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Parliament pays tribute to Amon Kotei

Parliament has staged a glowing tribute to Nii Amon Kotei, an illustrious son of Ghana, for his meritorious service to the country.

He designed the coat of arms of Ghana which has become a symbol of Authority in the Ghanaian context.

Nii Kotei who died some few months ago is yet to be buried.

The Minority Leader Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu who was the first to pay tribute expressed condolences to the bereaved family.

He noted that Nii Kotei was a man full of uniqueness as he was a brave soldier regardless of this; he studied hard to become an excellent designer and an artist whose work is highly regarded by all Ghanaians and the world at large.

The Minority Leader observed that no recognition had so far been accorded this illustrious son of Ghana which he described as a grievous mistake on the part of the country which must be corrected even if post humorously.

The Majority Leader Clestus Avoka for his part stated that Nii Kotei’s death is not only a loss to the family but also to humanity.

He said that government acknowledges his invaluable contribution to the country and has decided to give him a state burial with full military honors.

Clestus Avoka added that this shows the country’s readiness to adequately reward anyone who contributes to the development of the Ghanaian society.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Owusu Ankoma refutes woyome’s assasination claim

Former Interior Minister under the erstwhile Kufuor administration Papa Owusu Ankomah has described as absurd allegations that he was behind assassination attempts at a National Democratic Congress financier and stalwart Alfred Woyome.

At a press conference on Monday, Mr Woyome claimed that big shots in the former NPP government colluded to kill him, recounting an incident in which he claimed over 200 policemen surrounded the Supreme court premises with an order to shoot him on sight at a time he was pursuing a case at the court, a charge he claimed ex-president John Kufuor vehemently denied.

He said he later had reliable information that the then Interior Minister Papa Owusu Ankoma was behind the plot. He said when he confronted him; Mr. Ankomah stated “he didn’t know that it was Alfred Woyome”.

However speaking on Joy FM, Papa Owusu Ankomah who is the MP for Sekondi refuted the allegations against him, saying that would not have dignified the allegations with a response but stated he had to set the records straight hence his response.

He wondered why Mr. Woyome chose to throw out such allegation now after several years if his allegations were credible.

Mr Ankomah said Mr Woyome was trying to divert attention from his personal problems with this wild allegation after winning a controversial judgment debt of 42 million cedis.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Ejura Sekyeredumase MP unperturbed by calls to step down

The NDC Member of Parliamentary for Ejura Sekyeredumasi Constituency in the Ashanti region who has come under fire, Hon. Yussif Pangabu, has said he is not disturbed by threats by some of his party supporters to vote against him in the 2012 elections.

Some NDC youth in the Ejura Sekyere Dumasi constituency are threatening to vote against their MP if he is fielded for the 2012 elections.

Hon. Yussif Pangabu told Citi News one of the persons eyeing his seat, Charles Antwi, Coordinator of the Ghana School Feeding programme in Koforidua is inciting a section of the NDC youth against him.

“Yesterday, I was at the constituency when they tried to hold a press conference. But it is unfortunate; we have all bid for the seat and if one of the candidates says he is going to win massively that means he wants to incite some of supporters to say that I should step down. Is this democracy? ” he inquired.

Pangabu said he was aware of the ploys set against him but he was quick to add that he would pledge his support for whoever emerged as winner during the elections.


Tafo MP condemns failure of ministers to honour invitation to Parliament

A former Minister of State at the Finance Ministry and Member of Parliament for Tafo, Dr Anthony Akoto Osei, has condemned the practice where some ministers fail to honour invitations to Parliament to aid the House in its work.

He said such practices have the tendency of impacting negatively on the country’s quest to ensure development.

The MP raised a point of order on the floor of the House when he realized that neither the Sector Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration nor his Deputy of Foreign and the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee were present in Parliament at a time when the budget for the Ministry was being debated for approval.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Alhaji Mohammed Mummuni, entered the House attributing his lateness to the fact that he had just arrived from Tamale.

He commended members for being concerned efforts towards improving the good image of the missions and expressed the hope that they would lend their support for the approval of an increment in the Ministry’s budget because it was inadequate.

A total of GH¢93, 438,735 was approved for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration for the 2012 fiscal year to enable it effectively run its activities.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

MP picks nomination form for Prestea Huni/Valley seat

Mr. Francis Adu-Blay Koffie, the Member of Parliament for Prestea Huni/Valley, on Monday picked nomination form at the National Democratic Congress party’s constituency office in Bogoso.

Mr. Matthew Ayeh, the constituency secretary, appealed to those who would be contesting the primaries to avoid insults.

Mr Kofie is the first candidate to pick a nomination form to contest the primary.


MPs bemoan poor state of Ghanaian Missions

Parliamentarians have expressed their displeasure about the poor state of some Ghana missions abroad.

According to them the sorry state of these missions does not paint a good picture of Ghana to the outside world as the missions are representatives of the country abroad.

The MPs made this known in their contribution on the floor of the House prior to the approval of the budgetary allocation of GHs 93,438,735 for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration to enable it run its activities effectively for the 2012 fiscal year.

MP for Effiduase- Asokore, Frank Boakye Agyen noted that several of the missions are not only in a bad condition but also owe several millions of dollars to their land lords which is an embraasing situation to Ghana.

He therefore urged the Ministry of Finance to as a matter of urgency release funds for the rehabilitation of Ghana missions while steps are taken to settle the huge debt owed by Ghana missions abroad.

Hon. Shirley Ayorkor Botchway on her part noted that her checks indicates that some Ghanaians are not happy with the sort of treatment meted out to their own compatriots who are staff of the various missions, and urged the Sector minstry to take steps to rectify the situation.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Alhaji Mohammed Mumuni who was in the House commended the MPs for their continued support for his ministry and promised that the issues raised would be taken on board and institute measures to resolve it.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Political heads must not chair sec. c’ttee during elections – O.B Amoah

The Member of Parliament for Aburi/Nsawam Osei Bonsu Amoah has urged government to ensure that political heads such as Regional Ministers and District Chief Executives are not made to be directly in-charge of security during the upcoming 2012 elections.

According to him, the situation where these political heads are themselves candidates vying for parliamentary seats creates an unfair advantage for them as they tend to manipulate the security system to benefit them.

Hon. O.B Amoah made the proposal while contributing to a panel discussion on issues relating to the impending 2012 on e.tv Ghana’s BREAKFAST TV show on Friday.

He said that the erstwhile NPP government led by Ex President Kufour in a bid to ensure a level playing ground for all the candidates during the 2008 elections ensured that the political heads were not directly responsible for security of their jurisdiction, but that the security of the area was the responsibility of senior security personnel, a move that made the electorates repose trust in the security apparatus.

He noted that a lot of DCE’s have been elected as parliamentary candidates for the NDC and it is important that his proposal is critically looked at, to avoid a situation where others may feel cheated and taking the law into their hands.

O.B Amoah stated that the upcoming 2012 election will be keenly contested and it is incumbent on the ruling NDC government to ensure that the elections are held in a free, fair and peaceful atmosphere to ensure an acceptable outcome at the end of the polls.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov

Let’s cut down on frivolous expenditure – Ejisu-Juaben MP

The Member of Parliament of Ejisu-Juaben, Mr Kwabena Owusu-Aduomi, has appealed to Ghanaians to cut down on frivolous expenditure and focus more on the education of their children.

This, he said was the only way they could assure their young ones of a secured future.

He was addressing the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Abenase-Edwinase M/A Junior High School (JHS) in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality.

Mr Owusu-Aduomi said it was important to put premium on education because that was the path to the progress of the individual, community and society.

It was on account of this that all stakeholders should accept to play their expected roles well to ensure that all children had access to quality education.

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Mr Kwaku Afrifa Yamoah Ponkoh, pledged the assembly’s resolve to help create the right conditions in schools to promote effective teaching and learning.

In line with this, “everything would be done” to assist the community to complete a computer laboratory project, it has started for the JHS.

He commended the people for the initiative to complement the government’s eff

Akomea questions wisdom behind Mills’ leave abroad

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has questioned the wisdom behind allowing both past and serving presidents to take their holidays outside the country while there are some interesting places countryside to have perfect relaxation as a means to promote domestic tourism.

The President of Ghana, John Evans Atta Mills, is currently in the United States of America on a two-week leave after undertaking some official assignments in the US and Canada.

The Communications Director of the main opposition, Nana Akomea, in an interview with Citi News wondered why Ghana’s presidents have not encouraged local tourism by spending their annual leave periods in the country’s various tourist attractions, thereby encouraging ordinary citizens to visit such sites.

He has therefore called on President Mills to take his next annual leave in the country.

“My issue is about the way our presidents spend their vacation or leave,” Akomea said. “We say we want to better tourism in this country. Who is best to spearhead the tourism promotion than the president? ”

“In this country, we actually have presidential resorts which have been purposely built to enable the president take a retreat to go and relax,’ he added.

“The Peduase Lodge is one [and] there is a second one at Akosombo overlooking the dam. We can also develop a presidential lodge at say the Mole Game Park, where the president can go with his guests. Now can you imagine if the president went to Peduase Lodge to take a break for a week?

“People would be motivated to go and develop facilities there and the ordinary citizens too would have a certain motivation to follow.

“It is time that we talked about this, encourage our presidents to go on leave and encourage them to take their leave inside the country,” the communication director noted.


Parliament investigates Fulanis

Parliament has approved a 13-member committee to investigate allegations of illegal activities of the Fulani herdsmen in the country.

The committee which is chaired by Dr. Yakubu Alhassan with members including Joseph Boahene Aidoo, Haruna Bayirga, Albert Abongo, Simon Edem Asimah, Theophilus Chaie Tettey, Arthur Francis Kojo, Peter Wiafe Peprah, Anyimadu Antwi, Kwame Ampofo-Twumasi, Dominic Nitiwul, Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, Hajia Alhassan Dubie Halutie Rafatu, has been charged with the task of investigating allegations of the conduct of the Fulani farmers in Edubiase, Agogo Traditional Area, and the Afram Plains.

They are also to investigate the background of the farmers, how they entered the country, effects of their activities on properties, human lives and the environment as well as making recommendations as to measures to forestall future occurrences.

Commenting after the approval of the committee, the Deputy Minority Leader, Ambrose Derry charged the state and traditional authorities to enforce the law in dealing with issues of brutalities perpetuated by the nomadics herdsmen across the country.

According to him, failure on the part of these authorities to deal decisively will result in frustrated victims, taking the law into their own hands and visiting mayhem on the cattle farmers.

Mohammed Muntaka on his part urged the committee to take opportunity of their visit to the said areas to educate the people on the need to hasten slowly in dealing with the nomadics.

He noted that, it is important to note that, there are some Ghanaians of Fulani descents and it is important that all Fulani’s are not tagged foreigners and mishandled but rather they should be dealt with according to the law.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh