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Deputy Speaker urges Juaben SHS to qualify for NSMQ finals

The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Joseph Osei-Owusu has challenged his former school Juaben Senior High School to endeavor to advance to the finals of the National Science and Maths quiz (NSMQ) competition.

According to Mr Osei-Owusu who is also the Member of Parliament for Bekwai, it is the performance of students which makes their schools famous and not just the name of the schools.

He made the call when a section of the students visited Parliament called on him. He promised to take up the cost of the school if they qualify for the finals of the NSMQ in the schools debate.

Mr. Osei-Owusu urged the management of the school to furnish his office with the total budget of what it would take for the school to achieve the set target.

The Bekwai lawmaker said the time has come for the school that produce the likes of him and the Member of Parliament for Adansi Asokwa, K. T. Hammond to be counted among the best in the country hence his call.

He urged the students to avail themselves to the opportunities that teachers offer them and make maximum use of the little resources at their disposal.

And further, encouraged the students to cultivate the habit of reading novels and story books irrespective of their courses at all times, “every knowledge you seek is in the book and would help you attain your life goals”, he added.

The first Deputy Speaker used the opportunity to educate the students about parliamentary proceedings and the oversight functions of the legislature. Parliament, he said, is a platform for debating all national issues and not just lawmaking.

The visiting students accepted the challenge posed by the first Deputy Speaker and assured him of working hard towards achieving the set goal.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

EC to brief Parliament on preparedness ahead of referendum

The upcoming referendum on December 17, 2019 would determine whether Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief (MMDCEs) should be elected or not.

Member of Parliament for Tamale Central and Ranking member on Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Inusah Fuseini is advocating that the House invites the Electoral Commission to brief it on their preparedness ahead of the referendum.

He raised the issue on the floor of the House on Friday November 8, 2019 when the Business Statement was presented on the floor of the House by the Majority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu.

“MPs as citizens of Ghana need to know about preparedness of the EC for this exercise, again when the EC receives the result it would be forwarded to the House”.

Mr. Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu on his part noted that the demand made by the Tamale Central MP is legitimate and the issue came up at the Business Committee meeting, but “we did not know if this was the proper week to invite the EC”.

He added that all the same since the issue has come up on the floor of the House, the issue would be taken up for the EC to be invited to the House.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

.Nigeria boarder closure: “Ghana should re-examine its interest”—Wa C. MP

In the wake of the brouhaha surrounding the closure of the Nigerian boarder to protect the country against banned goods entering its country, Member of Parliament for Wa Central Dr. Rashid Pelpuo contributing to a statement on the floor of the House noted that Ghana should start re-examining what would be in its interest as Nigeria is doing.

According to the Wa Central lawmaker, in 2004 Ghana banned rice importation but pressure was brought on her to reverse its decision in 2006.

He lamented over the conduct of Nigeria despite being part of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and not following the protocol of the sub-region, saying “Ghana would have to take a second look if we should not take such a decision”.

Dr. Pelpuo added that it would protect the interest of Ghana to improve trade in the private sector and boost revenue and advice Ghana to start early to consider such steps.

And further lamented over the action taken by Nigeria and pointed out that it would affect most of the countries in the West African sub-region that do business with Nigeria since their trade is informal.

On a smaller scale there is movement of goods and services across the border with Nigeria in a manner that is not very much regulated, Benin has fifty percent of its informal trade with Nigeria, and this is causing pain.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Finance Minister to present 2020 economic policy tomorrow

Parliament has fixed Wednesday November 13, 2019 for the Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta to present the Economic Policy of Government for next year to the House.

Ghanamps.com interaction with Members of Parliament from the Majority side disclosed they are hopeful and confidence the budget would introduce measures to improve the lives of Ghanaians.

Whiles interactions with Minority Members are of the view that Ghanaians should not expect anything new since there are tougher times ahead.

Most of the radio stations and television stations would be hosting their morning shows within the premises of Parliament tomorrow. First to pitch camp at the entrance leading to the chamber is TV3.

However signals picked by Ghanamps.com revealed that the Public Affairs of Parliament would this time around go tough on media houses that would want to have their morning show done in Parliament without going through the proper channel by writing to it.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

N. Dayi MP settles bills of patients at Anfoega Catholic Hospital

Member of Parliament for North Dayi, Joycelyn Tetteh on Thursday November 7, 2019 paid off bills for patients at the Anfoega Catholic Hospital who had been discharged for weeks and months but could not afford to settle their bills.

The MP came to the aid of the patience whose economic conditions could not allow them settle their bills at the hospital.

The Lawmaker made the intervention when she honored an invitation to join the hospital celebrates its 60th anniversary.

Miss Tetteh in her message congratulated the hospital for the crucial service it had offered the people for over six decades and their commitment to improve their services in the years ahead.
“I have no doubt the hospital will deliver as the people also have so much trust in the quality of the personnel”.

She further gave assurance that as a legislator, she would continue to diligently discharge her duties as their representative, influence positive changes of progressive development in the constituency even as she is not a development officer.

In addition, she reiterated the commitment of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in ensuring the health sector is expanded when it returns to power come 2021.

“We have already begun the rescue mission to save Ghanaians from the challenging times confronting them”, and requested that prayer be offered for the entire medical staff of the Anfoega Catholic Hospital. She also admonished the staffs to continue being tolerant and professional in the discharge of their duties towards patients.

The MP assured the hospital that it would not be the last they would be seeing of her as she hopes to do great things once the will and the ability is there.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Majority Leader laments over non-submission of reports

Leader of Government Business, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu is lamenting over delays in the submission of committee reports to the floor of the House for discussion.

He was not happy the reports unnecessary delay at the various committee levels and do not find their ways to the floor on time.

He listed sixteen reports before the Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee, budget performance report office of the Attorney General, Annual Report on the presidential office staff, passive settlement for international dispute report, and performance of the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs report for the year 2018 among others.

At the Finance Committee, we have exemption Bills before them, annual report of the energy sector levy, conduct of the mandate of the Bank of Ghana review 2016, and in all there are twenty-eight referrals before the Finance committee.

According to him, he was going through the list because often times they have to adjourn early in the day because the committee’s reports are not ready, and it makes it appear as if there is nothing for Parliament to do.

Committee on Education has ten referrals before them, some are Ghana Agency Book Development Bill, Education Regulatory Service Bill among others. Committee on Roads and Transport has eight reports before it.

“Mr. Speaker the House cannot achieve much results if the committees do not bring their reports to us in the plenary”.

For three weeks in running the Leader of Government Business has been advocating for the committees to expedite work before them as the budget statement would be presented to the House and there would not be time to look a the budget carefully.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Nano foods in Nsawam to start production April 2020

Minister for Trade and Industry, Alan Kyeremantey has told Parliament Nsawam Astek Company Limited, now Nano Foods would start full operation in April 2020.

According to the Minister, a capital expenditure component of two million, six hundred and thirty-nine thousand and seven hundred and sixty Ghana cedis (GHc 2,639, 760.00) has been disbursed to the company, with the working capital component still outstanding.

The promoters had ordered a 600MT per annum pineapple processing equipment that is scheduled to arrive in January next year for installation to enable the company commence operation in April of next year.

“Mr. Speaker, Astek expressed interest to be part of the Ministry’s stimulus package programme and subsequently the one district, one factory (1D1F) initiative using its subsidiary company, Nano Foods Limited”.

Also the promoters had used part of the disbursed amount to refurbish the company’s premises at Nsawam but would require an additional amount of five hundred thousand Ghana cedis (GHc 500,000) to complete the refurbishment due to cost overrun.

This was when Member of Parliament for Nsawam-Adoagyiri Frank Annoh-Dompreh sought to know plans by the Trade Ministry to revive the Nsawam Astek Company Limited to give job opportunities to the youth of the area.

Mr. Kyeremantey further told the House the company has secured orders to export canned sliced and chunked pineapples to Spain, USA and Egypt under its new name and the company would produce and supply fresh pineapple juice.

Youths of Nsawam-Adoagyiri and its adjourning communities would get sixty (60) direct jobs and two hundred (200) indirect jobs, as the company would purchase the produce of pineapple farmers or out growers in the community to complement supply from the company’s nucleus farm.

And further pledged the Ministry’s support of incentives services earmarked for 1d1f companies and also assign a consultant to work with the business promoter to enhance operational performance for the achievement of the company’s objectives.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Aviation in Ghana—Agbodza

Ranking member on the Committee for Roads and Transport, Kwame Governs Agbodza has said the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) government led by President Nana Akufo-Addo has no master plan to grow the Aviation sector in the country.

According to the Ranking member all the current government is interested in is disintegration of Ghana Airways and the sale of its assets to themselves.

“When they came to power in 2017 they did not have any big plan, rather it was the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) that injected a lot of funds to make us a sub-regional hub of aviation”.

He further pointed out in an interview with Ghanamps.com that the previous government did not only improve on Kotoka International Airport, but additionally worked on ensuring there are domestic airports, as well as the idea of having air strips in every region in Ghana.

The Adaklu lawmaker made this remarks at the back of the Volta Regional Minister saying the completed Ho Airport had not been commissioned because, they are in negotiation with domestic airline to fly that route.

“If the contractor had been paid early and domestic private airlines engaged early enough we would not be where we are, there is more traffic going to Ho from Ho to Aflao and business persons taking VVIP bus from Kumasi to Aflao daily”.

Again, the Kumasi airport when built, similar circumstances surrounded it, but look at the number of flights now, fruitful discussions with African World Airline and Passion Air, “we would be able to get a good agreement to activate the use of Ho airport.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Saltpond District Hospital to be upgraded – Minister

Minister of Health, Kwaku Agyeman Manu has told Parliament the Mfantseman’s Saltpond District Hospital would be seeing upgrade and rehabilitation.

According to the Minister, the Ministry is prioritizing health projects, and Saltpond is earmarked to receive rehabilitation and upgrade.

This came to light when the MP Ekow Hayford wanted to know when the health centre which has a very large catchment area in terms of number of patients, will be upgraded to a polyclinic.

Mr. Agyeman Manu further pointed out that his Ministry is exploring avenues to secure funding for the earmarked rehabilitation.

“We have sent a proposal to the Finance Ministry, the approval may usually depend on the county’s borrowing capacity”, he stated.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanadistircts.com

Mahama built terminal three for Ghanaians not for politics—Ranking

Member of Parliament for Adaklu and Ranking on Road and Transport, Governs Kwame Agbodza has said President Nana Akufo-Addo has gone beyond commissioning of terminal three at the Kotoka International Airport.

According to the Ranking member of Roads and Transport the President fears the reactions of the people as he had previously said terminal three was a photo shop but he uses it on weekly bases.

He further pointed out that the previous government under the leadership of President John Mahama did not build the terminal three to score political point, but through the conviction that it would improve aviation in the country.

Again, this would give Ghana a strong position in the sub-region, improve trade and tourism and whether it is commissioned or not.

The Mahama led administration built terminal three for Ghanaians, he did not do it to take credit, and they are the right investments to improve the economy of Ghana. Ho Market has been completed but President Akufo-Addo fear the reaction of the people so he would not commission it.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com