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Martin Amidu is a workaholic – Deputy SP

The Deputy Special Prosecutor nominee, Cynthia Jane Naa-Korshie Lamptey has described her Boss to be, Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu as “a workaholic” who does not shirk his responsibilities.

Appearing before Parliaments Appointment Committee, Ms Lamptey said she had previously worked with Mr Amidu and is very comfortable working with him at times.

The nominee who said she has never taken bribe before told the Committee that she is well qualified for the position.

On protecting informants who volunteered information to the Office, she emphasised the need to ensure that the law gives protection to them in order to enhance justice delivery in the country.

She urged the need for Police investigations to be conducted for the preparation of dockets on cases coming from Commissions of enquiry.

She observed that the AD department deals with dockets that arise from police investigations hence it is difficult to act on government white papers on commissions of enquiry.

The potential Deputy Special Prosecutor urged the need for all to be accountable to the laws regulating their functions whiles stating that the right calibre of personnel, right equipment and tools and people with proven integrity are key to help prosecute agenda of the office effectively.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

New regions Commission to brief Parliament

The nine-member Commission of Enquiry set up by President Akufo-Addo to collate public views for the creation of new regions will hold a briefing session with Members of Parliament from the four regions from which the regions may be created.

The MPs from the four regions including Northern, Brong Ahafo, Volta and Western are expected to make input into ongoing consultations as major stakeholders.

The Commission which was tasked to look into the demands for the creation of new regions has so far concluded some public stakeholder engagements in the regions concerned.

The government’s decision to set up the commission was in response to petitions made for the possible creation of the new regions.

The Commission’s Terms of Reference is set out in paragraph 4 of C.I. 105 and is to make recommendations to the President, based on its findings, on the creation of a region or alteration of regional boundaries; and to specify the issues to be determined by referendum and the places where the referendum should be held, where it makes recommendations for the creation of new regions and alteration of regional boundaries.

The process is expected to culminate in the conduct of a referendum on the creation of the new regions.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Communications Ministry to support OSP- Minister

The honorable Minister for Communications, Ursula Owusu Akufo has assured that her ministry will support the Office of the Special Prosecutor with all the technological needs to make office functional.

The Minister who doubles as Member of Parliament for Ablekuma West gave the assurance in response to concerns raised by the Deputy Special Prosecutor nominee, Cynthia Jane Naa-Koshie Lamptey to the effect that, the new office cannot function properly if not resourced well.

This, she said will help fight cyber and other related crimes.

According to the nominee, the Attorney Generals’ Department has not been too effective in the performance of its duties especially in prosecuting cases due to lack of adequate resource availability and the requisite qualified human resource.

The Minister who is an old student of Mfantsiman Girls School, Saltpond commended the nominee who was also an old student of Mfantsiman Girls stating that they received great training there.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Hohoe MP salutes deputy SP, women in higher positions

The honorable Member of Parliament for the Hohoe constituency in the Volta region, Dr Bernice Adiku Heloo has paid glowing tribute to Deputy Special Prosecutor nominee and women who defy all odds to rise to positions of high recognition in society.

Dr Heloo who expressed worry about the fact that women are often times relegated to the background in their places of work said she becomes happy to see some women rise to the top in their chosen fields of work despite the challenges.

The MP who is a member of the Appointments Committee of Parliament gave the compliment whiles extolling the Special Prosecutor nominee, Cynthia Jane Naa-Koshie Lamptey when she appeared before the Committee for vetting.

The Hohoe lawmaker who was a Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Environment, Science Technology and Innovation during the erstwhile Mahama administration questioned the Special Prosecutor nominee on the core values she will bring to bear on her new role, what her perception of relationship among related institutions should be for effective collaborative functioning, and her relationship with staff among others.

Ms Koshie Lamptey believes her 29 years of experience as a public prosecutor will greatly impact on her work coupled with her principled nature.

The Nominee called for the OSP to be provided with information, collaboration with related institutions and the general public.

When Dr Bernice Adiku Heloo sought to know what action she will take when sidelined in the performance of her duties, the nominee responded that she will not hesitate to resign her post if several attempts to resolve challenge become unsuccessful.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Government must provide prove of double tax benefit- Sam George

Member of Parliament for the Ningo/Prampram constituency in the Greater Accra region, Samuel Nartey George has challenged the NPP government to provide proof of existence of Ghanaian businesses in four countries that compel it to grant double tax waivers to entities from those countries.

Speaking in an interview with ghanamps.com, the lawmaker urged government to provide the list of Ghanaian businesses in Czech Republic, Singapore, Morocco and Mauritius that will equally benefit from the deal.

He argued that the double taxation agreement with those countries are a one way traffic since Ghanaian companies do not exist in order to benefit from the agreement if granted by Parliament.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Educate your communities about MPs duties- Emmanuel Bedzrah

The Member of Parliament for Ho West, Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzrah has challenged school pupils and students to educate their peers, families and communities about the actual duties of Members of Parliament.

According to him many citizens have the perception that it is the duty of MPs to develop their areas hence the need for students to help dispel that notion.

Mr Bedzrah who is also chairman of the Volta caucus of Members of Parliament made the call when pupils and students from the Tsito EP Basic and Junior High Schools visited the legislature to acquaint themselves with its workings.

The MP encouraged the pupils to be disciplined and eschew laziness in their studies and on all their endeavours since that is the only way to achieve their life goals.

He also educated the pupils on parliamentary proceedings, the composition of Parliament, the leadership of the House, the Standing Orders among others.

The Ho West MP who is also the Ranking Member on the Government Assurances Committee of Parliament emphasised for the understanding of the students that the duties of MPs are that of law making but not development agents as it is perceived to be.

He has therefore urged all the pupils to educate their parents and communities about responsibilities of law makers.

Assistant Head Teacher of the school, Isaac Anlesinya on behalf of the school and pupils thanked the MP for his words of inspiration and reception.

He assured of his outfits readiness to help the pupils educate their communities about the duties of Members of Parliament.

By Christian kpesese / ghanamps.com

Lateness on the first day of meeting unacceptable —Adaklu MP

Member of Parliament for Adaklu, Kwame Agbodza had expressed his disappointment on Tuesday the 15th of May 2018 first say of the Second meeting of the second session of the seventh Parliament of the fourth Republic.

He drew the Houses attention to late start of proceedings in the House in the last meeting and expecting that the trend would change.

In an interview with ghanamps.com he said there could not be any excuse as to why the House cannot start on time and further pointed out that he hopes there is a very good reason why the House did not start proceedings on time, but would still insist that MPs come to work on time and work on behalf of the people of this country.

He noted that Parliament at the beginning of every meeting does virtually, nothing but when getting towards the end of the meeting rush things through and pointed out that it did not start with the seventh Parliament.

“We do not do due diligence and that does not give Ghanaians the hope that what we do here is right I am not putting my colleagues down but I believe we can do better on behalf of this country”.

And let government bring whatever business we need to do; we do it within time for our country to move forward he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

“If I am sidelined I will resign”—Cynthia Lamptey

Prior to her approval by the plenary in Parliament, Deputy Special Prosecutor nominee Cynthia Jane Naa-Korshie Lamptey had given indications that when sidelined in the discharge of her duties she would resign.

She made this revelation on Wednesday during her vetting by the Appointment Committee of Parliament when she appeared before the Committee.

And said it was not for nothing that she was appointed to occupy the position she has been nominated for.

Therefore, when her responsibilities are deliberately put on hold by her superior, she will have no option than to quit the job.

But before taking such a decision, she noted that she would first go to her superior to find out whether it was an oversight or deliberate in sidelining her.

“Hon. I will assure you that if I should face a situation or something like that, I will resign because I wasn’t put in that position just for cosmetics sake. I was put there to work and if you sideline me, I may even go to whoever it is to inform him that I am not working. May be it will be an oversight on the side of the person and he will come back to his senses. But if it is true then I will resign because I cannot be a puppet over there”, she posited.

Her comments were in relation to a question posed by a member of the PAC, Dr. Bernice Heloo as to how she would handle such a situation when sidelined or not involved in the decision making process of the institution she has been nominated for.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Double taxation agreements: Minority raises red flag

The Minority in Parliament have raised red flag over Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) that have been laid on the floor of the House on Tuesday the 15th of May 2018 pointing out that it would not benefit us as a country.

Dr. Anthony Osei Akoto, the Minister of Monitoring and Evaluation laid the agreement with four countries on behalf of the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta on the floor of the House.

The agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ghana and the Czech Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital Gains.

Convention between the Government of the Republic of Ghana and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital Gains;

Also agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ghana and the Government of the Republic of Mauritius for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital Gains.

And agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ghana and the Republic of Singapore for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital Gains.

In an interview with the media after adjournment on Tuesday, Ranking member of the Finance Committee, Ato Forson wanted government to come clean on the agreements before they would give their support for its approval.

They want the government to tell them the quantum of the investment of the four countries seeking for double taxation with the Republic of Ghana as well as the names of Ghanaian investments in those countries.

“Singapore and Mauritius for instance are tax havens for certain offshore entities, so they go there and their intention is to come and invest in this country and to cream off the taxes so that they are going to exempt them from taxes base on that. I want the government to come clean on this matter what is their motivation in rushing to Parliament to seek for approval of double taxation for four different Countries”? Cassiel Ato Forson questioned.

He added that he want government to estimate the fiscal cost of the state and give the Minority evidence that Ghanaian businesses are also going to benefit from the said countries and is not going to be done in a way for small individuals and companies to benefit from.

Forson, further revealed that the NDC MPs would in the coming days scrutinize the agreements in such a way that the ordinary Ghanaian will benefit from them.

“We think that if we are to conclude that it is in the interest of this country, we shall support the government to approve it. But if we are not convinced that these agreements are in the interest of this country, I beg to say that we will oppose it with all the vim in us because clearly, our responsibility is to keep the government on its toes to make sure that they are doing what is right’, he emphasized

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Appointment Committee unanimously recommends Cynthia Lamptey – Osei Owusu

Chairman of the Appointment Committee Joseph Osei-Owusu has said the committee had unanimously recommend Deputy Special Prosecutor, Cynthia Naa Korshie Lamptey for approval by the plenary.

He disclosed this in an interview just after vetting of the nominee on Wednesday the 16th of May, 2018.

According to the chairman of the committee they were satisfied with the answers given by the nominees when she appeared before them. On the issue of her not giving detailed information in her answers, the chairman noted that they did not need detailed information.

“We just want to know if she is qualify and understand the work of prosecution that is all that she has done all her life”, he said.

As to when to expect the report on the floor of the House, Mr. Joseph Osei-Owusu noted that he is waiting for the clerk of the committee to present the report to him for the necessary correction then it would be presented before the House.

“When it came to matters of prosecution you realize that she was on top of issues except that she does not appear to be interest in other things that relate to prosecution”.Chairman of the Appointment Committee Joseph Osei-Owusu has said the committee had unanimously recommend Deputy Special Prosecutor, Cynthia Naa Korshie Lamptey for approval by the plenary.

He disclosed this in an interview just after vetting of the nominee on Wednesday the 16th of May, 2018.

According to the chairman of the committee they were satisfied with the answers given by the nominees when she appeared before them. On the issue of her not giving detailed information in her answers, the chairman noted that they did not need detailed information.

“We just want to know if she is qualify and understand the work of prosecution that is all that she has done all her life”, he said.

As to when to expect the report on the floor of the House, Mr. Joseph Osei-Owusu noted that he is waiting for the clerk of the committee to present the report to him for the necessary correction then it would be presented before the House.

“When it came to matters of prosecution you realize that she was on top of issues except that she does not appear to be interest in other things that relate to prosecution”.