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Ghana has not carried out any death penalty since 1992”—Francis Sosu

Member of Parliament for Madina, Francis Xavier Sosu said Ghana has not executed anybody under the death penalty under the 1992 fourth Republican Constitution despite having it on its status books for a very long time. According to him amendments to the introduction of the legislation are meant to cure mischief that may occur in its applications.

“I do not think we would want to wait until a particular president comes and his interest is that I want execution, so anybody on death role just bring that person for it to be carried before we wake up as a nation to that reality that so long as it remains on our statuary books the potential of getting people killed still remains”, he asserted.

He noted that research carried out point to the fact that, when a person is convicted of murder or sentenced to death, they are not treated as person who has life, and if one is sentenced to life in prison there are some privileges one has.

But if one is on death role they are kept in the condemned cells where you have limited access to light. The conclusion of being on death role and not being executed amounts to some violation of rights; it is well grounded both in, “our laws and international laws. The challenge over the years is for the abolishing of death penalty in our constitution”.
Again, he pointed out that the clause is an entrenched provision and would require referendum, adding that over the years, there have been challenges trying to get around that. Amnesty International and several CSOs who have been trying to work around that have done multiple stakeholders engagement that led to discovering the new path which is to amend the criminal and other offences Act.

He made this remarks on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 when a United Kingdom (UK) based organization, Death Penalty Project led by its Executive Director Saul Lehrfreund with his team called on Ghana’s Parliament to off support in this direction since they have been working in this field. “Our research shows that if we were able to do that, we would achieve 95 percent abolishing death penalty, and even if we would retain death penalty in the constitution, it would be for treason and high treason”.

A memorandum was introduced, a draft has been done, it has gone through various processes of consultations, it has been gazetted and they are seeking the blessing of leadership so that hopefully next week it can be captured in the business statement and could be read for the first time and referred to the committee on Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs. With that the committee properly takes charge of the bill, he stated.

He further pointed out that as part of their work, they would visit Nsawam prisons and engage with all people who would have interest in the matter after which there would be clause by clause consideration and referred it back to the plenary.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Amendment of Capital Punishment: “Ghanaians are willing to be part of the international community”— First Deputy Speaker

Following efforts to amend existing laws to get capital punishment off the laws of Ghana, First Deputy Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, Joseph Osei-Owusu has pointed out that Ghana is willing to be part of the international community in this regard by amending its law. According to him Ghana’s Parliament and Ghanaians will be guided in the course of this journey more especially by Ghana’s culture and history; saying “we will listen to the voice of our people as we go out on this matter”.

Mr. Osei-Owusu pointed out that in the second Parliament of the fourth Republic, he recall the Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee when a group came and they met with the Committee and they had a long discussion about amending the law but no action was taken on the discussion.
He was frank to point out that he has not seen the bill on the amendment on capital punishment, but has taken note that it was gazette three weeks ago, and he would take time to look at it. The First Deputy Speaker made this remarks on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 when a United Kingdom (UK) based organisation – Death Penalty Project led by its Executive Director Saul Lehrfreund with his team called on the Rt. Hon Alban Kingsford Bagbin, who is out of the country and was received by his Deputy Joseph Osei-Owusu.

Welcoming the delegation, the First Deputy Speaker noted that capital punishment has been part of Ghana’s laws since the 1960s and recounted that there has been some few changes, and as a student under the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC) there was an amendment. “The law states that you should be sentenced to death by hanging; an amendment came that the judges should just leave it for government to determine how they would carry that out. In that particular instance there was a gentleman who had angered the whole country when he murdered his girlfriend, a medical student in the 1980s”.

Again, the anger in the country then was high when he was convicted, the hanging had been stopped. He noted that from 1965 no more handing had been carried out, so when people are sentenced to death they were allowed to stay in prison for a while and committed to life sentence over a period about thirty to thirty-five years. And you would be there and nobody would recognize you, “but on that particular incident the anger of the country was so high that the gentleman who murdered the girlfriend was taken out of prison and shot”, he recounted.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

We will support Ghana to reject capital punishment —Lehrfreund

The Executive Director of The Death Penalty Project, a United Kingdom based organisation, Saul Lehrfreund, has pledged to assist Ghana’s Parliament to take death penalty off its statutory book when he led a delegation to call on the First Deputy Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, Joseph Osei-Owusu on Tuesday, July 19, 2022.
According to him they had worked on Sierra Leone’s death penalty issues which were taken off their statutory books, and he was happy there are two private members bill to take off death penalty for ordinary offences. “We are delighted to learn this morning that those bills were gazetted on June 22, 2022 and the passage of legislation is now underway in Ghana. We are here to assist the process and give advice and answer any questions from our collective experience and years of working in this field”.

He further added that Ghana would join the majority of the world who has rejected capital punishment as an abuse of human right indicating that there are one hundred and twenty (120) countries globally who have rejected death penalty with just few countries left to do so.

Last year eighteen (18) countries around the world carried out judicial executions, and a vast majority of those executions were carried out in four (4) countries through death penalty, and majority of nations in the world who respect rule of law and human rights find the death penalty basically incompatible especially all democratic nations, he stated.

Mr. Saul Lehrfreund called on the First Deputy Speaker with Carulyn Hollhe from the Oxford University, Meg Govld, Death Penalty Project, Abdul-Razak Yakubu British High Commission and Hannah Crothers Australian High Commission.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Don’t demonize the NIA – Dompreh cautions Minority

The Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annoh Dompreh has called for constructive criticism of the National Identification Authority as it remains an important national institution. Mr. Dompreh asked his colleagues in the Minority to cease the attack on the National Identification Authority (NIA) as this tends to demonize the authority.

Addressing the parliamentary press corps after the NIA officials briefed parliament on the floor on Thursday July 14, 2022, he indicated that the NIA is an important national institution and if care is not taken people would begin to see officials from the authority with a certain kind of impression when they visit the various district and communities.

“We know the path they have traversed, I can personally testify the number of times I have been to the NIA and at a point in time they could not boost of even one desktop, but today they are well resourced with computers”. He added that government has frequently and consistently being supporting the NIA with budgetary contributions, “So I’m saying simply that we should be careful not to demonize the NIA”.

According to him, he is surprised at how his colleagues from the Minority are alarmed and speaking as if the NIA has committed a crime, but noted that where there are concerns, they should be raised but there should be some moderation because we know where the NIA is coming from, and stated that most of the things are normal institutional challenges that the NIA is facing.

He said the NDC had the opportunity to sanitize the NIA and take it to the height they are desirous of but they failed to do it. “You failed at one breath, just bring the NIA any budgetary support to the NIA they couldn’t do it; they should stop pretending, they should be measured in their criticism of the NIA”, he stated.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

NIA and EC bosses are doing the bidding of NPP – Agbodza

Mr Kwame Agbodza, the Member of Parliament for Adaklu, has accused the bosses of the National Identification Authority (NIA), and the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), Jean Mensah of doing the bidding of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP). Mr Agbodza in a spirited rebuttal to Mr. Annoh Dompreh, the Majority Chief Whip’s call for the Minority not to demonize the NIA and to be measured in their criticism of the institution said their questions to the NIA are justified and aimed at helping the NIA to serve the people better.

Mr. Agbodza said though he agreed that we should have a Ghana Card, but trying to make it compulsory for every transaction is problematic. “Today somebody is lying at the hospital, he is sick, he needs access to his money to buy drugs, a draconian declaration that if you don’t have Ghana Card you can’t have access to your money; this is a mindless way of doing things. It is better we get angry and correct things now”, he asserted.

He said the NPP deliberately does not want NIA to have the resources to register illegible people; “this government has gotten money to pay 200 million Ghana cedis to dig a hole beside parliament to call it a cathedral, building of a cathedral and having a peaceful election which one is more important to Ghana?”

He accused the government of recruiting its party members into the NIA to achieve an agenda for its parochial interest. “The recruitment of the NIA was done through the party” and states that in the Adaklu District, the NIA district director was initially the constituency youth organizer of the NPP, “currently we’re told is the brother of a youth organizer from Asuogyaman District in the Eastern Region”.

According to him, in the 2021 census result from Adaklu, there are about 38,000 people captured with about 25,000 people being fifteen years and above, and are eligible to be registered under the NIA. But so far only about 3,200 have been registered; “so Jean Mensah is trying to tell me that whenever she does her register only 3,200 people in Adaklu would qualify to vote? He queried.

He said it is time somebody calls Jean Mensah to order, because she is dragging this country to chaos. “We have the opportunity to call her to order; “I’m saying that my brother the Majority Chief Whip says that we’re trying to create a bad blood between or demonize NIA. No, it is not the fault of NIA. In fact much of the NIA staff are NPP card bearing members , so if somebody is demonizing anything which is the action we’re taking, is to make sure that this deliberate action by the NPP is corrected.

“You cannot register only about 3,000 people in Adaklu, and even out of that about 1000 people haven’t gotten their card yet”. He disclosed that there are places in Adaklu that one cannot generate digital address, yet the NIA is demanding that to register for the Ghana Card the person should bring digital address; “are they supposed to conjure it? He queried. He said the NIA card cannot be the only basis for this exercise yet, “because majority of people have been denied.”

He noted that he had a situation where he had to bus people from Adaklu to Adaklu Waya to go and register for the Ghana Card, and even that many of those who registered still don’t have their cards. He also queried if there is anybody in this country who doesn’t know that the NIA, the boss and everybody there are doing the bidding of the NPP, “they say it the way it is”. Who doesn’t know that Jean Mensah is an appendage of the NPP?” “Well we can pretend that we don’t know what is going on”.

He bemoaned the GHC250 being charged for registering for the Ghana Card in Accra for those who can afford it; stating that that amount is out of reach for his people in Adaklu, and lament that it is not as if Ghana cannot procure the card and make it easy for people to register, “it is deliberately made such that ordinary people can’t register and NPP would be in control of who actually gets registered so that if they say that the new voter registration is only for people who have now attained age 18 and above, it would only be their people that would register”.

The NIA was in parliament on Thursday, July 14, 2022 to brief the House and the minority raised a lot of issues concerning the operations of institution. But the Majority Chief Whip thought the actions of the Minority amount to demonizing the NIA and called for constructive criticism since the NIA has come a long way, and remains an important institution to the state.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

“Ghana card registration has no deadline” — NIA

Acting Head of Corporate Affairs, of the National Identification Authority (NIA) Dr. Abudu Abdul Ganiyu has clarified that registration for the Ghana has no deadline as a section of Ghanaians perceive.

According to him they are an identity management organization, and theirs is to continue to build the data base for Ghanaians with the card, so that continuously Ghanaians would be using the Ghana card for the various services and institutions that need them.

And as the law requires various institutions want to rely on the Ghana card; and those institutions with their mandates can give deadlines, but as far as Ghana card is concerned, “you can wake up any day any time get to our regional or district offices and get registered for your card; no one is going to tell you registration is over”.

According to him, the best practice all over the world is to get eighty (80) percent of your national population on the nation identity register, otherwise it cannot be used for any purpose; it would mean that majority of the people would be cut out. And the reason why we embark on a mass registration system, so that they would successfully build that data base from the start, he added.

“We have gone through all the regions of our country, we even conducted a mop up exercise, we have more than 80 percent of Ghanaians who are 15 years and above on the register; for persons who have not registered, the opportunity has been given them to go to our 292 operational offices”.

Dr. Abudu Abdul in his engagement with members of the Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC) not that their challenge has been budgetary constraints and they are to come out with road map of registering Ghanaians who are zero to 14; “the modalities for that particular registration would be different from the adult population; they may be issued a card that is different from what we have given to the adult.

The NIA officials were in Parliament on Thursday, July 15, 2022 to brief Parliament on their operations, as members of Parliament pointed out the challenges being witnessed in their constituencies. And it’s the third time that the NIA has appeared before parliament Dr. Abudu Abdul noted, Some MPs have been concerned with the challenges that people face when they want to obtain their cards, “what we have done today is to attempt to address most of those questions, deal with the challenges and provide a clear indications of what they are going to do to ensure every Ghanaian is able to register for the card”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Ending Military Coup: “President Umaro would bring something new”—Senator Snowe

As military coup in the West African sub-region is becoming the order of the day, Chairman of the Community’s Parliament Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe J. believes the election of the Guinea Bissau President as chair of the Authority of Heads of States and Government, he would bring something new on board.

According to him Guinea Bissau is not an easy area, it’s a tough terrain President Umaro Embalo has survived the tough terrain and the attempted coup with the experience gather over the years and what he has done at his own level in terms of security, “that would transcend into  the governance of ECOWAS”.

In an interview he noted that, “I am sure we can learn a lot from them (Guinea Bissau) as we are lucky to have countries like,   Nigeria,  Ghana,  Senegal and Ivory Cost that have rich experience  that have agreed and are willing  to continue giving its technical know-how and security support to the function of the Community”.

As to how Guinea Bissau emerged as the chair of the Authority of Heads of States and Government, he noted that it is politics and he was privileged to attend the Council of Ministers meeting and follow their debate.

And briefed President of Liberia when he arrived in Ghana to participate in the Summit, he was very supportive of Guinea Bissau chairing ECOWAS and   President Umaro Embalo has a small network despite the old order may not have been in support of it.

“It is politics, negotiation, and lobbying and being able to convince your colleagues; and I think in ECOWAS, no country should be seen as small or weak; we should be able to empower member states since we are Community”.

Senator Snowe J. further pointed out that he is happy that, Guinea has emerged as head of Authority of Head of States, whiles Gambia has also taken up the chair of the Commission indicating that it is a new day in the dispensation of our political family; and congratulation to them.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Speaker directs investigation into Buffer Stock Company and School Feeding Program

The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban Bagbin has directed investigations into the activities of the National Food Buffer Stock Company, and The Ghana School Feeding Program following a matter of concern and of public interest as brought to his attention in the aftermath of the caterers of the School Feeding Programme’s recent protest and strike action.

The Speaker in his official communication to the Members of Parliament on Tuesday July 12, 2022 directs five Committees including;
1. Education
2. Gender, Children and Social Protection
3. Health
4. Food and Agriculture, and
5. Finance to jointly carry out the task and report to parliament findings and recommendations on the feasibility, sustainability of the two programs before the end of October this year.

Throwing light on the two institutions, the Speaker indicated that the caterers, who ceased operations in May of this year, are requesting that their grants be increased from 0.97 pesewas to GHC3.00 per child per meal. A number of them have also threatened to terminate their contracts entirely due to months of non-payment of arrears by the government. “I am aware of the extent to which the non-payment of these arrears is affecting school enrolment and attendance, particularly in rural communities”.
He further stated that the School Feeding Programme provides great potential to accelerate the nation’s progress towards the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on hunger, poverty and malnutrition. It is therefore critical that we address issues affecting the efficient implementation of the program as matters of national priority, whilst instituting realistic and sustainable measures to avert a possible recurrence in the future of the situation we find ourselves in today.

He said his visit to the two institutions as recent as 23rd of June 2022, as part of Parliament’s oversight responsibility gave him some insight into the happenings in these institutions. At the National Food Buffer Stock Company, the Chief Executive Officer, Alhaji Hannan Abdul Wahab, highlighted the company’s challenges in areas such as stocking for government use, recent price increases in food items, which have stalled the government’s initiative to roll out plans for price stabilization of goods and services, and the inability of the Company to stock at the peak of harvest, among others. He was also not happy the viability and efficacy of such laudable program are being affected by lack of funding, thus compelling management to assess funding from commercial sources such as ADB Ltd.

The National Coordinator of the Ghana School Feeding Program, Mrs Gertrude Quashigah bemoaned the Ministry of Finance’s inability to pay the caterers on time, but forcefully insisted that the information in the public domain about the non-payment of caterers for a period of time was not accurate. “Indeed, in 2021, SEND GHANA monitored the GSFP, focusing on the tendering and procurement process of services and caterers. According to the survey, when it comes to challenges faced by caterers, the overwhelming majority cited persistent payment delays and inadequate grant value as major factors undermining the delivery of quality of service to the school children. The evidence of the presence and domination of party apparatchiks getting favors as caterers is overwhelming”.

This information, he noted contradicts the information given by the National Coordinator of the Ghana School Feeding Program. This is unfortunate and unacceptable. “Let me also state that there exist obvious gaps between what the National Food Buffer Stock Company claim to supply and the realities that are unfolding in the education sector, particularly in relation to Senior High Schools. The response to a July 7, 2022 publication by the Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools (CHASS) in the Upper West Region, complained about the National Food Buffer Stock Company’s refusal to supply food items to Senior High Schools. I am aware that other regions face similar, if not worse, challenges”.

The Speaker said the situation is a “NO NO for a country that claims to prioritise human capacity development” And emphasised that the lives and proper development of these vulnerable and defenceless children are critical to the future of this country, and “we cannot stand by and do nothing as things deteriorate. We must be able to oversee government to set the priorities of this country right. Let it not be said that we are part of the generation of leaders who supported this indecisiveness in standing for the protection and development of the child. If we are committed to dispelling this notion, the counter-narrative to this must begin with us”, he emphasized.


Mid-Year budget to be delivered on July 25, 2022

The finance Ministry is seeking for the Mid-Year Budget Statement to be postponed to Monday, July 25, 2022. According to a deputy Minister of Finance, Abena Osei Asare, the mid-year budget statement originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 13, 2022 has to be rescheduled to allow the Finance Ministry to have a fruitful engagement with the delegation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) before turning its attention to the mid-year budget statement.

Addressing the press on Tuesday, Madam Abena Osei-Asare said the Ministry has started some negotiations with the IMF, which mission is for data collection, and they need all the space and time to enable them furnish them with all the data they are requesting for, and that is the reason they are requesting parliament to postpone the mid-year statement. She asserts that the IMF would leave by Wednesday and they can now get back to parliament for the budget statement.

She assured that they are almost done with preparations to deliver the mid-year statement and noting that they are still within time as the law stipulates July 31 as the deadline. She said it is not out of place to reschedule the date for such exercise; adding that “this is something we’ve been doing every time; and we scheduled the date for 13th before the announcement of the engagement with the IMF; so clearly as human as we are, we should all understand that in this data finding mission of the IMF, we need that space and time to address that and give them the what they want”.


Minority flays EC over attempt to compile new voters’ register

The Minority in Parliament has lashed out at the Electoral Commission for making plans to spend another fortune to compile a new register for the 2024 elections with the Ghana card as the only source of identification. The Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu, addressing the Parliamentary Press Corps on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 said the development is a matter of democratic concern as it threatens the stability of our country since it concerns the right of a Ghanaian citizen to vote.

“The Electoral Commission of Ghana is desperately planning to discard the 2020 voter register which cost the taxpayer about $80m and replace it with a new voter register. In 2020, the EC against all sound and technical advice replaced the 2016 biometric voters register. We all recall that this decision of the Commission was without consensus by all political parties, civil society and all critical election stakeholders”. He said that registration exercise in 2020 by the EC currently put the voter population of our country at over 17.4 million.

“Our understanding is that the EC is seeking through a constitutional instrument to make the National ID card the only source of justification to register onto the voter register”. Asserts that their primary concern is that, in the past since 1993 voter registration exercise undertaken will normally have the provision of a guarantor in so far as it is established that they are Ghanaians and are of age and of sound mind to participate in Ghana’s Electoral process to vote and be voted for.

“Our understanding further, which is our primary technical concern is that the National ID Card is not available to Ghanaians who deserve to have it”, stating that there are many Ghanaians who are still struggling to have access to a national ID card. “This must be made increasingly available to every qualified Ghanaian”. “Currently, the National Identification Authority has registered over 16,654,000 million persons, printed 16,341,000 million number of cards and issued 13,300,000 cards against a voter register of 17 million. Juxtaposing these figures show a critical technical imbalance” he stated.

He said we may not have a voters register to rely on for the conduct of the 2024 Parliamentary and Presidential elections because the number of Ghanaians on the voter register far exceeds that on the national ID card data. “And yet the National ID card has other persons including foreigners on it”. According to him, the EC by law and duty ought to have conducted limited voter registration exercise in 2021 and 2022 which they failed to undertake; therefore eligible Ghanaians who have attained the ages of 18 years and above have been denied the opportunity to get registered and exercise their right to vote as Ghanaian citizens.

“The NDC when it regains power will deploy a new technology that allows anyone who attains 18 years to walk into any office of the EC and get registered”.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com