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Ashanti region is equally an NDC stronghold – Muntaka

The MP for Asawase Hon. Mohammed Muntaka Mubarak has strongly rejected the assertion that the Ashanti Region remains the stronghold for only the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP).

According to him the ruling NDC can equally lay claim to the region being its stronghold as the party’s electoral fortunes since the 1999 general elections has continued to improve elections after elections.

The Ashanti region over the years has yielded the majority of votes for the opposition party with the NPP occupying 36 out of the 39 parliamentary seats in the Region leaving the NDC with only 3 seats.

Speaking at the NDC’s manifesto launch at Kumasi on Thursday Hon. Muntaka stated that the NDC being able to secure 475,000 votes in the 2008 election can certainly describe the Ashanti Region as its stronghold.

He noted that whenever the NDC had secured over 400,000 votes in any election just like in the 1996 and 2008 elections the NDC went aheard to win the general elections.

Hon. Muntaka therefore urged the party rank and file to work tireless to earn NDC enough votes in the Ashanti Region to guarantee the party victory in the upcomging election which promises to be keenly contested.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Nomoale Urges Apathetic NDC Members to Campaign

The Member of Parliament for La Dadekotopon, Nii Amasa Namoale has made a clarion call to members of the National Democratic Congress who are apathetic to join their hands to the wheel to campaign to ensure the NDC retains power.

He said the NDC needs all hands on deck to win the upcoming elections which promises to be keenly contested.

He was reacting to the statement by the founder of NDC and Ex President Jerry Rawlings at the party’s special congress in Kumasi to elect President Mahama as the Presidential candidate.

Ex President Rawlings in his speech stated that some NDC members are sitting on the fence and in the comfort of their homes both in Ghana and abroad waiting for others to campaign for them only to show up and enjoy, and called on such people to begin to hit the campaign trail as soon as possible.

Hon. Namoale noted that the ex- President could not have said it better as the NDC would be better served if the party unite to wage an effective campaign to win power.

He added that the NDC cannot afford to lose power in this crucial election as there was the need to win power to continue with the Better Ghana Agenda of improving the lives of Ghanaians.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Bimbila MP accuses EC

The NDC Member of Parliament for Bimbila, Dominic Nitiwul has accused the Electoral Commission of being in bed with ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) government.

According to him, the EC is engaged in an illegality by supervising the election of NDC Parliamentary candidates in yet to be created constituencies.

The Legislative Instrument(LI) 73 which is establishing the 45 new constituencies is currently laid before parliament pending approval but even before that is done, the ruling party has gone ahead to conduct election, an action which is seen by many as illegal.

While the EC has been sued against creating the constituencies, political parties and other Civil Society Organizations have pushed for the creation of the constituencies to be done after the December election as with four months to go for the election political parties will have less time to prepare their candidates.

Speaking on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme on Wednesday, Hon. Dominic Nitiwul stated that by the EC’s conduct, it has clearly demonstrated its bias for the NDC by seeking to give it unfair advantage at the expense of the law.

He added that the NPP as a law abiding party will not join the in the illegality being perpetrated by NDC but was quick to add that the NPP was sure of wrestling power from the ruling government come December election.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh.

New District Assemblies must take cue from PAC-MP

Mr. Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzra, Member of Parliament (MP) for Ho-West on Tuesday urged the staff of Ho West District Assembly to take a cue from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) hearings and work with integrity.

“You must work with dedication and total commitment and take the stunning revelations at the Public Accounts Committee hearing as your guide not to fall foul of the law,” he advised.

Mr. Bedzra gave the advice at a special meeting of the new Assembly, which was carved from the Ho Municipal Assembly.

He underscored the need for all stakeholders to be purposeful for the area’s rapid socio-economic development.

“Many districts and communities have left us behind so we have to remain united and work hard to catch up with them and improve on our livelihood,” Mr. Bedzra said.

He appealed to Mr. Ibrahim Alhassan, Ho West District Coordinating Director and the Assembly-members, to use their rich experiences to make the District unique.

In a speech read on his behalf, Osie Adza Tekpor VII, Chairman of Paramount Chiefs and Queen-mothers of Ho-West Constituency, pledged the readiness of the traditional authorities to co-operate with the Assembly.

The special meeting saw the formation of the Assembly’s Executive Committee and the adoption of some sub-committees.

NDC/NPP blamed for low women representation in Parliament

The ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the main opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) were on Tuesday blamed for the low women representation in Parliament since the inception of the fourth republic.

“Being the two dominant political parties, which has alternated power since 1992, their conduct in selection of Parliamentary candidates reflects on their real posture on affirmative action.

“The grounds for conducting parliamentary primaries is slanted against women, right from the composition of delegates, to officials conducting the elections…if the two parties want us to have more women in the next Parliament it’s a done deal, even if they want us to have a woman President but in reality they are not,” Mr Kwesi Jonah a senior fellow of the Institute of Democratic Governance (IDEG) stated in Accra.

Mr Jonah who chaired and launched an 88-page Election 2012 campaign tool kit titled: “Election 2012-Matters of concern to the Ghanaian Voter,” a comprehensive survey conducted by the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), charged the two parties to demonstrate their commitment to affirmative action.

He said if the NDC and NPP allocates about 25 per cent of their parliamentary seats to women; “the next parliament will have fair gender representation.

Mr Jonah, who also reviewed the research report, appealed to politicians take notice of the importance of the report to yield a better turn out. He also urged voters to consider the vision and policies of political candidates and not to vote out of their loyalty to a particular party.

He also said the research report is an accountability tool for every voter to analyze the policies and manifesto that political candidates present to them.

“Education is the major concern of voters in the Greater Accra, Western, and Ashanti, the three least poor regions whereas agriculture is the priority of the three poor regions in Ghana”

Mrs Charlotte Osei, NCCE Chairman called on political parties to consider the views and priorities of the electorate when preparing their manifesto and agenda.

She said politicians should address the concerns of voters based on gender, age, religion, and geographical location especially as their priorities on education, health and employment vary.

Presenting the survey findings, Mrs Gertrude Zakariah-Ali, NCCE Director of Research, Gender and Equality explained that the purpose of the survey was to identify important matters of concern to the Ghanaian voter in respect of the impending December elections.

She said four electoral areas were selected from each of the 230 constituencies through a combination of purposive, quota and random sampling in each constituency.

She said a total of 7,497 persons responded to the questionnaire, whilst a small number of 39 persons included in the sample did not respond. On social-demographic characteristics of respondents, the statistics indicates that out of 7,497 persons who responded to the questionnaire 3,782 representing 50.4 percent were female and 3,665 representing 48.9 percent were male.

Mrs Zakariah-Ali explained that persons aged between 21 to 30 constituted the highest number 2,107 representing 28.8 percent of the age group of respondents; 31 to 40 constituted 1,892 representing 25.2 percent; whilst the largest proportion of the respondents 2,924 representing 39.5 percent had basic education as their highest attainment.

In terms of occupation majority of respondents were either traders or farmers… “Of the 7,497 respondents, 1,511 representing 20.1 percent were engaged in trading as their dominant occupation, and farming was the next occupation of importance as 1,492 representing 19.9 percent were engaged in it.

The data also indicates that 82 percent of all the respondents who were into trading were women, whilst more than half 59.9 percent of all unemployed respondents were women.

In terms of marital status 56.3 percent of respondents were married; 30 percent single; 5.3 percent widowed; 3.8 percent divorced and 3.5 percent separated.

In terms of religion, 75.5 percent were Christians; 19.4 percent Moslems and 3.5 percent traditionalists affirming the belief that Ghanaians are God fearing or at least believers.

The NCCE Campaign tool kit was launched by Professor Ivan Addea-Mensah, former Vice Chancellor of the University of Ghana and was attended by leading members of the NDC, the NPP, civil society activists, media practitioners, and a cross section of the public.


Balado Manu eyes Tatale seat after losing Ahafo Ano South

The New Patriotic Party Member of Parliament for Ahafo Ano South in the Brong Ahafo Region, Stephen Kwaku Balado-Manu has declared his intension to contest the Tatale seat in the Saboba District in the Northern Region when its creation is legalized by Parliament.

Balado noted that his decision came after several calls by some electorate at Tatale to contest the seat after losing the Ahafo Ano South NPP primaries to Frank Manu-Adabor.

The defeated MP stated that he is originally a native of Baasare in the Northern Region and he does not see anything wrong with contesting the Tetele seat to represent his in kinsmen in Parliament.

He told Adom News he believed his 16 years experience as an MP, would benefit the people of the Tatale, which is one of the 45 proposed new constituencies.

Mr. Balado Manu was reacting to allegations by the Ashanti Regional Secretary of NDC, Mr. Joseph Yamin that Balado Manu was campaigning in his home town while the NPP disagreed with the EC over the creation of constituencies ahead of the elections.

Balado stated that he saw nothing wrong with the decision by Minister for Local Government and Rural Development, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo to contest the Tema West seat, even though he (Ampofo) had represented the people of Fanteakwa in the Eastern region, in Parliament.

The Asunafo South MP insisted that the NPP was not against the proposed constituencies to allow for greater representation, but disagreed with the timing, which he said was close to the December elections.

Parliamentarians are expected to be recalled from recess on September 3 to sit for the mandatory 21 days before the Constitutional Instrument (C.I) 73 could mature, which would mandate the Electoral Commission to create the 45 new constituencies ahead of the December 7 elections.


All die be die’ is a call for self-defense not violence – Akomea tells NDC

Communications Director of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Akomea has bemoaned what he says is a deliberate attempt by the ruling party to “disingenuously” twist the All die be die mantra by the party’s flag-bearer, Nana Akufo-Addo.

He stressed that ‘All die be die’ is not a call to violence but rather a wake-up call to members of the NPP whom he claimed had suffered severe brutalities and intimidation from the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) to defend themselves.

Nana Akomea was reacting to a statement by the NDC implicating NPP Chairman, Jake Obetsebi Lamptey for backing a declaration it says has been outlawed by the court of public opinion at the party’s rally at Mantse Agboena, in Accra Saturday.

According to the statement signed by the ruling party’s Propaganda Secretary, Richard Quashigah, the NPP Chairman reiterated his party’s commitment to violence pronouncement by Nana Akufo-Addo by persistently repeating the ‘All die be die’ mantra at the rally.

The NDC said Mr. Obetsebi Lamptey’s penchant of inciting supporters to violence betrays the NPP’s commitment to a peaceful December 2012 polls.

However, on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Monday, Nana Akomea said ‘typical of the NDC’, it wants to rekindle the debate about the heavily criticized ‘all die be die’ mantra by giving it a propagandist interpretation.

He said the NDC cannot exonerate itself from the fact that it is a violent party even if it accuses the NPP of propagating same.

Nana Akomea stated that the ‘All die be die’ mantra espoused by the NPP is for self-defense considering what he says are historical antecedence of violent acts perpetrated against NPP supporters by hooligans of the NDC.

The NPP Communication Director cited how National Women’s Organizer of the ruling party, Anita de Soosoo allegedly ran her vehicle over a group of people and severely wounding 13, intimidation of party supporters during Atiwa bye-elections and how NPP members were butchered in front of a Police Station in Agbobloshie market by an alleged NDC members to corroborate his claims.

Akomea indicated that given the incessant harassment of public and civil servants by NDC foot soldiers preventing them from undertaking their legitimate duties for the state, seizure of toll booths and the brutal attacks of District Chief Executives (DCE’s), National Health Insurance Scheme officers and NYEP offices across the country, Ghanaians, he said, must show the ruling party the exit in December.

Nana Akomea noted that the NDC should not juxtapose its violent nature to Nana Addo’s statement since, according to him, no NPP member has perpetrated any act of violence in the name of ‘all die be die’.

On the contrary, a communications team member of the ruling party, Fred Agbenyo wondered why leading members of the NPP will rationalize a statement he says has the potential of inciting people to violence.

He said attempt to indoctrinate its supporters about the violent mantra has exposed the party’s plans to plunge the country into chaos should the NPP lose the December 7 polls.

The NDC communication team member asserted that the NPP flag-bearer violent mantra triggered the ethnocentric comment of the Assin North MP, Ken Agyapong who is now facing trial for treason.

Fred Agbenyo was confident that government would ensure peace before, during and after the elections.

“I know that the people of this country love their country and cherish their peace and I have confidence that they will not pay heed to this admonition,” he added.

Dan Botwe lambast NDC/EC over creation of new constituencies

The Member of Parliament for Okere, Hon. Dan Botwe has condemned the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) for unduly manipulating the Electoral Commission (EC) for the creation of 45 new constituencies in the country.

The MP alluded that, the NDC government with its bad intentions has forcefully masterminded their way to have the EC create the new constituencies even though they (NDC) know the much anticipated December general elections draw near.

“It is a clear case of manipulation by the NDC government on the EC to create new constituencies at a bad time of election year,” the MP stated.

Hon. Dan Botwe was reacting to a statement made by a Deputy Local Government Minister, Elvis Afriyie Ankrah on radio XYZ to rebuke former President Kuffour’s statement after he (Kuffour) described the EC’s action to create new constituencies as “not sensible”.

Former President Kuffour on Saturday during the NPP’s campaign launch at Mantse Agbona in Accra cautioned the EC not to gamble the country’s peace with the creation of the new constituencies.

However in a counter statement, Mr. Elvis Afriyie Ankrah however labeled President Kuffour’s statement as a “threat” to the EC and Ghana as a whole and must therefore be called to order.

According to him, the EC is operating within the confines of the law without fear or favour, adding that the said Legislative Instrument (LI) has been used by past governments for the creation new constituencies including Ex- President Kuffour himself.

“Is this not the same regulation that made President Kuffour create 30 new constituencies and nobody complained?” he quizzed.

Emmanuel Frimpong Mensah/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Haruna Iddrisu to petition IGP

The Minister of Communication, Hon. Haruna Iddrissu has requested the Inspector General of Police Paul Tawiah Quaye to cause a public enquiry into an allegation of assault made against him by the Deputy Minister for Women and Children Affairs Hajia Boya Gariba.
The Deputy Min. who just lost primaries at the Sagnarigu in the Northern Region accused Hon. Haruna Iddrissu of masterminding an attack on her during the weekend, where she was said to have been nearly stripped off her dress.

Speaking on peace fm on Monday, Hajia Gariba claims that Haruna Iddrissu has never been happy ever since she was made a Deputy Minister and has resorted to clandestine means to get her out of office.

However responding to the accusation on the same platform, Haruna Iddrissu denied ever being behind the attack saying he gains nothing undermining his colleague.

He took strong exception to the attempt by Hajia Gariba to tarnish his hard earned reputation and urged her to render an unqualified apology

Kwadwo Anim/ Ghanamps.gov.gh

Joe Gidisu: Ho will have dual carriage road during NDC’s second term

The Minister of Roads and Highways, Joe Kwashie Gidisu, has assured the people of the Volta Region especially Ho the regional capital, of government’s commitment to construct a dual carriage road for the area.

According to him, Ho is the only regional capital that has not a single dual carriage road, something he sees as a challenge to him since he hails from the region.

Speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, Hon. Joe Gidisu who is also the Member of Parliament for Central Tongu stated noted that the Volta Region has a challenge when it comes to roads, an unfortunate situation he said the government has worked tirelessly in the past three and half years to improve.

He said a lot of work is being done on several urban roads in Keta, Kpando and Hohoe to make the place easily accessible and more motorable.

On the issue of constructing more bridges, Hon. Gidisu stated that as a country over 5,000 river crossing points have been identified in villages nationwide, with 1200 identified as priority but sadly out of this number less than 250 bridges have been constructed leaving a huge deficit.

He noted that the lack of bridges linking two communities which would have made traveling more easy, has resulted in a lot of inconvenience to most inhabitants since they are left with no option that to make detour which increases their cost of travelling in the process.

Hon. Joe Gidisu was hopeful that Ghanaians would vote back the NDC government to continue its good works in the roads sector.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh