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President of Ghana-Ethiopia Parliamentary Association welcome delegation

President of the Ghana-Ethiopia Parliamentary Friendship Association, Dr. Emmanuel Marfo has welcomed a delegation of Ethiopian parliamentarians who are on a study tour of Ghana’s parliamentary system and called on the Speaker of the House on Wednesday, August 11, 2021.

He assured the delegation that the friendship association is doing well in Ghana, and as a Ghana -Ethiopia Friendship Association they are doing all they can to promote the relationship but for the COVID-19 pandemic, lawmakers would have visited the Ethiopian Parliament.

“We are looking forward for that opportunity, again in 2019 during your independence anniversary we had a statement on the floor of our Parliament to commemorate it, as you can see in the copy of the statement, I have handed over to you”.

Dr. Marfo recounted his association with a mate of his whiles in the Netherlands working on his doctorate, his office mate was an Ethiopian a very interesting person, that led to his love joining the Ethiopian Friendship Association base on the good relation they had.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“Our duopoly instead of mult-iparty democracy is leading to monitisaton of elections” —Speaker

Rt Hon. Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin has described the current system of having the only two major political parties in Parliament, the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) as duopoly instead of multi-party system of democracy, making it difficult for any other party to win election to form a government, or even having a representation in Parliament.

According to him the duopoly system should change, where the two bigger parties, the NPP and NDC are influencing the electorate with money to win elections, making it very difficult for the other smaller parties to do same, adding that “such monetization practices in our elections must be discouraged in order to give a fair ground to all parties”

The Rt. Hon. Speaker added that, being an opposition does not mean, you are to obstruct government business, as he the Speaker coming from the opposition Party would not engage in such a behavior or act, since all what they do in Parliament is for the interest of Ghanaians but not for their parties.


He further stated that he has assured the NPP government led by President Akufo-Addo that, he will do anything not to obstruct the business of Parliament by remaining neutral in processing government business on the floor of Parliament to a successful end.

 Speaker Bagbin made these comments when a delegation from Ethiopian Parliament paid a courtesy call on him, and Parliament of Ghana to learn how Ghana has been able to grow and maintain its democracy in order to emulate same in Ethiopia as they also hit the way of democracy.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

GHc2.47m refund: “Al Maktoum’s swift action brings closure to the matter” — Afenyo-Markin

The middle-man, Sheikh Ahmed Bin Dalmook Al Maktoum and his SL Global, that were contracted by Ghana through the Ministry of Health to procure Sputnik-V vaccines for the country to help it fight the ravaging COVID-19 pandemic, has paid an amount of GH₵2,470,000.00 into the state treasury.

The money is a refund for 280,000 non-supplied doses of the Sputnik-V vaccines.

Ghana, had through the Ministry of Health, contracted the Emerati to supply her 300,000 doses of the Russian Sputnik-V vaccine at a contract sum of US$5,700,000 at US$19.00 a dose.

The move was spurred by the difficulties in obtaining more COVID-19 vaccines having taken delivery of its first consignment of 600,000 doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines developed by the Serum Institute of India through the COVIX Facility Initiative with logistical support from UNICEF.

However, the UAE businessman and his SL Global company, wrote a letter dated March 9, 2021, to Ministry of Health to terminate the contract with the excuse that they are unable to supply the quantities of doses as agreed in the deal.

The attention of some Members of Parliament, especially, those on the Minority side, was drawn to the fact that the Ministry of Health had entered into a procurement contract for COVID-19 vaccines with the belief that some breaches were made.

Accordingly, the Minority Leader, Hon. Haruna Iddrisu, moved a Private Members Motion for the House to set up a committee to probe the matter and same was seconded by the Ranking Member of the Health Committee and MP for Juaboaso, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, on Thursday, July 8, 2021.

The motion was adopted by the House leading to the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee to investigate the Procurement contract between the Government of the Republic of Ghana and Sheikh Dalmook Al Maktoum and S. L. Global, for the supply of Sputnik-V COVID-19 Vaccines.

The Committee which was chaired by the Deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Afenyo-Markin, had held the view in its report that although the Minister of Health, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, breached the procurement processes and Article 181(5) of the constitution, he acted in good fate with clear intentions of saving lives in an emergency situation.

The Committee therefore recommended to the Ministry of Finance to contact Sheikh Al Maktoum for a refund of US$2,470,000.00 being cost of the non-supplied Sputnik-V vaccines.

Mr. Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, appearing before the Committee admitted that even though he did not seek Parliamentary approval as well as that of the Public Procurement Authority (PPA) for the said deal, he was in the process of going to Parliament to ratify the Agreement.

He had also written to the PPA to also regularize the deal.

The findings of the Committee report have led a cross section of the public to demand for the head of Mr. Agyeman-Manu.

But Mr. Agyeman-Manu, in a letter dated August 2, 2021, responding to the contract termination by the Emerati Shiekh, also requested for a refund of the money paid for the purchase of the Sputnik-V vaccines, excluding the already supplied 20,000 doses.

Ghana had made an advance payment of 50% (US$2,850,000.00) of the total contract sum of US$5,700,000.00 for the purchase of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Following from the Minister’s letter, the Emerati in a letter dated August 5, 2021, acknowledged receipt of the Ministry of Health’s letter and requested that the Ghanaian officials share with them bank details where the refund needs to be processed.

The request was duly complied with by the Ministry of Health.

On August 11, 2021, the Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum and his SL Global company again wrote to the Ministry of Health, announcing a refund into Ghana’s treasury, an amount of US$2,470,000.00, representing 280,000 non-supplied doses of the Sputnik-V vaccines.

“The requested amount of Two Million, Four Hundred and Seventy Thousand United States Dollars (US$2,470,000) has already been refunded to the designated bank account, as communicated by you”, the letter from the Emerati in part read.

The Deputy Majority Leader of the Parliament of Ghana, Alexander Afenyo-Markin, commenting on the development on Accra-based Oman FM, confirmed receipt of the refund payment of the non-supplied doses of the Sputnik-V vaccines.

He said Mr. Agyeman-Manu, all along, was candid in his responses, when he appeared before the Committee, having entered into an agreement with a genuine businessman.

According to Afenyo-Markin, who is also the New Patriotic Party (NPP) MP for Effutu, the refund of US$2,470,000 brings closure to the matter since there was no financial loss, believing that those calling for the head of the Minister of Health will now have a change of mind.

“As we speak today, H. H. Sheikh Al Maktoum has refunded the money in full. So, no financial loss was incurred”, he noted.


Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament laments over non-compliance of court rulings

Speaker of the Community Parliament Rt. Hon Sidie Mohammed Tunis has lamented over none compliance with the ruling of the ECOWAS Court of Justice by the sub regional member states and other major actors within the region.

According to him respect of the rule of law is part of the total compliance with the court judgement as is an integral part and a major symbol of democracy, when he opened a five days delocalised meeting in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire on Tuesday, August 10, 2021.

He insisted that “It is a major pilar of measuring how matured a community’s democracy is; courts are the last hope of the common man on the streets, and ECOWAS cannot afford to establish a Community Court after having adopted all legal instruments to that effect only for its member states to continue to disrespect its judgements with impunity”.

He added that, “I believe we are a more serious people and can do much better than that. I call on all Attorney Generals in all member states to as a matter of grave concern, not only to our people, but to the International Community, urgently organise a special meeting to address this ugly trend”.

Again, all laws must be obeyed and all court rulings must be adhered to as failure to do so has the propensity of drifting any society into anarchy, the Parliament is gravely concerned about the subject matter, he added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS Parliament starts five days joint Committee delocalised meeting today

The Community Parliament’s joint Committee on Energy and Mines, Industry and Private sector, Agricultures Environment and Natural Resources and Infrastructure would today start a five days delocalized meeting in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.

It is on the theme, “Ensuring energy efficiency in West Africa with emphasis on, active involvement of the private sector and citizens participation”.

The objective of the meeting is to keep the sub-regional lawmakers informed on the Community’s action in terms of energy efficiency and in context of the persistence of the COVID-19 pandemic, where expects in the industry would take MPs through relevant topics related to energy efficiency in the sub-region.

A statement from the Communications division of the sub-regional parliament pointed out that, in view of its responsibility in decision-making process of the Community, the parliament has become aware of the challenges linked to the energy performance of the region.

Future of energy in West Africa would have to be given pride of place to innovation, and the participation is essential for the social acceptance of the necessary transformation and involvement of the people in the implementation of the Community projects in the field of energy.


Continues closure of land borders is a headache — Evalue Ajomoro Gwira

Member of Parliament for Evalue Ajomoro Gwira Arko Kofi Nokoe, has said Ghana’s continues closure of its land borders particularly with La Cote d’ lvoire is really troubling.

According to him sixty-five (65) percent of Nzema indigens are across the border in La Cote d’Ivoire and the boarder is the heart beat of the Nzema land.

He said they trade, and transact other businesses with their Ivorian counterparts, but “now activities in Nzema land is dead, people are struggling in this COVID-19 era”.

In an interview, he pointed out that people who patronized hotels in the Nzema land are no longer coming in and her colleague the MP for Jomoro made a statement on the floor of the House, pointing out that people are committing suicide.

“It’s a fact, and we are appealing to the President to open the border. Its closure has become a headache, when the boarder is opened the COVID-19 protocols would be followed, people have to work and eat as COVID-19 has come to stay with us”, he stated

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com


Nzema Tourist Board: “It is a long-awaited initiative” —Kofi Nokoe

As the three lawmakers from the Nzema land deliberate on showing to the world the vast tourist attraction that abound in their enclave, Member of Parliament for Evalue Ajomoro Gwira Arko Kofi Nokoe has noted that the idea of getting Nzema tourist board, an initiative by the Ellembelle, Jomoro MPs and himself is a long-awaited one.

 “We believe that this is best time for Nzema people to get what they have been waiting for, for so long when it comes to tourism project the only known tourist attraction place in Nzema land is Nzulezu”.

He noted in an interview that in his constituency, one would be dazzled when he points out the tourist attractions which are not talked about, not to mention the Jomoro Ankasa Forest. “I have ten different places in my constituency that you would visit and be dazzled”.

And further disclosed that the three MPs from Nzema land are planning to put in place strategic launch of their tourist potentials that would bring people together and create jobs to the teaming youth, and the support from the three MPs is going to make it a big thing.

  Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

PAC to carry out public hearing in the regions by the end of month —Vice-chair

Public Account Committee (PAC) of parliament is to start public hearing in the various regions as part of dealing with the Auditor-Generals audited report for December 31, 2018 to 2019.

Vice chairman of the PAC Dr. Samuel Atta Mills in an interview noted that by the end of August 2021, the Committee would be traveling to Tamale, Kumasi, Takoradi, Ho and round the country to do more of the audit.

“We would move to ensure that we conduct our exercise, there are several reports that we have to look at, similar to those ones we have gone through before the House goes on recess”.

In an interview he pointed out that pre-university reports would be looked into and they are in the process of writing letters to all auditees and “we would look at 2018 to 2019 reports”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu elected as acting vice-chairperson of CPA

Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has been elected acting vice-chairperson of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA).

Mr. Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonus from CPA Ghana branch polled 16 votes whiles the other contender from CPA New Zealand branch, Gerry Brownlee polled 6 votes.

The voting of CPA acting vice-chairperson was undertaken in accordance with Article 21(6) of their constitution which allows election of acting vice-chairperson in the absence of a formal meeting.

An election to determine a successful candidate with a simple majority vote would take place by an email ballot of the Executive Committee members.

In a statement by the Secretary-General of CPA Stephen Twigg noted that, they are looking forward to welcoming Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu to their upcoming Executive Committee meeting which would take place in September 27-30, 2021.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Minority pushes for the resignation of health minister over Sputnik-V vaccines contract

The Minority in parliament has called for the removal of the health minister, Mr. Agyeman Manu from his position.

Discussing the report of the ad hoc committee set up to investigate the procurement contract between the government of the Republic of Ghana and his Highness Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum and S.L Global for the supply of Sputnik-V COVID-19 Vaccines, the Minority Chief Whip, Mohammed Muntaka said the adverse findings by the committee on the actions of the minister is enough grounds to relieve him from his role as the health minister.

He said the minister betrayed the oath of his office, and has also failed to uphold the constitution and the laws of the country, and recommended that the minister should be sanctioned. “For me, I must say the Minster must be sanctioned, the minister must be removed by the president, he does not fit to occupy this office anymore.”

The Minority Chief Whip, in order with Order 78 (d) and Order 83, beg and move an amendment to the report of the committee to on paragraph 12.5 to include that “the minister not having lived up to the oath of his office, he is not fit to occupy the office of the minister of state, and must therefore be removed from office henceforth failing which this House must pass a vote of censure on the minister.

He served notice that the Minority side is calling for a vote of no confidence on the minister, “having betrayed the trust that the people of this country mandated him with, having broken the constitution of our country, having broken the laws of our country, the minister of health does not fit for his office”, he stated.
