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Alien nomadic herdsmen are those causing problem in Ghana—-Asafu-Adjei

Member of Parliament for Nusta/Kwamang/Beposo and chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Cocoa Affairs, Kwame Asafu-Adjei has noted that the alien nomadic herdsmen are to be blamed for destruction of farm lands and killing of local indigenes.

He noted that they are harmful and destroy farms as they pass through from one location to the other in search for food and water for their cattle’s.

According to the Nusta/Kwamang/Beposo legislator the difference between the local Fulani and the alien is, the alien’s cattle have long horns and are huge compare to the local Fulani whose cattle’s horns are short.
And further added that the local Fulani do speak the local Ghanaian languages and would want to settle problems with the local people and do not engage in killing of the local people.

Alien Fulani’s are most of the time in the forest after they have taken their cattle to graze and destroy farm land produce.

He said the alien Fulani herdsmen even go to the extent of commanding their cattle’s to attack local people mostly in the Agogo area and his constituency Nusta/Kwamang/Beposo.

And urged the various Assemblies having difficulties with activities of the Fulani herdsmen to find grazing grounds for them at a cost and called for a tag to be given to them any time they enter Ghana through the borders.

They should not be allowed to stay in this country more than a year and when the rains start in their country, these alien nomadic herdsmen should go back to their country.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

MP donates wheelchairs to 15 chips compounds, Gov’t hospital


Member of Parliament for Nsawam Adoagyiri Frank Annoh-Dompreh has donated wheelchairs to Nsawam Government hospital and fifteen chips compound.

The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee urged each of the institutions who benefited from the donation to maintain the equipment donated in order to maximize its use.

His donation is aimed at improving health care delivery in the Nsawam Municipality.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Social media bill: Olujimi, Salam advice FG on alternative course media

Nigerian lawmakers have called on the Federal Government to rethink its planned Social Media Bill currently before the National Assembly and chart a different course that will yield better result.

The lawmakers who spoke on Thursday, November 18, 2020 in Lome, Togo on the sidelines of the ongoing Delocalised Meeting of the ECOWAS Parliament, warned that a total blanketing of social media may cause more problems than good.

It’s on the theme, “ECOWAS in the era of COVID-19 and beyond: focusing on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to promote distance education and training in ECOWAS Member States”.

The meeting brought together experts and members of parliament from the Joint Committees on: Education, Science and Technology -Telecommunication and Information Technology and the committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security, as well as Committee on Infrastructure.

Speaking in an interview, Biodun Olujimi said that a blanket ban on social media will be counterproductive as it will stifle information access.

She said that at a time when other countries were investing heavily to make internet accessible especially for education during the Pandemic, Nigeria should be pushing for a better way to manage social media.

Exemplifying with a law recently passed in Ghana, she said that government should rather adopt a system blocking specific unreliable platforms.

“We need to prioritise as a nation, in Ghana, a law was passed last year to ensure that certain things cannot be downloaded from the internet and certain information cannot be passed. That is what is important, we do not need it to shield our people from information per say however, we need to shield them from certain things that are unreliable”.

That is what we need to sit down and think through and the senate resumes, we will look at that, not to look at a general blanketing of social media, she said.

Madam Olujimi, who also called for internet to be made more affordable and accessible, acknowledged that there must be some control to ensure that it is not used for things other than access to education for which it was subsidized.

“Yes, when it was expensive it was used recklessly. When we make it a little cheaper, we can also guard it. Anything you leave for free, and leave for people to manage as they want, cannot but have such problems.

The minute we look at it holistically and decide the things we do not want and the things we want, then we will get it right. For instance, in some countries, you can no longer view pornography, and that is blocking unreliable sources of information”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

would raise critical issues at NDC boardroom—Alban Bagbin

 would raise critical issues at NDC boardroom–Alban Bagbin


Member of Parliament for Nadowli-Kaleo, Alba Kingsford Sumana Bagbin had indicated that he would definitely continue to raise critical issues concerning the National Democratic Congress (NDC) party at its boardroom.

According to the Nadowli-Kaleo  legislator the party had admitted that it committed a number of wrongs that need to be corrected and it is important that, “we all turn to know the wrongs we committed so that together we can find solutions”, he said.

He gave this response to a question posed by ghanamps.com, whether he would continue to raise critical issue about the party, with his comments about PWD that had been met with criticism by the public.

“If we do not correct out mistakes its likely in the near future we would committee that same mistakes that allow power slipped off our hands as an incumbent government”, he lamented.

Mr. Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin further added that the critical issues would be raised to ensure the party is, rebranded and restructured by this we are getting everybody back on board; an inclusive governance.

The quality of your politics feeds into the quality of your governance, it is important we take governance as a serious business, he pointed out.

As to whether the backlash would affect his chances in his bid to be the flagbearer, he said no, “it has strengthened my resolve to move forward, I have never seen any President that had gotten it easy all over the world. The greater the risk the larger the profit. I am more than fired up to go ahead to with the flagbearership race”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Nigerian lawmakers boycott ECOWAS deliberation on border closure

Community Parliament lawmakers from Nigeria boycotted a delocalized meeting on Wednesday, November 5, 2020 in the Republic of Benin, Cotonou where joint the Committees on Administration, Finance and Budget, Macroeconomic Police and Economic Research, Public Account, Trade Customs and Free Movement is ongoing.

The meeting examined the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), Cross Border issues and trade challenges. Their absence however, did not impede the meeting.

The nine-member delegation from Nigeria included Mohammed Ali Ndume, Haruna Maitala Ibrahim, Saidu Alkali, Taiwo Musibau Kolawole, Emmanuel Bwacha, Michael C. Umeoji, Francis Alimikhena, Abdullahi Sankara Danladi and Murtala Isah.

There was no Nigerian present to contribute to issues discussed for the day, where every member country on the joint Committee gave critical views on progress on the sub-region.

Debate on the viability of implementing the agreement at the ECOWAS Parliament delocalized joint Committee meeting, however considered the readiness of the sub-region to make progress in this regard amid intervening variables like; currency difference, national consciousness among others.

The deliberation bothered on challenges, prospects of a borderless Africa in a period in time of terrorism and insecurity, pandemic and protectionism centered on underlying concerns that must be addressed before AfCFTA agreement can be implemented.

In addition, Community lawmakers wanted issues on fragmented market, difference in cross-border communication cost, daunting transportation system, effective settlement of disputes arising from commercial investment and business relations among others to be addressed by the agreement.

Secretary General of AfCFTA Wamkele Mene noted that the timely ratification of the agreement is a must; as it has a capacity of lifting thirty million people out of extreme poverty, sixty million from moderate poverty by 2035 and increase real income gain by 70 percent.

Inclusivity, shared benefits, growth and improved negotiations were also considered as major aspects of AfCFTA that parliamentarians will take up with National Assemblies of member states to enable them ratify the Free Trade agreement.

ECOWAS Commissioner for Trade, Customs and Free Movement, Tei Konzi noted that restriction on land border movement of goods is what is at stake and not people.

“The border closure in question is that of land borders of Nigeria; as soon as the Nigeria border closed, all countries on the Abidjan-Lagos corridor were affected. Nigeria was also affected within especially importers of raw materials”, he said.

Mr. Konzi further pointed out that, Nigeria complained mainly about trafficking and invasion of non-community smuggled rice through its borders as a cause of the destabilization of its agriculture policy and the country’s heavy investment in rice production.

Again, petroleum products were smuggled through the borders as it has become a matter of serious concern to member-states.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Atiwa East MP celebrates Christmas with children in her constituency


Deputy Minister of Finance and Member of Parliament for Atiwa East, Abena Osei Asare fetes children in her constituency as part of the Christmas festivities.

The occasion benefited children in three communities including Moseaso, New Jejeti, and Krobom.

The lawmaker noted that as the Lord has blessed her, she is replicating same by sharing with the children in the constituency and indicated that she had adopted three communities this year to celebrate the Christmas as she does for communities since becoming MP for the constituency.

And added that most of the time it is not the wish of the children to be stubborn and not to go to school, all they need is to be shown love by the parents and guidance’s.

Mrs. Abena Osei Asare admonished parents to show love to their children by talking to them and creating platform to discuss with them.

“If you talk to the children in love, they will listen and do it, if they do the wrong things let us rebuke them in love as Christ our Lord does to us”.

Also it is the wish of every child to be obedient to their parents the lawmaker said and added that by so doing, when the children grow up to become parents in the future they will ensure that same is transmitted to their children.

She further thanked the children for praying for her and she believes the Lord hears the prayers of little children.

Chiefs from the three Zongo Communities, parents and communities leaders and party executives of  the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the constituency were at  the event to give their support to the Atiwa East lawmaker.

District Chief Executive for Atiwa East, lawyer Nkansah urged the children to pray for the MP to be victorious in the upcoming 2020 parliamentary elections so that she can do more for them.

“A year like this when she is victorious we will call you all together like we have done today, pray for long life and good health for her”.

Party Chairman for Atiwa East, Albert Antwi on his part urged the children and their parents to pray for the MP so that whatever vision she has for the constituency the Lord will let it come to pass.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Minority Chief Whip, Mohamed Muntaka Mubarak has called on Ghanaians to stop the practice of generalizing by calling Fulani herdsmen as criminals, who only kill rape and destroy  farm lands of  Ghanaians in areas they operate with their cattle.

He noted that most of the Fulani herdsmen pay money to chiefs to acquire lands in areas they operate for their cattle to graze.

According to the Asawase legislator, the association of Fulani herdsmen had organized a press conference and showed pictures of how the Fulani herdsmen are attacked and killed but nobody seems to care and talk about their plight.

And added that some youth of Agogo move into areas where the Fulani herdsmen have their cattle, they shot and slaughter them indiscriminately and sell them to chop bar operators.

“Are these Fulani herdsmen lesser of human beings, people go and shoot their animals indiscriminately the problem is we lamp the good and the bad herdsmen together”, he lamented.

He made this remarks on the floor of the House when the chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Cocoa Affairs, Kwame Asafu-Adjei made a statement on the floor of the House recounting how activities of Fulani herdsmen in Agogo is creating insecurity.

Mr. Mubarak remarked that most of the Fulani herdsmen had leaved in Agogo for so many years and intermarried and they see themselves as Ghanaians.

The Minority Chief Whip who is into cattle farming noted that it is a good business and encouraged Ghanaians to take up the business to help augment the country’s meat demand. “And let us disabuse peoples mind from seeing people who move into cattle farming as criminals”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso /ghanamps.com

Minority leader jumps to the defense of Speaker on punctuality

Minority Leader and Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Haruna Iddrisu has jumped to the defense of the Speaker Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye on late start of proceedings in the House.

MP for Adaklu, Kwame Governs Agbodza on Friday complained of late start of proceedings in the House and MPs not attending to business of the floor of the House early.

But the Tamale South legislator jumped to the defense of the Speaker and revealed that the Speaker has had course to complain most of the time when he is early in the House and was to start business on the floor but there were few MPs on the floor.

He however, pointed that sometimes the delay before the start of business on the floor has to do with the leadership of both sides of the House disagreeing on a matter that had to drag for sometime before a head way is made.

Mr. Iddrisu adviced MPs not to wait in their office only to enter the chamber when they see the Speaker in his chair and noted that it is against protocol and does not show respect.

Meanwhile, the MP for Adaklu urged leadership of the House to close the doors leading to the chamber next week Thursday when the President enters the chamber to deliver his massage.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Committee to tour sub-region in search of solution to herdsmen-farmers brouhaha

As part of finding solution to the brouhaha between nomadic herdsmen and farmers, Committee on Defence and Interior is seeking approval of the House to undertake a fact-finding tour to three West African sub-regions to find solutions to the conflict.

According to Mr. Seth Akyeampong, chairman of the committee earlier findings of the committee show negative activities of the nomadic herdsmen were prevalent.

Hence the need to embark on a study tour to learn how other countries had handled the challenges of the nomadic herdsmen.

Mr. Akyeampong said memos were already before the Majority Secretariat awaiting for approval for the fact-finding visits to the three countries, namely; Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Cote d’Ivoire.

Presenting  his report on the fallout from tensions between farmers and nomadic herdsmen referred to the Committee by the Speaker of Parliament, the Mpraeso legislator said, if approved, an eight-man team would travel for the assignment.

The causes of tensions between farmers and nomadic herdsmen are seen to be essentially the same across the sub-region.

The disagreements are always over the use of farmland, grazing areas and water between herders and local farmers.

The herders have consistently clashed with farmers who accuse them of damaging their crops and failing to control their animals.

But the casualties are significantly higher in Nigeria, where more than 1, 200 people were killed in 2014 by different groups of Fulani herders, according to the Global Terrorism Index.

A mass burial for over 70 people was held in Nigeria’s central Benue State in January 2018.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Cash for seats committee failed to present report for the second time

For the second time running, the Ad-hoc committee tasked to investigate the alleged collection of monies from some expatriates to sit close to the President during the 2017 Ghana Expatriates Business Award ceremony, had failed to present its report on Thursday February 1st 2018, despite assurance from the Majority leader to the House.

According to the Majority Leader, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu the report is being held back by Dr Ayine’s uncooperative stance.

He noted that Dr. Dominic Ayine had insisted on presenting the Minority side of the report.

Mr. Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu, in an interview revealed that members of the committee had agreed to conclude on the report on Wednesday and present it on Thursday, but Dr. Dominic Ayine did not show up at the hotel where the meeting was supposed to have taken place despite several assurance from him.
Mensah-Bonsu said he was however taken aback when the Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu, informed him today that Dr. Ayine decided to present a supposed minority report on the investigations by the Committee.

“This morning at the business meeting, my colleague the Minority Leader came to inform me that Dr. Ayine wants to write a minority report. That cannot delay. If you want to write a minority report why don’t you tell your colleagues? Clearly there is something amiss,” he said.

He however maintained that, the report, which is over 50 pages, will certainly be laid before the House on Friday, whiles the debate will be deferred to Tuesday, February 6, 2018.

“The committee] were going to lay the report, [but] I prevailed upon them to wait, so they could have a meeting. So eventually they agreed to have a meeting at 4:00pm. They should go and have that meeting, and then tomorrow they will lay the document. The meeting is because of Dominic Ayine. So whatever he has, he should come and share with the committee, they will know how to handle it,” he added.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com