to risk traveling across risky waters in search of greener pastures in Europe, some of whom unfortunately meet their untimely death, and it is time to stop folding our hands and watch these happen.

“We must secure a future for our younger generation as no excuse would be adequate enough to compensate for our failure to do s. Young people have aspirations, they want to work, they want to have a future, and it is our job to let them achieve this”.

The Speaker further added that, he is convinced that when the gap between the rich and the poor is bridged, the ECOWAS Region would emerge stronger and better for everyone.

“The Republic of Guinea has had its fair share of violence, attack on harmless civilians and political tension, this is not the Guinea we want now and certainly not the Guinea we want for our children, threat to your peace is a threat to regional peace”, he added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Speaker Tunis arrives in Conakry for first ordinary session

The Speaker of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Rt. Honorable Sidie Mohammed Tunis accompanied by a high-power parliamentary delegation had arrived in Conakry in the Republic of Guinea on Sunday, October 4, 2020.

The delegation will grace the opening of the First Ordinary Session of its National Assembly today Monday, October 5, 2020.

The entourage was welcomed by the President of the National Assembly of Guinea, Rt. Honorable Amadou Damaro Camara and other members of government.

According to Article 68 of the Guinea Constitution, the Ordinary Session is set for April 5 and October 5 every year as the dates on which the National Assembly shall meet for a period not exceeding ninety days.

Speaker Tunis is expected to address the opening ceremony and hold talks with a number of stakeholders during the week-long visit to Guinea.

Guinea is expected to hold its presidential elections next year, and on his arrival the speaker told journalists he is confidence Guinea will remain peaceful and reiterated ECOWAS’s support for Guinea’s development and prosperity.

“Guinea is an integral member of ECOWAS and we are going to do all in our powers to ensure that it remains a peaceful and prosperous nation”, he added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Media urged to portray balance image of Nigerians as it marks 60th Independence

President of Nigerians in the diaspora organization, Ghana chapter, Kingsley Ewa Attoe, has admonished the media, both home and abroad to project balance stories about Nigerians, as the country marks its sixtieth independent anniversary on Thursday, October 1, 2020.

According to him, he is not asking the media to change facts of reportage that the media carries, but stories on Nigerians should be balanced.

“As we journey on the 60 years, it is important that our story changes and these stories can only change if we are intentional with our acts”.

In a statement to mark the independence celebration, he pointed out that when Nigerian students achieve laurels in academia, or a professor is honored, it hardly makes the headlines but when a Nigerian does something as little as break-up with a lady, they are called unreliable heartbreakers.

“For every Nigerian who has committed a crime, there are hundreds who are impacting lives positively, but never get recognized”, he lamented.

He added that “it is time every Nigerian intentionally promote his or her country as we become purposeful in our statements, and those of us in the diaspora, it is time to mention the name and identity of Nigeria wherever we achieve a new feat and lend a hand or impact lives and promote greatness that is associated with Nigeria”.

Mr. Ewa Attoe urged the youth to show more interest in Nigeria, as failure of every government is the failure of the youth. “You do not relinquish your power after elections, you can still contribute to national discourse and show more interest in governance”.

On the tensions that manifests annually between Nigerian and Ghana with regards to retail trading, he encouraged his Ghanaian counterparts to be more accommodating, and see Ghana as a home based on the good stories, they have heard from their parents from one generation to the other. “We will not soil the brotherliness that exist between both countries”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament congratulates Nigeria on 60th Independence Anniversary

The Speaker of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Rt. Honorable Sidie Mohammed Tunis has congratulated the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the celebration of their sixtieth -independence anniversary.

According to the Speaker, Nigeria contributes towards promoting stability in the sub-region and beyond as pacesetter which is admired and appreciated.

He further pointed in his message that despite the challenges that Nigeria faces, they have come out strongly and better, and have shown that they are people who are determined to live and survive together and can do everything regardless of the challenges and adversities they face.

He thanked the President of Nigeria in his fight against COVID-19 as ECOWAS champion, in ensuring that the dreaded disease is fought to its knee in West Africa.

“In the same vain Nigeria is not relented in the fight against terrorism and insecurity which poses serious threat for the growth and advancement of the people of West Africa”.

In addition, he commended the role played by former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan in the Malian situation, and noted that, very soon peace and stability would return to that county.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Speaker Tunis starts first day at work in Abuja

Speaker of the Fifth Community Legislature of the West African sub-region, Rt. Hon. Sidie Mohamed Tunis has started his first day at work on Monday, September 28, 2020 at Abuja.

The former Majority Leader and Leader of Government Business in the Sierra Leone Parliament, in April this year, resigned his position to pay more attention to his new role as Speaker of the sub-regional parliament.

He made those disclosure after his party held a close door meeting with him on April 16, 2020 as part of his fulfillment of his pledge to devote time to the Community Parliament’s work, after his inauguration as speaker in Niger.

“My dear brothers and sisters, I have agreed with government to honorably leave the office of Leader of Government Business but to remain in the Leadership of Parliament”, he stated.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com


SINGLE CURRENCY: Humado wants Parliament to be briefed on status of the ECO

Ghana’s Member of Parliament for Anlo and a member of the country’s delegation to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Clement Kofi Humado is advocating for the legislature to be briefed on the status of the implementation of the sub-regional single currency, the ECO.

According to him, the ECOWAS Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Regional Integration should come before the Community Parliament, to give a report on preparation reached on the implementation of the single currency at its next session.

In an interview as to what lawmakers are doing on their part to ensure the implementation of the ECO, he said, “we can influence the Secretary General, John Azumah and the Speaker Sidie Mohammed Tunis to invite him to give us status report on the situation and we can pick it up from there”.

His call comes in the wake of the uncertainty and delay that seems to be affecting the implementation of the single currency that the sub-region has been looking forward to.

Mr. Humado is pushing for a gradualist approach where countries within the sub-region who meet the convergence criteria can start with the implementation of the single currency, and allow other countries to join later as the year go by.

The second rapporteur of the Community’s Parliament Committee on Infrastructure, expressed worry over the delay in kick starting the single currency which has a 2020 deadline.

He fears the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the economies of all fifteen member countries may even worsen the quest for implementing the single currency and explained further that, the Community lawmakers were informed by the ECOWAS Commissioner for Economic Affairs that the single currency would come into force this year.

And pointed out that this was later revised to ending of either September or October 2020. However, at the 57th Session of Authority of Heads of State and Governments in Niger, it emerged that there is lack of consensus among the Heads of States on what to do with the ECO.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECO Implementation: “Let’s use the gradualist approach to start implementation in 2021 — K. Humado

A member of Ghana’s delegation to the fifth Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Clement Kofi Humado is advocating for the implementation of ECO next year using the gradualist approach.

This follows the uncertainty and delay that seems to be affecting the implementation of the single currency, ECO that the sub-region has been looking forward to.

According to him the ECO implementation should go along the gradualist approach where countries within the sub region who meet the convergence criteria can start with the implementation of the single currency, and allow other countries to join later as the years go by.

Speaking in an interview with Ghanamps.com Mr. Humado expressed worry over the delay in kick starting the single currency which has a 2020 deadline.  He fears the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the economies of all fifteen member countries may even worsen the quest for implementing the currency for all 15 member countries at a goal.

Mr. Humado further explained that, the Community lawmakers were informed by the ECOWAS Commissioner for Economic Affairs that the single currency would come into force this year possible in January, which they were all delighted about.

He pointed out that this was later revised to ending of either September or October, but with the 57th Session of Authority of Heads of State and Government in Niger, it has emerge that there is lack of consensus among the Heads of States on what to do with the ECO.

Again, “the Francophone countries are saying something different, and the Anglophone countries are also not unanimous on what to do. And the situation has become very complicated”.

On the ECO implementation, he pointed out that there are two school of thoughts, the first one being the ‘gradualist approach’ where those who meet the convergence criteria would start while others join gradually.

And the second being the ‘big bank approach’, where everybody should be pushed to join at the same time with the implementation of the ECO.

“Personally, I do not know what this whole thing is about anymore, I feel disappointed and I have spoken to few people within the sub-region, they have expressed same sentiment about the way things are going. The solution should be the gradualist approach, those that are able should start with remaining joining”, he lamented.

Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari at the 57th Ordinary session of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government in Niger, said his country remained committed to the implementation of the single currency plan.

But the decision of the French speaking West African countries to ambush their Anglophone counterparts on the proposed currency, without meeting laid down criteria had further created disaffection and mistrust among member-states.

A statement by the Presidential Spokesman, Malam Garba Shehu, said Buhari encouraged “UEMOA (French acronym for the West African Economic and Monetary Union) to return to the roadmap on the common currency in the sub-region.”

It also said the president urged all stakeholders to “bear in mind that those economic convergence criteria must be based on sound and sustainable macroeconomic fundamentals.”

He quoted the president as saying, “Foreign interference and so-called advice may not be in our best sub-regional interest”, reiterating the “need for UEMOA to return to the agreed roadmap of the ECOWAS single currency by complying with the established framework under the roadmap and cooperate with other member countries in achieving the objectives of the programme.”

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Rawlings receives Malian military leaders

Former President of Ghana, Flt Lt Jerry John Rawlings has urged the new military leadership in Mali to use the transition period in the country to exhibit exceptional leadership for the country and usher it into a prosperous era.
He made this call when a four-man delegation of the National Committee for the Salvation for the People (CNSP), led by its Chairman Colonel Assimi Goita called on him at his residence.

And further urged them to mobilise their people into taking up productive vision to boost the county’s development, empower and encourage the citizen to own their political climate in improving the quality of multi-party democracy, “the Western powers have hung around our necks”.

The level of corruption that has become an integral part of multi-party democracy has created a general climate of stress and tension that may destabilize some areas in the sub-region and added that its unfortunate that the world is being forced into multi-party democracy with corruption and violence rather than other forms of democratic practice with none or minimal corruption.

“Unfortunately, the West appears to favour corruptible political tendencies in order to continue to dominate our security and economy”, he lamented.

Former president Rawlings also noted that it was dutifully passing on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) leadership’s concerns whiles sharing his own political experiences and observations.

The meeting took place after ECOWAS leaders held an Extraordinary meeting with the Malian military leadership at Peduase in Ghana, to discuss political development in Mali.

Colonel Assimi Goita was accompanied by Colonel Ismael Wague, Major Talibe Konte and captain Demba N’daw with Malian Ambassador to Ghana Abdoul Kade Toure in attendance.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com