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“One district one factory” is not a government project—National Coordinator

National Coordinator of the “one district one factory” Gifty Ohene-Konadu has said the project is not a government project.

According to the Coordinator, government is only helping the private sector and the private entrepreneur to create jobs and employ people, at the same time would generate foreign exchange for the nation.

She said in an interview that the private sector would have its peace likewise government, again these businesses would pay tax to government, and hence government would have funds to develop our nation.

Mrs. Gifty Ohene-Konadu further indicated that some of the district might have more than one factory.

As to whether there had been much information and communications about the project, she said yes, whiles we are educating people others are at the background destroying and confusing people especially those who go on radio, she added.

Response I get from the secretariat, means the promoters have understood the concept very well, whiles the entrepreneurs who want to set up the factories have also understood it very well, she said.

“Those engaging in propaganda are the ones confusing people, but we have established some of the factories and people who are in the districts and can see some of these factories would attest to it”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

What we said about tax increase was not a deception—Minority

A senior member of the Finance Committee and Member of Parliament for Ho Central, Benjamin Kpodo has said the Minority’s roundtable breakfast about government’s intention to increase taxes was not a deception.

According to the Ho Central MP if the Minority had not raised issues about the intended plans of government to increase taxes they would have done that.

“We are matching them on the way they behave, “if you recollect they wanted to tax mobile money, we raise it they went quickly and denied it and so they did not carry it out”, he said.

Again they wanted to take common fund money meant for the Assemblies, use it to support planting for food and jobs, they came to the floor and said they had not done it, meanwhile prior to their coming to floor, we had letters issued to that effect by the Coordinating Council to the Assemblies, he lamented.

“They should adjust their budget to make provision for the planting for food and Job and school feeding, we got wind of these issues we raise the them, if they test the waters and see that it would not be good for the public they review their decision”.

What we said was not a deception, if you visit the International Monetary Fund (IMF) website government had this agreement for tax increase, but had to go for a second thought because we had raised the issue, he said.

“Every politician is looking for survival, they retracted to keep faith with the Ghanaian population”, pointed out.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliament to start debate on mid-year review budget today

Parliament would today start debate on the Mid-Year review budget presented to the House last week Thursday by the Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta.

Member of Parliament for Ho Central Benjamin Kpodo in an interview with ghanamps.com has said Ghanaians should expect a detailed explanation of what was presented to the House and understanding of how the economy is being managed.

Both the Majority and the Minority would have time to debate the 68 page document presented to the House.

As to whether the views being expressed by the Minority they are playing politics with the economy of Ghana, the Ho Central legislator said “no, we are saying that there are other avenue which we can enhance our revenue and there are other areas we can cut down on our expenditure”.

Mr. Benjamin Kpodo further noted that as a nation we have passed laws imposing several taxes, but what measures are we putting in place to collect all these taxes, it is one difficulty as a nation, “it did not start from this current government”, he lamented.

Property tax is one huge source of income for Ghana, but do we collect it from everybody, the appropriate amount is not collected from those who qualify to pay, he said.

And cited an example of Managing Director of Dalex Financial Service, who had requested the local Assembly in his areas to come for a property from him, it had been over a year nobody had attempted to collect the property tax.

Again there is a lot of money out there, the service sector of the economy is heavily under taxed, simply because we do not go out there to collect the money, hotels and restaurants they do not pay the appropriate taxes.

“We should find innovative ways of collecting these taxes in the system, we do not new laws, let us implement the existing ones”, he lamented.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Privileges Committee to re-sit on Kennedy Agyapong’s case today

Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong would face the privileges committee today Monday the 23rd of July 2018 for a second public hearing of the committee on allegation of contempt brought against him by the Minority Chief Whip, Mohammed Muntaka Mubarak.

MPs from the Central Region on the committee recused themselves over being bias during the first hearing last month.

The three MPs from the Central Region who recused themselves were Nana Eyiah Quansah from Gomoa Central, Samuel Nsowah-Djan Upper Denkyira West and Cynthia Morrison Agona West.

The three have subsequently been replaced on the committee on the committee by the Majority side of the House.

The replacements are Yaw Buaben Asamoah, Adentan MP; Yaw Maama Afful, Jaman South MP; and Nana Akua Afriyie, Ablekuma North MP.

The Minority Chief Whip, Muntaka Mubarak, filed a motion accusing Kennedy Agyapong of making contemptuous public comments about the House. Mr. Agyapong was subsequently summoned to appear before Parliament’s Privileges Committee which addresses such matters.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Reviewing of the standing orders is taking too much time—Sam George

Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram Samuel Nartey George is lamenting over the delay in the review of the standing orders which Speaker Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye had promise it would be worked on during the life time of the seven Parliament of the fourth Republic.

According to the Ningo-Prampram legislator the review has taking too long passing a decade, where there are challenges that the standing order needs to address.

He further lamented that time given for committees to do their work is not enough and gave example of the United States of America where, a committee of senate takes sometimes two or three days to interrogate an issue.

Again the Vice Presidents grand plan of opening up the economy through the digital address system falls under communications committee, “we do not have much time to interrogate at the committee level and the media needs to do a critical work”, he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

We need an independent probe into the police killings in Kumasi–Agalga

Former Deputy Minister of the Interior and Ranking member on Defense and Interior, James Agalga is calling for an independent probe into the killing of seven persons in Kumasi by the police.

The incident happened a few days after armed robbers shot and killed a policeman and injured another in the same vicinity.

According to the former Deputy Interior Minister, subsequently after the killing relatives of the deceased have come out to say they were not arm robbers, and the mix reactions that followed calls for transparent investigation, and not the one that should be left in the confines of the Ghana Police Service.

“I sort to do to invite the Speaker to summon the Minister of the Interior to appear before the House and take instructions, the speaker thinks the forum I chose was not appropriate he thinks I should rather have a statement made on the floor so I have accordingly taken that on board”, he said in an interview.

The Defense and Interior Committee is well placed to look into this issue; more over we have oversight responsibilities and the Ghana Police Service is part of the Executive arm of government, he added.

He further called for Parliamentary enquiry into the killing and pointed out that as things stands now to start with, the police investigating this issue would not get the needed confidence.

Again there could be an independent expects on security matters who would be commissioned to investigate the Kumasi shooting incident.

Mr. James Agalga called for the establishment of an independent police complains commission that would deal with situations like this.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Motorway to be redeveloped—Roads and Highways Minister

As encroachers are developing around the Accra-Tema Motorway to become a full-blown slum, Roads and Highway Minister Kwesi Amoako Atta has told Parliament through a public private partnership (PPP) arrangement, the Accra-Tema motorway is to be redeveloped.

According to the Minister his Ministry through the Ghana Highway Authority under a PPP arrangement has appointed a transaction advisor who has identified the project affected persons within the right of way.

He added that the transaction advisor had already submitted a resettlement action plan and the associated cost of the payment and compensation.

The Ministry of Roads and Highways, subsequent to the report of the Transaction Advisor would request for funds from the Ministry of Finance to settle payments and compensations.

As part of the expansion of the carriageway to three lanes on either side, physical barriers would be built to secure the right of way.

This came to light when the Member of Parliament for Mion Mohammed Abdul-Aziz wanted to know steps being taken to prevent the motorway from becoming a full-blown slum.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Women caucus in Parliament condemns police attack on nursing mother

The Women caucus in Parliament have condemned the police officer who abused a nursing mother who went to the premises of the Midland savings and loans to withdraw her own money.

According to the chairperson of the caucus and Deputy Majority Leader, Sarah Adowa Safo the brutality had gone viral on social media and called on the Inspector General of Police to take every step to ensure that the policeman is dealt with punitively according to the law.

“As a mother I wept uncontrollably watching this poor woman being subjected to severe physical abuse, the unbearable part was the fact that she had in her hands newly born baby”, she said.

Her worry was officials of the Midland savings watched proceedings closely without any intervention to save this woman from the torrential blows from the police man.

Chairperson of the Women caucus noted that at this age that women advocacy has been very pervasive, it is most despicable to see such a barbaric and vicious act being meted out to such a poor woman.

The mandate of the Police is to protect the poor and the vulnerable, “this is a clear case of the violation of the right of the poor woman”, she lamented.

I am reliably informed that the IGP has urgently caused the arrest of the said policeman and commended the IGP for the swift action and called for the arrest of the bank officials who looked on without intervening.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

25 Parliamentary reporters undergo training workshop

Twenty-five members of the Parliamentary Press Corps are undergoing a training workshop in Prampram to sharpen their reporting skills in Parliament, as Members of Parliament have had course to complain about the way some of the correspondents report on issues in Parliament.

According to the Dean of the Parliamentary Press Corps, the training is meant for some new and older members of the press corps, whiles others would benefit at a later date of same workshop.

He noted that usually with such workshops the directors of Parliament are brought as resource persons to deal with some critical topics that Journalists need to equip themselves with as they go about their duties.

“This time around, we brought the national coordinator of one district one factory, madam Gifty Ohene-Konadu to brief us on updates on one district one factory”, he said.

This training workshop was on the theme “Parliamentary reporter as an effective link between parliament and the public”.

Mr. Obed Appiah who represented the acting director of Public Affairs of Parliament, Kate Addo, indicated her boss would want the media to voice out their challenges as would be noted by him for onward delivery to her boss to help address the challenges.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Open up our committee meetings to the media—Ningo-Prampram MP

As the debate rages on, on the need to open up Parliaments committees up for members of the Public and the media, Ningo Prampram legislator Samuel Nartey George has added his voice to the debate calling for the need to open up committee meetings to the media.

According to the Ningo-Prampram lawmaker the 275 MPs are not in Parliament on their own accord, they are representing the people of Ghana.

He further argued that he had made it clear to his colleagues that the issue of cost when committee meetings are open up is not an issue because, the state broadcaster Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) is more into commercial service than public service.

And backed his point with an example of a public hearing of the Public Account Committee (PAC), where GBC was not around to cover, but a private media house like multimedia and the other television and radio stations were around to broadcast the activities of PAC.

When the private media cover our independence celebration is that not public service, so let us open our committee meetings to the media for them to cover at their own cost he said. He made the call at Prampram during a media training for new members of the Parliamentary Press corps.

Mr. Samuel Nartey George further added that, Parliamentary Service Board can ensure that a page is created for Parliament on facebook where proceedings could be carried live, the only thing to buy would be internet bundle.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com