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Edwin Snowe revives debate on closure of land borders by Nigeria and others

Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe Junior has revived the debate on the need for the Federal Republic of Nigeria to open its closed land border, as Nigeria defended its position due to smuggling of rice and ammunition to its country.

According to him, the Community Parliament should not hesitate to bring back debate in addressing this critical issue in the fifth Legislature, as this same issue came up strongly in the fourth Legislature, before COVID-19 set in for countries to close their land borders to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

 “You know for over a year now the border between Nigeria and the Benin Republic has been closed, Nigeria and Niger, I will be traveling with President Weah to Niger to attend the inauguration of the new President of Niger, the Vice President of Nigeria will be at that program, the land border is closed but he can fly in there. We need to talk about it, the border between Sierra Leone and Guinea has been  closed  Liberia and Sierra Leone; the Liberian side was officially open,  the Sierra Leone side is still closed due to COVID-19, but now we are relaxing restrictions on COVID-19”.

 In an interview, leader of the Liberian delegation to the Community Parliament argued that, the sub-region cannot be talking about regional integration and free movement of people and yet its land borders are being closed.

And added that the Community Parliament cannot run away from debating this issue, adding, there is not a successful Parliament without debate. “We should make a decision on this and it should be sent to the Authority of Heads of States and Government”.

He explained that consensus building and solidarity has been hindering debate in the Community Parliament, adding that, sometimes  not that the presiding officer is afraid of debates but he tries to reach a consensus and sometimes in reaching consensus you deviate from the debate,  even with consensus you must first debate the issues and later reach a consensus.


“The Lord want Parliament to defend the interest of Ghanaians”—Speaker

As he requested of Moses, Rt. Hon Speaker Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin says he sees the current hung Parliament as a design by the Lord for parliament to defend the interest of Ghanaians, and a lot more, to strengthen institutions, not individuals, hence the outcome of the recent elections and he emerging as a speaker of Parliament at this time. 

According to him he sees in this development a desire by the Almighty for a greater harmonization of the Ghanaian politics, a lot more collaboration and an elevated check on government in the interest of the people of Ghana, as it comes with a huge responsibility to maintain and improve on the checks and balances between the Executive and the Legislature, to hold government accountable for its decisions and actions.   

At a thanksgiving ceremony in his home village in Sombo the Upper West Region, he noted that the current development of the numbers in the House, there is the need to maintain a balance between political party interest and that of the country.

This will come with all kinds of misunderstandings and misrepresentations, at times, as you might have noticed already. He noted that he would  now refer you to Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, a French critique, and say “Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.”

Criticism is good, so feel free to criticise when the need arises, but do so by first seeking to understand the issues at stake and the developments in relation to them. This is because what meets the eye is not always what the real issue is.

“I am confident of the support of all Ghanaians as we journey along on this unchartered path that the current Parliament of Ghana represents. I am convinced that success will attend our efforts”.

I, together with the leadership of Parliament, am aware of the aspirations and expectations of the people of Ghana with respect to political conduct and governance. I am conscious of the dictates of the current and emerging issues that leadership must find solutions to on behalf of the citizenry”.

The problems of  inequality, a raging health pandemic that has become the new normal, the state of deprivation, instability in the sub-region, global problems of isolationism, civil strife, discrimination, migration challenges among others, continue to confront us all as a people.

He assured Ghanaians that, Parliament of Ghana, under his leadership, will not shirk its responsibility when it comes to these issues.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS Parliament to discuss Empowerment of Women in the sub-region

As the issue of women empowerment is placed first on the agenda of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, the first delocalised meeting would be held in the Republic of Liberia.

The joint Committees on Social Affairs, Gender and Women Empowerment/ Education Science and Culture/ Health are programmed to meet from Tuesday, April 13 to 17, 2021 on the theme, “Empowerment of Women in the ECOWAS Region”.

During the meeting, Community lawmakers would be expected to map out strategies on empowering women in the sub-region.

Meanwhile, women empowerment and gender equality concepts are important in fostering health and human development. This is achieved when both men and women enjoy the same socio-economic rights and opportunities and have equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making.

Despite its benefits, however, research on women empowerment in the West African region shows limited commitment by states towards achieving it even though at regional level, Article 63 of the ECOWAS Treaty calls for state parties to formulate policies and develop programmes which enhance women economic, social and cultural conditions.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

I decline an offer to run for Speaker of Ghana’s parliament—Haruna

Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Haruna Iddrisu has revealed for the first time that he declined an offer from his colleagues who had come to him and encouraged him to run for Speakership of the 8th Parliament for the fourth Republic.

According to him, a group of his colleagues led by Mahama Ayariga and the Minority Chief Whip, Mohamed Mubarak Muntaka came with that good intention, but without any hesitation, “I declined the bide as I knew in my heart that God would favor someone among us for that position”.

 Mr. Iddrisu further noted that in subsequent meetings of the Minority caucus, he made it clear to the group going forward that they do not have his mandate to push the Speakership agenda for him.

And in an NDC leadership meeting somewhere in the office of their 2020 flagbearer John Mahama, he mentioned that then Alban Bagbin and Asiedu Nketia were suitable for the speakership position, “before I could end Asiedu Nketia held Bagbin’s hands up for Speaker position”.

At  a thanks giving mass, held in the Upper West Region for Rt. Hon Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin, the Minority Leader noted that, God’s faith was with the speaker; “we have the 7th Speaker of the 8th Parliament not just the ordinary but the most experienced and qualified to serve as speaker”.

He pointed out that he trust he would be fair and firm as a Speaker of Ghana who would serve the people, and not any political group and added that he can only remind him of his oath he took on January 7, 2021.

 “I would do right to all manner of persons without any affection or ill will an obligation”, he himself accepted before parliament when he pledged to be neutral and impartial. I have faith in the Speaker that he would lead the reforms that this country want, particularly for parliament to make it a more responsive, accountable and transparent institution that contribute to improving the well being of quality of life of  Ghanaians.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“I am only successful as Minority Leader with the cooperation of the Majority”—Haruna

In the wake of the 8th Parliament sharing equal numerical strength 137 to 137 and the only Independent lawmaker declaring to do business with the Majority side, Minority Leader has said he can only be successful with a minimum cooperation from the Majority side.

According to him it has not been easy for either him or the Speaker Rt. Hon Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin,   to the extent that some people have questioned their integrity and reputation.

Commending the Speaker at his thanksgiving mass in the Upper West Region last week, the Tamale South lawmaker noted that the Speaker’s task is unique at the same time challenging and daunting, more especially with the Executive president coming from a different political party.

“It is only you who can help navigate Ghana through the difficult waters; cooperation and compromises would be best pursuit in the interest of Ghanaians”.

And recounted that he had had discussion with the then Second Deputy Speaker Alban Bagbin, who had registered an NGO to contribute his part to governance, but little did, “we know that God’s favor would be with you”.

Mr. Iddrisu prayed for God’s favor, good health and long life for the Rt Hon Speaker Bagbin as he serves as the Speaker of the 8th Parliament.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Government to extend FCUBE to every basic school — Minister

Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has said from next month Government would extend the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) to all basic schools in Ghana.

According to him by this development parents would not have any excuse for not taking their wards to school.

Speaking at the thanksgiving service of the Rt. Hon Speaker Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin on Thursday, April 8, 2021 in the Upper West Region, Mr. Mensah-Bonsu pointed out that, the Free Senior High School has open the frontiers for development of the Ghanaian communities, and prayed that in Parliament, the development of Ghanaians would be the preoccupation of lawmakers.

“Let us pray the president and government would focus on improving the lot of the citizens of the country. We need the development of the country in a transparent, accountable manner. Again let us pray for the Chief Justice and the judiciary that justice would always prevail in this country”.

Mr. Osei-Kyei further noted that through the collaboration of himself and the Minority Leader, government has secured a facility of two hundred and fifty million dollars to construct road from Bole to Wa.

And in the coming days the sector Minister would have some commissioning done for the first phase which is hundred and fifty million dollars.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com


ECOWAS Parliament vows to protect livelihoods of community members

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament has vowed to protect the means of livelihoods of community members.

Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament, Rt. Hon. Sidie Mohamed Tunis made this pledge in Freetown during the official closing of the just concluded 2021 First Extraordinary Session of ECOWAS Parliament.

He said that the parliamentarians will  not relent in their efforts to ensure the livelihoods of their people are protected especially, in these trying times when they are unsure of what lies ahead with so many economies facing recession, their youths battling unemployment and community children out of school.

The threat posed by Global Warming is being felt by every one of us, the rising temperature will be a harbinger of its own unique challenges and tests.

In West Africa, we are an adaptable and resilient people. But we cannot continue to rely on our ability to withstand the blows that life throws at us.

“We need to be prepared, organized, continuously engaged in working towards an integrated system that will ensure the values, freedom and rights of our Community are safeguarded”.

He further pointed out that so long as they work together, fulfilling their duties and deserve the high praise of being called a Member of the ECOWAS Parliament.

He employed the legislators to never betray the trust, serve well, lead well and represent adequately.

Earlier, the Parliament presented and adopted in plenary, the report of the standing, joint, and Ad Hoc committees and reports of Parliamentary fact-finding and oversight missions, as well as consideration and adoption of the resolution of the Freetown Parliamentary Seminar on Community Levy.

The parliament also resolved to approach the ECOWAS Court of Justice for interpretation on the continued participation of Mali MPs under the transitional Government following the military coup that displaced the democratically elected Government in the country.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Bagbin’s success as a speaker would open our frontiers of democracy —Osei-Kyei

Majority Leader, Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has said Rt. Hon. Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin’s task is a very tight rope, and how he navigates, and conducts himself is very important, and his success would open Ghana’s frontiers of democracy.

According to him more especially as a Speaker not coming from the ruling government, he needs constant directions from God which should be backed with prayers as the good books says.

The Majority Leader who led the leadership of Parliament to assist the Speaker on Thursday for his thanksgiving service in the Upper East Region added that, the road from the Speaker’s village Sombo to Accra is bumpy but he had surmounted challenges and risen to where he is now.

And further recounted that, six years ago on a parliamentary outrage programme, they heard people from the Speaker’s party had risen against him to see his back, “we had a rescue mission, today his own people are basking in the glory of Bagbin”.

Again, Parliament at that time knew he was a “rock”, someone who has dedicated his life to serving Ghana through Parliament, it is no wonder he has been chosen as a flagbearer of Parliament.

The bastion of democracy rest in Parliament and not the Executive arm of government, the Majority Leader said in his message at the thanksgiving mass of the Rt. Hon Speaker.

And highlighted the importance of education, as the reason for the Speaker to have risen through the ranks, to his current position, and added that during his time there was no Free Compulsory Basic Education.

“Speaker Bagbin was able to scale the challenges, he had to attend school thirsty and hungry during his time I understand he went through it.”

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Shiaka Sama wants more support for youth development from governments

A member of Sierra Leon’s delegation to the Community Parliament, Shiaka Musa Sama has bemoaned the support politicians and political parties give to the youth in the West African sub-region.

According to him his biggest take away from the presentation given by Dr. Siga Fatima Jagne,  Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender of the ECOWAS Commission, was her emphasis on the need for governments in the sub-region to do more to empower the youth.

Speaking in an interview at the first extraordinary session of the ECOWAS Parliament this year in Sierra Leon, he said; “The Commissioner did not say governments or politicians do not care about the youth. What she was saying is that because the youth make up the majority of our voters; because the youth are the most active voters and political parties survive because of youth, they are the most active members of all political parties; what the Commissioner was saying is that the sort of interest that youth show, the politicians are not reciprocally supporting the youth and I think I agree with her. We have a lot of youth that need empowerment, if you go to the streets now, you will see a lot of youth roaming’.

He further pointed out that there are a good number of school leavers with university requirements, but they cannot proceed with their education because of difficulties adding that there are youth who are unemployable that need skills training.

“During elections, whenever you hear about violence, about ninety percent of participants are youth and these are people who are usually used and misused by politicians”.

 They are given drugs, weapons to fight, made to beat up people, burn houses but, after elections when some of the politicians win, they abandon the youth, he emphasised.

Again, ECOWAS countries must tilt all efforts towards empowering the youth because there cannot be any two ways about it.

And advocated that for a new resolution of ECOWAS in empowering the youth which should start with mental liberation, the Independent lawmaker and added that they in the Community Parliament have started the debate.

At the ECOWAS level we have had a lot of seminars, fact-finding missions around the issues affecting the youth as challenges, so in terms of planning the ECOWAS has set the agenda.

“One big problem remain to be corruption, I know that even as it is, countries have been channeling a lot of funds on youth affairs and interventions but most of these funds are not being used for the intended purpose, so one thing that we have to fight for governments youth interventions to succeed, it is to fight corruption and make sure that monies allocated for programmes are used for the intended purposes”.


“Education would continue to be my priority area of attention”—Speaker Bagbin

Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin has said education would continue to be his priority area of attention, when he was met on arrival by a massive crowd that welcomed him on, Wednesday, March 7, 2021 when he arrived in his Upper West Region, his home town.

He told a massive crowd, mostly the youth who welcomed him that he did a menial job to support his education and that effort has enabled him to get to where he is today, and urged them to prioritize their education as it is the only way out of poverty.

And pointed out the special role of women in the country’s development and further added that there cannot be a better society without women empowerment, and promised to invest in the empowerment of women in the region and the country in general.

The Speaker and his entourage later called on the Regional Minister, where they spoke about the need to put Ghana first.

Speaker Bagbin recounted events leading to his election to the position of speaker and said the unseen hand of God was at work and that he will ensure that the interest of the country is his paramount interest.

 He added that democracy has come to help the country but not to divide, and urged all to endeavour to work in harmony for peace to reign.

The Regional Minister, after welcoming the delegation reiterated the fact that as Ghanaians, “we have a common destiny and that should be our guiding principle instead of partisan politics”.
