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Kwesimintim MP Queries President Over Ministers

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Member of Parliament for Kwesimintsim in the Western Region, Joe Baidoe-Ansah, has chastised President John Mahama for showing willingness to appraise the performance of his ministers which according to him cannot be based on any measurable indicators.

“This is a complete false hope because how can the President set questions and answer them himself,” he said stressing that the President should have allowed members of the public to ‘mark’ the Ministers according to their performances during the year under review.

“It is the people who could accurately and appropriately indicate which minister had acquitted himself or herself well during his or her first year in office,” he said adding at least public input should have been sought in determining which minister did very well and which minister did poorly in office in 2013.

“This whole performance appraisal is another propaganda gimmick just to tell the public that he is serious about fixing the numerous socio-economic problems facing the nation.”

On the performance of the government as a whole in the past year, the Kwesimintsim MP who was a Minister under former President Kufuor said President Mahama’s first year in office “has been the worst under any government in the Fourth Republic.”

He expressed the hope that the President would get things right in 2004.

“Let’s hope that things change for better in 2014 because 2013 had been a terrible year for all Ghanaians in all spheres of life,” he said charging the President to put his acts together properly and change things for the better.

“I want to wish President Mahama all the best in 2014 and better approach of managing the country to help improve the lots of Ghanaians especially when new utility tariff rates have been announced for the New Year,” he said.

Source: Daily Guide

MPs Hold Emergency Sitting Over Fortiz Deal

The sale of Merchant Bank to Fortiz Private Equity Fund could suffer a major setback next week when MPs return for an emergency sitting.

Joy News has gathered that the legislators have been recalled from their New Year break by the Speaker of Parliament for sitting on Monday to probe the deal. More than 80 MPs, Joy News has learnt, have signed a motion to demand a parliamentary inquiry into the deal.

Deputy Minority Leader Dominic Nitiwul, who’s spearheading the motion, told Joy News they would investigate allegations of conflict of interest against President Mahama’s brother Ibrahim Mahama and his lawyer Tony Lithur.

They would also consider if there was value for money in the controversial transaction, he said. According to Mr. Nitiwul, the probe could stall the 90 million Ghana cedis deal. Fortiz is acquiring 90 per cent stake in SSNIT\’s 90 per cent shares in Merchant Bank.

But Mr Nitiwul thinks “there are too many controversies surrounding the transaction”. He also believes the people of Ghana have simply been short-changed in the deal.

Mr Nitiwul indicated that the motion has become necessary claiming the public seems not to be too satisfied by the purchase, making it incumbent on Parliament to exercise its oversight responsibility over the state asset. He hinted that Parliament would recommend that the deal is discontinued when they are not convinced by details of the transaction.

Before any decision is taken, he said interest groups would be invited by the house as well as invitation of memoranda from the general public.

meanwhile, the Bank of Ghana and SSNIT Board have warned any further delay in the sale could bring Merchant Bank to its knees.

But Organised Labour who represents workers interest on the SSNIT Board says the Bank can turn around its fortunes if all debts owed it are collected and therefore wants the deal suspended.

Source: Joy News