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Sub division of AMA is not the best-Former mayor

The former mayor of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), Alfred Okoe Vanderpuije has said sub-dividing the Assembly all in the name of creating new Assemblies in not the best.

According to the former mayor, there is “no AMA”, today the AMA has become only Osu and Ga Mashie.

What are we doing to this “mother body AMA” are we creating new Municipalities, “how is this mother body AMA as the capital city going to mobilize resources needed to function”, he remarked.

Mr. Alfred Okoe Vanderpuije wondered how challenging issues like sanitation and transportation that is confronting the capital is going to be dealt with if AMA is being sub divided, knowing very well that the capital receives so many people into the capital every day.

Waste is generated every day, both liquid and solid; the capital will not be able to function very well, “like a glass that holds water, when you drop it you get fragment of water, that glass is no more a glass that can hold water, that is what we have done to the capital city”, he bemoaned.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

SHS head teachers beg for purchase of school bus at PAC sitting

Most of the head teachers of pre-tertiary institutions that appear before the Public Account Committee on Wednesday at Ho used the opportunity to appeal to purchase school bus for their institutions recounting the bad states of most of their vehicles and others not having one.

About 15 heads of institutions appealed to the committee to ensure government procures vehicles for them.

Nkawkaw Senior High School’s  head teacher Robert Osei Forson open the flood gate when he disclosed to the committee that the students population of about  two thousand (2,000) had no single bus.

According to the head teacher, teaching and none teaching staffs had to depend on a rickety pickup vehicle.

Mr. Robert Osei Forson further told the committee that appeal has been made to past governments but had not yielded any results.

Deputy Minister of state in charge of monitoring and evaluation William Kwasi Sabi who is a member of the committee disclosed to the committee that, he placed a call to the sector Minister Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh on the matter as the issue unfolded.

And the Minister gave assurance that a number of buses would be procured for various Senior High Schools and attention would be given to Nkawkaw SHS.

Headmaster of St. Dominic Senior High/Technical followed with a similar appeal followed by Donkorkrom Agric SHS.

Chairman of the PAC Dr. Avedzi made a general appeal to government on behalf of SHS schools without vehicles to help aid their work.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Political parties should hold press conference at GJA head office

In the light of many reported assaults against journalist in the country, President of the Ghana Journalist Association (GJA) Roland Affail Monney has said the Association is contemplating on coming out with a resolution for all political parties to hold their press conferences at press centre.

This issue was triggered by the latest attack on a journalist with a private radio station Adom Fms  reporter Ohemaa  Sakyiwaa at the New Patriotic Party head office by Hajia Fati.

In an interview with the GJA President on if the Association would boycott covering events organised by the NPP, he said, “it is an option but we have not come to that decision yet as an Association”.

He further added that the incident is a clear case of assault and to add insult to injury, the Hajia Fati described seeing the journalist as an “onion seller”.

“Our laws should be seeing working; this is a very clear case of assault, when this incident happened the woman failed to show remorse, if she is found to be on the wrong side of the law, she should be made to face the law we will never give up until justice is done”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Ghana’s RTI Act will be a reference point for many countries —-Bagbin

Second Deputy Speaker, Alban Kingsford S. Bagbin has said Ghana’s Right to Information Bill 2018 when approved by the House and assented to by the President Nana Akufo-Addo and it becomes an Act will be a reference point to a lot of countries.

He noted that Ghana has done a lot of quality work on its RTI bill and so far it is unparallel haven seen other legislation passed by many countries, which have challenges and had to be amended, “Ghana could have gone same way like those other countries”.

“Despite the delay in the passage of the RTI, Ghana should still pat itself at the back because the quality of work done, our Act will become a reference point by many countries” he remarked.

He recounted the role he played in the 6th Parliament when the RTI Bill was before the House and added that the whole process started when the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) initiated the whole process.

I have taken my time to go through the RTI Bill worked on in the last parliament and the current one presented to the House this year, still there are some areas we need to address but we should not be despaired, we need to keep on with the fight, he said.

When UK passed its RTI law, they had to postpone its effectiveness for five years, it is usually referred to as one of the bad cases, their law is not one to be followed and added it took long for the commonwealth to declare the Act in 1993.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Civil societies views on RTI Bill will be taken seriously—chairman communication

Chairman of the Communications committee, Ken Ohene Agyapong has given assurance to civil society that their input would be taken seriously and captured in the final document that would be presented to the plenary when the House resume next week Tuesday.

The joint committee on Communication Legal and Parliamentary Affairs held a stakeholders meeting on Tuesday to solicit the views of civil society on the Right to Information Bill 2018 which is currently before the House and had gone through first reading.

Mr. Ken Ohene Agyapong assured the civil society that as the joint committee meets in Koforidua over the week to look at the Bill clause by clause, views expressed by the civil society would be captured as the report is being prepared to be presented to the plenary.

He further added that it is not an easy task to just present a report to the plenary from the committee level, as critical work has to go into it other than that when presented to the plenary the work will be dismantle and the committee embarrassed if a proper work is not presented.

“I know that a lot of work has been done on this Bill which has been re-introduced this will be the last lap for the Bill is pass what we are going to do as a committee is to fine tune it”, he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Mallam Junction drainage: Phase one almost complete

Phase one of the Mallam drainage works under the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) Sanitation and Water project has progressed very well within the 10 days of working.

In an interview with ghanamps.com, Emmanuel Eklu of the Ghana Highways Authority material division noted that work had progressed very well and confident the phase one is on course for completion within the expected 13 days.

He further added that what is left is to back fill the culvert that had been laid to the road level and move to the second phase over the weekend, when the site was visited on Wednesday.

At the drainage site, everybody was observing safety measure by putting on their reflective cloths, gloves and shoes.

Mr. Emmanuel Eklu revealed that World Bank is very strict on safety measures being taken on its funded projects and would stop any project being undertaken if safety is not being religiously obeyed.

He observed that some previous projects were stopped because of failure to observe safety measures, but now we are abiding by “safety measures strictly”, and World Bank will send people round to observe “if we are following safety rules”, he said.

As to whether traders and hackers along the stretch of the drainage had posse any change, Emmanuel Eklu said no and they are aware of the benefit they will have with the completion of project that will end the perennial flooding.

“Phase one has not had any disturbance by way of heavy rains setting in to disturb the project, we have had occasional light rains but that has not been anyway a problem to progress of the project” he said.

The project Manager Mr. Sun a Chains   in an interview indicated that by Saturday they would be moving onto the second phase of the project by cutting into the main road of the Mallam junction to excavate into  the road.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Nsawam Adoagyiri Assembly cited for failing to recover GH¢87,135 revenue

The 2016 Auditor General’s report has indicted the Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipal Assembly for failing to recover GH¢87,135 thousand Ghana cedis from 4 revenue collectors who decided to pocket the collection.

According to the Auditor General’s report the blame can be put at the door step of the finance officers of the Assembly.

The Municipal finance officer Yusif Asumadu before the committee at Ho argued that he had made information available on the amount that had been retrieved.

He was however unable to back his claim with documents before the committee with evidence.

Chairman of the committee subsequently directed that the finance officer make available documents covering the recovery of the amount to the auditors within a week.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Koforidua Technical University indicted for employing fake lecturer

The Auditor General had indicted management of Koforidua Technical University for employing lecturer with a fake certificate for 9 years.

Richmond Kweku Frimpong who was engaged in 2006 according to the report rose through the ranks to become a Dean of the faculty of Business and Management drawing a salary amounting to GH¢ 201, 065.92.

Professor Mrs. Smile Dzisi the vice chancellor of the University said the dismissed lecturer who is on the run has been referred to the Economic and Organised Crime (EOCO) for action.

The vice chancellor further told the committee measures had been put in place to curb the occurrence of such problem in the future, and noted that previously the problem was that the institution did not have a thorough check of lecturers who presented their certificate to be employed.

Again a thorough check of certificates presented by lecturers in 2014 exposed the fake certificates, she responded to the committee.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

RTI Bill 2018 to be presented when House resumes on Tuesday

Joint committee on Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs committee and the Communications committee would present the Right to Information (RTI) Bill 2018 back to the committee on Tuesday 15th of May 2018.

After a stakeholders meeting in Parliament on the 8th of May 2018  to take on board views of civil society on the re-introduced Bill.

The Joint committee would meet in Koforidua from Wednesday   the 9th of May, 2018 to look at the Bill clause by clause, taking on board views of civil society and present their report to the plenary for approval.

The joint committee determined that the Right to Information Bill 2018 could  not be taken under a certificate of urgency, saying they wanted to give an opportunity to civil society to make input to the Bill to enrich it to stand the test of time.

Ranking on Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee, Inusah Fuseini said their doors are still open to civil society with additional views they want to submit to the committee.

Some groups that appear before the committee for the stakeholders conference are Ghana Journalist Association, Commonwealth Human Right  Embassy of the United States, United Kingdom and Australia.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Creating NABCO is use of our scarce resources —Fuseini

Ranking member on the Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee, Inusah Fuseini has said government’s Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) programme is using the Nations insufficient allocation of scarce resources.

He called on the current government to rather focus its effort on creating opportunities for the private sector to create more jobs.

The Tamale Central legislator was contributing to a panel discussion on Joyfm’s current affairs programme Newsfile over the weekend and added that people are being trained and provided with knowledge and skills need for the job market in tertiary institutions.

Training provided by tertiary institutions frees government from investing the nations scare resources elsewhere rather than spending and wasting it on training graduates, the former Roads and Highways Minister said.

His comment follows the launch on May Day of the NABCO programme which is expected to employ some 100,000 people to assist the public sector.

The programme, according to President Akufo-Addo is expected to deliver jobs in prioritized areas defined under seven modules: Educate Ghana, Heal Ghana, Feed Ghana, Revenue Ghana, Digitize Ghana, Enterprise Ghana and Civic Ghana.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com