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We are being hypocrites in our fight against homosexuality—Effutu MP

Member of Parliament for Effutu, Alexander Afenyo-Markin has said as Ghanaians we are being hypocrites in our crusade against homosexuality.

According to the Effutu legislator, pastors have failed to wage open campaign against homosexuality and said the same thing against Muslim clerics.

He further added that those  supporting homosexuality are proactive and are making their views heard and pointed out that not even a single media house in Ghana had boldly and consistently talked about homosexuality.

“Those against it their voices are not loud enough, today we say we are against it, are we talking about it in our schools, primary and JSH, is it one of the core subjects, is it regular talk in our schools. We should move away from rhetorics and deal with the issue”

He noted that President Nana Akufo-Addo said in an interview that, in the 60s no one deer talked about homosexuality in the United Kingdom, but in the late 1990s people started talking about it, it because it is a political issues.

In public may be people would pretend, as we know it is a way of life of some people, “responsible people in our society that is what they think they are and they have their justification and you cannot go and impose your views on them”, he lamented.

When you say it’s wrong, you should be firm in your views, we have said the law frown on it, the law as I have read is not clear enough and with my limited knowledge is not clear enough, I do not want to go to the law, but use morality as the opponent are using if we are serious about the issue we should demonstrate commitment, I rest my case, he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Gayism and lesbianism: We would not be misled again—Bagbin

As the debate of legalizations of gayism and lesbianism in Ghana ranges on, Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament Alan Kingsford Sumana Bagbin had indicated to the developed world Ghana would never accept the practice.

According to the Second Deputy Speaker, Ghana would not be misled by advance countries who claim they are more civilized.

The future of the world belongs to Africa, “we would not be misled again this is the strongest indication from the House and if the need be we would come out with a motion and resolve to give direction to the country”.

“This is a matter that people are trying to force on us, we are no longer the small boys and girls of any other country and so we will not take it, I commend the maker of the statement”, he said.

And if the need be through leadership we need to come to the House debate it and resolve to give a clear indication to everybody that Ghana would not compromise our stand against gayism and lesbianism, he lamented

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Tradition of “no work” when parliament returns from recess is wrong—-Ashiaman MP

Member of Parliament for Ashiaman, Henry Norgbey has said, “the tradition of no work” when Parliament returns from recess only for them to be stressed with piled up of work towards the end of their sitting is wrong.

According to the Ashiaman legislator, the situation where towards the end of every meeting, work is piled on MPs forcing them to close as late as 10:00 in the night, does not afford them to do proper work.

Mr. Norgbey reitreated that since becoming an MP in the seventh Parliament of the fourth Republic, it has been a tradition of the current government not to do anything serious at the beginning of their sitting.

The ruling New Patriotic party(NPP)  government is not prepared to rule Ghana, they were fortunate to get elected, they do not have a clear cut policy procedure to follow when it comes to governance,  he lamented.

We the opposition MPs are doing our best to bring the National Democratic Congress (NDC)  back to power; we are putting government on its toes not only in Parliament but in our various constituencies, he added.

Again we are in touch with our constituents and telling them what is happening in Parliament and in government and when we have an opportunity we bring development projects to the constituency.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Homosexuals are mentally challenged and need prayers—-Nyindam

Member of Parliament for Kpandi and Deputy Majority Chief whip, Mathew Nyindam has said those who engages in homosexuality are mentally challenged and need prayers.

According to the Kpandi legislator, he wonders why in the mist of all the wonderful ladies around, an able man in his right thinking mind, “would say he wants to have sex with a colleague man”.

He further added that, even mentally challenged men walking on the street do not go for same sex men on the streets to have sex with them.

“If you tell me it is your right to have sex with a man, Mr. Speaker what kind of right is that, I do not get it; homosexuality is not part of the right we should be advocating for”.

There is not religion in this world that support it, we all condemn it, the laws of Ghana does not support it and should be condemned, he said.

He further noted that the whiteman said it is not right to take more than one wife in Africa we obeyed, now they are back telling us that “men should marry me”  it is not right, we all know the story of Sodom and Gomorra.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Military and police should not be seen undermining our peace—Haruna

Minority Leader and Member of Parliament for Tamale South, has said the Police and Military should not be seen to be undermining the country’s peace and security, rather should be seen maintaining peace and security.

He made this remarks on the floor of Parliament when both Ministers of Interior and Defense came to the floor, on earlier directives given by the Speaker for Parliament to brief the House on the clash between the Military and Police on the 16th of May 2018.

Mr. Haruna Iddrisu, commended both Ministers for coming to the floor with their service commanders and would take the Ministers assurance that calm has returned to Tamale after the clash.

Mr. Speaker you are helping Parliament perform its representative role as an organ of government, even more importantly to let service commanders and their men know there are regulations in Ghana and they must continuously work for the peace and security of the country, he said.

He further added that it is not enough for the Minister to express regret, but we need permanent assurance of the police and military that such things that would undermine the peace and security of the area would not occur again, adding Parliament would monitor the work of the committee put in place.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Defense and Interior Ministers apologies for security personnel clash

The Minister of Interior Ambrose Dery and Defense Minister, Dominic Nitiwul on Tuesday 22nd of May 2018, apologized to Ghanaians for the unfortunate clashes between the military and police on the 16th of this month and other occurrence within the year.

According to the Interior Minister both institutions sent a high powered delegations to Tamale and held a separate meetings and joint durbar; the two institutions agreed to implement fully existing guidelines regarding handling of personnel on disciplinary issues and breach of the law.

He made this remarks upon the Speakers directives that both Ministers come to the floor of the House to brief the House on the unfortunate situation.

Mr. Ambrose Dery told the House that currently the full operational cooperation and collaboration had been restored in Tamale and the entire Northern Region, “Ghanaians should rest assured that there is full impetus towards their security and safety.

Again the confidence of the President Nana Akufo-Addo and his security management hierarchy in the leadership and professionalism of the Ghana Armed Forces and the Police service.

However preliminary investigation has been carried out by a five member committee composed from the two institutions and the Attorney General’s Department to look into the cause of the clash and make recommendations.

The Interior Minister told Parliament both institution have agreed to hold regular joint durbar and other activities to enhance cooperation between the two institutions.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliament approves Cynthia Lamptey as Deputy Special prosecutor

Deputy Special Prosecutor, Cynthia Naa Koshie Lamptey has been approved by Parliament on Tuesday.

Days before the report of the Appointment Committee would be laid on the floor of the House, chairman of the committee Joseph Osei-Owusu told Journalist the committee had unanimously recommended to the plenary of her approval.

The Chairman of the Committee Joe Osei-Owusu expressed satisfaction in the answers given to questions by members of the committee when Mrs. Lamptey appeared for vetting on Wednesday, 16 May 2018.
.Mrs. Lamptey who will be deputy to Martin Amidu after she is sworn in, sent signal during her vetting that she will resign from her post if she is sidelined.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Deputy Majority leader commend security Ministers for prompt response

Deputy Majority Leader and Member of Parliament for Dome/Kwabenya, Sarah Adowa Safo, has commended the Minister for Interior Ambrose Dery and Defense Minister Dominic Nitiwul for their prompt response to Parliament on the police and military clashes in Tamale.

Speaker of Parliament, Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye directed that both Ministers brief Parliament on the disturbances in Tamale, when the MP for Tamale South and Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu raised the issue on the floor of the House.

According to the Dome/Kwabenya legislator, Ghanaians were worried about the incident in Tamale, since the police and the military have been given the authority to protect life and ensure there is law and order in the country.

On his part, the Speaker of Parliament Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye said it is important for the country’s democratic governance, that the House would be briefed.

“When Parliament sit the whole of Ghana is sitting” and every person is subjected to the authority of Parliament and commended the Ministers for the speedy manner they came to the House indicating that our democracy is maturing.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Manya Krobo and Upper Yilo to get water supply by end of year—-Minister

Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Joseph Kofi Adda has said Manya Krobo and Upper Yilo water plant project would be completed by the end of this year.

According to the Minister, the Ghana Water Company Limited is laying pipes to extend water to some communities in Upper Yilo and Manya Krobo from Kwasidiaka through Huhunya to serve Boti falls and Kono Dawa and communities around that area.

Mr. Joseph Kofi Adda noted that initially, the Bukunor water project was constructed to serve Koforidua and Tafo.

As a result of that communities in the Yilo Krobo and Upper Manya areas were not included in the project although the pipeline passes through a number of communities in the Yilo Krobo area.

This came to light when MP for Yilo Krobo Magnus Kofi Amoatey wanted to know when Upper Yilo and Manya Krobo areas water project would be completed.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Ghana beyond aid is achievable and has started—-Bantama MP

Member of Parliament (MP) for Bantama, Daniel Okyem Aboagye has said the term “Ghana beyond aid” as advocated by President Nana Akufo-Addo is achievable and has already started.

According to the Bantama legislator, late President John Evans Atta Mills’ “Better Ghana agenda”, is Ghana beyond aid.

He further added that Ghana beyond aid is not a slogan, it is achievable but might not be in “our life time” he was quick to point out that aspects of it is being fulfilled currently; the introduction of free Senior High School (SHS) and creating job for unemployed graduates.

The Bantama MP has been very passionate about the President’s vision on Ghana beyond aid on the floor of Parliament.

And commended Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) for sponsoring members of the Parliamentary press corps, in a training workshop on the Tax Identification Number (TIN) and the importance of paying tax.

“If we are to achieve Ghana beyond aid, we need our people to pay tax but it should not end there, the revenue  should also be manage well to achieve the development we need as a nation so we do not go begging”, he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com