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Speaker starts proceeding with 5 MPs in the chamber

Despite crusade from Member of Parliament from Adaklu, Kwame Agbodza for work in the chamber to start early, there is no improvement.

On Thursday, March 15, 2018, the Speaker of Parliament, Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye had to start proceedings with only five 5 MPs on the floor of the House, four from the Minority and one from the Majority.

As at 10:35am when the Speaker entered the Chamber with only 5 MPs on the floor the House, he called for the bell to be rang for several times for MPs to come to the floor for proceedings to commence. As at 11:05am, only 28 MPs had reported to the floor of the House.

Speaker of Parliament Professor Oquaye had earlier directed that the plenary meeting in the chamber precedes any other committee meetings.

Early on MPs were unhappy that an impression was being crated that MPs report to work late, but pointed out that most of the time they are at committee meetings.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Wrongdoers are being pampered in this country —-Osei Owusu

Member of Parliament for Bekwai and First Deputy Speaker, Joseph Osei Owusu is worried over the way and manner in which the law enforcement agencies and members of the general public look on unconcerned as the environment is being destroyed.

According to the First Deputy Speaker, wrongdoers have had their way in the country for far too long, leading to the breakdown in law and order, most especially in the mining sector.

He further revealed that current laws are not punitive and deterrent enough to ward off evildoers and call on the security to deal with the wrongdoers ruthlessly.

“There are some countries as recently as the 60s if you littered you were shot in the street. That was the law and they implemented it. Sometimes we need to be strong on wrongdoers,” the MP for Bekwai remarked.

“We are pampering wrongdoers in this country too much and they are not many. So Mr. Speaker, I think we should stand by the military and we should all stand together to ensure that our water bodies are clean and safe,” he said.

He was contributing to a statement on the floor of the House concerning the burning of trucks and excavators allegedly used for sand winning in the Kumbungu constituency.

He added, “I have made some very extreme suggestions and I know people are not happy about that, but regrettably I don’t have the authority and if I had I would have made the law that if you find people on the water body shoot them. That is how recalcitrant those people are.”

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Chairman of Volta caucus interacts with JHS Students

Member of Parliament for Ho West and chairman of the Volta caucus in Parliament, Emmanuel Kwesi Bedzrah has interacted with students from Botoku D/A Junior High School from the North Dayi constituency.

The students numbering more than fifty (50) were in Parliament to see for themselves and have firsthand experience on how the legislative arm of government works.

They were accompanied by their teachers numbering about six (6).

Mr. Emmanuel Bedzrah took the students through parliamentary procedures and further pointed out that there are various committees that work in Parliament and after their work it is brought to the plenary for discussion and adoption.

And further mentioned that there are two dominant parties in Parliament, Majority side made up of the ruling government the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the opposition National Democratic Congress.

Some of the students wanted to know if the Legislative House was made up of only the NPP MPs. But the MP explained that it comprised of both sides of the house.

He further pointed out to them that the House works on consensus basis to reach a decision and added that most MPs go for committee meetings that is why you do not see most of them in the chamber whiles others are caught up in traffic.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Obuasi East MP Counsels AGA school pupils

The Member of Parliament for Obuasi East, Dr Patrick Boakye-Yiadom has encouraged school children to take their studies seriously in order to become useful to themselves and society in future.

He urged the children to aspire to the sky as their limit by marrying their books.
Don’t let anything distrust you from your books.

The Obuasi MP made the call when he interacted with over 100 upper primary pupils and teachers from AngloGold Ashanti (AGA), Obuasi when they visited Parliament House.

He educated the pupils on the workings of Parliament including the law making processes, oversight responsibilities and representational functions.

The House he told the children is composed of people with diverse backgrounds and professions.
He encouraged them to endeavor to have a profession that they can rely on at all times before venturing into politics in future if they so desire.

Dr Boakye-Yiadom also encouraged the children to respect their teachers and always take their institutions so that they can make their parents, guardians and all including him the MP proud.

AGA School was established in 1961 as a department within AngloGold Ashanti, Obuasi Mines to cater for the educational needs of workers and children within its catchment area.

The schools vision is to empower children to become responsible, confident and creative builders of society through a rich learning experience that delivers academic excellence, leadership and achievement of the greatest potential.

It comprises, preschool, lower primary, upper primary and Junior High motto is: inspire, renew and transform.

Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Parliament approves US$39m loan for agriculture.

Government’s planting for Foods and Jobs initiative has received a major boost following the approval of US $ 39 million loan facility by Parliament to finance the Savannah Zone Agricultural Productivity Improvement Project (SAPIP).

The amount which is expected to benefit about 50,000 farmers is intended to transform the agricultural value chain for food and nutrition security, job and wealth creation within the Savannah Ecological Zone.

Chairman of the Finance Committee of Parliament, Dr Mark Assibey-Yeboah disclosed this to the House as he presented the committee’s report on the Loan agreement between the government of Ghana and the African Development Fund (ADF) for an amount of US$39m to finance the Savannah Zone Agricultural Productivity Improvement Project (SAPIP).

The report indicated that the Loan agreement for an amount not exceeding 27,864,750 Units of Account which is equivalent to US$39m to finance the Savannah Zone Agricultural Productivity Improvement Project (SAPIP) will provide 50,000 farmers with skills development and employment opportunities.
According to the committee’s report, the total estimated cost of the project is US$56.69m.

The ADF’s contribution for the project is US$39m representing 68.9 percent while government of Ghana and the beneficiary farmers are expected to contribute the remaining 31.1 percent mainly in kind.

The Approval

Both sides of the House in their contributions unanimously emphasised the importance of the project and accordingly echoed support for the approval of the loan agreement. Some however urged for the need to support the farmers especially since not all may be able to contribute their quota for the success of the project.

Project Components
The project is divided into four components.

Component 1:– seeks to increase crop productivity through development of an efficient system of production, storage and distribution of breeder, foundation and certified seed, rehabilitation of four seed centres with state of the art equipment.

Component 2:- is expected to set up sustainable agribusinesses along the rice, maize, soya and vegetables value chain and will support e-registration of farmers and other value chain actors, build the capacities of value chain actors, create and strengthen innovation platforms amongst value chain actors.

Component 3:- on the other hand will provide development of transport infrastructure (feeder roads, farm tracks), rehabilitation of irrigation schemes, improvement of water harvesting and distribution for lowland rice.

Component 4:- which comprises the Project Coordination and Management Unit will be responsible for the day to day management of the project including monitoring and evaluation, gender equality and women’s empowerment as well as the implementation of the project environmental social management plan.

Project Objective

The objective of the project which is supported by the loan facility from the African Development Fund (ADF) is to help transform agricultural value chain for food and nutrition security, job and wealth creation within the Savannah ecological Zone.

The proposed project is anchored on Government’s flagship agricultural programme “Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ)” as well as the One District One Factory (1D1F) initiative.

It is expected to increase farmers’ food and nutrition security, increase incomes through increased agricultural productivity and diversification and enhance the creation and strengthening of agribusiness to increase incomes of actors along selected value chains on a sustainable basis.

Expected Project Outcomes

The Savannah Zone Agricultural Productivity Improvement Project (SAPIP) is expected to; reduce the prevalence rate and numbers of children stunting from 33 percent to 20 percent whiles percentage of children aged 6-23 months consuming more than 4 food groups will be increased from 33.3 percent to 50 percent by the end of the project.

The SAPIP will increase productivity of rice from 2mt/ha to 6mt/ha, maize from 2.5mt/ha to 6mt/ha, soya from 1.65mt/ha to 3mt/ha to 3mt/ha by year 5.

It is expected to mechanised land preparation, husbandry, increase harvesting by additional 10,000ha annually. Number of farmers registered and placed on platform to be increased from 35,000 to 250,000 under the project.

Four seed centres will also be rehabilitated with state of the art equipment.
These centres will be located at Tamale, Kumasi, Ho and Winneba.


The Savannah ecological Zone is endowed with major agricultural potential that must be harnessed to help transform the lives of inhabitants who constitute the poorest part of the country.

The zone is characterized with challenging agro-ecological conditions, low socio-economic indicators and a historical deficit of public investments in terms of infrastructure and services.

It is therefore imperative that the development of the zone will yield positive dividends for the nation’s economic growth and stability, food and nutrition security as well as job creation and poverty reduction.

The new project when implemented will consolidating the gains made through the ADF’s previous investments such as the Northern Rural Growth Programme (NRGP), the Fufulso-Sawla and Techiman-Kintampo Road Projects, optimize the usage of the infrastructure that were constructed in those interventions and leverage on private sector investment to establish large commercial farming for domestic and export markets.

Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com.

Govt to construct Kumasi- Paga railway- Joe Ghartey

Government’s programme to develop Ghana’s railway network system is on course following the shortlisting of nine (9) firms to submit proposals for the Central Spine stretch of rail line from Kumasi- Paga also known as “the Ghana Railways Master Plan” project, Railways Development Minister has disclosed.

The Sector Minister, Joe Ghartey assured that his outfit and other implementing agencies are leaving no stone unturned as they go through the necessary due processes to ensure the realisation of the project.

“Mr Speaker, in this regard, the Ministry has gone through the first phase of the procurement process, that is the Expression of Interest phase and has shortlisted nine (9) firms who are to be issued with Request for Proposal documents to submit detailed Technical and Financial Proposals by the end of March, 2018 for further evaluation ” he told Parliament.

Mr Joe Ghartey stated these on the floor of Parliament where he appeared in response to a question by Adaklu Member of Parliament, Kwame Governs Agbodza who sought to know about the progress of work on the Kumasi – Paga railway project.

Procurement & Contract process

According to the Essikado-Ketan Member of Parliament, in line with provisions of the Public Procurement Act, 2003,(Act 663) as amended by the Public Procurement (Amendment) Act, 2016, (Act 914), the Ministry went through a competitive tendering process and selected a consortium of firms led by MessrsGauffIngenieure and Messrs ILF Consulting Engineers all from Germany.

The firms were selected after an approval by the Tender Review Committee and the Entity Tender Committee of the Ministry. The contract for the project was signed on December, 22, 2017 whiles official work commenced with a kick off meeting on January, 25, 2018.

Feasibility studies on the project which expected to completed within six calendar month period is currently ongoing whiles a concurrent procurement has also been initiated to procure the services of a Transaction Advisor to procure private sector investor(s) to develop the railway lines from Kumasi-Paga after the feasibility studies.

Objective of Project

The overall objective of the project is to develop a railway corridor between Kumasi and Paga to improve rail and logistics infrastructure, as part of an integrated transport network in Ghana.

It is also seeks to improve rail transport services for passenger and freight to help reduce cost of transportation, especially in trade to and from the hinterland and the regions of the Northern part of the country.

The project will when completed will significantly reduce transportation cost of goods and services to Burkina Faso and other Sahelian countries.

Project Background

The Central Spine rail line also known as the Ghana Railway Master Plan which runs from Kumasi through Tamale to Paga is a 595 km green field project.

A green field project of such nature requires feasibility studies to determine its financial, economic, environmental and social viability.

The feasibility includes surveying and mapping-out of the right-of-way (RoW) for the railway line before the procurement of an EPEC Contractor to undertake the construction works.

Approximately, only 947 kilometers of Ghana’s rail network which is currently operational is faced with obsolete network and poor track infrastructure, resulting in the closure of greater part of the Western and Eastern lines and the entire Central line, leading to a high incidence of derailments that lead to loss of operational hours and damage to rolling stock.

Available data showed that the rail sector commanded an over-70% market share of freight and passenger transport in the country during colonial days until the 1970s, and carried over 2 million tonnes of freight and 8 million passengers annually in the 1960s and 1970s.

However, due to inadequate funding for maintenance, the rail network deteriorated leading to the diversion of freight traffic onto roads, exacerbating deterioration of the roads.

President Akufo-Addo’s Government has pledged to revamp the railway sector to open up Ghana’s economy.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com.

Quality education is key- Education Minister

Minister for Education, Dr Matthew Opoku-Prempeh reiterated government’s resolve to ensure quality education delivery in the country.

To this end, he said, his outfit is committed to education reforms to bring about the desired outcomes.

DrOpoku-Prempeh who is also Member of Parliament for Manhyia South said these during a dinner dance of the Wesley Grammer School in Accra.

He commended old students for their significant contributions towards education in the country whiles urging for more complementary efforts to government.

By Christian Kpesese / ghanamps.com

Road Minister cautions contractors

The Minister responsible for Roads and Highways, Akwasi Amoako-Atta has cautioned road contractors in the country to expedite action on road projects for completion on time.

Failure to complete projects on schedule, he said, will attract termination of contracts.

Mr Amoako-Atta who is also the Member of Parliament for the Atiwa West constituency in the Eastern region gave the warning in Cape Coast during a two day working tour of the Central region.

He assured of government’s determination to fix all poor road networks in the country to provide relief to all Ghanaians.

By Christian Kpesese / ghanamps.com.

MP donates to Dowine sports circuits

Hundred packs of assorted drinks has being donated to the Dowine Sports Circuit during their annual under thirteen sports festival hosted by the Domwine Primary school in the Lawra District of the Upper West region.

The support came from the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Lawra constituency Mr. Anthony N-yoh Karbo.

A welfare committee member, Mr Albert Aa-uune who stood in on behalf of the MP for the donation, stated that, he was glad that the Circuit have been able to organize such a festival involving all the schools in the Circuit not just purposely to play games and win but also to select young boys and girls who are talented in the various category of games.

He said this will ensure those who will be selected will be properly trained to go places setting Abedi Pele and the Ayew brothers as example.

The Circuit Supervisor, Boro Alexis Faakan-I on his part appealed to the teachers to treat every child as their own, and to the officiators of the games to be fair in their officiating in order not to cause agitation among the students during the games.

The Circuit sports Chairman thanked the MP and the team for the kind gesture saying “this is the first time we are receiving such support for such an activity and we are praying for the MP to continue to have good health long life and continue to support us in times of this when we appeal.”

There was a ceremonial kick by the Chairman Mr Aa-uune to officially open the start of the games.

By: Alice Abubakari/Ghanadistricts.com

Mining communities need pragmatic and holistic approach—Abirem MP

Member of Parliament for Abirem, John Frimpong Osei is calling on government to put in place a holistic and pragmatic policy to address issues of the well-being of the people in the mining communities.

According to Mr. Osei Frimpong as the Nation benefit from mining, host communities lose their livelihoods; their waters bodies are polluted through seepage of arsenic substance, environmental degradation and there is social vices.

He further noted that enactment of the Minerals Development Fund (MDF) Act 912 of 2016 brought a great sigh of relief to the people in the mining areas in anticipation of interventions to ameliorate their hardship.

Again the Act provides a legislative backing for the allocation of 20 percent of mining royalties received by the government to mining communities for development.

In a statement on the floor of the House, the Abirem legislator noted that the MDF makes available financial resources for the direct benefit of mining communities, a holder of interest in land within a mining community.

“Mr. Speaker regrettable however, the implementation of the Act has been fraught with some delays” and called for the MDF Board to be constituted and a local management committee to manage the fund.

He added that until Act 912 (2016) is fully implemented people living in mining communities will continuously remain short changed without alternative livelihoods.

“It is disheartening to see the unemployed youth in Abirem constituency particularly those in the communities affected by mining desperately looking for non-existent job opportunities. Some limited jobs have been created for some of the youth, but the majority of the unemployed youth and active middle aged farmers whose land have been ceded to mining companies face unbearable realities of life.”

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com