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Single currency: Heads of states and Gov’ts need to be firm—Secretary General

As the Economic Community of West African states (ECOWAS), sets a new date, the year 2020 for the implementation of a single currency within the West African sub-region after several postponements, Secretary General of the community Parliament, John Azumah, has said the institution is prepared to support for the decision of the Authority of Heads of States and Government in the implementation of the single currency in 2020.

He made this remarks at an ECOWAS Parliament seminar in Dakar Senegal at the just ended Extra Ordinary Session of the institution.

“We are asking them to be very firm and resolute on the date, and that the date should not be changed, there should be a political will that it should be done in 2020”.

Mr. John Azumah however observed that the lawmakers are constrained in what they can do because of the limited resources available to them and further added that the same problem affects all other ECOWAS institutions.

“To tell the truth, there are issue of resources that affects all ECOWAS institutions it is not only the Parliament, again ECOWAS institutions generally rely on the community levy subventions. There have been some challenges in the collection of the levy, and even the transmission of the amount collected by member states, so, that reduces the amount of resources available to the Parliament, “when we doing budgeting”

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Community Parliament committed to ending herdsmen clashes—John Azumah

Secretary General of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, John Azumah has said the institution is committed to revolving the recurring crisis between herdsmen and farmers in the sub-region.

According to the Secretary General of the sub-regional Community Parliament, representatives of the people are burdened by the issue of clashes of herdsmen and farmers and other related reports of communal violence within the sub-region.

He revealed this in an interview with journalists at the end of an Extra Ordinary Session of ECOWAS Parliament held in Dakar, Senegal.

“Parliament has a very big role especially the members who have the opportunity to meet with the concerned communities and to be able to explain the other side of the story”.

He further pointed out that the situation could be mitigated if members of Parliament up their game and constantly provide information to the communities they meet constantly that are involve in these activities.

Again, as a body that has vast experience in conflict resolution in areas such as Mano River Union in 2012, resolution of the Liberian civil war, and the issue of Al-Qaeda in Mail, “The Community Parliament, was the only institution that went to the ground to talk to the people, and in addition Parliament has the capacity coming from varied backgrounds with Parliamentarians having over twenty years of experience in conflict resolution’.

Mr. John Azumah further revealed that Parliament would make recommendations to the authorities and the implementing bodies, to look into the matter and resolve the issues, after gathering necessary information and proffering solutions.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Emile short commission presents report on AWW to President

President Nana Akufo-Addo has received the report of the Emile Short Commission of inquiry established to inquire into the incident of violence that occurred during the 31st January 2017 by-election in Ayawaso West Wuogon constituency.

Chairman of the Commission Justice Emile Short was confident that the President will find the findings and recommendations useful in shaping reforms for the future.

And thanked the President for the initiative and commended his resolve to stamp out the evil of electoral violence from politics in Ghana.

On his part, President Nana Akufo-Addo noted that the country has seen the transparent nature of the proceedings and all Ghanaians followed it with the great attention and care, “I am happy that at long last it has come to an end”, he said.

He further pointed out that the findings and recommendations made would be given the greatest attention by him and members of his government.

“We have a responsibility of ensuring the maintenance of law and order in our country and that responsibility is not one that can be abdicated on any occasion, so to the extent that this commission can help us, its findings and recommendations can help us advance the course of law and order in our country, I welcome it. It will be the subject of close study”.

President Nana Akufo-Addo reassured the people of Ghana that, government is determined to ensuring that, Ghanaians can go about their normal duties, including exercising their constitutional and political rights in an atmosphere of peace and freedom”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Appointment Committee enforces strict rule on visitors

Appointment Committee of Parliament on Thursday enforced its strict rule of allowing Ministers designate come to the vetting with only ten supporters.

The police had tough time controlling supporters who came there in their numbers and wanted to be in community room 1$2 to support their preferred candidates.

Chairman of the committee Joseph Osei Owusu had earlier directed that ten supporters of the Minister designate should be in the committee room.

Supporters were seen yesterday standing around waiting to cheer up Ministers designate they support when they come out of the vetting room.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Ratio of political and career ambassadors remain unchanged—Minister

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey has revealed to Parliament that the ratio of career and political ambassadors remain the same as prevailed in the previous government.

According to the Minister career Ambassadors including three research department officers and one career Ambassador in both Geneva and Berne was seventeen (17) and non-career  was thirty-seven (37) summing up to fifty-four (54).

The ration for non-career Ambassadors was two third whiles the career Ambassador was one third. In percentage terms, it was 68.5% for non-career Ambassador and career Ambassador 31.48 in February 2019.

She further told the House that in December 2013 non-career Ambassadors were thirty-three with a ratio of   two thirds making sixty-six percent.

“Mr. Speaker career Ambassadors and high commissioners inclusive of three research department officers and one career Ambassador for both Geneva and Berne missions bring the total number to fifty and in percentage wise hundred percent”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Late Ellembele MPs family calls on Speaker of Parliament

The family of the late former Member of Parliament for Ellembele, Lee Ocran had called on the Speaker of Parliament Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye.

Member of Parliament for Ellembele,  Kofi Amarh Buah led a delegation from the family of the late MP to pay a courtesy call on the Speaker and informed him formally of the arrangements made for the burial.

He was accompanied, by the former Attorney General and Minister of Justice Betty M. Iddrisu and three family members.

The Ellembele lawmaker thanked the Speaker of the House for the delegation from Parliament that came to observe the one week of the late Lee Ocran.

He further pointed out to the Speaker that on 12th of April this year there would be wake-keeping, followed by burial on Saturday the 13th of April and 14th thanks giving service.

Speaker Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye indicated to the family that the House learnt about the passing away of the late MP with shock. And further pointed out that, a letter has been forwarded to the chief of staff, for the state to give the late MP a state burial, as he served in a number of capacities.

“He served in the Executive and the diplomatic area as well, it is just unfortunate that he passed away untimeously, those matters are beyond human control”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Hohoe MP calls for maintenance of Job 600 lift

Member of Parliament (MP) for Hohoe, Dr. Bernice Adiku Heloo has revealed that lawmakers lift at job 600 has become a death trap in recent times.

According to the Hohoe lawmaker on Tuesday this week, doors to the lift would not close, when it does it is worm in the lift and the lights are not functioning in the lift.

“When you are in the lift and the lights go off anything can happen”, she lamented in an interview.

A two day monitoring done by ghanamps.com revealed that some staff members of Parliament particularly females are not happy with the development as some complained that they got stuck in the lift.

Whiles others complained that it took quite a long time for those who are supposed to be working on the spoilt lift to do so.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Furniture in MPs offices are so disgusting—Dr Bernice Heloo

Member of Parliament (MP) for Hohoe, Dr. Bernice Adiku Heloo is lamenting over the poor nature of furniture in the offices of lawmaker in Ghana’s Parliament.

According to the Hohoe legislator, the furniture in the offices are very, “disgusting” as majority of them had peeled off and do not look good.

“The arm chairs in my office, I feel shy when I receive visitors in my office and this is going to be one of the crusade I would wage for it to be changed to uplift the image of Parliament”, she said in an interview.

Visit by Ghanamps.com to most offices of lawmakers on both the Majority and Minority offices confirm the bad nature of arm chairs.

In a related development, the open space left unattended to due to the fire that guttered the tenth floor of the East wing of job 600 which has offices of MPs had been covered.

It took the effort of the Hohoe lawmaker to draw the attention of the Majority Leader Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu several times before this was addressed.

“The morning I wanted to fill a question, I said let me go and check if it is done, I got there and I notice I has been done”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

I am prepared for today’s vetting of nominees —Hohoe MP

A member of the Appointment Committee and Member of Parliament for Hohoe Dr. Bernice Adiku Heloo has said she is prepared for today’s proceedings of the committee to vet Ministers designate.

According to the Hohoe lawmaker she is putting her thought together as it is always good to plan ahead and ask questions that would bring the value and insight of the nominee.

On the criticism of members of the general public that probing and critical questions are not asked, she noted that they have been doing their best.

“What I realize is that some of the nominees do not get the trend of questions, so they kind of water it down, it all depends on the nominee, if the person is professionally ready for the job, you realize that the question and thought go in the same direction you get something professional for the nominee”.

She further pointed out that, “if you notice that the nominee does not want to go the level you want to take the person, there is no point taking the person there”.

“We do our best, we all have our strengthen on the committee, for me I want to ask the technical questions, some want to look at political issues, other back ground and may be something the person might have said years it would come out during the vetting”.

Again I would want to look at the capability and the technical knowledge and the challenge, also if the person is a Deputy Minister nominee, his or hers is to wait to be given job description by the Minister.

Those now going to the Ministry cannot give you details of what is happening at the Ministries since they are now going there.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Appointment committee to consider 19 nominees

Appointment committee of Parliament would today start the vetting of nineteen nominees of Ministers and Deputy Ministers designate from, Thursday 14th to 20th Wednesday of March 2019.

The committee would sit at committee room 1 and 2 in the new administration block at the premises of Parliament House.

First batch of nominees to be considered are Kwabena Okyere Darko-Mensah Minister designate for the Western Region, Solomon Namliit Boar Minister designate for North East, Kofi Amoakohene Minister designate for Bono East and Kingsley Aboagye Gyedu Minister designate for Western North Region.

Next batch to go before the Appointment Committee on Friday are, Kwasi Owusu Yeboah Minister designate to the Oti Region, Barbara Oteng Gyasi Minister designate for Tourism Arts and Culture, Evelyn Ama Kumi Richardson Minister designate to the Bono Region, Dr. Hafiz Bin Salih Minister designate for Upper West Region.

Meanwhile the Public Account Committee would move to the seven floor East wing to continue with its public hearing on Auditor General’s report on the year ended 2016 on various Ministries Departments and Agencies of government.

PAC was using either room 1 or 2 but had to move to the Seventh floor of Job 600, due to the fact that the Appointment Committee would start its public hearing today.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com