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Court affirms victory of Sunyani East MP in primary

A court order for a recount in the NPP Sunyani East primary has affirmed the victory of the incumbent Member of Parliament Kwasi Ameyaw-Cheremeh.

The legislator remains the winner after a court recount Friday.

A Sunyani High Court that supervised the exercise after two hours of recounting agreed to the legitimacy of the incumbent who now polled 389 votes, compared to an initial 388 votes in the contest, while his opponent dropped by one vote.

Former Ghana Ambassador to Libya and High Commissioner to Nigeria in the Kufuor administration, George Kumi, challenged the outcome of the primary held June 13, 2015.

Parliament approves1.8bn Dollar loan for cocoa purchases

Parliament has approved a syndicated loan facility worth $US1.8billion to the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) for the purchase of cocoa beans for the year 2015/2016 Crop Season.

Additionally, the House granted the Minister of Finance the power by Statute to waive US$18,000,000.00 worth of taxes on the US$1.8billion.

The loan facility is US$1million higher than what the COCOBOD secured in the previous crop season (US$1.7billion) for same task.

The approval was necessitated by a majority voice vote that approved and adopted the report of the Finance Committee on the above mentioned amount on floor of the House Wednesday.

The loan facility was secured between the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) and a Consortium of Banks and other Financial Institutions, with the Government of the Republic of Ghana as Guarantor.

Per the terms of the trade finance facility, COCOBOD must collaterize at least 650,000 metric tons of the country’s cocoa beans to ensure that they repay the loan.

Production for the 2015/2016 crop season, according to officials of the COCOBOD, is pegged at 950,000 metric tons.

Chairman of the Finance Committee, James Klutse Avedzi, presenting the committee’s report said the amount will enable COCOBOD to buy all the cocoa beans produced by the farmers and will also inject some confidence in the economy.

The Ranking Member of the Committee, Dr. Anthony Akoto Osei, commenting on the issue said Parliament’s approval of the trade finance facility “will send a signal to the banks to mobilize enough money for the loan being requested.”

“Part of the reason for the loan facility is to help stabilize our currency since COCOBOD will give all the proceeds to the Bank of Ghana,” he added.

A member of the Finance Committee and MP for Akim Oda, William Agyapong Quaittoo, said the country expects the Cedi to appreciate against all the major trading currencies with the injection of the loan facility into the economy.

Mahama must act swiftly on report revealing GHC2.1bn misappropriated funds – PAC

The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee in Parliament, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, has called on the president to act swiftly to deal with heads of public boards, corporations and statutory institutions that could not account for Ghc 2.1 billion cedis between 2010 and 2011.

He says the presidency and the various ministry under which such institutions were fingered in the report for misappropriation of funds and misconduct must act on the report to recover the monies.

“PAC’s powers are limited because we have… a leader who appoints, dismisses and supervise the activities of such institutions who must deal with these issues” Agyeman-Manu stated.

Kweku Agyeman-Manu who doubles as MP for Dormaa Central was speaking Monday on Adom FM’s flagship programme “Burning Issues” hosted by Afia Pokua.

According to the 2010 and 2011 Public Accounts Committee’s (PAC) report on the Auditor-General on Public Accounts of Ghana, a total of GHȻ2.1 billion was misappropriated and misapplied by these institutions within the two-year period.

Some of the offenders were the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD), the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), National Petroleum Authority (NPA) and the Ghana Trade Fair Company (GTFC).

COCOBOD was accused of not paying dividends since the 2003/2004 financial year and that in 2010 alone it made a profit of GHȻ158.6 million; but the response of officials of the board was that it (COCOBOD) had been using the money to construct ‘cocoa roads’ in the country.

Also an amount of GHȻ17.8 million was said to have been loaned by COCOBOD to the Cocoa Marketing Company in 2010, but there were no documents to prove that.

SSNIT was also accused of using public funds to make bad investments which did not yield any profits.

According to the report, SSNIT kept investing in Bessblock Limited, an estate developer, which was continuously making losses.

The report also noted that the SSNIT Guest House in Accra had been making losses since 2002 while the Trust Hospital also made losses in 2006 and 2007.

The Ghana Trade Fair Company was said to have bloated the cost of repairs and maintenance by almost three times the original figures.

The maintenance cost of GTFC in 2009 was Ȼ124,724 but that increased to Ȼ308,535 in 2010.

The PAC Chair, Kweku Agyeman-Manu says monies unaccounted for in the report is heart breaking because such monies could have built houses for people whose structures are being demolished by the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) and the needy to reduce Ghana’s housing deficit.

He noted that the committee’s responsibility is to bring the report and make a recommendation but the rest is on the government to make sure the proper thing is done.

B.T Baba sworn in as Talensi MP

The ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament elect for Talensi Benson Tongo Baba has been sworn in by the Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Edward Doe Adjaho on the floor of Parliament.

Mr B.T Baba, a former Director-General of the Ghana Prisons Service, polled 10,366 of the total valid cast, representing 42.31%, to win the seat which was declared vacant by the Speaker of Parliament, Edward Doe Adjaho, following the resignation of Robert Nachinab Doameng Mosore, in June 2015 after he was enskinned a paramount Chief of Tongo.

His closest rival, Thomas Pearson Duanab Wunifrom the New Patriotic Party (NDC) polled 6,845 votes, representing 27.94% of the total 24,499 valid votes cast.

B. T. Baba’s election now brings to total 148 of NDC Parliamentary seats while that of the NPP drops to 122 from a previous 123 seats.

He has the next two and half years to occupy the seat before contesting for another election in 2016 parliamentary election.

The Talensi seat, had for the past three terms, been occupied by the ruling NDC with a majority of 2000 votes difference.


Prof. Dodoo apologizes to Parliament

Lecturer at the School of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Ghana, Professor Alex Dodoo, has apologized to the institution of Parliament, which he recently described as ‘ignorant’.

Dodoo Tuesday honoured an invitation to the House’s Privileges Committee which dragged him to explain his comments on their take on the recent Ebola Vaccine Trial in the Volta Region.

Yoni Kulendi, lawyer for Dodoo told the House his client “unconditionally” and “irrevocably” apologizes for the comments.

The MPs had called on the Speaker to immediately order for the cessation of the Phase 1 of the Ebola Vaccine trial until enough consultations were made.

But their call was immediately opposed to by Prof. Dodoo. He said those calling for the cessation of trial which was being held in the Hohoe Municipality at the time lacked knowledge about the whole exercise.

The MPs who could not contain his remarks lodged a complaint to the Speaker at a plenary sitting on June 16, 2015, and prayed that he (Prof. Dodoo) be hauled before the Privileges Committee for questioning.

The Speaker after listening to the arguments advanced by the Majority Leader, Alban Bagbin, MP for Ho West, Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzrah and MP for Manhyia South, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, granted their wish.

President controls Parliament, Judiciary – Kan Dapaah

A former Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Albert Kan Dapaah says all the official institutions responsible for holding government accountable for its deeds lack the independence to be effective.

According to him, all the heads of the various institutions including parliament, the judiciary and the commission on human rights and administrative Justice (CHRAJ) are appointed by the President, thereby making it impossible for them to perform their role effectively.

The former PAC Chairman is therefore recommending that these institutions are strengthened and made independent to ensure that they deliver on their respective responsibilities and to curb the growing incidence of corruption in the country.

“The key accountability institution is Parliament. The Attorney General and the Judiciary have a role to play. All these accountability institutions don’t have that independence. Take the Parliament of Ghana, the Speaker is selected by the President, the clerk by the President, he has control over Parliament…. Clearly the independence of this body to hold a government accountable is not there”, he said

In a related development the former President of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA) Sam Okudjeto wants the powers of the President in making appointments to constitutional bodies curtailed to insulate him from unnecessary pressure.

According to him, because various interest groups mounts what he describes as “needless pressure” on the presidency to appoint the wrong people, the whole nation ends up suffering as a result of these ill-considered decisions.

Speaking at a workshop on reforming Ghana’s Constitutional democracy organized by the Institute of Economic Affairs, the lawyer insisted that it will be in the interest of the country if presidential appointments and its resultant corruption and favouritism are reduced.

Parliament to sanction institutions over PAC report

Parliament would by October ending this year sanction institutions that fail to comply with the recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

This follows a directive given on Thursday by the Speaker of Parliament, Edward Doe Adjaho, instructing 25 institutions named in the PAC’s report for financial irregularities to submit to the house, a report on the implementation of the Committees report or face full sanctions by October 15, 2015.

The directive is as a result of an application made by the Chairman of the PAC and MP for Dormaa Central, Kwaku Agyemang Manu, praying the Speaker to ensure that the House obtained full financial accountability of public funds from the Executive and other public office holders.

Mr Agyemang Manu presented the Committee’s report of the Auditor-General on the Public Boards, Corporations and other statutory institutions for December, 2010 and 2011, findings of which, revealed significant irregularities in the financial accounts of the 25 institutions.

He told the Speaker that the House ought to sanction public officials for ineptitude resulting in the loss or misappropriation of public funds.

The Speaker in response to the PAC’s request, said in keeping with the Legislature’s constitutional role of keeping an eye on the public purse, henceforth institutions that appeared before the Committee would be required to present implementation reports on recommendations or face the rigours of the law.

The institutions named in the report include the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD), the Cocoa Marketing Company (Ghana) Limited, the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), the National Petroleum Authority (NPA), the Ghana Trade Fair Company and the Ghana Standards Board.

Others include, the School of Public Health, College of Health Science of the University of Ghana, School of Nursing, College of Health Sciences of the University of Ghana, the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, the University of Professional Studies, the Accra Polytechnic, the University of Mines and Technology, the University of Cape Coast and the National Board for Professional and Technician Examination.

Minority to sue Presidency over West Blue contract

The Minority in Parliament is threatening court action against government accusing it of circumventing the procurement law after awarding a single window contract to West Blue Consulting.

According to Effutu MP, Alexander Afenyo Markins, NPP MPs are allowing government some time to overturn its decision failing which it will not hesitate to go be to court.

The MP insist that that government disregarded the legal requirements and chose one company, West Blue Consulting, over several others with the same expertise to work at the ports.

“Act 663 of 2003 Procurement law, states in part that an entity may engage in single source procurement with the approval of the board:

“(a) where goods, works or services are only available from a particular supplier.

“(b) Where there is an urgent need for the goods, works or service.

“(c) Where owing to a catastrophic event, it is impractical to use other methods in procurement because of the time involved,” he quoted the law as saying.

But the Effutu MP says none of this applied to the decision to choose West Blue Consulting.

All the existing five Destination Inspection Companies at the ports are being cleared after August with no contract extension in sight.

The five DICs make about 100million a year which is 1% of total revenue accrued from the ports.

ith the DICs out of the way, one company, West Blue Consulting, is to be offered the contract to inspect goods at the ports before clearance.

A letter from the presidency has directed the finance ministry not to renew any contract of any of the DICs because it is the wish of the President that the single window contract be awarded West Blue.

Mr. Afenyo Markins insists the president is acting in breach of the law and must refrain from do so.

Ken Agyapong vows to take on Azorka Boys

The outspoken New Patriotic Party (NPP) Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong says he will deal with pro-NDC group, Azorka Boys, if they do anything to disturb the peace in 2016.

During the Talensi by-elections, there were reports of sporadic shooting following a clash between the ruling NDC’s “Azorka Boys” and the opposition NPP’s “Bolga Bull Dogs” who were both monitoring the by-election in the constituency.

The first Vice National Chairman of the NPP, Freddie Blay and among others were allegedly attacked after clashes between the supporters of ruling NDC and opposition NPP supporters, according to reports.

A member of the New Patriotic Party, Gabby Otchere-Darko, was also allegedly shot at by drive-pass gang in a pickup.

It resulted in some injuries and damage of vehicles and properties in areas such as Tongo Central, Winkogo, Baare, Shiega and Duusi all in the Talensi Constituency.

Kennedy Agyapong told Adom News it is worrying and disappointing that electorates in Talensi decided to vote for the NDC Parliamentary candidate B. T. Baba despite the unprecedented hardship in Ghana.

He noted that those who received money and voted for NDC will pay for it in their living.

NDC MP for Nkanta North, Bless Kwabena Oti, however says the NPP is well known when it comes to electoral violence.

He stated that what happened at Talensi will be the true reflection in the 2016 general elections.

Techiman South MP donates bus, 4 grinding mills to constituency

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Techiman South Constituency, Mr. Adjei Mensah has donated a 24-seater capacity hyundai County mini bus worth GH₵96,000.00 to the Nursing and Midwifery Training College of the Techiman Holy Family Hospital in the Brong Ahafo Region.

The donation the MP said was in fulfillment of a promise he made to the people.

He noted that the bus would serve as a means of transport for the students of the new College whenever they were travelling for their training practical work and classes to places such as Wenchi, Nkoranza, Sunyani and Kintampo, or the bus would help them in terms of transport need in their training routing activities.

The 24-seater capacity bus. INSERT: Mr. Adjei Mensah (left) presenting the bus documents to Dr. Damien Punguyire (right), Municipal Health Director.

The MP also donated four (4) grinding mills to women groups in four communities in the Techiman Municipality. The communities include Aworopata, Akissimasu, Twimia-Koase and Tanoso Danso.

He said the beneficiary of the grinding mills women groups’ in the various communities were to use them for income generation activities, to reducing poverty and support their children in school among others.

He also noted that the grinding mills when start operation will reduce the long distant the women travel to, for such services before and save them time for other activities.

The MP, Mr. Adjei Mensah (middle) showing them the grinding mills at the handing over ceremony.

The MP appealed to the authority of the Nursing and Midwifery Training College and the leadership of the various women groups’ to ensure good maintenance culture of the bus and grinding mills received respectively.

Rev. Father Paul Miki Gyamfi, the Board Chairman of the Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College in Techiman thanked the MP for his support. He said the Holy Family Hospital play a key role in the health sector in the Municipality and the country at large and therefore, need resources and such support to deliver the needed services.

Other projects the MP said he has executed include donation of cement, roofing sheets to complete school buildings and fix those caused by rain/wind disaster, mechanization of boreholes in the various communities and enhancement of sanitation.

Others include construction of market sheds and roofing of toilet facilities. The MP noted that the total cost of the various projects was about GH₵219, 450.00 and were funded from his MP share of the Common Fund, Social Intervention Fund and Health Insurance fund.

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Techiman Mr. Phillip Oppong Amponsah was at the handing over ceremony of the bus and the four grinding mills to lend his support to the MP.

Imoro T. Ayibani/Ghanamps.gov.gh