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We need substantive Ministers not Deputies –Atta Mills

Member of Parliament for Komenda /Edina /Egua/ Abirem (KEEA), Samuel Atta Mills has said it is right for substantive Ministers to come to the floor of the House to answer questions instead of substituting and asking their deputies to do that on their behalf.

He further backed his point by saying when substantive Ministers are, colleague Ministers are asked to take care not their “Deputies”.

Again deputy ministers may not know what the sector minister knows, “sometimes it is not right to ask deputy ministers to act in the minister’s capacity”.

He added that Parliament has an oversight responsibilities and ministers have to take their business with the House very serious as some ministers have made it a point to appear before the House to answer questions but come up with so many stories.

According to the KEEA legislator, even the vetting of substantive ministers are higher and different from their deputies.

“As Parliamentarians we have our ways of monitoring them, what we can do is by slashing their funding, it is becoming the practice of some Ministers and we should crack the whip”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Let us have standard on number of workers at the Presidency—Dr Apaak

A Former Presidential staffer in the John Mahama administration, Dr Clement  A.. Apaak is advocating for a mechanism to be fashioned out to set a standard, where Ghanaians will have an acceptable number of people who work at the Presidency.

He further noted that the categories of people who work at the Presidency is mix, professionals civil and public servants, but the list of people Ghanaians are interested in is the “political appointees”, he said.

The Builsa South legislator in an interview with ghannamps.com indicated that he has filled a question demanding the list of workers at the Presidency and he is hoping it would see the light of day soon.

According to Dr. Apaak observing the number of Ministers in President Nana Akufo-Addo’s government which is 110, he will not be surprised if he, has the largest list of workers at the Presidency which will be the first in the history of the fourth Republic.

Former President Kufuor had a list of workers numbering around 600, same applies to the previous government on John Mahama.

“They demanded the list whiles in opposition now the tide has changed, it is in the interest of Ghanaians for government to provide that list.

So that those of us who do not work at the Presidency can end the speculation and projection of the number of people who work at the presidency”.

He added that, Ghanaians are interested in issues of transparency which is important to Ghana’s democratic dispensation.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamp.com

50 back benchers benefit from post budget workshop

50 back benchers selected from both the Minority and Majority side of the House are benefit from a post budget workshop in Koforidua which ends today Monday 21st November 2017.

Minority leader, Haruna Iddrisu who is also a member of the Business Committee of the House, expressed dissatisfaction with a decision by the Business Committee to go by the standing order to select chairs and ranking members of selected committees for this workshop.

He called for MPs from both side of the House to be considered for post budget workshop since they will all be taking part in the debate of the 2018 budget as well as consideration of committee report and selection of members was not helpful.

Parliament can never lack and Parliament will not lack if it takes its rightful place, “we control the purse, the Ministry of Finance cannot spend without the approval of Parliament”, it happened during our administration post budget workshop should be for every Member of Parliament he said.

Again the leader of Government Business and the Speaker of Parliament should not have budgetary constrain.

This came to light when leader of Government Business, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu presented, Business statement for this week on the floor of the House.

The Majority Leader urged members to avail themselves for all this important workshop and participate in it fully, since it will provide a programme to equip MPs for consideration of the 2018 budget debate.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority demand list of workers at the Presidency

The Minority leader and Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Haruna Iddrisu has called on President Nana Akufo-Addo’s government to submit a detailed list of people who work at the Presidency to Parliament.

He noted that it is a normal practice that President provides to Parliament the details of the number of people working at the Presidency and the National Security as well.

Leader of Government Business, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu responded by saying the full list of those working at the Presidency will be made known to the House before it goes on recess in December.
“This information is relevant and should be made available to Parliament as is being demanded by the Minority leader”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

First assessment of Akufo-Addo’s Ministers to be out next year—Dr Akoto

Minister of State in charge of Monitoring and Evaluation, Dr Anthony  Akoto Osei has revealed  that the first assessment of President Nana Akufo-Addo’s Ministers will be made public before the end of January next year.

He further revealed the first assessment of Ministers has been presented to Cabinet, two Cabinet meetings ago, but fell short for revealing areas that were covered and said it is an internal matter but gave assurance of the public getting to know of what is contained in the assessment next year.And added in an interview that he expect criticism, “that is the nature of our job” and further said as a member of the economic management team, he is happy with what has been done so far relating to the Ghanaian economy, “itis good”.

“Given the circumstance we found ourselves, we have done well by bringing the deficit down; next year will consolidate on work we had done not as fast.  So that our flagship programme will continue to be addressed, I am comfortable with what we have done in the economic arena”, he said.

According to the Old Tafo legislator, the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) government never said it will not borrow, let us speak to facts he said and let us stop this “populism government never said it will scrap the energy sector levy”.

Dr. Akoto Osei  noted that government has managed the energy sector levy better, to prevent the accumulation from going up and added that things are being put in place in the budget to stop the “bleeding”, not only with the levy but other to stop the center from continuing to bleed.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Monitoring & Evaluation Minister justify presentation of NIR Amendment Bill

The Minister of Monitoring and Evaluation, Dr. Anthony Akoto Osei has said he did nothing wrong by presenting the National Identification Register Amendment Bill, 2017 passed by Parliament.

He noted in an interview that the  law states that,  the Minister of state at the Presidency can present the Bill and pointed out that there was nothing wrong with what he did on the floor of the House, “any of the Ministers of state could have presented this Bill there is not contention” he said.

His comments comes in the wake of Deputy Minority leader, Dr. James Klutse Avedzi challenging if the Old Tafo law maker had the powers to present National Identification Register Amendment Bill, 2017.

Dr. Anthony Akoto Osei noted that the passage of the Bill is in accordance with article 106 of the 1992 Constitution. The Bill was laid on the floor of the House, Wednesday 18th October 2017.

The Bill which was withdrawn on the 14th of November 2017 was re-laid under a certificate of urgency and passed on the 17th of November 2017.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

I will not disappoint youMr President – Nyarko Osei

Deputy Food and Agriculture Minister, Kennedy Nyarko Osei has assured he will not disappoint President Akufo Addo as he takes office following the resignation of the former Deputy, William Quaitoo.

Mr Osei took the oath of office administered by the President at the Flagstaff House earlier this week.
He thanked the President for the confidence reposed in him and promised to work with integrity and commitment in order to help deliver the President’s mandate.

Ken Osei Nyarko had earlier received unanimous Parliamentary approval after the House considered a report on his vetting rather smooth vetting process.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com.

Let’s value our women- Zanetor Rawlings

Member of Parliament for the Klottey Korle constituency in the Greater Accra region, Dr Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings has called for support for women in all spheres of life to help promote and create an equal and a just society.

According to her when women do well the family does well therefore it is important to empower women especially those in politics.

The MP made the call during an interaction with members of the student’s house of Parliament of Accra Technical University in Parliament when they visited the legislature to farmiliarise with its workings.

Dr Zanetor urged the students to eschew looking down on women and protect them against abuse.

Responding to questions from the students on challenges she encountered before becoming an MP, she said it was a tough journey, but ‘’when you believe in your vision, you will overcome’’.

She encouraged the students to take their studies as well as their membership of the student’s Parliament to enable them becomes efficient and effective representatives of their people in future.

The KlotteyKorle lawmaker challenged the media to help change the disconnect and misconception associated with women in politics and help close the inequality gap.

The Speaker of the Accra Technical University Student’s house of Parliament, Anita Nhyira Bondze said the visit was aimed at helping the student Parliamentarians observe Parliamentary proceedings to be abreast with its rudiments.

The visit she noted will enlighten their horizon to better appreciate what they do as student Parliamentarians whiles preparing themselves as future lawmakers .
The student expressed joy at the exposure gathered as a result of the visit which they noted will enhance their experience during local sittings.

Second Deputy Major Chief Whip, Gertrude Norkye  Osei thanked the MP for her words of encouragement.

By Christian Kpesese / ghanamps.com

Wa MP unhappy about delayed Airport project

The Wa Airport will commence operations by end of February, 2018 to serve as a catalyst for industrialization and rapid socio-economic development of the Upper West region, Deputy Aviation Minister, Kwabena Okyere Darko-Mensah has disclosed.

Responding to a question standing in the name of the honorable Member of Parliament for the Wa Central Constituency, Dr Abdul-Rashid Hassan Pelpuo seeking to know when the Wa Airport will commence operations, the Minister said the 200-meter-long and 45-meter-wide runway Wa  Airport forms part of government’s effort to develop an aerodrome in every region of the country.

According to him the project which is 100% complete includes the rehabilitation and remodeling of an existing Centre of National Culture building into a terminal and the airside (runway and apron) among others.

He added that  a VOR (Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Radio Range) co-located with a DME(Distance Measuring Equipment) will be installed by August, 2018 to improve operational safety during Approach and Landing phases at the Wa Airport.

Mr Darko-Mensah who is also MP for Takoradi further stated that the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) was taking steps to install a Navigation Aid (NDB- Non-Directional Beacon and a Containerized Control Tower for the Wa airport by the time Flight to Wa commences in February, 2018.

In an interview, the Wa Central lawmaker expressed concerns about the two (2) years of delay since the project was completed.

According to him much resource has been invested into the project and must therefore not be left to rot.

He noted that the commencement of commercial operations at the Wa Airport will ease traffic flow, decrease time of travel to Accra and open up the area for business.

Dr Abdul-Rashid Hassan Pelpuo expressed delight at the news for commencement of work at the Wa Airport by February, 2018 and hope that becomes a reality.

By Christian Kpesese / Ghanadistricts.com

Government to create 38 new Districts

The government through the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD), will soon create 38 new District Assemblies and raise several others into Municipal status as the sector Minister, Hajia Alima Mahama lays Legislative Instruments (LIs) before Parliament.

The Minister presented papers seeking Parliamentary approval to allow for the creation of new districts in accordance with Article 241 (1) of the 1992 Constitution.

Article 241 (1) states that for the purposes of local government, Ghana shall be deemed to have been divided into the districts in existence immediately before the coming into force of the Constitution.

Clause two (2) states that Parliament may by law make provision for the redrawing of the boundaries of districts or for reconstituting the districts.

Parliament passed the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936) to allow for the creation of new districts in the country, section 1 (2) of the Act requires that, “the President may by Executive Instrument (a) declare any area within the country to be a district and (b) assign a name to the district.”

The newly proposed Districts include Ahafo Ano South West District Assembly, Ahafo Ano South East District Assembly, Amansie South District Assembly, Akrofroum District Assembly and Adansi North District Assembly.

The rest are Amansie West District Assembly, AtwimaNwabiagya North District Assembly, Adansi South District Assembly, AdansiAsokwa District Assembly and Obuasi East District Assembly.

Other new districts that are expected to be created as a result are ; AfigyaKwabre South District Assembly, AfigyaKwabre North District Assembly, Pru West District Assembly, Berekum West District Assembly, AssinNorth District Assembly.

Again, Fanteakwa South District Assembly, Fanteakwa North District Assembly, Nanton District Assembly, Bunkpurugu District Assembly, Yunyoo District Assembly, Bolga East District Assembly, Garu District Assembly, and Tempane District Assembly have been proposed to Parliament for establishment.

In addition, Gomoa Central District Assembly, Gomoa East District Assembly, AseneManso District Assembly, Okere District Assembly, Atiwa West District Assembly and Atwima East District Assembly have also been earmarked asnew Districts.

The creation of new Districts is aimed atdeepening democratic governance in the country.

In an interview, HajiaAlima said bigger Districts would be divided into other districts but requires legislative instrument to help change boundaries

“So we have some districts that the President has elevated into municipal standards. In those instances they are not new assemblies, we are just elevating their status,” she observed.

The LI will mature after 21 days to enable the Ministry begun processes for the establishment of the new Districts.

By Christian Kpesese / Ghanamps.com