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Nana Akufo Addo campaign team launched in Kade

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) is poised to garner substantial votes in the Kade constituency in the Eastern Region following the launching of the Nana Akuffo Addo for President Campaign at Abompe.

The Member of Parliament for Kade, Ofosu Asamaoh who launched the campaign called on party members especially the youth to campaign actively to ensure victory for the party in the coming elections.

He underscored the need for every party member to register when the voters’ register was opened and to convince others to vote for the tried and tested NPP party which has the best policies and programmes to ensure Ghana’s developmental growth.

Mr Ofosu Asamoah noted that the upcoming 2012 elections will not be an easy battle to be fought and encouraged the NPP members to be ready to “go the extra mile” and dedicate their all to campaigning effectively to ensure victory for the NPP.

The Eastern Regional Co-coordinator of the campaign team, Kingsley Ofosu said the government of the National Democratic Congress made a lot of promises which enabled them to win the 2008 elections but they had failed to deliver on those promises.

He urged the party members to make an effort to explain the aims, ideals and programmes of the party to the electorate and tell them why under the current government, the ordinary Ghanaian was worse off

The Constituency Chairman, Mr Kwaku Sarpong sworn in the seven-member campaign team into office tasking them to work tirelessly to ensure a resounding victory for the NPP.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

MP sets up committee to probe poor performance in BECE

The Mfantseman West Member of Parliament (MP), Mr Aquinas Tawiah Quansah has set up a committee to probe the cause of the abysmal performance of students in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in the area.

The committee is under the chairmanship of Mr Musah Biney, a retired Director of Education.

Eleven schools scored zero per cent in the area, meaning that none of the students who wrote the examination in the schools obtained marks below the cut-off point for selection to a Senior High School (SHS).

He made this known when addressing the closing session of a six-week vacation classes he organised for students from Junior High and SHSs in the Municipality.

More than 2,000 students participated in the classes at the three centres; namely Kwegyir Aggrey SHS at Anomabo, Mfantseman Girls SHS and Mankessim Senior High Technical School.

The MP provided means of transport to convey the students to and from the centres, exercise books, and also paid allowances to the tutors who sacrificed their time to teach the students.

Mr Quansah said the government attach great importance to education in line with its manifesto to invest in the capacity building of the youth.

He said that was the reason why it is putting up school buildings, giving out free exercise books and uniforms and had also increased the Capitation Grant from GH?3.00 to GH?4.50.

Mr Quansah who is a Deputy Minister of Local Government and Rural Development said the committee would find out the causes of the abysmal performance and make recommendations to reverse the situation.

He appealed to parents “to be up and doing,” urging them not to shirk their responsibilities to their children.

“Delivering of quality education is a shared responsibility,” he stressed.

Mr Quansah presented a laptop computer each to Ms Faustina Nkansah of Kwegyir Aggrey SHS and Master De Graft Johnson, a student of Ghana Secondary Technical School for excelling in end-of-classes examination.

He pledged to offer scholarship to Paul Biney, a physically challenged student of Mankessim Senior High Technical School to pursue his education to the level his ability could carry him.

Atwima Kwanwoma MP sued

The Member of Parliament for Atwima Kwanwoma, Dr Appiah Kubi, has been sued together with Adom FM by an Economist Dr Cadman Mills for libel for publishing false information about him with the intention to dent his image.

In the writ dated September 7, 2011, Dr Mills is seeking Gh¢20,000,000 “in damages for libel and malicious falsehood published by the defendants and concerning the plaintiff.”

He is also seeking an order of the court directed at the defendants to retract the said publication with unconditional apology to him.

In his statement of claim, signed by his lawyers, Bram-Larbi, Beecham and co, Dr Mills, who is also the younger brother of President J.E.A Mills, said in the August 26, 2011, edition of a programme on Adom FM named; “Dwaso” Dr Appiah Kubi, while contributing to the issue of $3,000,000,000.00 loan raised by the government from the Chinese Commercial Bank, accused him of being a corrupt person who had received a kick-back of $7,500,000 from the upfront payment on the loan.

He said the words, translated literally into English, had Dr Appiah Kubi saying,”If you calculate 0.25 per year of the upfront payment which comes to $7,500,000.00 which somebody will collect into his pocket.”

He said the host, Adakabre, subsequenly asked: “Who is that person,” to which Dr Appiah Kubi replied “We have heard that some people are fronting to take that in Ghana. I have heard that Dr Mills’s brother, Cadman Mills is the one fronting for it. That is what we have heard. It is being rumoured and that is why I am asking. Why don’t I believe it? It is being rumoured by people and I am also pushing it.”

He said to the ordinary Twi speaker, what Dr Appiah Kubi said on the airwaves of Adom FM, which is owned by Multimedia Broadcasting Ltd, meant that he was a corrupt person indulging in bribe taking, a crime that carried dire consequences under the laws of Ghana.

He said the allegations were not only scurrilous but false and reckless and same was published by Adom FM through their various mediums without any attempt at verifying the truth or otherwise of the claim that he was a corrupt person who had received bribes of $7,500,000 from the Chinese.

He said the offensive words were carrieed and disseminated widely by Adom FM and Multimedia to a substantial number of unquantifiable listeners in Ghana and abroad on the worldwide web at www.adomonline.com and myjoyonline.com/ghana, among others and also via chat groups and rooms on the Internet and also on the many affiliate stations of Adom FM owned by Multimedia Broadcasting Company Ltd.

I will contest Jomoro seat – Samia insists

The new chairperson of the Convention Peoples Party (CPP) Samia Yaba Nkrumah has rejected calls on her to relinquish her seat as a Member of Parliament if she wants to build a solid party.

Though the party’s constitution allows her to stand as an MP and double as the chairperson of the CPP, political analysts say combining the two roles would adversely affect her intention to improve the structures of the party.

But Samia Nkrumah, who is the daughter of Ghana’s first president Dr Kwame Nkrumah, told Joy News’ Sammy Darko that combining the two would not be onerous for her to handle.

“There are Ministers who are Members of Parliament; what is the problem? They can still get to do the work.

“I don’t have any other business; I am not a businesswoman, I am not running a company, so I am totally committed to reviving the Nkrumaist tradition; so I do have the time.

“And if you look at England, the Prime Minister is the leader of his party and he is a Member of Parliament.”

Describing as a war, the political atmosphere the CPP finds itself, as the 2012 election approaches, she reiterated that the two would not be a handful because “one will enhance the other”.

She stressed that with time, someone would be mentored to takeover from her, noting that “for 2012 we believe I am the best person to retain the seat”.

Since 2000, all the parliamentary seats won by the CPP were made possible due to the support of either the New Patriotic Party or the National Democratic Congress, an “infiltration”, which she said has cost the CPP dearly.

Samia Nkrumah called on all CPP members to “subdue their ego” and pull their resources together because election 2012 would be “very tough”.

She said the party’s focus is to revive the grassroots structures of the party, look for dynamic person who can canvass for votes for themselves and CPP’s presidential candidate.

Source: Myjoyonline.com

Group mad over MP’s stealing case

A GROUP, known as Movement for Better Ghana (MBG) has called on the Brong Ahafo Regional Minister, Hon. Kwadwo Nyamekye Marfo to set up a Committee of Inquiry to investigate the Member of Parliament (MP) for Asunafo North, Robert Sarfo Mensah, who is being accused of stealing electrical bulbs and accessories valued at ¢1.2 billion.

The Asunafo North MP is currently facing charges of Woefully Causing Financial Loss to the State and Stealing about 300 high tension electrical bulbs and accessories, valued at GH¢120, 000 -belonging to the Asunafo North Assembly.

But the group, based in the Ashanti Region, noted that although the MP is currently facing the Goaso Circuit Court, presided over by His Lordship, Justice Osei Kwame Gyamfi, the 11 beneficiary communities in the Asunafo North Municipality, which were suppose to benefit from the items, allegedly stolen by the MP, have been deprived of electricity supply and are still sleeping in the darkness.

The pro-government pressure group, MBG, is of the view that the communities need to enjoy electricity whiles Hon. Mensah, also known as Bubaa, faces his trial. To ensure that the communities are connected to the national grid, the Communications Director of the MBG, Mr. Francis Dodovi, urged the Brong Regional Minister to appoint a committee to go into the matter and retrieve the items for distribution to the communities, who were to benefit from the package.

Mr. Dodovi, in a statement read at a press conference held at Goaso, applauded the Presiding Judge, His Lordship, Osei Kwame Gyamfi’s zeal to have justice prevail in the case.

The MP, whose attempt to have the case struck out by filing an application of no case was turned down, after the court upon a critical study of the case noted that Hon. Robert Mensah has a case to answer and consequently ordered the MP to open his defence.

The MBG regretted that the MP, who is making Laws for the country should turn round to disregard the laws of this country by hiding behind Parliament to avoid speedy trial of the case.

The group therefore advised the MP to adhere to the Laws of this country and make himself available before the Justice Gyamfi’s Court to answer stealing charges leveled against him if he believes he did not commit any crime.

The Asunafo North Municipal Assembly in 2008 ordered the electric bulbs and the accessories, from the Volta River Authority (VRA) but the MP according to the Assembly, collected the items in three tranches in November, December 2008 and January 2009 without the knowledge of the assembly. The said items never got to the Assembly neither were they kept at the stores.

The Assembly alleged that the MP shared the items to certain communities unknown to them, and this prompted them to report the matter to the Goaso police, who after investigations arraigned Hon. Sarfo before the court.

When The Chronicle contacted Hon. Nyamekye Marfo on the request of the MBG, he said since the Assembly falls within the Ministry of Local Government, he would liaise with the sector Minister, Hon. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo as to what course of action should be taken in response to the demands of the group.

A GROUP, known as Movement for Better Ghana (MBG) has called on the Brong Ahafo Regional Minister, Hon. Kwadwo Nyamekye Marfo to set up a Committee of Inquiry to investigate the Member of Parliament (MP) for Asunafo North, Robert Sarfo Mensah, who is being accused of stealing electrical bulbs and accessories valued at ¢1.2 billion.

The Asunafo North MP is currently facing charges of Woefully Causing Financial Loss to the State and Stealing about 300 high tension electrical bulbs and accessories, valued at GH¢120, 000 -belonging to the Asunafo North Assembly.

But the group, based in the Ashanti Region, noted that although the MP is currently facing the Goaso Circuit Court, presided over by His Lordship, Justice Osei Kwame Gyamfi, the 11 beneficiary communities in the Asunafo North Municipality, which were suppose to benefit from the items, allegedly stolen by the MP, have been deprived of electricity supply and are still sleeping in the darkness.

The pro-government pressure group, MBG, is of the view that the communities need to enjoy electricity whiles Hon. Mensah, also known as Bubaa, faces his trial. To ensure that the communities are connected to the national grid, the Communications Director of the MBG, Mr. Francis Dodovi, urged the Brong Regional Minister to appoint a committee to go into the matter and retrieve the items for distribution to the communities, who were to benefit from the package.

Mr. Dodovi, in a statement read at a press conference held at Goaso, applauded the Presiding Judge, His Lordship, Osei Kwame Gyamfi’s zeal to have justice prevail in the case.

The MP, whose attempt to have the case struck out by filing an application of no case was turned down, after the court upon a critical study of the case noted that Hon. Robert Mensah has a case to answer and consequently ordered the MP to open his defence.

The MBG regretted that the MP, who is making Laws for the country should turn round to disregard the laws of this country by hiding behind Parliament to avoid speedy trial of the case.

The group therefore advised the MP to adhere to the Laws of this country and make himself available before the Justice Gyamfi’s Court to answer stealing charges leveled against him if he believes he did not commit any crime.

The Asunafo North Municipal Assembly in 2008 ordered the electric bulbs and the accessories, from the Volta River Authority (VRA) but the MP according to the Assembly, collected the items in three tranches in November, December 2008 and January 2009 without the knowledge of the assembly. The said items never got to the Assembly neither were they kept at the stores.

The Assembly alleged that the MP shared the items to certain communities unknown to them, and this prompted them to report the matter to the Goaso police, who after investigations arraigned Hon. Sarfo before the court.

Samia gets support from senior CPP members

Certain senior members of the Convention Peoples Party (CPP) have thrown their weight behind the candidature of the Member of Parliament for Jomoro, Samia Nkrumah who is contesting for the chairmanship position of the party.

The CPP goes to congress this weekend to elect national executives to steer the affairs of the party for the next four years.

Professor Agyeman Badu Akosa, Prof. Francis Nkrumah, Prof. E.A Afari, Prof. Fred Binka, Prof. Kwame Botwe-Asamoah and Prof Ama Ohene in a statement urged party delegates to vote massively for Samia Nkrumah to revive, revitalise and also rejuvenate the party.

It stated that the party shall work for a united Nkrumaist family, bringing back into the fold splinter groups, the many who have sat on the fence waiting for the revivalism, the many who were young pioneers, workers’ brigade and of the other affiliate organizations and yet still, the many who did not return to the fold after the failed alliances in the past.

The statement said, the decision to support Samia Nkrumah’s bid is to ensure that a fresh, bold and imaginative leader is handed the mantle to lead and transform the party.

Samia Nkrumah who is the CPP’s lone MP, faces strong challenge in the person of CPP big shots including incumbent Ladi Nylander, Edmund Delle and Araba Bentsi – Enchill who are formidable and have been in CPP politics for decades.

She is however hopeful that delegates will at the end of the day elect her for a youthful and dynamic leadership that will ensure the CPP makes inroads in the upcoming 2012 elections.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Parliament will stop approving funds for non-performers

Parliament would soon stop approving the budgetary allocations of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) who fail to implement fully the recommendations of the Auditor General’s report.

Mr. Kwaku Agyemang-Manu, the Vice Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament, said this at a three-day workshop for officers and heads of institutions of the Ghana Education Service (GES) at Wa.

Mr. Agyemang-Manu, who is also the Member of Parliament (MP) for Dormaa West, said Parliament had recommended to the Speaker to set up a Financial Tribunal to supervise the implementation of such recommendations by the MDAs.

He said PAC was not set up by Parliament only to invoke sanctions on institutions or persons who breached the public financial administration regulations but also to ensure that public funds were utilized properly for the benefit of society.

Mr. Agyemang-Manu, therefore, urged accountants to play a consultative advisory role to the heads of second cycle institutions in the administration of school funds.

He also urged the heads of such institutions to listen to the advice of their accountants because they are the professionals in the management of funds.

He suggested to school heads to keep their own records of all financial transactions and demand from their accountants and store keepers monthly account statements and stores reports. This would enable them detect early any foul play before it gets out of hand.

Mr. Agyemang-Manu said school heads should strengthen their Internal Audit Units because they could help them to avoid an invitation by the PAC.

Mr. Iddrisu Mahama, the Upper West Regional Director of Education, said the purpose for organizing the workshop was to introduce the officers to more appropriate measures for the effective management of their offices and the institutions.

He said it would also give school heads and schedule officers the opportunity to interact and understand each other, discover their shortcomings and work as a team to remove any fears whenever they are invited to appear before the PAC.


Gov’t will not tolerate instability in the country – Hammah

The Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Mr Mike Hammah has said present government would not compromise with people who are bent on destabilizing the peace and tranquility the nation was enjoying.

He said such people when apprehended would be dealt with according to law and called on those who may be harbouring such intentions to desist from it before it was too late.

Mr Hammah who is also Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu made the statement when he addressed a crowd of Moslems at a special prayer session in Winneba.

He said the Mills-led administration was committed to the development of the country for the benefit of the people and had demonstrated this through the provision of school infrastructure, electricity, new roads, free school uniforms and textbooks among others.

He said it was about time Ghanaians stopped following people who had nothing to offer them and rather rally their support behind the government to achieve the better Ghana agenda.

The MP told the gathering about his intention to contest the 2012 parliamentary election to enable him to complete the projects he had started in the constituency to better the lot of the people.

He said plans were far advanced for work to commence on the construction of a modern market complex at Winneba Roundabout as well as the fishing harbour in Winneba.

Alhaji Mohammed Mansuru Issah, Chief Imam for the area led the people to thank Allah for His guidance and protection during the just-ended fasting period and to ask for Allah’s continued blessing for peace to prevail in the country.

Alhaji Labaran Issah Seidu, a leading member of Effutu Zongo Committee, advised Moslems in the area to desist from immoral acts such as drug abuse and violent behaviour, and asked them to tolerate each other’s view.


Mills is a weak president – PC Appiah-Ofori

The Member of Parliament for Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa in the Central Region, Paul Collins Appiah-Ofori says John Evans Atta Mills is a weak president and has failed to sack his ministers who make mistakes in the course of their duties.

P.C Appiah-Ofori therefore wants President Atta Mills to sit up and discipline ministers who err in their duties, to serve as a deterrent to others.

He was commenting on wikileaks cables claims that the Minister for Trade and Industry, Hannah Tetteh had told a US Embassy official in Accra that the NDC government intentionally appointed Joyce Bamford Addo as Speaker of Parliament in order to manipulate her.

He told Adakabre Frimpong Manso on Adom FM’s Dwaso Nsem Wednesday that if indeed the Trade Minister made the claim, then President Atta Mills should sack her.

PC Appiah-Ofori said Hannah Tetteh should be dismissed because her comment is an embarrassment to parliament and the country at large.

Touching on whether he believes the Speaker of Parliament was intentionally placed to be manipulated by the government, PC Appiah-Ofori said he had found no faults with Madam Bamford Addo ever since she assumed office.

He however observed that the First Deputy Speaker, Edward Doe Adjaho always sat in for the Speaker whenever there was a serious debate in the House.

The NPP MP cited for instance when Doe Adjaho sat in for the Speaker during the debate and approval of the $3 billion Chinese loan facility that was recently approved by parliament.

PC Appiah-Ofori claimed that he stood up on the floor of parliament to object to the approval of the loan, but Doe Adjaho failed to catch his eye.

He admitted that parliamentarians are all responsible for the mess Ghanaians have found themselves in.

Meanwhile Mr. Appiah-Ofori has described Ghanians who made unguarded statements to foreign diplomats about their fellow countrymen and the country at large, as unpatriotic citizens. He added that they should have considered the interest of the country first before making any comments to the Americans.

In a related development, Appiah-Ofori has called on the legal team of NPP flagbearer, Nana Akufo-Addo to sue publishers of the “Daily Post” newspaper and ask them to pay huge damages as compensation for defaming allegedly Nana Akufo-Addo.

He was reacting a story captured on the front page of the 7th September 2011 edition of the paper which suggested Nana Addo deserves help in a rehabilitation centre rather than seeking the presidency.

Appiah-Ofori believes such a step will serve as a deterrent to other journalists who want to tow the same line of maligning politicians.

PC Appiah-Ofori also said the publication should be condemned because it would taint the image of the presidential candidate should he win election.

Dan Botwe commended

The Awukugua-Abroad Development Association has commended Mr Dan Botwe, Member of Parliament (MP) for Okere, for his contribution towards the development of the town.

A statement signed by the President of the Association, Mr William Agyemang, and copied to the GNA in Koforidua, said, “The contribution of Mr Botwe to the development agenda of the town since he became MP the past two and half years was astounding.”

According to the statement, the MP recently donated GHC 5,000 and 100 bags of cement to the Awukugua Methodist Church to complete a six- unit classroom block, which was at standstill because the local congregation had run out of funds.

The statement said Mr Botwe presented another GHC 5,000 and 100 bags of cement to the Awukugua Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Junior High School (JHS) to support the construction of a classroom block.
It said the MP also donated hundreds of bags of cement to the community to undertake a number of development projects the association had initiated.

The statement mentioned other projects the MP had undertaken for the community as the renovation and painting of the six- unit classroom block for the Dawu–Awukugua United Primary School and completion of the three -classroom block for Dawu-Awukugua to be used as a kindergarten.

It said last year, Mr Botwe paid the fees of more than 10 children from the community who passed the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) but whose parents could not afford to pay their fees for admission into Senior High School (SHS).

The statement, however, said one of the major concerns of the association now was to get the by-pass road completed and, therefore, appealed to Mr Botwe to help them to ensure that the less than three- kilometer road project, which was started in 2007 would be completed.

It urged Mr Botwe to continue to support the community in its developmental efforts.